5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in APM

Published on: 18 November 2017 Last Updated on: 22 July 2024
Invest in APM

Monitoring today’s distributed applications has become a complex task. Many business applications run on multiple platforms, from on-premise data storage to cloud computing and even multi-geographical deployments. Monitoring these applications, especially those that are custom made for your business is critical to ensuring seamless functionality and usability.

Why should businesses invest in application performance management (APM)? Here are five reasons why:

Business Continuity

Businesses that use APM tools to optimize their operations see up to 60-70% reduction in downtime. IT services are at the heart of any business, and without the assured availability of those, any downtime could mean millions in lost revenue for your business. According to a Stackify article on 6 types of ROI for APM, effective APM helps mitigate the risks of potential service disruptions that could adversely affect business operations.

Application performance management tools help keep an eye on core services by ensuring they maintain the expected levels of availability. They also play a huge role in ensuring more efficient troubleshooting and promoting safer application upgrades. Enterprises that invest in the latest APM tools deal with less downtime and enjoy better business continuity.

Improved End-User Experience

Improvement in application usability, quality and availability create a better user experience and more productive business interactions with all users, both internal and external. Enterprises are increasingly looking for APM solutions that are able to rapidly diagnose problems in real-time to ensure user satisfaction.

User satisfaction is the biggest benefit of APM, and choosing the right solution keeps you one step ahead of the game. An APM’s mandate is to fight complexity by providing you with deeper visibility and performance insights that help you increase productivity and improve end-user experience.

No More Over-Reliance on Costly Experts

As more businesses adopt new and more complex technologies and multiple application infrastructures, dependence on costly experts tends to increase. Unfortunately, experts, no matter how skilled, never scale. What you need is end-to-end visibility and control of all your business applications and entire enterprise infrastructure, and APM offers that.

The right APM solution can become an expert-level work system that even allows junior level support engineers and IT, experts, to be more effective in monitoring application performance much quicker. Decreased reliance on costly experts means savings for you without sacrificing the functionality and usability of your business infrastructure.

Greater Innovation

Greater Innovation

When business applications are well managed, development teams deal with fewer performance issues and can now invest more of their time in delivering new innovations to enhance business operations and help you make decisions much faster. Through improved collaboration and knowledge sharing across the entire enterprise, issues can be resolved quickly and unnecessary problems avoided so that development teams can focus more on innovation.

Better Business Sales

Considering that most businesses rely on critical applications that influence their image or revenues in one way or another, the performance and availability of such applications must be prioritized. Any issues that could lead to user complaints could have a significant impact on business performance. APM solutions help ensure smooth performance and availability.

The benefit of service availability and great performance is better business sales. APM tools help you quickly detect, diagnose and resolve application performance issues so that you can better improve customer experience and boost sales. Remember that choosing the right APM is key to helping you achieve the desired monitoring insights.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Email Marketing Mistakes

The 7 Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes

Email marketing is crucial in driving brand awareness and bringing quality leads to your website. Your email list is the most valuable asset you can own in your business, serving as your virtual distribution channel. However, it's essential to recognize that not all customers will immediately purchase. In fact, on average, you will get less than a 5% conversion rate on purchases, which means you need to follow up with the other 95%. This highlights the importance of understanding the differences between direct mail vs digital marketing and how each strategy can complement your overall marketing efforts. In short, email marketing provides a powerful tool for encouraging interactions with your brand. When a customer subscribes to your periodic newsletter, it is an indication that they have a desire to engage with your brand. According to marketing tests and studies, email marketing affects consumer behavior and can convince consumers to visit websites for more information or make a purchase. Unfortunately, email marketing can be quite complex due to the sheer number of variables affecting email marketing campaigns. Therefore, consultants and marketing managers fail to achieve the desired email opening rates and click-through rates. Ultimately, marketing managers tend to ask a question like: Why did they receive it but never opened it? Did they open it but never took the desired action? Why are they unsubscribing? 7 Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes In this post, we uncover the most prominent email marketing mistakes consultants can make. Therefore, if you have been struggling to increase the CTR through email campaigns, you have reached the right page. Let us jump in straight away. 1. Not Personalizing The Email Campaigns Personalized email campaigns can be a powerful tool. However, recent research revealed that 72% of consumers say they only engage with personalized messages. You are missing out if you are not taking the time to customize your email! Personalizing email campaigns involves collecting data related to your target audience and crafting custom content. Remember that the success of your email campaigns depends on how well you utilize the available data to come up with relevant content that target consumers will be willing to consume. Here are essential arguments to help convince you of the benefits of personalization in marketing. Email personalization gives you the ability to reach specific audiences Personalized emails stand out from the crowd by ensuring better and unique content that leaves special memories for your customers. Personalizing your email campaigns helps to build stronger and personal relationships with your customers. Therefore, start researching about your customers and ensure you personalize every email that you send to target customers. Ultimately, you will start enjoying higher email open rates and increased CTR to your money website. 2. Penning Poor Subject Lines No matter what your goal is, your audience will judge emails by the subject lines. According to Hubspot, 47% of email marketers test different email subject lines to optimize their email performance.  Thus, it is essential to create catchy email subject lines to get people to open the email and convert them into customers. So, what makes a great subject line? Here are essential tips to guide you when creating an email subject line. Communicate urgency and scarcity in your email subject lines to compel readers to act. Maintain some sense of curiosity to pique the reader’s natural interest. People love new things and experiences. Thus, do not forget to mention what is on offer. Incorporate trending topics to feel relevant and compel readers to click to read. Mention your audience to show you truly recognize them, and you are not merely after marketing. As you write personalized email campaigns, do not leave the subject line to chance. A catchy email subject line attracts the audience's attention and leads them into taking action. But, on the other hand, if your subject line lacks the above qualities, you start on the wrong foot! 3. Not Including ONE, Clear Call To Action As you already know, your content needs a call to action. Whether you are writing a blog post, a landing page, or an email, ensure your readers know what action they need to take. Without a clear call to action, you leave them to figure out what you want them to do. In that regard, before you compose an email, define a clear vision of its purpose. What outcome do you expect? Do you want them to subscribe, share or buy? Make sure your intention is clear to the audience. So, here are a few suggestions we think will help you come up with a great call to action: Use bright colors, bold text, or large buttons so that the CTA is easy to find Use words that foster curiosity and avoid bland or vague wording Do not end up including multiple CTAs When appropriate, repeat the same CTA more than once Remember, the CTA is the magic button that leads the readers into taking the desired action. 4. Not Looking Professional The fourth and worse mistake that consultants do is sending emails that appear sketchy or amateurish. Most readers will not be willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Thus, so long as you are not sending professional emails, you can forget about conversions. To maintain a high level of professionalism with every marketing campaign, follow these tips: Proofread every email and correct spelling or grammar mistakes Avoid attachments Use respectful and easy to understand language Professional emails attract higher conversion rates and encourage readers to share your message. 5. Sending Emails from A Donotreply@domainname.com Emails from no-reply are uninviting and often end up marked as spammy emails. Thus, if you send marketing emails from a no-reply email address, do not be surprised if your open rate is still low. Always allow your recipients to get back to you, and include a phone number to reach you or the relevant persons quickly. Include your name and designation and links to social media to help the customers contact you. Sending an email from a person within your company could be a competitive advantage. 6. Ignoring Mobile According to statistics, 85% of users use Smartphones to access email. Thus, it is imperative to make marketing efforts seamless on mobile. Unfortunately, mobile email marketing is a calling that most consultants tend to resist for far too long because they do not understand what it means to go mobile. The reality is that emails that do not display correctly on mobile end up in the trash folder within seconds. To optimize your email marketing for mobile, follow these essential tips: Use a responsive or scalable mobile template Utilize a pre-header that includes a summary of the purpose and call of your email to action Keep the email short, sweet, and to the point Ensure finger-friendly and easy to find CTAs Leverage images to enhance your emails Ignoring mobile when designing an email marketing strategy is the worst of the mistakes you could be making. Instead, talk to an Email service provider to find out the various enhancements you can include in your email campaigns to ensure mobile-friendliness. 7. Wrong Links, Broken Links, Or No Links At All Sending out emails with the wrong link is as good as not sending the email in the first place. For example, you could create a beautiful and professional email, but you will not measure the CTR if no links direct the visitors to a landing page. Therefore, make sure you include relevant links. Then, test the links to make sure they direct the reader to the right page, and the page loads fast. Otherwise, your email campaign will not be fruitful. Conclusion We have looked at the top mistakes coaches and consultants make when it comes to email marketing. While email marketing offers a huge potential to your business, making these mistakes repeatedly will hurt your campaigns. Talk to email marketing professionals for assistance when it comes to email marketing campaigns, creating automation, and developing a solid follow-up system. Read Also:  How Many Jobs Are Available In Real Estate Investment Trusts? 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Benefits Of Choosing The Right Water Provider

Unleash The Benefits Of Choosing The Right Water Provider

The water provider you use for your business water needs isn’t necessarily the right one for you. Being familiar with them or having a longstanding contract doesn’t guarantee that you’re receiving the best deal you possibly can. It doesn’t even occur to some people to switch water suppliers, it can seem like an unnecessary step to take. However, switching your water suppliers fairly regularly can actually cut down on your water bills. Watching your usage won’t be as effective of a strategy for reducing costs if the tariff you’re paying is quite high. Therefore, it is important to compare prices offered by different water suppliers in your area, so that you can make sure that you are always paying the best possible rate for your water consumption. Better Prices Finding a different supplier for your business water needs can actually reduce your water bill. You will find that different suppliers offer different deals and tariffs. Staying with the same supplier can lead to paying higher tariffs than necessary. There could be a better deal out there for you but you won’t find it if you don’t at least go looking! You can easily compare multiple suppliers simultaneously to find the best deal, find out more, and see what’s on offer. Tailored Packages Aside from finding better tariffs when you look at other water suppliers, you might also find that they have packages that are better tailored to your needs. You may also find the different suppliers will allow you to create your own tailored package at a better rate. By comparing the different suppliers and their offerings, you can make sure you get the best possible deal that meets your individual needs Better Customer Service If you’re unhappy with the level of service that you’re receiving from your current supplier, that’s more than enough reason to switch suppliers. Customer service is an important part of your choice of supplier. You want to feel secure in the knowledge that any issues you may encounter will be resolved quickly and professionally. You’ll also want to deal with a supplier who is quick to respond to you when you need assistance. Same Water Quality The water you receive will still be as good with a different supplier. The water quality will not change because you change providers! The water quality will still be great but you will also have other benefits such as better tariffs. There are more reasons to switch water suppliers than there are to stay with the same supplier. Easy To Switch For some people, the only reason they are still with the same water provider is that they aren’t aware they can switch. Alternatively, most people believe that switching energy suppliers is actually harder than it is. The process is fairly simple and hassle-free. We’ll break it down into a few easy steps! • Keep track of important dates on your existing water contract. This means you should know when the contract expires and when the notice period starts and ends. • Send your termination letter to your current supplier within your notice period. If you don’t, you may have to pay a cancellation fee. You may also have to pay this fee if you decide to terminate your contract early. • Now, all you have to do is find your new supplier before your existing contract expires. Once you've chosen your supplier and signed your contract; they will handle the rest for you! Streamline Water Bills If you have multiple sites for your business, switching to one water supplier for all the sites can streamline the bill-paying process. You can sometimes get better deals from water suppliers if you’re using them to supply water to multiple locations. You can also reduce your costs across the board if one supplier has a favorable tariff. This will also mean less hassle and paperwork as you can have all your sites covered in one agreement and one contract. So instead of keeping track of multiple expiration dates, you’ll just have to worry about the one. Final Thoughts The provider you have isn’t necessarily the right provider for your business. There are always new deals being offered by different suppliers. You’ll miss out on deals that might be right for you if you don’t keep an eye out for better! Always compare your current supplier with other suppliers as your contract nears the end. You may find that a new supplier is offering you a better tariff or tailored package than the supplier you’ve already established a relationship with. Additionals: 4 Simple And Cheap Methods To Attract More Customers Tips for ensuring your company’s customers are content with its content Your Ad Can Show To A Potential Customer When Your Targeted Language Matches

Translation Business

Creative Marketing Strategies to Put Your Small Translation Business

As the owner of a translation business, you know firsthand just how much a good marketing strategy can make or break you. However, your current advertising strategy often makes you feel like your company is getting, well, lost in translation. You need to make a change as soon as possible. But you're just not sure where you should start when it comes to updating your marketing plan. In this post, we're sharing both print and digital advertising tips that you can't afford to miss out on. When you're ready to dominate your target market and outrank your competition in the search engine results, keep on reading. Start with Your Website Especially when you're running an international business, you need advertising tips that can reach everyone on the globe -- at the same time. In short, while a strong website is important for every company, it becomes even more essential for brands who need to reach people in different time zones and across different languages. In other words? Even though you're running a translation business, it doesn't change the fact that nearly 3/4 of consumers say they prefer to read content in their first language. Start by looking for the right tools and plugins that will automatically change your site's language to the language of the user. But don't stop there. Having an intuitive and branded web design are also key digital marketing tips. This matters because people will stay on a site they find easy to use for much longer than average. Pop-ups, autoplay features, or just sites that take forever to load won't cause them to click away after three seconds. This helps you rise in search engine rankings. First of all, ensure your site loads quickly and completely on desktop and mobile devices. Use menu options at the top of your page to help users find exactly what they're looking for as fast as possible. If you're blogging (more on that in a minute) make sure you've taken the time to properly categorize your past posts. Above all, keep your homepage engaging and organized, like on this website. Finally, don't forget to include your company's contact information on not just the homepage, but every page of your internal website. Remember that consumers won't always come to the homepage first. Don't make them hunt around on your site to find out how to get answers to their questions or sign up for your services. Blogging and Guest Posting Now that we've covered how your website will drive more customers to your translation business, let's talk about how blogging can increase your site visitors by around 300%. We understand that blogging is a lot of work -- and, if you have to hire professional content services to write your posts for you, it can also be expensive. So, why is it worth it? First of all, it helps to increase your authority and brand recognition within your target market. By providing information-based (as opposed to sales-driven) blog posts, you strengthen consumer trust in your brand. Plus, blogging also tells Google and other search engines that you update your entire website more often than companies who just have a static site. This means that you'll be able to outrank your competitors in the search engine results. Plus, you'll also have more indexed pages (AKA, pages that have been read and categorized by Google.) This also helps you get higher up in the search engine result pages. Blogging also gives you an amazing opportunity to connect with your target market and shorten your overall sales cycle through the use of keywords. By naturally including keywords (what people type into search engines when they need a translation business) in your content, your website will show up in front of people who are ready to buy exactly what you're selling. But blogging alone isn't enough. You also need to get into guest posting. This is one of the best online advertising tips because it gives you the chance to broaden your market and increase your brand awareness at the same time. Write articles and blog posts for popular online journals, websites, and even forums that are relevant to the translation industry. Other Key Digital Advertising Ideas Of course, your digital marketing strategy shouldn't begin and end with site design, blogging, and guest posting alone. There are a few other digital marketing tips you should take into consideration, too. Make sure that you claim your third-party listings on platforms like Google My Business, and fill out your profiles as completely as is possible. This is especially helpful when it comes to connecting you to your target market. Those third-party listings are also important because they allow your customers the chance to leave online reviews for your business. While having a testimonials section on your website is a good idea, most consumers feel that third-party site reviews are less biased. Make sure you frequently read and respond to these reviews -- yes, even the bad ones. You want to prove to potential and current clients that you take their input seriously. Social media is also essential in the online marketing world. However, especially since you're a smaller business, we suggest that you conduct some market research to find out which platform your customers spend most of their time on. Focus your efforts there first, and then expand to other platforms. If possible, aim to post three times a day: morning, noon, and night. Finally, never underestimate the power of an e-newsletter. Not only will this allow you to let your leads and current customers know about new product offerings and flash sales. E-newsletters can also help to build up a personal connection between you and your market. You can feature employees of the month, tell customer stories, and even ask for feedback in survey form. Offline Advertising Tips for Your Translation Business Yes, having a strong digital marketing strategy is incredibly important for your translation business. However, it doesn't mean that you can completely ignore print marketing or offline marketing in general. Now, let's take a look at some seriously effective marketing ideas that don't require an Internet connection. Host an Event One of the best ways to get your name out there is by hosting an event in your local market. You don't have to spend a lot of money in order to increase your brand recognition -- you just have to focus on inviting the right people. Invite other local businesses to a dinner at an international restaurant in your area, or host a "language night" at a local school. Focus on event spaces that have a global feel -- even having a "movie night" where you show a popular international film could work. We suggest handing out promotional products at these events. This way, even if attendees don't need translations services now, they'll know who to call when they do in the future. Don't Underestimate Mailings Relying on the cousin of the e-newsletter, paper mailings, to get the word out about your business is still an effective marketing idea. People love getting "snail mail," especially as it becomes rarer and rarer. Whenever possible, hand-address your envelopes to increase their open rate. When you send out mailings, think outside the holiday card or business pamphlet alone. Instead, consider including things like a magnetic calendar, so that customers can have your company in their heads all year long. You could also include a paper card with a discount code. The same goes for simply including a physical coupon offering them a percentage off of your services. Also, slip in a few of your business cards, and handwrite a note on the back of them. You may also want to create a branded letterhead or stationary, in order to increase your brand recognition. It's all about building a personal connection between you and your leads. Grow Your Translation Business with These Tips We hope that this post has helped you to better understand how to market your translation business both on and offline. Remember that conducting thorough market research -- and knowing when to ask for the help of a professional marketing team -- will take you a long way. Looking for additional advice about how to build your brand? Want to ensure you're creating evergreen content that your market will love sharing on social media? Want to understand how good web design increases your conversions and grow your traffic? Our blog can help you to learn all of that and more, so keep coming back to us for more advertising advice. Read Also: What To Look For In A Transcription Service Provider 4 Factors To Consider When Making A Great eLearning Course