What Does Business Law State about Monitoring Employees?

Published on: 29 January 2016 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
mobile soy software

Occasionally, we come across many individuals that are conflicted about the role monitoring applications have to play in the day to day office routines and activities. The most common question asked deals with the boundaries and limits that are “bendable” with the installment of monitoring applications. And the answer is simple; monitoring applications and software programs are legal and frequently advised to be installed in any firm or company. Here is why.

Legal but…

Monitoring or spy applications are legal in any court of law across the world. However, there are some regulations that need to be upheld by the employers’ side before installing monitoring software around the company premises. These guidelines include:

Informing Employees Beforehand

When it comes to employee monitoring applications, every court of law strictly states that the employees should be clearly notified about being monitored. The best way to accomplish this is via policies and guidelines that should be always kept on display within office premises. These guidelines should clearly explain every element of the employee monitoring intervention put forth by the company. Moreover, even when the firm decides to take on new employees, they should adjust a clause in the contract which makes it mandatory for every person being hired to sign a nondisclosure stating that they are alright with being monitored on company-related matters.

Only Limited to Company Owned Gadgets

Monitoring software programs tend to give employers an unwarranted power over the employees. And to protect the employee’s interests, legal guidelines regarding monitoring apps clearly state that the spying should be only limited to company-owned gadgets. This means that every information coming in and going out through the company-owned gadgets are company property. The guidelines placed around the office premises should also clearly pinpoint this clause so that it poses as a reminder at all times. Furthermore, it is also recommended that the employers get their employees to sign a nondisclosure agreement that clearly states that all information on the company owned gadgets is company property. This means it can be used by the company in court if need be as well.

Using Reliable Technological Sources

When another’s a source of income and image in the business world is on the line, it is always best to be careful and use reliable technological sources and software programs rather than the usual cheap ones. The expensive yet well-reputed ones can be easily programmed and altered according to the specific needs of the company, hence always used for easy access and usage.

Balancing is key

Putting so many restrictions and highlighting many stingy clauses regarding monitoring applications like TheOneSpy mobile spy software around the office can definitely scare an employee and hence hinder their overall productivity. This is primarily due to the lack of rapport that should be there between the employee and employer to help increase profits as employee motivation grows. Therefore, it is always recommended by experts to use a system that is similar to a token economy where the employees are given some leeway and flexibility in some areas while at the same time restricted in some too. For example, allowing them access to specific social media sites during a few designated hours of the day.

Never Resort to Open Slander

It is never healthy to insult or accuse an employee openly among their peers. And with monitoring applications installed, there will be many times that the system may show you red flags which in reality are nothing but some mishap with the coding of the monitoring application itself. Therefore, rather than losing your cool and openly slandering a perfectly loyal employee, it is always best to take them aside or discreetly conduct a further investigation either with their knowledge of it or without it. This is because an employee can otherwise sue you for slandering their image followed by wrongful termination which would prove bad for your company’s image.

The law about monitoring applications is specifically made to protect both the employees as well as the employers in case of any mishap or misunderstanding between the two parties. While it may look like the employers have all the power with monitoring applications installed, but in reality, analysis has shown that monitoring applications have been found to be more useful to employees. For example, if an employee faces discrimination at the hands of another employee or employer, they can use the backup made by monitoring applications to highlight the wrongful act in court.


I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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KFC documentary

KF Documentary: Tips For Small Business To Learn From KFC’s Brand Turnaround

It wasn’t that long ago that reports about KFC’s sales falling were drawing a rather dismal picture for the brand. And yet today, it’s standing strong as ever, proudly taking the title of the second most popular fast-food chain on the planet. Today in this KFC documentary, we will look into the strategies KFC used to regain its position. The turnaround this brand managed to accomplish in a handful of years is rather miraculous in the world of business, and many can learn from its example. Some of the techniques used by KFC in its road back to the top can be adapted for small businesses that are working their way up their own niches. KFC Documentary: Brand Revival After KFC fall to the ground and fail to satisfy their customers with their product in 2013, they decided to connect with the customers on the emotional levels and started marketing business once again. This time they took the help of the digital platform to reach out wider bandwidth of audiences. 1. Make Advertisements Branded And Fun Ads are annoying, and people skip them, right? Well, KFC managed to create a series of ads that people were really looking forward to watching. Each was an entertaining clip featuring ‘Colonel Sanders’ in some new interesting role. Colonel, the founder and greatest asset of KFC, is the embodiment of the brand today. On the contrary, the company is immortalizing him by turning him from a real-life showman and marketing genius into a fictional hero who has his own fan club. There are even books about his rise to the brand icon role now. A small business will not be able to launch a multimillion campaign with fancy ads, but you can create a character that will give a personality to your brand. Choose something or someone that your target audience will be able to relate to. Your goal is to make your marketing seem less like self-promotion and more like a friend or idol offering advice. 2. Make Your Customer Feedback Count One thing that KFC has always been focused on was delivering a top-quality customer experience. One of the main methods the brand uses to achieve that is directly asking for feedback and actually using it. All you need to do in order to share your opinion and be heard is to fill up the KFC survey. Have you ever done this yourself? Did it help improve the service or address any issue you had? Did you feel like you can contribute to the betterment of your favorite fast-food restaurant by taking that survey? Considering how smoothly the KFC customer service runs, the answers to those questions are most likely ‘yes’. And that is what a small business owner should learn from KFC. You need to establish a way for your customers to provide feedback (a customer satisfaction survey is a good start). Then, you need to pay attention to that feedback and follow up on it immediately. Today you can find or develop specialized solutions that will process this information to make this easier. That’s why the survey format is optimal for small companies that cannot hire a full-time call center service. KFC Documentary: Final Thoughts Of course, there was more to KFC’s triumph, like leveraging humor as well as extensive work in local market research and launching dozens of localized projects, like traditional menu changes. However, as a small business owner, you need to start with things that can bring tangible results right away. Read Also: Basic Small Business Tips for Noobs Who Want to Start a Venture in 2020 Cost-Effective Custom Mobile Accessories Packaging for your Small Business How To Empower Your Small Business through Digital Marketing? How To Sell A Small Business Without A Broker

Small Business

5 Steps To Launching Your Own Small Business

Commencing a business of your own is a dream for many in such a high-paced environment where competition is always on the rise. However, it is not as overwhelming as it sounds. With the right set of knowledge and planning, one can easily learn how to start your own small business.  While you get started on the journey, there are certain things that you need to keep in mind. This article will walk you through the 5 important steps that help you build a brand right from scratch. So, make sure you scroll till the end and discover the unknown business tips.  5 Steps To Follow When Starting A Small Business Before actually starting to build a business, you have to get a detailed analysis of the market, your competitors, and the things that have been trending in this particular niche. If you conduct a thorough study on this, there’s absolutely nothing that can stop you from becoming an entrepreneur.  1. Research All of Your Variables This might seem obvious, but it's really not. Most people understand they need to research how to deliver the services or goods they intend to provide and how to advertise to the right customer base. It goes further, though. The kind of industry you would do best in and the business model that best suits your area and target marketplace are also variables to consider. You might know what you can do, generally, from your skill set, but you need to get specific about what your area needs and where it is underserved if you want to count on bringing in customers quickly. Look at the cost of setting up a company, leasing compared to buying operational space, costs for local advertising, and recommendations for staffing while you are at it. The more knowledge you have going in, the better your chances of success once you get things going. Running a company is all about building consistent processes for regular tasks, and you need research to understand which processes will be productive, too. 2. Assess Your Financial Reach Within any industry, there are players that work as individual professionals or owner-operators, and there are large corporations providing service at volume. Frequently, the latter are the biggest customers for the former. The scope of your company at startup is defined by the resources you can bring to bear. Understanding how much financing you can get with your available assets and capital will help you understand how to set up your company for day-one operation by putting realistic limits on things like equipment, utilities, payroll and the number of employees you can start with. You can make the most of this reach by getting the best small business loan rates you are qualified for, and that takes even more research to discover. 3. Choose a Business Model Once you understand what you can do with your skills, what size company you can afford to start, and where the demand is, the next step is to pick a model of operation. The model is different from the business. For example, you might want to start a restaurant. What kind? Fine dining, carryout, and mobile food service, all have different operations with different processes needed to be successful. Matching your model to your ability to reach customers and meet their needs is just as important as finding raw demand for a product or service. With a variety of options available, it might be a little confusing for you. So sit back, relax, and think about what kind of business will yield you the desired result.  4. Write a Killer Business Plan Writing your business plan is pretty much the last step in the preparation phase before you actually start launching the company. It serves as a roadmap to your goals as well as an important document for lenders to consider when you apply for financing. A well-written plan should spell out enough about your operation to let your key personnel make autonomous decisions in their spheres of influence. That means your managers should not need to consult you when setting up their departments. In solo operations, it means that you should not need to do extra research outside of consulting your plan unless something unforeseen happens. Your plan should describe the major operations, layout marketing tactics to reach the initial audience with demand and to keep growing from there, identify the equipment you'll need, and otherwise cover everything that goes into actually running the company. That makes it a lot easier to put the pieces together. 5. Put It All Into Motion The first step after finishing your plan is usually financing because that gives you the financial reach to start operating. There are just a few cases where that is not the case. Solo operations can sometimes bootstrap basic services to get a little income going by working out of the house or a client's facilities. Otherwise, it's a matter of lining up the money, then buying the equipment and hiring any staff you need. Last comes marketing and launch.  It is always a better idea to keep a dedicated portion of your income aside to fund your business, irrespective of its size. Businesses are full of ups and downs, and once you have set foot, there is no backing off. As a result, you have saved a significant amount of your finances to back up your persistent losses.  Upon completion of these steps, you might want to allocate a part of your economic resource to bring the necessary equipment for your business. This will streamline your operations and will ensure that your business operates seamlessly.  Key Takeaways Starting your own business takes not only a great deal of money but also time and effort. However, it can also be extremely rewarding when done in the right way. Make sure to follow the above steps that will guide you throughout your business-setup process. For detailed insight, you can always consult a licensed professional for business advice. Get started today! 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Streamlining Video Content For Global Audiences With Professional Subtitling Services

In today's digital age, creating a video that resonates with a global audience is essential to stand out and make an impact. To achieve this, you should choose a universal theme that can appeal to people from different cultures and backgrounds. The use of simple language that is easy to understand, coupled with appealing visuals, can also help to captivate viewers from all around the world. Understanding the cultural norms, traditions, and preferences of your target audience can also be instrumental in creating a video that connects with them on a deeper level. With these tips, you can increase your chances of creating a video that becomes a hit with global audiences and makes a lasting impact. Subtitles: The Secret Ingredient Of Going Viral Even if you followed the tips in the intro, you might not achieve your dreams of going viral. That's because you're missing that one crucial element: subtitles. Here, we discuss how and why they're going to get the global audience hungry for more of your content. Improved Accessibility Subtitles are an essential tool for making videos accessible to a broader audience. By adding subtitles to a video, you can ensure that people who are deaf or hard of hearing can fully understand the content you present. Subtitles can also be beneficial for people who are watching videos in noisy or quiet environments where it may be difficult to hear the audio clearly. Additionally, subtitles can help people who are not native speakers of the language spoken in the video to understand the content better. This added comprehension is particularly important for businesses or organizations looking to reach a global audience. It's clear why - subtitles make their videos accessible to people from different countries and cultures. By making your content more accessible through the use of subtitles, you can ensure that your message reaches more viewers and has a more significant impact. Increased Comprehension Subtitles are a powerful tool that can significantly improve the comprehension of videos, especially for people who may have difficulty understanding the spoken language. By providing a visual representation of the audio, subtitles can help people follow along with the content more easily, even when dealing with complex ideas or terminology. In addition, subtitles can help to clarify dialogue in a video, making it easier for viewers to follow the conversation, especially in scenes with multiple speakers or where there is a lot of background noise. Better Engagement Subtitles are not only helpful for accessibility and comprehension, but they can also be a vital ingredient to drive better engagement in videos. By providing subtitles, you can capture the attention of viewers and keep them engaged throughout the entire video. This is because subtitles allow the audience to follow along with the content more easily, without having to strain to understand what is being said. Viewers with hearing disabilities will find subs particularly useful to stay engaged and focused on the video. In addition, subtitles can add a new dimension to videos by incorporating visual elements that can make the content more engaging and interesting. For example, one can style subtitles in different ways to add personality and flair to the video, making it more visually appealing and attractive. Expanded Reach How will you reach your global audience without subtitles? It's almost impossible. They can make your video accessible and easily understandable to people from different countries and cultures. When you add subtitles in multiple languages, you can overcome language barriers and reach a wider audience. Businesses or organizations looking to expand their reach and tap into new markets will find subtitles extremely important. Subtitles can also bridge cultural divides by ensuring that viewers from different backgrounds fully understand and appreciate your message. If global reach is what you're looking for, take the time to translate your content. This way, you will demonstrate that you value and respect the diversity of your audience, which helps build trust and foster deeper connections. Higher Searchability Search engines like Google can't actually "watch" your video, so they rely on the text within it to understand what it's about. Subtitles are a transcript of your video that search engines can use to index and rank your content. In addition, subtitles will contain keywords, which can improve the chances of your video appearing in search results when people Google those terms. They're an excellent way for businesses to increase their online visibility and attract more customers. Professional Subtitling Services: Taking Your Videos to the Next Level Creating high-quality subtitles that are accurate, visually appealing, and linguistically appropriate can be a challenging and time-consuming task. This is where a subtitles company comes in. It can bring your videos to the forefront, enhancing their accessibility, engagement, and searchability. So whether you're a business looking to expand your global reach or a content creator looking to produce high-quality videos that stand out, consider investing in professional subtitling services to take your video content to the next level. Read Also: How To Use Video Animation On Your Website Why You Should Always Use Special Effects For Video Productions Movavi Video Suite Review: A Comprehensive Tool to Create Videos