How To Find Best Podcast Topics Ideas In 2021


05 July 2021

Social Media

Podcast topics

Podcasting is a trending concept, although not a new one. However, 2020 gave a surge to the international podcasting industry. Podcast statistics state that from 2019 to 2020, about 100 million Americans have listened to at least one podcast per month. It is thus evident that the popularity of podcasts has been increasing over recent years. 

With the expansion of internet services and changes in tastes and preferences, the number of loyal podcast listeners is growing steadily. The people from the 18-24 age group listen to podcasts more than any other age category.  

It is thus crucial to understand how to stay ahead of your competitors in terms of podcast topics. Therefore, this guide would focus on the ways of finding the best podcast topics in 2021.

What Are Podcast Topics, And Why Are They Important?

A podcast is a section-wise series of digital audio files. It consists of spoken words as well. Furthermore, users can download it to their devices for ease of listening. Podcasting services and streaming platforms provide collaborative waves to regulate usage traffic across different sources.

Podcasts are cost-effective and time-efficient mediums of communication. They have utter social importance as the listeners dive into trendy, insightful, and message-oriented topics.  Some podcasts offer articles also in smaller bytes, perfect to listen to in busy daily schedules. ,

Mostly, podcasts are themed around a specific topic. Then, the hosts talk about the issues in different episodes. Nonetheless, the discussion is limited to the central topic only and considers several related or sub-topics. 

Podcast topics are essential to keep the discussion relevant. Moreover, the host may ignore the time limitation if there is no specific theme. Therefore, to make the discussion strategic, time-bound, and logical, the hosts must follow a particular topic from their niche.

How To Find Best Podcast Topics in 2021? 

Creating fresh podcast ideas daily or weekly is tedious. This gives nothing to the podcast creators but stress. Here are some tools and tips through which you can create unique and good podcast topics regularly.

1. Examine The Question That Your Audiences Are Asking

Observe the question answers and discussions minutely from several forums. In addition, collect the frequently asked questions from multiple E-Commerce sites. Now you can tally those with your available relevant podcast topics to choose yours.

For instance, you can check the related themes tab to explore the wide range of associated questions. It will help you to think independently, thereby enhancing your creative podcast ideas.

2. Know The Engaging Content Pieces

In its actual terms, social engagement indicates the success of content. To optimize your content ideas, you can deep dive into leading content based on trending topics. Ensure that the contents that you are exploring are within your niche. 

Different content analyzer tools in the market offer a wide range of features. These include:

  • Identifying the most engaging content within a certain period
  • Spot the most popular shades of content in various sub-sectors
  • Filter content by infographics, videos, content methodology, etc.
  • Filter contents prepared by leading marketers

3. Understand The Trends In Twitter

Twitter is an excellent tool for keeping up with current events. Whenever I’m communicating with followers on Twitter, I prefer using Tweetdeck to keep popular hashtags and trends handy.

All the Twitter trends appearing in your feed are customized as per your search pattern and interests. Hence, there are high probabilities that you would discover the important things there. If you wish to add a trending column, tap the ‘+’ icon on the left-hand side and choose ‘Trending.’ 

4. Analyse The Google Trends

Emerging podcasters often feel lost or anxious due to a lack of creative podcast ideas. An ideal option for them is to check Google Trends to get new ideas. One of the best sections is ‘Related Queries’ that many people are not aware of.

This section lists all the trending podcast content ideas arranged in increasing order in terms of the search frequencies over a specific time. You will gain immense podcast topics by surfing these, which would optimize your overall confidence.   

5. Have A Look At Quora

Quora is an incredible platform to look for trending podcast topics adhering to the choices of your audiences. By exploring the ‘Related Questions’ column at Quora, you will be able to discover a wide range of creative content ideas that remain unexplored to date.

In addition to this, it is possible to keep track of the active contributors in Quora. Thus, you can take a look at the answers posted by them to get a broad idea of topics in your niche.

Apart from these, it is a brilliant way to come across more professionals to invite to your upcoming podcast shows or interviews. Such experts are mainly the storehouse of ideas. With extensive experience in this field, they have a heap of tricks to find creative podcast topics every time.

Quora will bring you closer to them, and you can learn some more worthy hacks of developing crispy podcast content ideas. In this way, you can increase your connections, therefore, boosting more value to your podcast.

The Bottom Line 

Creating the best topics for a podcast is not as easy as it seems. First, you need to invest quality time to find out which topic is best suitable to engage your audience in an innovative way.

To make the entire process smooth, conduct virtual or face-to-face meetings with your co-stage partners, friends, or other podcast professionals. You may receive many podcast topics, popular podcast topics, and podcast content ideas from them.

Lastly, remember that dedication and practice together bring perfection. Search for new creative podcast ideas and podcast topics every day until you develop a spreadsheet of the best ideas. To be very honest, it will take months to happen, but with experience and perseverance, you will achieve success.

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Social Media

How To Protect Yourself On Social Media

Social media can be an excellent people finder tool if somebody wants to be found. The challenge is that it can also be a dangerous place. Many people don't realize that hackers use social media accounts to steal identities and perform other criminal tasks. Everybody should take it upon themselves to understand how to protect their information. 7 Ways to Protect Your Social Media Presence From checking your connection to having a strong password, choosing settings, and making intelligent decisions, here are the seven top ways to protect your social media presence. 1. Check Your Connection Is Safe Hackers can add malware or trojan horses to your account if your PC isn't protected by anti-virus protection. These innovative virus-like programs can steal your login details. Be mindful of accessing social media pages over a WiFi network in a coffee shop or internet cafe. It's easy for hackers to access sites via these open networks. 2. Use a Creative Password Some bots can guess passwords based on commonly used ones. Never use a person's date of birth or mother's maiden name, as they're easily worked out. A creative password that's harder to hack consists of lower and uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters, with no recognizable words. Consider a password security app that generates random passwords for each login. An extra level of protection is to enable two-factor authentication, for example, a site password and a one-time password (OTP) on your smartphone. 3. Manage Privacy Settings The default setting for any new social media account is 'public.' This designation means that anyone can see anything posted, and somebody doing a Google search for your name could bring up the post. Popular settings are private, friends only, or custom. Think carefully about your intended audience. 4. Approve All Tags Friends love to tag each other, which is one of the social media's many benefits. However, not everyone wants the world to know what they're doing at any given time. Most social media apps have an option for the person to allow or reject a post that includes them. 5. Don't Automatically Accept Friend Requests Many people like to build their friend lists on social media platforms, but there is a danger. Accepting a request from a stranger could open the door to the site being hacked. Always check the profile of the person making the request; if it's brand new with only a profile picture and nothing else, it may be a bot. If a request comes through from someone who's already a friend, it could mean they've been hacked. Before accepting it, contact them via another medium to confirm the new page is legitimate. 6. Think Before You Post Before clicking the 'post' button, ask the question, 'Would my grandmother like this?' If the answer is 'no,' reconsider it. Many people believe once something is deleted from the internet, that's the end of it. Sadly, this isn't true; things can be recovered. Future employers may discover images and comments that paint a person in an unflattering light, so make wise choices. 7. Don't, or Delay Sharing Location Data 'Check-in' is a popular feature on many social media apps. While it's fun to let everyone know where you are, it also tells others with bad intentions. For example, checking into a shopping mall can let a stalker know where to find you. Alternatively, it can also let burglars know you're not currently home. Most smartphone cameras have a GPS function that stamps the image with the date, time, and location. A photo can give that data away even if you don't use the 'check in' function. Take the Time to Get Protected As hackers get better at accessing people's social media accounts, users can take steps to limit the chance of something happening. Always be sure that the pages are being viewed on a secure network. Use strong passwords that aren't easy to guess, and manage the settings early to decide who can access what. Be vigilant about being tagged and accepting random friend requests. Think carefully about what gets posted, when, and from where. Do these things, and there's a fair chance a hacker will move on to an easier target. Read Also: The Most Common Reasons Why You Cannot Log In To a Website What Are Some Best Practices To Prevent Phishing Attacks? How To Prevent A Ransomware Attack

Engaging Storytelling Videos On Tiktok

Tips For Creating Engaging Storytelling Videos On Tiktok

In today's digital era, TikTok has emerged as a powerful platform for creative expression and storytelling. With its massive user base and engaging video format, TikTok provides an excellent opportunity for content creators to captivate audiences through short, impactful narratives. One effective strategy for boosting engagement and receiving valuable feedback is to harness the power of authentic interaction. This includes encouraging viewers to share their thoughts and experiences through comments. To amplify this engagement and kickstart the conversation, some creators opt to buy real TikTok comments from genuine users who appreciate and resonate with their content. 10 Proven Tips To Create An Engaging TikTok Video Further in this article, we will explore valuable tips and tricks for creating compelling storytelling videos on TikTok. So, buckle up and get ready to learn how to create compelling storytelling videos that leave a lasting impression on your audience. Put All Efforts In The First Seconds Tik-Tok has to be one of the fastest platforms that is navigable by users easily. Hence, if you wish your prospects to hold on and check your content, you have to grab their attention quickly. For this, you will have to utilize the initial seconds of your video.  Instead of starting slowly, show your best moves in the first few moments. Secondly, you might want to try including a narration or a text overlay that can catch the interest of users quickly.  Craft A Captivating Hook With millions of videos vying for attention on TikTok, it's essential to grab viewers' attention right from the start. Begin your storytelling video with a compelling hook that piques curiosity or provokes an emotional response. This initial moment should instantly captivate your audience and make them want to keep watching. Whether it's a surprising statement, a visually stunning shot, or a cliffhanger, your hook sets the tone for the rest of the video. Embrace The Power Of Visual Storytelling TikTok is a visual platform, and leveraging its potential for visual storytelling can significantly enhance engagement. Use a combination of creative camera angles, captivating visuals, and intuitive editing techniques to immerse your viewers in your narrative. Experiment with transitions, effects, and filters to create a visually stunning experience that resonates with your audience. Use Right Hashtags Hashtags are crucial for enhancing visibility, including context, and driving discovery on your TikTok. Add industry as well as contextual hashtags to your video so that it becomes relevant and trending. Fans can easily locate you when you use branded hashtags.  With a trending hashtag, you get the ability to increase reach. Additionally, it provides you with new ideas for content. You might want to utilize the TikTok Creative Center to get an overview of trending content. Be Authentic And Relatable Authenticity is key to building a connection with your audience. Share personal stories or experiences that are relatable and showcase your genuine self. TikTok users appreciate content that feels real and relatable. So, don't be afraid to showcase your vulnerabilities or highlight everyday situations that others can identify with. This authenticity will help you build a loyal fan base and foster meaningful engagement. Don’t Forget To Track TikTok Insights A major portion of the TikTok appeal consists of “Trends.” Thus, leveraging it might help your brand gain massive recognition on the platform. However, it is significant to create content that not only reaches your audience but also resonates with them.  Do not forget to review the TikTok analytics of your brand regularly. If you want to find content insights, head over to “Profile” and then open the right-hand side menu. There, you might need to tap on Business Suite and choose Analytics. Thus, get an easy overview of content, followers, and engagement. Optimize For Tiktok's Short Attention Span TikTok thrives on short-form content, so it's crucial to optimize your storytelling videos to fit within the platform's time constraints. Condense your story into bite-sized, digestible portions that capture attention quickly. Consider using text overlays to emphasize key points and ensure your message is conveyed effectively, even without sound. Utilize Captions And Subtitles To cater to a wider audience, including those who prefer to watch TikTok videos without sound or have hearing impairments, consider adding captions and subtitles to your storytelling videos. This inclusivity will not only engage a broader audience but also enhance the accessibility of your content. Schedule Your Content  Timely content is the essence of TikTok. However, busy managers on social media might not get ample time to create engaging moments always. Fortunately, the application provides an easy alternative to schedule content. You might easily create your video, upload and schedule it in advance.  All you need is TikTok’s desktop version. Open it in the browser, log in to your account, and tap the Upload button. You will most likely find it in the upper right corner. Then, share the file you wish to upload and write an engaging caption.  Don’t forget to add hashtags and mentions to boost the reach of your video. Engage With Your Audience Building a loyal community on TikTok involves actively engaging with your audience. Respond to comments, ask questions, and encourage viewers to share their thoughts and experiences related to your video. This interaction creates a sense of connection and encourages viewers to become invested in your content. Remember, the more engaged your audience is, the more likely they are to share your videos and spread the word about your storytelling skills. The Bottom Line Crafting engaging storytelling videos on TikTok requires a thoughtful approach and an understanding of what resonates with your audience. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can create compelling narratives that captivate viewers and spark meaningful engagement. While considering unconventional methods such as buying real TikTok comments can provide a boost, the true key to success lies in your ability to tell authentic, relatable stories in a visually appealing manner. So, go ahead, unleash your creativity, and captivate the TikTok community with your storytelling prowess! Read Also: Instagram Advertising For Beginners What Are The Three Components In The Youtube Ecosystem? How To SEO Optimize WordPress Category And Tag Pages 5 Marketing Tips to Help Grow Your Business on Instagram

How to Download Facebook Videos

How to Download Facebook Videos on Android?

Have you watched a video on Facebook and you would like to download it to your Android? Several people out there are struggling with such downloads. If you are one of them, you can be sure that your struggles have come to an end. Some people believe that it is impossible to save and even keep a local copy of that fun video they came across on online. Facebook has an easy way of doing this especially if you are using an Android device. The most important thing is to follow the simple steps, and you will have the video in your device. In this article, you will get useful tips on how to download Facebook videos on Android. Do you know why several people are struggling with downloading Facebook videos on Android? The reason is that the whole process is not direct because the option is not readily available on the Facebook app. Facebook does not have the intention of allowing users to download a copy of the uploaded videos. However, the app will enable you to save a copy of the video link so that you can view it again any time you feel like doing so. Therefore, you may find it tricky unless you know how to download Facebook videos on Android. Even though most users are comfortable with this arrangement, we have people who prefer to download the video on their personal Android devices. If this is your intention, then the content of this article will be helpful to you. I will take you through the whole process on how to download Facebook videos on Android. There are typically two steps that you should undertake if you want to keep a copy of your video on the Android phone. The initial one involves the video URL or the link. The second section guides you through the actual steps on how to download Facebook videos on Android. This article makes use of the free service to help you in downloading Facebook videos to your Android device. You can be sure you will like the page once you discover that they are offering exemplary services. Step One: Copy the Link Source The first step you need to undertake while downloading Facebook videos on Android is getting the video link. However, I am aware that most people don’t know how to do this. The first thing is to open the Facebook application that is readily available on your screen. After this, you can now go to the video that you would like to download. Tap on the ‘more settings button that you will find on the upper right section. You can easily locate it by looking for an icon that has three dots. It has all the setting functions that you need for your Facebook page. You can now select the ‘copy link’ option then move to the second phase of instructions. Step Two: Downloading the Video to Your Android Device This is the second step that you undertake while downloading Facebook videos on Android. After copying the video link to the clipboard, you can now embark on the process of downloading. Here are the simple steps that you need to follow to achieve this objective. This first step is to open your browser. You can use any browser depending on what is installed in your machine. You will not have any problem with this as long as you know what serves you well. Once the browser is open, you need to visit the following site The beauty of it is that the website offers free services when downloading your Facebook videos to Android. One of the things that you will notice is an empty box beside the red button that states ‘catch the video.’ All you need to do is to enter your URL into this box. From here, you can scroll downwards and search for a red button that states ‘show media list.’ Once you get this button, you can tap on it to proceed. You will realize that the whole process flows so smoothly as long as you know what you are doing. You can now select the video version that you would like to download. The page gives you several options and its upon you to choose what you love most. You can now allow the device enough time to download the video. In some cases, you may be forced to be patient depending on the size of the video that you are downloading and the stability of your internet connection. It can be wise to connect to a high-speed internet if you want the whole process to flow seamlessly. After the download is complete, you will see the download indicator in your status bar telling you that the download is complete. All you need to do at this stage is tapping on it. You can now open the video that you have just downloaded to make sure that it is functioning correctly. The whole process is simple and straight forward. In case you want to download another video, you can use the same procedure. The most important thing is to be keen to the video format so that you don’t choose the wrong option as this may affect the functionality of the video. Conclusion Most people all over the world own android devices. One of the reasons is that Android is a reliable operating system, especially on Smartphones. With over 12 billion Facebook accounts globally, a large proportion of these individuals use their Android devices to access their pages. However, most of them don’t know how to download Facebook videos on Android. You don’t want to mix an opportunity of saving your favorite videos in your handset. In this article, we have explained how you can achieve this objective through two simple steps. The first one is copying the URL of the video while the second one entails the actual downloading of the video. Follow these simple processes, and you will get your Facebook video in your device within no time. 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