Importance Of A Project Manager In An Organization

Published on: 02 November 2021 Last Updated on: 18 January 2025
Project Manager

A Project manager is a person who plays a major role in planning, executing, controlling, monitoring, and closing out projects. They are responsible for leading and managing the project with the project team on a day-to-day basis.

Companies in healthcare, software development, education, insurance, finance, marketing, real estate, and many more need project managers. Every business needs a project manager that has a PMP Certification. A person who will have a combination of skills to detect unstated assumptions, resolve conflicts to make a project successful.



Without a project manager, a team can be like a ship without a rudder, moving without any direction and purpose. Leadership makes team members bring out their best work. The project manager provides leadership, motivation and inspires the team to put out their best work.

The project manager serves as the line of accountability of the team and the project. With the project manager, there will be no conflict between who’s in charge and control of the work. They keep everyone in a direction and ultimately carry responsibility if the project fails or succeeds.

Better business decisions

With the presence of a project manager, they will be a person that will keep a clear record of the progress of the project. They have that deeper understanding of where to spend the resources, what needs to focus on, and when. A good project manager forecasts issues before they become issues. make smarter and data-driven decisions.

Quality assurance

There’s always enormous pressure to complete the project on time. Where deadlines get missed, the schedule gets tight, workload increases. All this results in poor quality work. The project manager is the one who makes sure that everything is in control and there’s no unnecessary last moment rush.

A good project manager manages the time in a way that gives control over the timelines and resources. Methodologies like Agile separate phases for examining and testing by ensuring the quality of the product.

Project success

Project success

The project manager helps to scale high performance and build on the team’s best practices. By using the learnings and experience from previous projects, they will pinpoint where the team is lacking and excelling.

Clear strategy and objectives

The project manager ensures that there’s a proper plan for executing strategic goals. Without a project manager, the team will not have proper briefs and a Project management methodology. You can achieve a project management methodology with Project Management Professional Training.

Project managers position themselves where they break up a project into tasks for the team. This makes sure to prevent any situation where they are not able to do the tasks. They organize a weekly or lunch or happy hour to keep them productive and happy.

Risk management

The project manager ensures that any risks are properly managed and works on them to avoid becoming issues. Risk management is critical to project success. Especially in complex projects, the value of project management comes into play in dealing with the risk without any hustle.

A project manager carefully analyzes all the potential risks, evaluates them, and reduces them eventually. It needs to know the right questions to raise to discover risks early.

Schematic process

The project manager ensures the right person to do the right things, at the right time. They ensure proper project management. A project manager with PMP certification will know proper planning and process can make a big difference by knowing the team’s strengths and weaknesses. The proper process helps to clarify roles, inputs, expect risks and align project continuity.

Without a project manager’s organized process, companies risk project failure, weakening of business relationships. Project managers turn to timesheets to remain on track.


For small-scale projects, cost estimation is necessary. Cost estimation maybe a weekly or even monthly task. It is the role of the project manager to make sure to raise the budget, resource allocation, scope, and other miscellaneous issues.

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction

Retaining clients is more important than getting new ones. a guaranteed way of doing it by offering good services. A project manager focuses on quality and efficiency which would leave the clients satisfied. This means more business in the future from the client.

Communication with clients or stakeholders can take many forms, weekly or monthly reports, regular updates, emails, calls, or meetings. A satisfied client refers the organization to other potential businessmen. Free marketing!


A project manager creates and makes the team happy and motivated. A project manager must have the necessary skills to execute tasks. Without a project manager, the team and client will be exposed to a chaotic environment, unclear objectives, and failure of the project.

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Old Records

When Should a Business Destroy Old Records?

It’s funny but when you see someone shredding old documents you, immediately assume they have something to hide. This is probably due to the various high-profile scandals that have involved the destruction of paperwork, such as Watergate. However, the simple fact is that, even in the digital age, paper is still used and personal information must be destroyed properly. That’s why every business should invest in security shredders. These are designed to cut the paper in several directions and into very small pieces, making it very difficult to piece the paper back together. It’s the safest and most efficient way of getting rid of paper records. Why Destroy Old Records All businesses have to keep records of their transactions, especially income and outgoings. These are essential to back up their annual accounts. This paperwork can be examined at any time to ensure the declared accounts are accurate. This is important to the tax inspector as they calculate the tax bill based on the accounts declared. If these accounts are wrong the business may underpay tax. To ensure this doesn’t happen the tax inspector can ask to see the records to verify figures. Of course, this means that businesses need to keep the records safe for the inspector. However, keeping records requires space. Just one year of accounts records can take up dozens of boxes and the problem gets worse for small companies. In general, the tax inspector likes you to keep records for seven years. Modern Changes This has changed slightly in recent years as there is an increasing number of companies offering to scan your paperwork and look after it in the cloud on secure servers.  Alongside this, they will usually have a secure backup to ensure the records are never lost. This is generally acceptable to the tax office. But, they do like to be able to verify some records with the scanned versions. Of course, this is a cheaper option than renting space simply to keep old records. In short, it is recommended that businesses keep records for between 3-5 years and the scanned copies for at least seven. You can then destroy the old records without worrying about proving accounts. The Destruction Process As mentioned, you need to invest in security paper shredders as these will shred the document into small enough pieces that they cannot be identified. Standard and personal shredders offer a much larger cut and only cut in one direction, making it possible to put the paper back together. You could burn the paperwork. But, aside from being bad for the environment, it is not guaranteed to eliminate all the data. Shredding with a security shredder and then having a dedicated company remove the shredded paper, is the safest method. That’s important for your company's reputation. After all, if personal information gets into the hands of the wrong people your customers will not be happy and your sales will take a dip. That’s a lot of hassle when shredding is such a simple solution. Read Also: Things you should know about documentation 5 Perks of Having QuickBooks Pro for Your Business Tips on cheap paper writing assignments

online shop

How to Pack Clothing Properly for Shipping

If you have a business which is engaged in the shipping of various clothing items, whether you have a small online shop or a retail brick-and-mortar store, you need to know how to pack and ship clothing in the appropriate way. Clothes are some of the most common items shipped today, but not everyone knows how to pack and ship clothes properly. You want your customers to open the parcel and be impressed not just with the clothing itself, but with how it’s packed and presented. But more than this, you want to make sure that the parcel doesn’t get damaged during transport, especially if you are planning to ship it overseas. It’s important to lessen the risk of damage to your parcel so that your customers can receive it in tip-top condition. Here, then, is how to pack clothing for shipping properly. It takes but a few minutes to pack clothing, but it's essential that you know exactly what you are doing and what materials to use. It also pays to be as quick and efficient as possible. The materials you need You don’t need much in terms of packing materials, but you do need the right ones. Most clothes being shipped will be sent in a simple envelope, but sometimes, the clothes can come out wrinkled or crumpled. So aside from making sure you have the right packaging materials (which includes scissors, the envelope or box, and tape), you also have to fold it properly. If you want to be sure that the clothes are packed well and will not be damaged, it's often better to go for white postal boxes which look sleek and simple. There are postal boxes that are specially designed to be easy to use and to offer ample protection for the items inside, and these postal boxes are made in such a way that they already come with tabs which are self-locking, reducing the need for tape. Your step-by-step guide to packing clothing for shipping First, make sure you have ample space in front of you on a flat surface where you can fold the clothing. Never try to roll the piece of clothing up – this will only make it look wrinkled and crumpled, and it doesn't give the right impression. Fold the clothing as neatly as you possibly can and avoid creases. There are various guides that can tell you how to fold specific pieces of clothing, so it pays to educate yourself as well. When you have folded the clothes, make use of some extra wrapping (bubble wrap is often a good choice). This will help you make sure that the clothing will not become water-damaged while it is in transit. Also, see if you can place any additional padding in your box or parcel so that you can further reduce the likelihood of damage to the item. You don’t have to worry about the weight of the bubble wrap or other padded materials you use, as they shouldn’t weigh enough to affect your shipping costs. The next step is to seal the box's lid; this is where those self-locking tabs can really come in handy because you don't have to use tape to seal the box. But here's one more tip for you: avoid attaching the shipping labels after you have already inserted the clothing into the box. The clothing can plump up the parcel, and this can make the shipping label peel off. Simply attach the labels prior to putting the clothes inside the box, so the label is less likely to peel off. Read Also: Ship Packages Often? Why You Need A Courier Broker! Important Things To Consider When Packaging Your Product Simple Packaging: Your Guide To Branded Design

RSS feed reader

How can I use an RSS feed reader for business? 5 great ideas

You’re here because you’re searching for that hidden weapon. The one secret that will give you a definitive edge over other companies in your line of work. Behold the RSS feed reader. It’s not flashy. It can, in fact, be a little bit confusing, if you only have memories of them in the early 00s. But it’s true. An RSS feed reader can make all the difference for your business. What is an RSS feed reader? Or maybe you’re not familiar with RSS. Here’s a crash course. RSS is a protocol, which was developed early in the Internet’s youth as a way for users to have an easy way to access numerous sites simultaneously. Basically, every website and blog would have an RSS feed embedded in their code, which can then be accessed by an RSS feed reader. Add any feed to your reader and then receive its content as soon as it’s posted. It’s that simple and was the chief way to stay connected and on top of development during the blogging craze. Is it going to help my business grow? Yes. RSS readers have grown by leaps and bounds from where they started. For one, they now support all types of media files and formats, ranging from YouTube to podcasts. You’re able to cast your net wide – excellent for performing monitoring and research. Not to mention how RSS feed readers have added tools, filters, and integrations that now place them firmly in the category of productivity tools. Depending on which RSS feed reader you have, you are in the perfect position to streamline your company’s journey to success. How to use it for business? a. Monitor your brand To many, monitoring public opinion regarding their brand begins by opening their social media for a quick scroll down mentions and DMs. Maybe retweet something funny. That’s it. Smaller companies are particularly guilty of thinking ‘we’re small, so nobody’s really talking about us.’ It’s a fact many customers share their impressions of a business without tagging the businesses in their discussions unless it’s a direct complaint. Follow the breadcrumbs no matter how infrequent or small they are through RSS. Here’s what you can achieve with Inoreader as your RSS reader: Create Google Alerts for important branded keywords and migrate them to Inoreader. This way you get the benefit of Alerts without the ineffective mail delivery. Create keyword searches on social media, Twitter for instance, and subscribe to them via Inoreader, so you’re instantly updated when posts mention you. Subscribe to important trade sites and set triggers to receive alerts whenever an article pops up that mentions your brand. b. See what competitors do The same principles as above apply here. Users can shift their attention easily to direct competitors in a heartbeat with minimal effort. You don’t have to change much in your monitoring approach, but it can also be wise to subscribe to your competitors’ newsletter, website, and social media. The goal here is to monitor not just what’s said about your competitors, but also keep a close eye on every possible move they make. If you’re a considerably smaller fish in the pond, it’s smart to know when the market leaders are going to make an announcement, release a product or start a new campaign. That way you can time important marketing pushes on your part during the empty slots in their calendar. Besides, your competitors are live case studies on the viability of campaigns and marketing ideas. c. Follow influencers and bloggers I mentioned trade publications above and the importance of checking for coverage of your brand, but there’s also another important category of sources you shouldn’t neglect. I’m talking about influencers and bloggers. These are the people that are somewhere between your target audience and industry systems. They’re vehicles for promotion with varying degrees of influence. Some showcase what resonates with your ideal customers and others have economic power thanks to the size of their audience. Influencer marketing is still here for the time being and it’s a truly interesting phenomenon as it allows you to see firsthand what connects with your audience. Influencers and bloggers thrive on their relatability to their followers. RSS feed readers are made for this exact purpose – follow blogs, newsletters, forums, and now a variety of media formats. d. Discover new topics RSS readers have made a sharp turn towards assisting their user base in finding relevant material, not just consuming it. After all, will you ever leave your RSS reader, when you keep on finding new and new feeds to explore? However, this functionality is not just created for leisure. It’s perfect for research purposes. Inoreader has invested a lot into their discovery features. The very thing you encounter when you make your account is the discovery zone. You have several main branches of topics that further divide depending on how narrow your interests run. Each topic and subtopic is populated by the most subscribed-to RSS feeds in the reader’s database. Furthermore, you have a lot more flexibility in how you explore suggestions thanks to the Sort by Magic feature, while the browser extension simplifies subscriptions to new RSS feeds and grants easy access to recent updates. e. Learn more about your customers Really, through the right blend of branded and non-branded keyword monitoring (we touched on both above), you arrive at a fuller, more fleshed-out profile of your ideal customer. You experience your customers in relation to your brand, which is essential in improving the ever-fragile brand-customer relationship. But more importantly, you get to experience them in their own environment. If you follow the current crop of successful influencers, then you know quite a lot. Where do they hang out online? What’s important to them? How do they talk? What inspires them in their day-to-day life? What needs does your product meet? What motivates them to buy specifically from you? All these are questions you can answer. All from Inoreader’s dashboard. Read Also: 4 Reasons Your Home Business Needs A Virtual Receptionist Influencer Marketing Tool to Move from Local to Global Market 5 Content Ideas to Use with Instagram Influencers