7 Ways to Plan a Smooth Business Succession

Published on: 25 March 2019 Last Updated on: 27 November 2021
Business Succession

Business Succession planning is one of the important levels of strategic planning that gives you an opportunity to formulate a plan on how your business is expected to perform after your tenure in leadership.

Business Succession can make things more effective and wise in all aspects. Effective succession planning is highly advantageous as it gives you an opportunity to set in place mechanisms that ensure operational efficiency and transfer of leadership where necessary.

When undertaking succession planning, emphasis should be put on ensuring that every aspect of business leadership is handled as comprehensively as possible.

Whereas business owners understand the importance of performing succession planning, few put in place the necessary measures. Here are 7 key tips to consider when planning for smooth business succession.

Initiate the planning process early:

To be thorough and comprehensive in your succession planning, you need to ensure that you start planning as early as possible.

Whereas experts do not have a recommendation on the definite duration of time by when you should start succession planning before implementation, it is generally agreed upon that early planning gives you sufficient time to come up with a comprehensive plan.

Starting as early as 10 years before effecting the plan gives you sufficient time to ensure that everyone who is involved is sufficiently prepared to take over.

This also eliminates the rush that may set in in the event of a delayed succession planning process. Such delays may lead to unprecedented and unwanted hurried succession which puts the business’s future in jeopardy.

Nurture the prospected leaders:

When undertaking succession planning, especially in a family business, emphasis should be made on nurturing continuity in leadership. This ensures that once you leave as the top manager, your junior takes your place and steers the company forward. When performing succession planning, you should have that in mind and therefore focus on nurturing and developing the prospective leaders.

Leader development and nurturing should focus on, among other things, bringing the best out of the qualities you desire to see in them. This may be done in a gradual process such as delegating responsibilities and evaluating the prospected leader’s ability to perform with the integrity and precision demanded for in a top business manager.

Have an open-minded approach:

To be thorough and effective in succession planning, you need to avoid bias as much as possible. In a family business or a business where leadership succession is hierarchical, maintaining an open mind can be quite hard, especially since the second in command is the most likely person to inherit your leadership. To avoid such bias, you should have an open mind in regards to potential candidates who can take over from you after you leave office.

When looking for an appropriate leader to take after you, you may want to give a thought of every potential candidate available within the business. This gives you an opportunity to extend your options as wide as possible. It also ensures that you don’t miss potential employees whose skills, competencies, and experiences may come in handy in taking over from you.

Exposed potential candidates to training:

Training is quite crucial as it ensures that prospecting leaders within your business get an opportunity to advance their skills.

In this regard, leaders that you think are capable of leading your organization in one way or another should be appropriately identified and marked for progressive training and development.

Such training should be focused on anticipated areas within your business that are of importance for the employees to take over once you leave.

Succession training is also crucial and should be exposed to all workers who show an outstanding level of managerial skills. The well-trained workers get to be prepared for advanced leadership positions that may be created after you leave office.

In some cases, promoting your immediate deputy in the hierarchy leads to vacant positions down the business administration structure. The well-trained candidates, once promoted, would be able to fill those positions effectively.

Dry-run your plan:

When planning for a smooth succession in your business, it is highly advisable to ensure that you, on several occasions, do a dry run of your succession plan.

Dry running a succession plan gives you an opportunity to evaluate how potent your plan is in terms of meeting certain expectations. The dry running process does not have to be official and should be preferably done without informing the employees involved.

This can be done by momentarily leaving your office for official vacation or even other official duties for a considerable amount of time such as between a few weeks to a month. The duration of absence gives you an opportunity to test how suited your prospected leaders are in terms of filling the void created by your absence.

Do your final plan in writing:

After concluding and making adjustments on your succession plan for your business, you should endeavor to put the final plan in writing.

To be effective and thorough, you should consider engaging qualified, experienced, and reputable succession planning legal professionals such as Boss Lawyers in Australia.

The lawyers, in such a case, help you to prepare the necessary documents including succession policies, how the current generation of employees will hand over to future generations, as well as how to resolve any arising disputes thereof.

The exit strategy created from a legal perspective ensures that everyone within the business is bound while also creating a viable atmosphere for business continuity and harmony among the workers.

Make your wishes known:

Lastly, after every element of business succession planning has been conducted, it is crucial to bring everyone on board the plan to ensure that they are well aware of the strategic direction that the business is taking.

You should, preferably, convene a meeting with everyone in the business as well as your business’s key customers.

In the business meeting, you should outline what your wish is and reveal any other pertinent information that was not captured within the succession legal framework.

You may also use the platform to ensure that any questions or concerns that your workers may have are appropriately handled in a plenary session.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Invest in APM

5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in APM

Monitoring today’s distributed applications has become a complex task. Many business applications run on multiple platforms, from on-premise data storage to cloud computing and even multi-geographical deployments. Monitoring these applications, especially those that are custom made for your business is critical to ensuring seamless functionality and usability. Why should businesses invest in application performance management (APM)? Here are five reasons why: Business Continuity Businesses that use APM tools to optimize their operations see up to 60-70% reduction in downtime. IT services are at the heart of any business, and without the assured availability of those, any downtime could mean millions in lost revenue for your business. According to a Stackify article on 6 types of ROI for APM, effective APM helps mitigate the risks of potential service disruptions that could adversely affect business operations. Application performance management tools help keep an eye on core services by ensuring they maintain the expected levels of availability. They also play a huge role in ensuring more efficient troubleshooting and promoting safer application upgrades. Enterprises that invest in the latest APM tools deal with less downtime and enjoy better business continuity. Improved End-User Experience Improvement in application usability, quality and availability create a better user experience and more productive business interactions with all users, both internal and external. Enterprises are increasingly looking for APM solutions that are able to rapidly diagnose problems in real-time to ensure user satisfaction. User satisfaction is the biggest benefit of APM, and choosing the right solution keeps you one step ahead of the game. An APM’s mandate is to fight complexity by providing you with deeper visibility and performance insights that help you increase productivity and improve end-user experience. No More Over-Reliance on Costly Experts As more businesses adopt new and more complex technologies and multiple application infrastructures, dependence on costly experts tends to increase. Unfortunately, experts, no matter how skilled, never scale. What you need is end-to-end visibility and control of all your business applications and entire enterprise infrastructure, and APM offers that. The right APM solution can become an expert-level work system that even allows junior level support engineers and IT, experts, to be more effective in monitoring application performance much quicker. Decreased reliance on costly experts means savings for you without sacrificing the functionality and usability of your business infrastructure. Greater Innovation When business applications are well managed, development teams deal with fewer performance issues and can now invest more of their time in delivering new innovations to enhance business operations and help you make decisions much faster. Through improved collaboration and knowledge sharing across the entire enterprise, issues can be resolved quickly and unnecessary problems avoided so that development teams can focus more on innovation. Better Business Sales Considering that most businesses rely on critical applications that influence their image or revenues in one way or another, the performance and availability of such applications must be prioritized. Any issues that could lead to user complaints could have a significant impact on business performance. APM solutions help ensure smooth performance and availability. The benefit of service availability and great performance is better business sales. APM tools help you quickly detect, diagnose and resolve application performance issues so that you can better improve customer experience and boost sales. Remember that choosing the right APM is key to helping you achieve the desired monitoring insights. Read More:  An Overview Of An Intuitive Inventory Management What Does Business Law State About Monitoring Employees? Resolutions To Help The Small Business Owners To Avoid Being Bankrupt Proper Management Of Tech Debt Is Necessary For Successful Business 5 Perks Of Having QuickBooks Pro For Your Business

Dropshipping Marketplaces

Top 3 Dropshipping Marketplaces: Pros And Cons Of Each

Dropshipping is a trendy business model that has already attracted about 78% of retailers in the USA that implements some form of it; the market is going to reach $240 billion in 2023. The main difference to the standard sales model is that dropshipping is an e-commerce business model that shifts all production and delivery responsibilities to the Supplier or Manufacturer. At the same time, a Dropshipper is responsible only for the online store. After a drop shipper finds a trustworthy supplier, his main task is organizing an online store. The online store can be created on a relevant marketplace or a separate web resource. In each case, it should be prepared with all information, including pictures or videos of the sold goods and possibilities to make an order for Customers. This article is aimed at marketplaces, which one to choose for dropshipping for placing your online store. Marketplaces also can be used for searching for suppliers and manufacturers. Main Requirements For Dropshipping Marketplaces The main value of drop shipper work is an online store. Customers first choose the website for order and with high competition of Internet proposals, attracting customers to visit and stay on your website is essential. Marketplaces are perfect e-commerce platforms for beginners as they have many tutorials and advice on starting a dropshipping store. It is recommended to choose a dropshipping marketplace based on the following parameters. The fee for launching your website; User-friendly navigation with all required plugins; Customer traffic for your chosen niche; Possibility to use software for listing, design templates, order fulfillment, and delivery tracking; Integration with other marketplaces for easy creation of product descriptions; Integration with website builders or content management systems (CMS); 24/7 technical support. Top 3 Dropshipping Marketplaces Based on the described parameters, the top 3 dropshipping marketplaces are listed below. You can place your products on all three to find your audience or choose the one suiting your requirements. eBay eBay is one of the biggest marketplaces where you can buy everything except tobacco, alcohol, lottery tickets, and other goods. The most popular categories are face masks, smartphones, men's accessories, and video games. With dropshipping on eBay, you can access its massive auditory without effective marketing campaigns. Their auction site attracts thousands of customers. This marketplace is recommended for small dropshipping companies starting the business, as they propose fewer investments. All subscription plans are based on the insertion fee with a limitation of listings, a fee after the transaction based on the sale price, and a fee per order. The basic store fee with 250 listings is $21.95. You can find more detailed information regarding fees and requirements for setting up the store in this guide. Pros ● eBay does not require to have storage of goods for selling ● Plenty of applications are available for automatization and setting up the store ● Marketing campaigns are not required in the initial stage of setting up the online store ● Possibility for easy business expansion ● Easy to get started ● eBay has a lot of tools for marketing campaigns Cons ● Strict dropshipping rules ● Difficult to find a supplier fulfilling all eBay requirements ● To be rated as a reliable seller on eBay, you need to have already positive reviews and a proven sales record ● eBay does not allow to drop ship from other marketplaces ● Intensive competition Shopify Shopify is one of the most popular dropshipping platforms hosting 500.000 e-commerce stores worldwide. To start selling there, you need to pay a basic subscription for $29 for a domain name, the quantity of sold goods, and additional features (such as gift cards or reports). Plus, you must pay 30 cents per transaction for each tariff plan. For beginners, you can choose a 14-day free subscription. However, with growing your business, you need to change subscriptions to other plans to increase staff accounts and inventory locations. You should pay additional expenses for customization and automatization; most of the required applications are not free. But the paid money is worth it; numerous apps for setting up the online store with fully customizable themes exist. In addition, many marketing tools are available for Shopify to start selling as quickly as possible. Pros ● Availability of different tariff plans starting from $29 ● User-friendly interface with prefilled pages ● Integration with most dropshipping apps (Oberlo, MXED, Spocket) ● 24/7 email, phone, and chat support ● A large community of drop shippers using Shopify ● 14 days free trial ● Quick set up of an e-commerce store Cons ● The advanced package is expensive $229 ● High competition ● In addition to a subscription, you need to pay for each transaction WooCommerce Five million people already use this plugin, and you can also dropship there. It has a special WooCommerce Dropshipping application to manage all activities from there. You can quickly start your online store there, even alone. WooCommerce recommends using WordPress plugins and extensions for setting up the website. WooCommerce does not recommend dropshipping from eBay or Amazon, as you will meet massive competition with the same goods on this platform. The possible suppliers could be found on Amazon, SaleHoo, or simply in Google. The WooCommerce plugin is available for free, but you need to pay commissions for a domain, host, extensions, and security. Unfortunately, to set up the store, you need time from days to weeks, as you need to install all required applications and go through the delivery policy. Pros ● Many apps and plugins are available for website creation and automatization ● The WooCommerce fee depends on your business capabilities and needs ● WooCommerce supports all payment methods ● Market integration with all leading platforms ● The store design is executed through a WordPress plugin ● Open-source software and fully customizable Cons ● Tools are required to set up the store (WordPress, WooCommerce Dropshipping, WooCommerce Lead Time, etc.) ● Requires significant time for setting up the store ● You need to have skills Conclusion The marketplaces help to simplify the creation of an e-commerce store, but all work for its marketing and maintenance you should keep to yourself. Do not forget about SEO campaigns, advertisements in social networks, email campaigns, and other tools to attract your targeted audience. If you, in addition to the product description, add to your helpful website information, research, or comparisons of why your products are good, this will significantly increase the value of your goods. Proper supplier is another milestone for your business, but you must check the Supplier based on the desired marketplace requirements. Finally, marketplaces are significant helpers in setting up a business for newcomers, especially Shopify, WooCommerce, or eBay. They have all the tools for easy creation of the business process and start selling online. But you need to pay subscription fees and purchase applications for proper customization. Read Also: How To Get Product Ideas For Your Ecommerce Business Strategies For Running A Pet Supply E-commerce Store Recognizing How Important Inventory Management Is To Your E-commerce Store

Corporate World

How to Stand Out in the Competitive Corporate World

Building a portfolio in today’s competitive corporate environment is a tough challenge for professionals. After all, you need to stand out from the crowd in order to land your dream job. So the question is, how do you make sure you set yourself apart from your competitors in the industry? Staying Ahead of Your Competitors in the Corporate World: Everyone has their own competitors to live out with. Whether you’re a doctor, artist, musician, or a business owner, you will come to a point where you need to stand out and draw your market’s attention. Moreover, the corporate world is like the complex rollercoaster ride, where you can skip your job or play some other trick, to reach to a level much higher than your previous one. Therefore, you need some effective strategies to stay ahead of your competitors in this world where change is a constant thing. The following are some tips you can use in order to develop a more competitive edge from your corporate competition. Also remember that no trick is the short cut, talent, wit, and hard work is going to pay you for the long run: Develop your strengths to better skills to become your best self. Do not stop acquiring skills and practice whatever you learn so you can turn them into qualifications. You can opt to take a masters in business administration online if you don’t have the time to go to a traditional university. With the right skills set, you can get your dream job in the company you want to work long term.   Focus on your personal branding. One of the most important factors in an individual’s professional portfolio is a personal brand. If you have strong branding, it’s easier to showcase your potential to employers and companies.   You can blog, join podcasts, attend conferences, and accept speaking engagements to get your brand out there. Creating a trend is not so hard these days. Create your own story, own character, and own trademark, and you already be considered as a brand.   For example, McDonalds’ clown is the mascot of the brand, therefore the brand is not only famous physically but digitally too. The character’s humble and funny habits have portrayed the brand as a good and humble brand. Now we know why we think of McDonald's, whenever we feel like having burgers!   Research on the areas your competitors lack and work on them. What do you think is your edge from your competitors? What are the potential deficiencies that made you stand out from them? Work on those areas and take over the competition in the corporate world.   Provide insights whenever you can. The secret to a successful corporate life is sharing your knowledge and expertise. This will boost your personal brand while increasing your connections. One of the best way to let know of your professional caliber to your community is via Linkedin.   Linkedin not only gives you recognition in your professional field but also finds you great opportunities to enhance your lifestyle. Whether it’s in the office or on conferences, build rapport with people to improve your reputation. Professionals, business owners, and organizations need to look for continuous improvement in order to remain relevant in their industries. If you work with talented people and continue learning, it’s easier to stand out and conquer your corporate goals. Don’t just be hardworking and intelligent; know how to take on challenges and turn them into opportunities. Remember, it’s a dog eats dog world out there -  equipping yourself with the right mindset and skills is important. Read Also: A Beginner’s Guide In Using MT4 On A Mac 3 Ways To Boost Employee Engagement In Your Business New Technology In Business: 4 Inventions In 2019 That Are Changing The Game