5 Factors To Consider When Hiring A Branding Expert For Your Business

Published on: 30 October 2021 Last Updated on: 11 December 2023
Branding Expert

In the last few years, more and more businesses are realizing the importance of branding. As against sales and marketing, businesses know that branding is essential for the long-term vision, sustainability, and growth of an organization.

While many businesses have made the mistake of equating branding with marketing, there is growing awareness that the two are separate in form and function. This is leading many businesses to invest in strategic branding experts that can help them.

In this resource article, we are going to look at five factors that businesses should consider before hiring branding experts, consultants, or strategists. If you are a business owner looking to invest in a long-term branding exercise, this article will guide you in the right direction.

How can a Branding Expert help a Business: What you need to know

How can a Branding Expert help a Business: What you need to know

Before we get to the list of factors that should be considered, it would be better if we discuss how a branding expert can help a business in the first place.

Business owners are in agreement that branding is important. What they do not know is how they should proceed. Many have the mistaken assumption that branding is only logo designing, social media presence, and marketing!

While this is not entirely false, the above constitutes just about 5% of what branding is all about.

In reality, a branding expert can help a business optimize three main focus areas about the brand-

  1. Tangible Visual Properties- photoshoots, imagery, social media presence, logo designs, color schemas, fonts, website, blog section, and videos.
  2. Tangible Textual Content- brand motto, values, culture, mission statement, blog articles, slogans or taglines, social media copy, and content.
  3. Intangible Brand Promise- credibility, culture, personality, trust, levels and positioning, perception, experiences, customer service, and support.

As you can see from what we have mentioned above, this is a fairly exhaustive list of topics. An experienced and credible branding expert will help you address all the above goals and objectives.

List of 5 Factors to Consider when Hiring a Branding Expert for your Business

List of 5 Factors to Consider when Hiring a Branding Expert for your Business

1. Creativity- 

While technical specializations are an important aspect of the digital age, you want the branding expert/consultant/agency to be creative. Some of the leading brand strategists like Bennet Schwartz have several years of experience as Creative Director. Creativity is an essential factor you should look at as branding is all about good storytelling that captures audiences.

2. Experience- 

Being great at branding requires years of experience. This is not something you can get up and get good at. It requires sophistication, expertise, and years of executing marketing and social media strategies. Great branding experts that lead organizations are often Creative Directors with a graphic design or copywriting background. You need to look for at least five years.

3. Past Client Credentials- 

If you are lucky enough to get a branding expert that has worked with a business in your niche, you are on the right path. Even if you do not get one, the key is to look at past client portfolios. Ask the agency or expert to take you through the kind of work they did. Focus on both the creative as well as the technical ROIs. Do not hire someone before establishing credentials.

4. Timelines and ROIs on the Project- 

Small trick- if the branding expert says that they will get you the moon and stars within six months, they are lying. You should bail immediately. Experts will tell you that branding is a long-term gain where you need to invest for at least two or three years to start seeing results. It is best to get a definite answer in this regard as it will help guide your business expectations.

5. Prices, Payment Structures, and Affordability- 

This ultimately depends on what you are asking the branding agency to do. If you want the whole suite of what we mentioned in the earlier sections, you are looking at sizable costs. However, you can always break it up into stages and ensure incremental payments. Make sure to discuss the same with the agency so that there are no problems later on the payment front.

The Final Word

Branding differs from business to business. It is a completely individualized experience that comes with a customized strategy. In other words, what worked for one brand might not necessarily work for someone else. This is something that separates great branding experts from the ones who are just in the market to make some money. If you have any questions, you would like us to address, please let us know in the comments below.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Project Management

Project Management in a PRINCE2 setting

Project management is a field that is worldwide and can include diverse fields such as IT and construction but not all of them. For many projects, there are automatically a number of specialized processes that need to be identified and created. As on a prince 2 Course London with training and Project management are conducted by  Project team Project board Project Steering Committee Project Office Project consistency agency Project director Project leader These organizations frequently conduct a review of project management, survey program participants, conduct annual review meetings, and other such activities to evaluate effectiveness and performance. The success of a project depends on the effectiveness of the system used to coordinate, plan, and control the project.  Effective planning and coordination create a most successful project.   The planning process must also evaluate and clarify the relationships and information among team members and the project stakeholders. Project Stakeholders These are typically the people that will be impacted by the implementation of a project. The first or principal stakeholder is usually an owner or manager within an organization. They have a variety of economic, legislative, social, and spiritual stakes in the success of the project. A project stakeholder can be defined simply as an " external party who will be impacted by the project."  The second most common stakeholder level is organizational stakeholders who may be directly or indirectly affected by the project.   These stakeholders normally fall along with the functional project organization.   They fall on the organizational hierarchy or project organization levels. Post-project assessment must include investment in the project stakeholder relationship. Project Periodic reviews must be conducted by project stakeholders after a minimum of the predetermined project period or project review meeting.  The review must be conducted at least semi-annually to evaluate effectiveness, progress, and impact on all involved stakeholders. Related Resource: Using Project Management to Maximize the Holiday Season at Work The Project Organization for effective project management A system for effective project management is essential to the success of any organization's infrastructure.  Projects, systems, and functions are backed up with a people, process, and technology foundation.   Keeping the system aligned with the organization's goals and objectives can not be accomplished without an effective project management approach. Project Management Process A structured system for managing projects is essential to the success of the project because creating reality from limited or theoretical plans takes a lot of work and energy for a solid foundation.   Beginning with a project definition provides the clarity and momentum needed to determine the specific areas to establish for the project at hand.  Each project has a unique set of limited and controlled resources and there are no similarities. The first and most important step in effective Project Methods, is the IPC, if you must have something else; an Integration Planning Process. The IPC provides the direction (not implementation) of the business benefits or impact of the plan for that specific project.   The goal of the IPC is to create a realistic blueprint of actions that could be undertaken by the stakeholders to optimize the business objectives. The most successful IPC plans are based on business benefit-supported plans. These business benefit plans can be used to validate the portfolio of projects selected for consideration, including the project for a single functional organization and also for various projects in the portfolio. Some project benefit is typically geared toward converting customer needs into new customer commitments and requires a change in the Customer's expectations. Read Also: Importance Of A Project Manager In An Organization Top Ways Contract Management Software Helps to Mitigate Contract Risk Run Your Business with Ease Using an Integrated Management System


5 Ways To Improve Workflow Efficiency In Your Office

A workplace is a place where we spend most of our time. It needs to be organized and productive. But when it comes to managing office technology, it can be a challenge. How do you ensure that your employees can work efficiently without getting distracted by noise or other distractions? The answer lies in optimizing your office's workflow efficiency. Here are some tips on how you can improve the flow of information within your organization: Priorities Clarification To make sure you're working toward a goal that will actually help your business, make sure to clarify priorities. Define the problem you want to solve before starting on a solution. First, set goals for yourself and your company. It can be hard not to worry about what others' goals are, but don't compromise your own or those of other team members just because it's more fun or exciting! Be ambitious and realistic at the same time: if everyone else is doing 5 push-ups per day while you're doing 50, chances are high that it won't work out well if everyone suddenly decides they want to do more push-ups than they've been doing previously! What kind of tangible fitness goals could we achieve in 3-6 months? For example: running three times per week for 30 minutes each time; completing one full marathon within six months; running 5km without stopping, etc. Structured Cabling Systems Having structured network cabling is a great way to improve the efficiency of your office. A structured cabling system is a network that runs throughout the entire building, giving each office access to all other parts of the company. This allows for much more communication between departments and makes it easier for employees to communicate with each other. It will also help you be more productive because you won't have to make multiple trips back and forth between offices to get information or files from someone else. Excellent Internet Connection It is important to have a good internet connection because, without it, you will not be able to send or receive files, videos, and updates from clients. This could impact your workflow as it will take longer than usual to send or receive the file. You should ensure that there are no problems with your internet connection by testing them at least once a week. You could also consider getting installation services for data cabling in Newcastle in your office so that everyone has access to high-speed internet connections at all times regardless of where they are working. Automation Automation is a way to improve workflow efficiency in your office. It allows you to do more with less, saving time and money. It also improves the quality of your work by eliminating mistakes that result from human error. Here's how automation works: You can set up report automation in Excel that will perform a task for you automatically when it needs to be done, without any human intervention at all. When the task has been completed, this system can notify the appropriate person by email or text message so that they know what's been accomplished (and so they don't have to keep checking on it). Workspace When you're encouraging workers to do their best work, it's important to let them make choices about how they want to work. One of the best ways to help your employees achieve this goal is by giving them freedom over where they set up shop. If you have a team that works remotely or in different locations, they're probably going to have different preferences when working in an office environment. Some people prefer quiet, private spaces and others enjoy being around others while they work. Either way, it's important for employers like yourself who don't have control over where your employees will be working from day to day (or even month to month) to provide enough variety so that everyone can find what works best for them at any given time. Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that it’s important for you to invest in a good office automation system. It will not only improve your workflow efficiency but also help you save time and money in the long run. Read Also: Why You Should Design New Offices Carefully? – Content Rally Top Expert Tips for a Stunning Condo Interior! 7 Expert Hacks for Downsizing to a Smaller Apartment


Essential Investments Small Business Owners Should Make For Long-Term Success

As a small business owner, your investment decisions play a crucial role in shaping the future of your venture. Making smart investments can yield significant returns, while neglecting them may impede growth and success. Small businesses should always make an informed decision. For example, a plumbing business must choose professional partners like BuildOps and so on. But do you know the secret to taking your new business to newer heights? In this article, we’ll explore some key investments that small business owners should consider to secure long-term prosperity. From strategic Investing In Search Engine Optimization (SEO): In today's digital landscape, having a strong online presence is essential for small businesses to thrive. One crucial aspect of online success is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO helps your website rank higher in search engine results, driving organic traffic and increasing visibility. By investing in SEO, you can enhance your website's chances of being discovered by potential customers. Why Link Building Matters: Link building is an integral part of SEO. It involves acquiring quality backlinks from reputable websites to your own. These backlinks act as "votes of confidence" to search engines, indicating that your website is trustworthy and credible. To improve your link profile, you may consider employing a professional link building service. These services can help you secure valuable backlinks from authoritative sources, ultimately boosting your website's SEO performance. A Staunch Online Presence: Establishing a basic website along with social media accounts might be inexpensive but not free. However, if you are a website designer, content creator, programmer, or search engine optimization specialist, things might be different. If “Neustar Localeze and 15 miles study” is to be believed, 4 out of 5 mobile device searches turn out to be a purchase.  As a small business owner, it is a good idea to construct a robust digital presence. You would surely want to be easily found on the Internet, and where do you think that would happen? Make sure you invest in each aspect of your digital presence- right from producing quality content to being mobile-responsive.  Enhancing Customer Experience: Investing in delivering exceptional customer experiences should be a top priority for small business owners. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat customers and enthusiastic brand advocates. To enhance customer experience, consider the following investments: Staff Training: Equip your employees with the necessary skills to deliver outstanding service. Invest in training programs that focus on customer service, communication, and problem-solving. Personalization Tools: Utilize technology to personalize customer interactions. Implement customer relationship management (CRM) systems that enable you to track customer preferences, provide tailored recommendations, and offer personalized communication. Feedback and Survey Platforms: Invest in tools that allow you to gather customer feedback and conduct surveys. Understanding customer preferences and pain points will enable you to make informed business decisions and improve your offerings. Proficient Accounting: Along with taking care of all the finances incurred by your business, there are several ways to save money. Invest in a professional accounting solution that will help you reduce the additional costs spent on certain stuff. You can easily monitor those and try to reduce them the next time onwards.  On hiring a professional accountant, you will find ways to save the extra cash in various ways: at the time of financial planning, during tax time, etc. These people stay updated about every small change taking place within their economic industry that might have an impact on their clients. The end result is you will be left with adequate savings. Embracing Automation And Technology: In today's fast-paced business environment, automation and technology can significantly streamline operations and boost productivity. Consider the following investments in automation: Accounting and Financial Management Software: Invest in reliable accounting software in Australia to simplify financial processes, automate invoicing, and manage cash flow effectively. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System: Implement a CRM system to organize customer data, track interactions, and automate marketing campaigns. This investment can improve customer relationship management, enhance sales processes, and drive customer loyalty. Project Management Tools: Invest in project management software to streamline workflows, improve collaboration among team members, and increase productivity. Professional Development And Training: To stay ahead in today's competitive business landscape, continuous learning and development are essential. Invest in your own growth as a small business owner by: Attending Industry Conferences and Workshops: Participate in conferences and workshops that offer insights into industry trends, new technologies, and business strategies. These events provide networking opportunities and help you stay updated on the latest developments in your field. Online Courses and Certifications: Invest in online courses and certifications to enhance your skills and knowledge. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer a wide range of courses across various disciplines. Business Investments: The Right Step For Small Brands Businesses that are on the verge of thriving have to take every step carefully. Investing carefully is an excellent way to create wealth and construct a positive impact on the local community. Offering endless personalized services is something small businesses tend to do very often, which is why most users prefer them as compared to established firms.  Small business owner investments can also offer a greater ROI than large brands. Moreover, the investor gets an opportunity to be highly involved in the decision-making processes related to the brand. Small business investors tend to be more vocal about the company and its decisions.  Finally, small business investments might also be beneficial for the local community where their business exists. It is a great opportunity for hiring fresh talents. One of the most important things for a business investor is to put his investments in the right place.  Conclusion: Smart investments are key to the long-term success of small businesses. By prioritizing investments in areas such as SEO, customer experience, automation, and professional development, you can position your business for growth and prosperity. Remember, investing wisely requires careful evaluation, research, and consideration of your business's unique needs. We hope you make informed decisions and watch your small business thrive in the dynamic marketplace after reading this comprehensive guide. Comment below your thoughts on this. Read Also: CRMDialer: A Zoho Alternative 6 Top CRM For Small Businesses In 2019 Cold Calling Script For Successful Sales Persons