Is Your Company Offering Enough to Potential Employees?

Published on: 30 November 2018 Last Updated on: 19 July 2019
Potential Employees

In a world where businesses can rise and fall in a single day, it’s important that your company offers your current and potential staff something that sets you apart from others in the industry. Not only does your company become more attractive to hard-working talent, but you can better retain employees who you have spent time and resource training. This is particularly important when you have hired account managers who are often the sole point of contact for your contracted customers or regular clients, you don’t want to have a revolving door of contacts as this can reflect poorly on the company as a whole.

Catering to Staff Needs:

While salary is a large part of keeping employees happy, without sufficient managerial training, dedicated employee support or a good working environment, you’ll find your employee turnover isn’t as low as you should be aiming for.

To ensure your staff are comfortable while at work, they should at the very minimum have unrestricted access to the bathroom and freely able to quench their thirst with water. Additionally, you can offer facilities for tea and coffee, which the majority of workers drink, although if you find time spent making drinks or in the kitchen increases to non-productive levels, consider introducing tea breaks or reducing tea and coffee to a handful of rounds a day.

Some offices offer their employees a mixture of healthy or unhealthy snacks or offer breakfast foods so staff can get into the office a bit earlier and settle at their desk before the day officially begins. The more you offer in the way of refreshments, the less your staff will need to leave the premises for lunch or tea breaks, this prevents employees from getting caught up in lunchtime traffic around cities and towns or busy industrial areas and sees productivity rise as staff feel less rushed to have their lunch and get back to work.

Providing Quality Break Out Areas:

If your company premises have space for a breakout area, it should be a nice area that staff wants to be, rather than somewhere they want to avoid. Add comfortable chairs, rather than cold, hard, fast food benches, fun colours or decoration that is aesthetically pleasing such as your company rewards and images of the company workforce.

You can also provide a means of entertainment, whether this is a pool table, air hockey table or a games system. Something that not only gives your staff something to do while on their break but gives them the opportunity to socialise with each other in a less rigid environment.

Talk to your existing staff about what they’d like to have available to them in a breakout area, take suggestions and possibly organise a fundraiser between the staff if their favourable and unanimous asks go above the company budget.

Offer Bonuses and Rewards:

In addition to a competitive salary, employees like to see rewards and/or bonuses for hitting goals and targets or when they have been working particularly hard for a specific client or to meet an impending deadline. While in the past, bonuses were typically monetary, there are alternative options for rewarding staff without having to cut an increased cheque. Where time and resource are available, consider gifting staff an extra paid day of annual leave or a more flexible working schedule to improve their work-life balance.

You can also offer vouchers, meals out and experiences for your employees, although not everyone will appreciate these types of rewards so talk to your employees personally about setting up a reward or bonus scheme in your company. Together you can come up with some suitable personal rewards or general bonuses that can be given out and gratefully received by any hard-working individual. Spend some time looking for inspiration from bonus scheme examples with your staff and encourage them to set goals together as a team.

Competitive Salary:

The unfavourable topic, everyone wants more of it, some people may be eligible while others don’t meet the minimum requirements but sometimes companies can find themselves struggling to meet demands and keep all their staff happy.

If you are concerned the salaries you are offering are not competitive enough for the industry, considering investing in a salary survey. This is a survey carried out by a dedicated pay review company that returns salaries currently being paid by unnamed competitors in the surrounding and expanded industry based on the employee’s job responsibilities.

This allows you to compare like for like and check that your employees are being paid both competitively and fairly for the cost of living in your area and help you make informed remuneration decisions.

Talk to your staff about what they feel is lacking in their work environment and work together to ensure needs and reasonable wants are catered to, this will show your staff you care and are loyal to their requirements as individuals. Don’t forget, a happy workforce is a productive one!

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conceptual skills

Building Your Conceptual Skills A Guide for Career Growth

“The ability to work with abstract ideas & concepts-” or, how Americal social psychologist Robert Katz would describe conceptual skills. In fact, he said it was one of the basic skills which every manager should have! Interestingly when psychologists test an individual’s aptitude of whether they will be a good leader, conceptual skills are one of the top meters of measurement. Now, what are conceptual skills? Is it just some abstract word? Or is there a scientific definition of this soft skill required from their employees by corporations nowadays? Most importantly! Can you hone your conceptual skills as an adult again? Without any further ado let’s discuss the improvement areas required to build a conceptual skill, and the different means by which you can improve it. What are Conceptual Skills? Everyone can decipher something simple and covert, but it takes special skills to understand the deeper meaning behind abstract issues. Most importantly, if these abstract matters pose a challenge and will require impromptu solving. conceptual skill is about leaping beyond the daily mundane activity or being short-sighted. It is about seeing and articulating the bigger picture so that others sense it too. For example, if you are working on a particular Search Engine Optimization strategy for your new website, you cannot ask for quick results. You will require a long-term vision to see what can happen if you continue with the formula for at least a month or two.  This skill also requires a fair amount of research and dissection knowledge, seeing beyond the written words and literally deciphering the concept within. People with good conceptual skills are often good at sales, market prediction, consumer/customer psychology, and chess (during their off time). Conceptual skill is not a vague word but rather a compilation of eight examples of conceptual skills that you should always be working on. Analysis (there is a difference between seeing & observing what you see thoroughly). Communication (the ability to articulate in understandable words what you observe). Creativity (the ability to observe something with a unique imagination as opposed to everyone else). Critical Thinking (trying to understand what the view is not showing at first glance). Leadership (the ability to show the same to others and help them on that path). Organization (this is not just organizing tangible items but organizing one's own thoughts & understandings). Planning (Only observation & comprehension is not enough. Enough planning skill is required for proper implementation) Problem Solving (the ability to execute resilience in the face of challenges). Building Steller Conceptual Skills Do not worry, when I saw everything, I needed to do to build conceptually skillfully, I was also overwhelmed. Where to start & where to finish? Most importantly, do I tackle it all at once? Or do I go about it one by one? To begin with, when you are learning a new skill, you only tackle it in a timely manner. If you try to do everything at once, you do nothing properly. So, it is always better to learn one skill at a time. However, these are soft skills. How can I learn them like I am learning from a college lesson? This is also another valid question, do not worry, there are mindful activities, and daily challenges you can pursue to learn these better. How to Learn Conceptual Skills Better Here is a step-by-step guide to begin learning your conceptual skills. Remember, these skills take time to learn!  It is not a matter of six months or a year, but a lifetime journey.  However, there are means in which you can check your progress. One of the biggest ones would be how your lifestyle & work personality changes from the time you begin learning this skill. Step 1: Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses Never start with an unknown skill; rather, begin with something that you are already aware of. A good way to start is by doing a SWOT analysis of yourself. Begin with marking the things you are good at (among the eight criteria given above), and the ones you need to work on. If you are hypersensitive & can get easily overwhelmed, then begin with perfecting your strengths rather than concentrating on your weaknesses. For example, I am anxious, so I began by polishing my creativity skills, which I was already good at. This gave me the motivation to tackle my weaknesses next. However, if you are a motivated person , begin with targeting your weaknesses. Especially if this is all for interview prep. Step 2: Do Something Everything If you have been on a learning journey for quite some time, you must have heard these words of wisdom - “Consistency is better than striving for perfection.” Therefore, whenever you of building any skill, the first task is to ensure you do something every day. Yes, there will be days when you will need more optimal motivation to sit with your skill-building activity. But, if you're incorporating the activities into your daily routine, you should be able to see changes in time. Step 3: Real Life Execution A learned skill is useless if you cannot execute the same. Unfortunately, no one is going to stand with a placard shouting - “This is your moment.” Whether it is a situation at home or a conflict in the office, you will have to step out of your comfort zone and step into the challenge. No, it won’t be easy, but rather a mindful decision you take every day. Before you feel overwhelmed with the idea of stepping in and solving a situation you are not called for, remember - Everyone feels insecure about their professional skills at some level (no matter the years of experience).  You could work in the same industry for decades and still face something new. Learning has no end, so find your opportunities in everyday instances. Conceptual Skills – How to Improve it We have already discussed conceptual skills. Now, let’s understand how to improve these conceptual skills. All You Need is Challenge! Achieving professional success is more than just meeting deadlines or ticking boxes. It's about mastering the right skills & focusing on conceptual management skills that give you an edge.  Let’s break down eight essential skills you should focus on—and a weekly challenge of self-intervention for each to help you improve. Analysis The difference between seeing and truly observing lies in depth. Analyzing is all about dissecting what you see and finding hidden patterns. Challenge: Pick one topic or event daily and write a quick summary. Then, dig deeper—what did you notice beyond the obvious? Communication It's not just about speaking or writing; it’s about making your thoughts clear to others. Effective communication bridges the gap between observation and understanding. Challenge: Practice summarizing complex ideas in simple terms. Try explaining a work concept to a friend with no background in your field. Creativity Creativity isn’t just about thinking differently—it’s about connecting the dots in unique ways others might miss. Challenge: Choose a random object daily and brainstorm five unconventional uses. Push your imagination! Critical Thinking Sometimes, what’s not immediately visible holds the key. Critical thinking pushes you to question the obvious and explore hidden layers. Challenge: Read a news article or watch a documentary. Then, list three assumptions it makes and challenge them. Leadership Leadership isn’t just about guiding others; it’s about showing them a clearer path by sharing your unique insights. Challenge: Each week, identify a workplace situation where you can take initiative. For example, you could guide a colleague through a process or host a quick knowledge-sharing session. Organization Beyond tidying up your desk, organizing involves structuring thoughts and ideas efficiently. Challenge: At the end of each day, spend 10 minutes categorizing your tasks, ideas, and notes. Organize them into clear categories for better clarity. Planning Good ideas need solid plans to come to life. Proper planning bridges the gap between ideas and successful execution. Challenge: Pick a small project this week (e.g., organizing a team lunch or personal task). Break it into detailed steps and set mini-deadlines for each. Problem-Solving Life throws curveballs. Resilience in problem-solving helps you bounce back, adapt, and find innovative solutions. Challenge: Take on one issue nagging you at work or in life. Brainstorm multiple solutions, pick the best one, and act on it. Final Note! Incorporating these challenges weekly could transform how you approach your work. The more you practice, the sharper these skills become.  Building conceptual skills isn’t a one-time task; it’s a continuous journey. Each skill strengthens your foundation for long-term career growth.  By practicing regularly and embracing challenges, you’ll develop a sharper mind, better communication, and a unique approach to problems. Remember, growth isn’t just about working harder—it’s about thinking smarter. Ready to level up? Start your first challenge today! Read Also: Beyond Code: The Soft Skills Every Web Developer Needs For Success 5 Tips To Get Started In Your Teaching Career

what do consumer services jobs pay 

What Do Consumer Services Jobs Pay? A Detailed Salary Breakdown

Is consumer service jobs a good career path or not? , you have landed in the right place If you have the same question. Firstly, consumer services are only one of the preferred areas where people try to start their careers. However, we must take a look at it and explore the opportunities that it has to offer. This particular sector has a lot to offer, which can help you achieve career growth while earning the utmost potential for a great future. Consumer service jobs play a vital role in an excellent economy. It also helps provide all kinds of necessary services for individuals while providing significant support to most industries. Besides, consumer services play a significant role in the overall GDP or gross domestic product. Moreover, employment opportunities for millions of people. In this blog, we will discuss consumer services and what consumer services jobs pay. I will also provide examples of consumer service jobs that can help you grow in your career. The concept of consumer service jobs Consumer services are known for some activities designed to meet the personal needs of consumers. There are industries such as retail, hospitality, finance, education, telecommunications, etc., which are highly focused on consumer services. Consumer services put their focus on providing better convenience as well as supporting all the daily activities. These experts use human resources, technology, and computers to assist all the customers. The primary aim of all consumer services is to meet two things: the needs and expectations of the consumers. Various industries provide services that are beyond the customer's abilities. In the following few sections, I will discuss a few examples of consumer services industries along with the top 7 consumer services jobs. Examples of consumer services industries The consumer services industries are vast in numbers. They include the services provided by various hotel companies, personal insurance, education, healthcare, recreation, catering, home maintenance, etc. Here, I have provided some of the examples: Education Education is a service that provides help to students of all ages, backgrounds, and academic levels. The primary aim is straightforward: to meet learning needs. Mainly, an educator prefers using many teaching methods like lectures, storytelling, and experiments, which help the students learn. As a result, students can benefit a lot from education. They start to develop new talent, gain a lot of knowledge, improve their communication, and learn to think critically. If you are looking for a consumer service job in the education sector, here are some examples: School teacher: For elementary level High school teacher College professor  Adjunct Professor Legal In the legal industry, consumer service includes helping anyone who needs legal assistance. The legal service providers typically help others by assisting in court.  Moreover, this may include representing a person in court or helping an individual while dealing with police authority. In the following, I have listed a few legal services careers for great future opportunities: Lawyer Public defender Police officer Detective Paralegal service providers  Medical Medical services comprise anything that is related to the healthcare sector. In general, the healthcare services are segregated into four parts: Diagnosis and treatments Disease prevention Health promotion Rehabilitation. Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers are responsible for providing medical services to patients. The professionals who work in the healthcare industry are: Pediatrician Nurse Emergency medical technician Surgeon General Physician Psychiatrist Technology Information technology or IT falls under the consumer service jobs. As an expert in the technology industry, individuals may provide all kinds of technology-related resources. The IT specialist mainly provides services such as developing, designing, maintaining, and supporting various web applications. Moreover, they work on different computer networks, help you troubleshoot systems, and install computer programs. The technology services include: Software developers IT consultants Network engineers Technology service managers Restaurant Restaurants are known as the most common ground for consumer service jobs. Furthermore, this industry offers many services that ensure better loyalty and satisfaction. The services mainly include food, drinks, and dining experiences. The primary aim of the service providers is to maintain a clean ambiance to increase customer engagement further. In the following, I am going to provide some of the positions that are considered consumer jobs in the restaurant industry:  Sous Chef Sommelier Chef de partie Dining server Executive chef  Restaurant manager Top 7 consumer service jobs and how much do they pay Consumer service jobs seek great people skills. If you are good at that, then consumer service jobs are the one for you. As I have mentioned before, you will find consumer service jobs in almost every industry, such as healthcare, retail, etc. The field has high-paying jobs with a lot of future opportunities. Moreover, as a consumer service provider, you will cater to customers and focus on improving customer satisfaction. Now, you might be wondering what consumer services jobs pay and how much they pay. Here are some of the best roles you can pursue if you want a career in consumer services. Receptionist Firstly, as a receptionist, you will be the first contact person for the visitors and customers of your workplace. Average salary: $47,431 per annum Responsibilities: Greeting all the guests in a polite and friendly manner Providing guiding visitors to the right person or a department.  Making schedules  Keeping the records updated Managing all kinds of administrative tasks  Answering essential phone calls and connecting them to the correct department.  Client service manager Second, a client service manager provides services as the first contact for a business client. They focus on maintaining a good relationship with both existing and new clients. Average salary: $69,411 per annum Responsibilities: Understanding the needs and expectations of consumers. Providing better customers and guiding the clients  Managing client relationship Onboarding clients and collecting feedback. Checking if the clients are satisfied with the services or not. Front desk manager A front desk manager is responsible for managing every front desk operation as well as staff at a business. Average salary: $52,507 per annum  Responsibilities: Managing reservations and bookings Coordinating with different departmental staff Addressing customer complaints and managing them Answering phone calls and emails.  Making schedules for employees. Help desk analyst When you are working as a help desk analyst or a technical support representative, you become an essential part of the IT team of an organization. Average salary: $48,771 per annum  Responsibilities: Providing technical assistance Resolving all kinds of system-related issues Addressing and resolving technical issues over emails and phone calls Performing maintenance for the back end. Troubleshooting issues related to hardware and software Flight attendant As a flight attendant, your primary focus will be to ensure the safety and comfort of all the passengers while traveling by air. Average salary: $39,448 per annum Responsibilities: Greeting all the airline passengers during boarding Performing a proper safety check to ensure passengers’ safe journey Keeping the passengers educated about the emergency and safety protocols Helping all the passengers find their designated seats Addressing customer queries and resolving issues  Even planner The event planner job role falls under the hospitality industry. As an event planner, you are supposed to execute events like corporate parties, events, weddings, etc. Average salary: $47,052 per annum Responsibilities: Understanding the needs and wants of clients Finding suitable venues and booking places. Keeping a good partnership with vendors to organize events. Managing both budgets and timelines.  Managing logistics related to catering, entertainment, and decor. Patient Coordinator Lastly, the patient coordinators are responsible for overseeing patient care and related services, communicating with patients, managing patient appointments, and lastly, ensuring proper care. Average salary: $50,000 Responsibilities:  Making schedules for patients based on the availability of doctors Handling the process of insurance verification Addressing patient queries during billing Managing patient records. Wrapping it up! In conclusion, the blog has explored different kinds of high-paying customer service jobs. From the client service desk to the patient service coordinator, we discussed each role along with the average salary for each role. This blog will help you stay informed about consumer service jobs and what consumer services jobs pay. If you want to learn more about consumer service roles, please let us know in the comment section.  Happy job hunting! Read Also: How Many Jobs Are Available In Consumer Services? What Is a Remote Job? Everything You Need to Know

Time Management Tips

Effective Time Management Tips for Entrepreneurs Scaling Their Business

As an entrepreneur, the journey of scaling your business is exhilarating yet demanding. With growth comes increased responsibilities, more tasks, and greater demands on your time. Effectively managing your time becomes paramount to not only survive but thrive in this dynamic environment. Here are some valuable time management tips explicitly tailored for entrepreneurs on the path to business expansion. This article will also look at the benefits of dedicating some of your valuable time to giving back to society and helping others along the way using the example of Peter Dodge Bridgehampton, Founder and Chairman of Hanover Research. Prioritize With Purpose Time management starts with prioritization. Understand that not all tasks are created equal. Begin by identifying your most critical and high-impact activities. These are the tasks that directly contribute to your business’s growth and success. By focusing on what matters most, you’ll ensure that your time is well spent. Set Clear Goals And Deadlines Goals give you a sense of direction, and deadlines create a sense of urgency. Establish clear, measurable goals for your business expansion. Break these goals down into smaller, actionable steps with associated deadlines. This approach helps you stay on track and avoid procrastination. Embrace The 2-Minute Rule The 2-minute rule is a straightforward yet efficient time management strategy. If you can do a task in two minutes or less, do it right away. Responding to short emails, jotting down quick notes, or making brief phone calls right away prevents these small tasks from piling up and becoming time-consuming later. Delegate Wisely Scaling your business requires recognizing that you can't do everything yourself. Delegate tasks that others can handle efficiently, allowing you to focus on strategic decisions and high-value activities. Trust your team and empower them to take ownership of their responsibilities. Time Blocking For Efficiency Time blocking involves allocating specific blocks of time to specific tasks or categories of work. This technique minimizes multitasking and helps you concentrate on one task at a time. Create a daily or weekly schedule that designates time blocks for essential activities like planning, meetings, and deep work. Harness The Power Of Technology Entrepreneurs have a wealth of technological tools at their disposal for efficient time management. Use project management software, time-tracking apps, and digital calendars to streamline your workflow and stay organized. Automation can also handle routine tasks, freeing up your time for more critical matters. Learn To Say No As an entrepreneur, you may find yourself bombarded with opportunities and requests. While it's tempting to say yes to everything, doing so can lead to burnout and inefficiency. Learn how to gracefully decline projects or opportunities that do not connect with your goals or consume too much of your time. Regularly Review And Adjust Time management is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It's essential to regularly review your strategies and adjust them as needed. Evaluate what's working and what's not, and be willing to make changes to optimize your time management practices. Mindfulness And Breaks Don't underestimate the power of breaks and mindfulness. Taking short breaks throughout the day can boost productivity and creativity. Incorporate practices like meditation or a quick walk to clear your mind and reduce stress. Continuous Learning And Improvement Effective time management is a skill that can always be honed. Invest in personal development by reading books, attending workshops, or seeking advice from mentors. Learning new techniques and strategies can help you refine your time management skills over time. The Power Of Philanthropy As your business grows, so do your influence and resources. Many successful entrepreneurs recognize the privilege they hold and choose to use it for the greater good. Philanthropy, whether through charitable donations, volunteering, or community involvement, not only benefits those in need but also enriches your own life and business. Peter Dodge Bridgehampton, for example, is the Founder and Chairman of Hanover Research, a multinational information services organization based in Washington, DC. Dodge is the Chairman of one of the world's fastest-growing companies and largest market research agencies. Peter Dodge also operates a nonprofit, devoting his time to assisting others in living lives free of addiction. The Peter G. Dodge Foundation exists to assist people in living lives free of the consequences of alcoholism. Conclusion In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, mastering time management is not just an option; it's a necessity. By prioritizing tasks, setting clear goals, and embracing efficient techniques, you can make the most of your valuable time while scaling your business. Remember that effective time management is an ongoing process, so be patient with yourself and keep refining your approach. As you implement these tips, you'll find that you have more control over your schedule, reduced stress, and greater success in your business expansion endeavors. Start managing your time wisely, and watch your business thrive. Additional Reading: 4 Tips To Maintain Your Fleet Deep Dive Into Project Management With Informative Podcasts The ROI Of Proactive Pest Control For Property Management