Factory Refurbished Laptops: Why Would You Buy New?

Published on: 19 May 2017 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020

Technology evolves at mind-boggling speeds. And that makes us all scramble for the latest, newest, shiniest, ‘swaggiest’ gadgets. As a result, we end up sneering at any suggestion to buy second-hand or factory refurbished laptops.

But think about it. All the advantages of refurbished, pre-owned, for-sale-again, or reconditioned equipment.

  • They cost less
  • In good condition, refurbished dell laptops work just as well as new
  • The peripherals are almost always brand new
  • A good vendor can offer customizing options

On the other hand, buying new always costs top dollar. Plus, any psychological edge or swag wears off as soon as you purchase. There will always be something better, trending, or on the verge of being released. This is true for PCs, laptops, smartphones, smartwatches, and almost any other tech gadgets for personal or business use.

Buy “Like-New”

Like New Laptop

Have you ever bought your laptop and was excited to get it home and test it out. Then when you unwrap it you find something’s not right? Either it doesn’t turn on, or the screen resolution ain’t right, or a corner of the casing is cracked? Of course with a return policy, you send it back and the vendor promptly sends you a replacement.

Ever wondered where these rejects go? Well, it only makes business sense to sort out the issue and sell it again, right? But now, it can’t be sold as new. Yet it only required a keypad replacement, or a screen replacement, or maybe just a battery issue.

When you return your purchase, the retailer sends it back to the factory where it’s tested and if possible, repaired. It goes through the quality assurance stages once more, just like new, and put back on the shelves with an enticing discount and probably a renewed warranty. Would picking a brand new one offer any advantages over this sweet deal?

Get An Open-Box Deal

There are laptops that are returned even without hardly ever being removed from their packaging. Others are handled minimally before being returned.

Consider these scenarios: someone may return an unwanted gift. A retailer may ship 2 pieces for a single order. A customer may cancel an order. A laptop may lack one of its accessories or documentation in the packaging. There are many different scenarios where a laptop gets returned and can’t be sold as new.

For the second buyer, these factory refurbished laptops and refurbished desktop computers create an awesome opportunity for making huge savings without compromising on quality or making big warranty sacrifices.

Previously-Owned Bargains

As previously mentioned, w all love having the latest gadgets. This means lots of people trade in their gadgets for newer models. Some resell their almost new laptops for a competing brand. Whatever the case, factories find they have to reset and refurbish many almost-new pre-owned gadgets.

Used Laptop

You can snag up a bargain on almost-new HP refurbished laptops that aren’t technologically too left behind. What most of these laptops require is hard disk formatting and resetting the operating system since the hardware and peripherals are still new.

What to Watch Out For

Don’t just go for refurbished laptops for sale. Go for a laptop that’s been refurbished by the original manufacturer or an established and reliable factory. Factory-refurbished laptops tend to have a higher QA standard rating than a laptop coming from a retailer.

Nonetheless, to avoid common pitfalls or being ripped off, there are some basic stuff you need to watch out for.

  1. Limited warranty: Used laptops under 100 may come with shorter duration warranties compared to new units. The warranty may also cover less parts. Most factories and manufacturers will offer 90 days instead of the standard 1 year. Some manufacturers offer extended warranties at an additional nominal price.
  2. Old Tech: While not always true, most refurbs tend to be at least one generation behind the current technology.
  3. Battery Life: The previous owner may have mishandled the battery or charger. Battery life problems are usually not apparent when testing, and only become obvious upon multiple use.
  4. Returns Policy: Go for a refurbished laptop that comes with a flexible return policy
  5. Software: Make sure your refurbished laptop comes with original software, especially the operating system.

Factory Refurbished Laptops Vs Brand New: My Verdict

If you’re going for style over substance, then sure, get that new gadget and get your swag on. If you can’t stand the thought of using what once belonged to some stranger, then a factory refurbished laptop isn’t for you.

But if you want to get a practical machine that works as well as a new one and comes with a factory warranty/guarantee, then refurbished may be the way to go. If you want to get a tried and tested brand and model without bursting your bank account, you might want to consider factory-refurbished laptops. If you want savings to help you upgrade your laptop’s components, then factory refurbished will give you that freedom.

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Why ServiceNow Is Essential for Your Tech Company

Why ServiceNow Is Essential for Your Tech Company

As the 21st century has progressed, the world has experienced a major transformation that has continually affected how our modern society functions. The past two decades have been a revolutionary era throughout the globe due to a multitude of different factors that have had a major impact. Investing in software like ServiceNow will ensure that you will be fruitful and will make sure your business is profitable.  While there are numerous causes as to why the modern era has been so transformative, the main driving force has been the Internet and other technologies becoming more pertinent to society than ever before.   How the Modern Economy is Transforming As our society has undergone massive changes throughout the past 20 years, it has become clear how important the Internet and other technologies truly are. The Internet has impacted numerous facets of our civilization in recent years, and one of the most affected entities has been the economy. The economy has been massively altered by the Internet, as a myriad of existing fields has had to go digital, and numerous others have actually been created from the Internet. This global technological revolution has led to an increase in the number of tech companies that are running all over the world, and it has truly helped the economy to grow. There are numerous types of tech companies that exist, and the most successful of these businesses utilize top technological tools. One of the most useful tools is a cloud-based software called ServiceNow which is helpful for a multitude of different actions.  Learning about ServiceNow As the tech industry has grown, it has become evident how important the program ServiceNow has become throughout the field. ServiceNow is a critical cloud-computing software that is used throughout a myriad of industries but is often used throughout the tech field. When your business goes through a process of ServiceNow implementation, you will be provided with a variety of benefits. ServiceNow is mainly utilized for IT service management (ITSM), IT business management (ITBM), and IT operations management (ITOM). Combining these three actions build a program for your tech company that will effectively manage your IT operations and will ensure a workflow program that boosts communication throughout your company, speeds up operations, and improves relationships all across your tech enterprise. ServiceNow also integrates with other tools that your company utilizes to create a less complex model for your business to follow.  What ServiceNow Will Do for Your Tech Company Learning about ServiceNow is incredibly important if you are considering investing in this software for your tech enterprise. While understanding the software is necessary, it is critical for you to learn how it can benefit your tech company as well. Tech companies utilize ServiceNow for a multitude of purposes – learning about these methods is essential. ServiceNow will integrate intelligent automation within your business model, which will improve upon your business’ machine learning initiatives and will keep your data both safe and more organized. ServiceNow will also aid in organizing and implementing tasks throughout your business and will ensure that your company is managed more effectively. Final Thoughts As the tech sector of the economy grows, it will become more important than ever for your business to utilize top tools to ensure success over your competitors. Investing in software like ServiceNow will ensure that you will be fruitful and will make sure your business is profitable.  Read Also: 5 Reasons Every Business Should Invest in Automation Software 5 Things to Take into Account to Hire Custom Software Development Services All You Must Know About Construction Business Management Software

Digital World

The Backbone Of The Digital Age: Storing Our Digital World

In today's digital age, where vast amounts of information are created and consumed daily, it is easy to take for granted the complex infrastructure behind our seamless access to data. Behind the scenes, a crucial element plays an indispensable role in storing and managing this ever-expanding digital world: data storage systems. Serving as the backbone of our interconnected society, these systems are responsible for safeguarding invaluable information and enabling its accessibility at unprecedented speeds. Understanding the Essentials of Data Storage Understanding the essentials of data storage is crucial for individuals and organizations. It involves comprehending various concepts, such as different types of storage media (such as hard disk drives, solid-state drives, or cloud-based solutions), their capacity limitations, and performance characteristics. Additionally, it requires knowledge about redundancy mechanisms like backup and RAID configurations to ensure reliable data protection. An important consideration in data storage is scalability – the ability of a system to handle increasing amounts of information efficiently over time. As technology advances and demands grow exponentially, quickly adapting storage infrastructure becomes paramount. Data storage encompasses strategic planning for scalability to accommodate the evolving needs of individuals and organizations. Scalability involves designing storage systems capable of efficiently handling growing volumes of information as technological demands expand. Implementing scalable storage solutions is essential for preventing bottlenecks and ensuring seamless performance in the face of increasing data loads. This proactive approach allows for the effective management of current data requirements and prepares for future growth, aligning storage infrastructure with the dynamic nature of evolving technologies. As we navigate the intricacies of data storage, understanding scalability proves indispensable for maintaining optimal system performance and responsiveness over the long term. Comparing Data Storage Solutions There are several factors to consider when evaluating different options. One crucial aspect to examine is the storage capacity offered by each solution. With increasing amounts of data being generated daily, choosing a storage system that can effectively handle large volumes of information without compromising performance or security is essential. Another factor to assess when comparing data storage solutions is scalability. As technology advances and businesses grow, the demand for greater storage capacity also increases. It is crucial to select a solution that can quickly scale up or down according to changing needs, ensuring optimal utilization of resources and cost-effectiveness. Reliability and redundancy are significant considerations in choosing a data storage solution. Data loss can be catastrophic for any organization; therefore, having robust backup mechanisms becomes vital. Evaluating whether the solution provides multiple layers of redundancy, such as off-site backups or replication across different locations, ensures that data remains secure even in unforeseen events like hardware failure or natural disasters. The Future of Data Storage Technologies In recent years, the demand for data storage has grown exponentially due to the emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things. As a result, there is an urgent need for innovative and efficient data storage technologies to keep up with this ever-expanding digital universe. One promising avenue for future data storage lies in quantum computing. Quantum systems have the potential to revolutionize data storage by offering unmatched processing power and infinitely scalable memory capabilities. Another exciting development in data storage technology is DNA-based storage. While it may sound like science fiction, scientists have successfully encoded large amounts of digital information into strands of synthetic DNA. This method offers unprecedented density and durability compared to traditional hard drives or solid-state devices. DNA-based storage has the potential to store vast amounts of information in a tiny space while remaining intact for thousands of years. The future holds great promise for advancements in data storage technologies. From quantum computing to DNA-based solutions, researchers continuously push boundaries to develop more efficient, secure, and long-lasting ways to store our digital world's expanding volume of information. Read Also: Steps For Salesforce Application Development Best Practices For Visual Regression Testing On Cloud The Future Of VoIP Technology And Its Impact On Business Communications

Cloud-Based Quality Management Systems

Benefits of Cloud-Based Quality Management Systems

Almost all the organizations in the world are making a transition to SaaS and are embarking on new cloud technology initiatives. As a matter of fact, by 2020 more than $1 trillion spending in IT will be affected by the shift to the cloud directly or indirectly. Any industry that does not have software innovation for several years, this thing is no different. The key area that can benefit from modernization with the assistance of cloud-based tech is Quality management system. The cloud eQMS is aligned with IHC Q10 guidance for a more effective quality system. More and more organizations are looking forward to improving access to better visibility and simplify control of GxP-critical processes; as a result, most of the organizations have started replacing the outdated technology with a modern cloud solution to reduce quality risks and hence improve productivity. When it comes to modernizing the quality management systems, the key aspects such as data integrity with multiple sites along with the external collaboration are valued highly. Many solutions in the market are disguised as ‘cloud’ aren’t actually a cloud, but in reality, these solutions are already present in the existing applications and are merely offered in an online hosted model. In simplified language, these applications are online versions of software and hence are not able to deliver all the benefits that the cloud industry has to offer. The Difference The only defining attribute of a cloud solution is multitenancy. Multitenancy helps enable secure deployment of only one particular version of the cloud to all the customers. It supports ongoing innovation that minimizes the burden on validation and IT. On the contrary, software hosted applications require the application supplier to maintain different versions of the software which in return results in infrequent upgrades that are time-consuming. Check out these eight characteristics of the cloud solution industry that address today’s needs for quality manufacturing: 1. Complete: A cloud-based application brings multiple solutions, such as quality management and document management for improved control. It helps in globally harmonizing a single system which means document processes and templates can be standardized which further reduces the risk of errors and duplication. 2. Innovative: With a multipurpose cloud solution, the providers make continuous investments to provide updates with the ongoing applications and keep up with the best practices the industry is following. This further increases agility of the business and shifts the focus to fine tune the applications to align to the business needs and all the applicable regulations are fulfilled such as 21 CFR Part 11. 3. Intuitive: Multipurpose cloud applications are nowadays intuitive and much easy to use. If you are managing document lifecycle and taking documents from draft through revision, approval, and the training is simplified with a cloud solution industry, it further encourages user adoption. 4. Inclusive: Organizations bring external stakeholders to internal businesses processes easily and reduce manual efforts and further improve collaboration. A multipurpose cloud solution gives any authorized user access at any time and from any device and place which enables the coordination of different businesses. 5. Accurate: Users can view real-time status and conduct analysis accordingly to identify areas for improvement with a unified cloud eQMS. This makes it easier to create regulatory reports and satisfy the upcoming needs for submitting quality metrics. 6. Flexible: Flexibility is one of the most critical aspects of any software. The system must be able to allow you to automate the process of collecting quality and conducting corrective actions on the events and provide document control. Some software are built on a generic approach which further can be modified but takes a whole lot of time and can also be costly to endure, this also addresses to an issue that the previous business processes need to be replaced with new ones and adapting to these changes can outweigh the initial costs of the system. 7. Scalable: A software ability to grow your business without affecting its overall functionality is known as scalability. As the enterprises are becoming more and more successful growth becomes a logical progression, and more successful your organization is the more business it will attract. When looking for a QMS for your organization, it becomes essential to consider the scalability of the system for future growth. 8. Visibility: There is so much data coming to the organizations, and sometimes it becomes difficult to make sure that proper visibility is maintained. A cloud-based QMS has a solution to this problem also and here comes the point where reporting tool shows its real skills. Cloud enables worldwide access for everyone providing access to the environment from any part of the world. The transition to the regulated cloud will gain momentum. Multiple cloud options are being made available, and at first glance, it may be difficult to decide on the best solution. With all users working on one same platform, and in a system that enables secure collaboration and enhanced visibility the gains are visible and are considerable. 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