How to Get What You Want at Work By Strategic Negotiation

Published on: 29 July 2017 Last Updated on: 16 July 2024

Strategic Negotiation

There are things at work that employees want to get and things that employees want to achieve at work, but they keep thinking that it is hard. However, there is something that employees can use to get the things that they want, and that is through strategic negotiation.

Negotiating is one of the things that people seriously don’t like. Whether it is a confrontation or mindset that they are people that don’t deserve to win, there are a lot of people who avoid any situations which require negotiation. However, strategic negotiation doesn’t have to be always like that.

Negotiation can be helpful to achieve the things that you want. Here are the things that you can do to utilize strategic negotiation in getting something at work successfully.

Always Prepare


Always Prepare

When entering a negotiation without a proper plan, strategy and preparation can already conclude your defeat. Always prepare for the battle. Start with yourself. Ensure that you are apparent on the things that you want. Conducting research is important. It can be helpful to understand their needs, as well as their weaknesses and strengths. Ask for your manager or co-employees for some help and opinions.

Take Your Time


Take Your Time


Instant approval for any request at work can tend to be lousy. Some managers do not enjoy negotiating and want to get done with it as soon as possible. It is understandable. However, it is important to take time on asking for something. Just like SEO experts in NYC who take their job seriously, It’s much better when you don’t rush things.

Negotiating Process is Continual, Not an Individual Event

Excellent negotiating results are just an outcome of a healthy relationship with the involved party. It is necessary to cultivate a relationship ahead of time. For the same reason, it is important that you constantly look for opportunities that will grow your relationship with the management. There are cases that even before having any discussions, managers determine the outcome already.

Find the Bargaining Chip 


In addition to taking advantage of someone’s weaknesses, focus on taking extreme advantage of your strengths. It is essential to establish a firm foundation while negotiating. You can also demonstrate your expertise and knowledge about things.

However, make sure that the skills that you’ll show will have a substantial impact on the thing or position that you need. It can determine a good result especially if the managers see that you deserve it.

You are already establishing your credibility at work. It is challenging playing catch-up while negotiating, so it is better to take the initiative and guide the process in the direction that will favor you.

Don’t Tag Your Ego Along

Employees who attain success in getting the things that they want don’t usually show that they care about the result. However, it is their strategy to make the other side feel that it is okay to reject them, just as long as they tried.

Timing is Everything

Timing is everything, so it is important to pay attention to it. Timing is key in any negotiation. It is important to know what to ask, but you also need to be sensitive when to ask for it. There are times that you can go forward, and there also times that you need to wait.

It is best to look for the best time before pressing for the thing that you want. However, watch out of pushing things too hard, because it may pollute a long-term relationship with you boss.

Go For a Win-Win Solution

Throughout the negotiation, always try to determine things that are acceptable for the management. It can be a mixture of various things that aren’t necessarily everything that you wanted. It is important that you understand the management or your supervisor’s priorities, like how you also understand your priorities.

So it is better to think of the things that you would do if you were in their position. When constructing a negotiations or requests to your boss, it is okay to attempt in satisfying some of the company’s priorities but make sure that it doesn’t weaken your position.

Always be ready to give up some things in exchange for the things that you want. It is smart if you know your limits, and how far are you willing to go just to get the deal.

Stick To Your Principles

As an individual and employee, you will have your set of values and principles that you don’t want to compromise. If you see that the negotiations will break some of those principles, then it can be something that you can throw away.

Getting What You Want

You can compare successful negotiation to a chess game. It requires different things like awareness, creativity, timing, and anticipation of your opponent’s next move. When using negotiation to get something from work, it is important to anticipate that your boss might have something up their sleeve to rebut and say no to your request. Your moves must be progressive so that you can expect the same from your boss.

While creating the plot of the strategy, it is important that you anticipate the end game. Also, you need to be ready for the outcome. After getting the job done, and getting what you want, it is appropriate to end the negotiation with a handshake.


As an employee, some requests and promotions seem too hard to attain. Negotiations can be helpful for employees to have an approval on the requests and promotions that they are aiming. With proper planning and an in-depth strategic negotiation, you can easily achieve it. The things listed above are the things that can help you get what you want at work.

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Web Application

Implementing the Best Web Application for Approach in Modern Marketing

In advertising and publicizing your business brand and product, you should follow a specific process. This will ensure that you increase your business revenue but most importantly you will be able to provide your users with a positive and everlasting experience. In this modern business world, there is a strong competition exists and if you consider it from the conceptual point of view it is a very complicated task to have memorable and effective publicity. You may find some strategies are useful and are very much in practice but in order to reach out to a wider audience and create a greater media impact you will have to think out of the box and look over and beyond the traditional marketing policies. The best way to proceed is to have a useful, effective, appealing and easy to navigate web application or web app as these are popularly called in addition to your well-designed website. This will help you to reach out to a larger audience and create a more distinct appeal. Having a dedicated web app is the most commonly followed digital strategy by most of the businesses. It helps their services and products to reach out to their targeted audiences anywhere and anytime even when they are on the go. However, creating a web app that is useful and effective is not easy as you will need to stick to the cultural values of your business as well as your audience. In addition to that, you must ensure that: Is good Creates a positive impression Impacts the users’ minds with a clear image of your company and product Is useful for the industry Is easy to access from mobile devices and Is easy to navigate and self-intuitive. It must also vary with different tastes and requirements of the users and all should be available in one place. You must make sure that a single app is useful enough for all types of audiences irrespective of their demographics, location, and even disabilities. Therefore, be wise to invest in a professional web app development company to include all of the useful and idiosyncratic features in the web app. Things to consider While you design a website you may focus on telling a story through the images and graphics, more information through the text and other aspects but when you design a web application it should be high and only informative. The elements and pictures should be useful and only the necessary ones should be included or else it will be cluttered and less appreciated by the users. A large part of the success of your web app will depend on the quality and efficiency of it. It should be in accordance to the need and requirements of your clients and of course the market. You must focus on delivering the desired results as per the wish of your users. This is an important factor to consider because users will have different needs and demands for different businesses and therefore your app should be unique for your type of business and the product or services that you have to offer to your customers. Besides your app design, you should also focus on the type of company to select for designing your app. This is another important factor to consider as there are several such agencies out there but all may not be able to deliver you with exactly what you need. Therefore, make sure that you choose a web app development company based on the level of competence, expertise, and efficiency. This will prevent you from selecting a company that is above the average Consider your goals The primary objective of creating a web application for any particular business is to consider and implement the features that will enable the business to achieve its goals. This will make your investment fruitful and protect your hard earned and valuable money. For this matter, you must include only those options in your web app that are necessary for the user to make a buying decision. Incorporating others in the app may confuse the user resulting in leaving it soon. You must deliver your user what they want along with your vision as well. You will need to be more creative in designing your app to make a better appeal and stay in the business as well as follow your innovative and unique marketing strategies. Apart from designing a really good app that will deliver your vision, it is also necessary to ensure that it is scalable enough to assure the best and most effective results. This will ensure that you offer your users with more dynamic and useful solutions to their queries and issues. In order to reach out to a more targeted audience, you should customize the ideas, needs, and features that are specific to your specific industry. In addition to that, you must also keep in mind that you need to establish a relationship with your users when they use your web app. The users must be comfortable to use and work with your app which is why you should use more than the tried and tested features in your app to be truly useful. You may experiment more with the approaches, features, and ideas to implement but in the end, you must make sure that till it provides the best solution to the users. This will not only ensure that you achieve the best results for your business but it will also allow you to measure the success level of your app and how much it is able to contribute to your revenue generation. Ideally, the use of a web app is not only to get more business but also to create the best brand recognition with your expert marketing strategies. Wrapping it up If you find all these are too tall ask for you hire a professional agency. They will ensure better networking and that the best features are included in your app to help the users in better decision making and at the same time you can follow your business objective. Read Also: Doing It Old School: 5 Traditional Marketing Techniques That Still Work Calling Out – How Telemarketing Allows You To Reach A Wider Audience

Employee Engagement

5 Major Tips to Increase Employee Engagement in a Call Centre Industry

  Call Centre Industries are generally considered to be the front lines of customer service, serving as a brand expert and customer trusted the human connection to a company all at once. And keeping your employees engaged at work could sometimes turn out to be a difficult task, but it does not have to be. Chief Human Resource Officer at Paycor Karen Crone defines employee engagement as an engagement to which your employees: Stay with the organization for a longer period of time, talking positively about the company, and last but not least offering a discretionary effort. 5 Major Tips to Increase Employee Engagement in a Call Centre Industry When employees are engaged they then turn out to become advocates for your company. Time and time again research has proven that happy and engaged employees generally turn out to work harder and work much better. Given here the 5 major tips that would help you to increase employee engagement in a call center industry. 1. Giving the employees the right tool for success with a proper training: In order to deliver the best results, call center industry agents should here be giving the latest technology for excellent omnichannel customer service, receiving proper training that is required to master the tools.  Using a contact center software solution with advanced features would here ensure you quicker, and a much more efficient service helping the agents feel prepared for their next interaction. 2. Communicating with clients: When there is clear communication between the associate work and business strategy, then a line of sight is created that gives an employee a reason to come and work adding in their best efforts. By being open and acknowledging the dedication of all your employees you make their work much more full filling. 3. Asking for their feedback: Due to the daily interactions and communication with all your clients and customers, the agents could now provide knowledge on the customer’s behavior and their ideas for one of the best practices during service interactions. The feedback gained from all your clients and customers helps in improving the customer experiences through surveys, enhancing the call receipts, improving the training methods, and the last but not the least modifying or bringing out new products and services. Providing feedback through official surveys and staff meetings the agents begin to feel that they are a part of your team and to the success of a brand. 4. Personalize Development: The workforce of a specific organization especially with an addition to the millennials is focussing on how the job experiences could here improve the skill set of the employees and the future of their business organization. One of the best ways that you could foster the personal development of the workplace would here include creating affinity groups, using subject matter experts within your company as teachers, having employees talking about their strengths and weaknesses. 5. Developing great managers: Having great managers is really important as the above-mentioned tips depend on having managers who have invested in their associates. Having your managers informed and engaged would make their job of encouraging the employee’s engagement becoming much easier. Through employee engagement, organizations could here boost up their employee's motivation, building confidence in the work that they are doing, ultimately leading them to promote exceptional customer service for long-term loyalty.

Wasting Money on Marketing

Ways That You are Wasting Money on Marketing

Marketing is vital to every company's success. Without the correct marketing strategies employed, no one will know about your business. Even if you have high-quality products, no one will care about them since they do not know that your business exists in the first place. It is true especially for small companies that are yet to create a name in the industry. Allotting money for marketing plans could boost your success. Make sure though that you spend it wisely; otherwise, you will be wasting the opportunity to advertise. You started marketing without a strategy: Not all marketing strategies work. Some of them are expensive, but you do not see the results. Others are free, but the tactic could attract a lot of people. The marketing plan is a long process that begins by researching the people that you are targeting. You need to know what they want and what advertising strategy appeals to them. For instance, if you decide to release a video ad online, it needs to be short and concise. Within that short time, you can capture attention if you have a strategy; otherwise, no one will watch it. You are not spending enough money: If you think of using a portion of your budget for marketing, you need to go all-in; otherwise, you are wasting the opportunity. Some marketing strategies are expensive and require you to invest a lot. However, you also build your company's name in the process. For instance, if you want media coverage in a massive event that is going to happen in your area, you need to spend money to be a major sponsor. If you are going to release a TV commercial, you need to spend money on quality production. You still need to be smart in determining how much to spend, but you cannot keep reducing the budget. You expect quick results: The problem when some people spend money on advertising is that they expect results right away. It does not work that way. When you advertise, you need to wait for a while before you see things go in the right direction. The reason why it is essential is that some people decide to give up and stop spending when the advertising efforts are still going on. Once you choose to use an advertising strategy, you cannot abandon it in the middle of the process just because you think it is not working. You are spending everything on one strategy: It would be a disaster if you invested all your money in one marketing effort, and it failed. Diversifying your tactics will help a lot. If you think that online marketing works, you can invest in it. However, you cannot assume that it will be successful. As such, it also helps if you spend money in other areas like the use of conventional marketing methods. You can try garment t-shirt printing since it is a proven technique that many businesses still use. You may also start giving out flyers and posters. Be careful in using your money for marketing and make sure you are investing it in the right way. Read Also: Top Tips For Making Business Purchases 7 Social Media Tips For Your Business Dos And Don’ts Of Marketing For Technology Companies The Importance Of Saving: The Bedrock Of A Bright Financial Future