10 Ideas To Successfully Sell Your Art Online

Published on: 28 June 2018 Last Updated on: 07 October 2020
Sell Art Online

Selling art is always a challenge. You have to find ways to bring it to the attention of interested buyers. This involves working with agents, having big galleries to display your art, and so on. However, with the explosive growth of the web and the online market, artists now have more choices when it comes to promoting their work.

How to Sell Your Art Online :

You now have many different ways to provide exposure to your art online and find buyers. From online art galleries to creating your own website to sell your art, to promote your work through social media, there are many options.

1. Online Art Galleries :

Online Art Galleries

The best way to sell art is to get people to see it. Sign-up with a good online art gallery that provides good exposure and if they sell your art, you should get the major share of the sale price. You have to spend some time doing research to find good ones.

The best online art galleries do not just display your work. They also curate your work and help you promote your work and to connect with other artists, and buyers, and collectors. Your art will be displayed well in the gallery in the relevant categories. Potential buyers can narrow down the results by filters like the subject, style, medium, etc.

2. Sell Through Specialized Art Marketplaces :

Art Marketplaces

Websites like Etsy, ArtFire, etc. focus on providing a marketplace for artists and for handcrafted work. On these websites, you can connect with other artists and artisans, show-off your work, and also get the opportunity to sell them.

3. Popular Shops and Auction Sites :

Popular Shops and Auction Sites

While you are exploring your options, don’t forget websites like Amazon and eBay. Yes, they deal with a lot of different products. But they also let you reach millions of people across the world. To sell your art through these sites, you have to make sure that you promote your product links on social media, ads, and other means.

4. Build Your Own Website :

Build Your Own Website

There are now many ways to get your own online store with minimal investment. You can try TicTail, SquareSpace, or an eCommerce platform like Shopify. You can choose web templates to make sure your website looks good. Choose templates that are ideal for displaying art. Build your website and start promoting it to get visitors to your site who may become buyers.

5. Sell Through Social Media :

Sell Through Social Media

Use social media websites like Facebook to promote and sell your art. However, for social media to be an effective marketing tool, you need to establish yourself as a person worth following. You need to build your personal profile, connect with other people, respond to other people’s posts, contribute useful content in communities, and so on. You can begin talking about your work and try to generate interest in it.

Tweet about any sales you made or a new painting you added to an online gallery etc. on Twitter. Use Facebook well. Create a business page on Facebook and post interesting content about your art, show off your work. You can even set up shop on Facebook and sell on it.

6. Print-On-Demand Websites :

With print-on-demand websites, you can get exposure to your artwork in many ways. You can sell prints of your work. You can have your art printed on several merchandise like shirts, coffee mugs, smartphone cases, and so on. This will create an awareness of your work and also provide a stream of income for you, letting you concentrate on creating more art and saving the funds to promote them in traditional ways.

7. Create Photobooks :


Take professional photographs of your artwork and then select a few to create a beautiful photo book of your art. Use a service like a Blurb which lets you create stunning photo books. Blurb has partnered with Amazon so you can easily sell your photo books directly on Amazon.

8. Use Instagram :


Instagram is an image sharing site. Take snaps of a few of your paintings or other artwork and share it. Use Instagram to create awareness about your art, your style, the media you use, and so on.

9. Make Use of Stock Art Sites :

Select a few of your art that you feel are good but you can afford to give away to get more exposure to your work. Create a profile for yourself on sites like Shutterstock that tell a little about your work and your style. Upload good images of your art and let people use it for other derivative works. This can give more exposure to your art and people who use your images can share your image or your whole portfolio with others on social media, spreading the word.

10. Promote Your Art Through Occasional Giveaways :

Everyone likes to get something for free, and if it is an original piece of art, that adds more value to the prize. Choose a small painting or illustration that is good but one you don’t mind giving away. Choose a picture or handicraft with size and weight that won’t cost too much to send to the winner.

To ensure that you get entries for the giveaway from people who are interested in the work, ask them for instance, to write about why they would like to win the prize. Make it easy for them to share the giveaway page on social media.

The internet has opened up so many ways to promote your art and sell it, through your own website, through online galleries, through social media, by organizing promotional events like a giveaway. Explore your options and use as many as you can to create a buzz about your work and finding buyers for it.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Calling Out – How Telemarketing Allows You to Reach a Wider Audience

If you are looking for a way to reach a larger audience but don't know where to start, you are not alone. Not knowing how to expand your reach is a common problem in the business world, and not everyone knows what they should do to solve the issue. The application of Telemarketing can help you to reach a wider set of audience. Most people use digital marketing to reach their goals in the modern age, but never overlook the power of telemarketing, which is still a useful approach that lets you achieve your business objectives. This guide explains the top benefits you get when using this method so that you have a clear picture of where to go next. When you use a proven process and keep your needs in sight, telemarketing services offer impressive results. Different Ways Telemarketing Can Help You To Reach Wider Audience:-     There are multiple ways telemarketing can help you to reach a wider set of audience in a short time frame. It can help you to achieve your goals in the best possible manner. Inexpensive Marketing: Telemarketing benefits your business by giving you an inexpensive way to speak with your customers. In the past, you had to pay long-distance fees and other expenses when using telemarketing to expand your reach, but those days have come to an end. Modern communication systems use the internet instead of standard phone lines, letting you call anywhere in the world. You can reinvest your savings back in your business to grow your marketing campaign, and the large audience you want will be yours. With telemarketing, you take your bottom line to new heights without breaking your budget. Those who use this approach and see the benefits are glad they did, and you don't want to miss your chance to get on board. Reach Prospects Who Are Not Tech-Savvy: Most modern approaches to marketing focus on digital platforms, such as social media sites and search engines. This concept makes sense because many people use the internet each day, so you can connect with them without much effort. On the other hand, you still find people who don't use computers or smartphones. Learn if those demographics are your target audience, and you will want to reach them if they are. While not everyone can use a computer, almost everyone has a phone line. Telemarketing puts you in touch with people you would not have reached with digital marketing. They might not make up most of the market, but people without technical skills are still profitable if you use the correct approach. Reach a Global Market: People who grow their businesses often learn that untapped markets exist in other parts of the globe. You don't want to pass on an opportunity to expand your reach, but you don't know how to market in other parts of the world. Telemarketing removes that roadblock and lets you connect with interested prospects no matter where they are. A simple phone call allows you to reach your short- and long-term goals in more ways than one. Once you hire people who speak the language of the country you would like to reach, your telemarketing system handles the rest so that you won't have to worry about it. Reach Targeted Prospects: When you market your products or services, each customer you contact costs time, effort and money. When growing your business is your goal, it's important you search for ways to cut spending as much as possible. Connecting with people who don't care about what you offer is a waste of resources, and businesses that don't contain the issue are at risk of failing. Telemarketing makes it easier than ever to connect only with people who are likely to buy from you. You can encourage people to sign up for your calling list, or you can buy lists from market research companies. Either way, you save yourself a lot of trouble by only calling the right people. Use an Efficient Approach: Despite what many people assume, telemarketing is an effective marketing platform that offers great returns. Rather than asking your sales team to dial each number and keep records, telemarketing software can do it for you. Your team sits at their desks with phones in their hands, and the system automatically dials prospects. If that is not enough to grab your attention, consider that the system can also keep track of what customers you have called and the ones you have not. The dialing software works much faster than any human, and it removes a lot of manual paperwork from the equation. Final Thoughts: Growing your business and reaching a wider audience is not always a simple task, so you need as many things on your side as possible. You can use many methods to try reaching your goal, and you get mixed results when you do. If you want to boost your results and increase your efficiency, never overlook the power of telemarketing. When you use it the right way, you stay in touch with interested prospects who are ready to buy from you. Your business grows faster than you once thought possible, and you realize you have done the right thing. If you would like to see what telemarketing can do for your bottom line, try it today. Read Also: Essentials For Digital Marketing 6 Top CRM For Small Businesses In 2019 Doing It Old School: 5 Traditional Marketing Techniques That Still Work Information Technology And Business Success: The Things That Connect Them


Shouldn’t On-Demand Workers Get Workers’ Compensation?

Things have changed significantly for American workers in recent years. More and more Americans are working not as employees, but as independent contractors. Some people call it contracting or freelancing, but the implications are always the same - a worker is hired for a particular service and is paid a rate (hourly or per job) for that service. While working as an independent contractor might be the preferred choice of some workers, it is more often than not an arrangement born out of necessity, facilitated by a growing sea change in the relationship between labor and business. Contractors might have a bit more freedom in the way they do their jobs but, as many freelancers have discovered, there are plenty of drawbacks to working as an independent contractor. They pay their own taxes, lack many of the benefits associated with full-time employment and - perhaps most concerning - they aren’t protected when it comes to injuries suffered on-the-job. It’s this lack of compensation for workplace injuries that brings us to a growing discontentment for a large subset of independent contractors - on-demand workers. What is an On-Demand Worker? On-demand workers are the people who pick us up when we hail a ride with Uber. They are the workers who come clean our house or fix a leaky pipe when we book someone on our Handy app. In short, on-demand workers are those that spring into action when we request a service from a company that relies on freelance labor. The “Ride-Share” Economy’s Impact on Workers Every few weeks or so, you’ll find a news story or press release about another company that wants to become the Uber of something. Handy wanted to become the Uber of household cleaning. Cargo wanted to become the Uber of shipping. The list goes on and on. The financial success and the immense popularity of ride-share services have prompted companies to look for ways to incorporate the ride-share business model into other services, and many of them have been successful in doing so. These “on-demand” services are not just popular in the business community, they are popular with consumers, too. In many cases, the services offered by the new breed of businesses are more affordable and, in some cases, more responsive to a customer’s needs. It might be tempting for consumers to think of these services as a much more direct way to communicate with someone who is providing the service they need. The truth, however, is a little more complicated than that. The driver who picks us up, or the handyman who comes to fix our sink, is working on contract through the business who runs the app we use to summon them. The money that we pay that worker is divided between the worker and the business they work for. Many of these businesses have requirements that their workers must meet before they can do their job. Workers don’t have the level of control over their jobs that one would typically associate with an independent contractor, yet they are provided at the same level of benefits. In other words, they are provided with no benefits. Read also: Making Your Office Safer for Workers No Security for On-Demand Workers On-demand workers can suffer injuries just like any other subset of workers. A high percentage of workplace injuries are transportation-related. Many workers suffer injuries while moving goods or traveling for work. When you consider the fact that on-demand workers spend a good deal of their time in transit from one job to another (or, as is the case with drivers for ride-share services, all of their time in transit), it’s no surprise that these workers face just as many, if not more, hazards while on the job as those who are considered to be employees. To zero in even more on just how dangerous some of these jobs can be, let’s look at taxi drivers and chauffeurs, whose jobs are virtually identical to Uber and Lyft drivers. Taxi drivers and chauffeurs have fatality rates five times those of the average worker. On-demand drivers face the same risks - vehicle accidents, violent attacks - yet they aren’t given the financial security that other workers receive. If an on-demand worker is injured on the job, the company that they work for will not be held accountable for the injuries of their workers. That worker will be left without the security that so many of us enjoy as a fundamental right. They work just as hard. They observe the requirements set out by the company that employs their services, yet they are guaranteed nothing when something goes wrong. Contractors “In-Name Only” Understandably, many on-demand workers are growing increasingly dissatisfied with their classification as independent contractors. This is evidenced in a number of lawsuits in which workers are seeking to be treated with the same rights and benefits as other types of workers. This has been happening in the trucking industry for some time, an industry that has shifted from one heavily reliant on employed drivers (who used to be more likely to be union members) to one of the independent workers, and this industry suffered major labor shortage as a result. In one high-profile lawsuit, an appeals court found that FedEx incorrectly classified their drivers as contractors, despite the fact that FedEx required workers to wear FedEx uniforms, drive FedEx vehicles, and groom themselves according to the standards of FedEx. While on-demand workers face slightly different requirements from their companies, the principle is very much the same. The question is: How much can a company ask of you before they should give you the same rights as their “employees” are afforded? The answer is that you can ask only so much from a worker before they are essentially a contractor "in-name-only.” It’s becoming clear that companies are taking all of the advantages they can out of the “contract” relationship they have with workers while providing none of the benefits that they would give their employees. Unfortunately, this means a lack of workers’ compensation benefits for on-demand workers. The Implications for Consumers On-demand services might seem like a great thing for consumers, for now, but there are many ways in which the relationship between workers and their companies will begin to seep into the quality of the services consumers are currently enjoying. If companies providing on-demand services fail to provide workers with adequate benefits, they will face the same challenges as the transportation industry, which is struggling to keep high-quality workers who will find more benefits and security in other labor markets. In other words, on-demand suppliers will eventually get what they pay for and, by extension, so will consumers. In that respect, the lack of protection for on-demand workers is bad for business, not just for the workers themselves, but for consumers as well.

Marketing Techniques

5 Traditional Marketing Techniques That Still Work

It is the age of digital marketing but that doesn’t mean businesses should abandon traditional methods of promoting their products or services. While many people seem permanently attached to their smartphones, some people choose not to be constantly connected. Since these people may still be interested in what you have to offer, you will need to reach them through traditional marketing techniques. Digital and traditional strategies can work well together. Let’s discuss some of the old-school techniques which continue to bring in business. 5 Traditional Marketing Techniques That Still Work: 1. Neon Signs: Signage is still an excellent form of promotion and neon signs are still impactful. They are vibrant and highly visible even from a distance, yet inexpensive. This is especially helpful for small or new businesses that need lots of exposure but don’t have a huge marketing budget. Neon signs can be made in almost any shape and size so they can be used for logos, words, or anything else you may have in mind. These signs are easy to set up and they last a long time. They are great for bars, gaming lounges, tattoo parlors, and other fun, edgy businesses. 2. Billboards: Billboards are another convenient way to get your message across using visuals. The 2017 Nielsen Poster Advertising Study provides evidence that customers still respond to this traditional marketing technique. They are perfect for communicating evergreen content to large numbers of potential customers over an extended period of time. People driving along the highway or other busy streets can’t help but notice a large compelling image or carefully crafted word. Since many people take the same route every day, they will see your message frequently. If you have a product with mass appeal, billboards should be used in conjunction with your digital marketing efforts. 3. Direct Mail: Email marketing is a key part of many digital marketing strategies but you shouldn’t neglect traditional direct mail. In fact, it’s making a comeback, so you may want to prepare hard copies of your catalogs. Emails often end up in the spam folder or get ignored or deleted because people get so many of them. Direct mail is on the decline so recipients are more likely to open an envelope that comes to their home. It also seems more personal than email and is more likely to get a response. Direct Mailing Services may also bring a greater return on investment. If you're interested in direct mailing, you should take a look at this EDDM guide. 5. Flyers and Brochures: If you have a brick-and-mortar business like a store or a restaurant, don’t underestimate the power of handing out flyers and brochures. Brochures help you to share lots of information about your products or services in a tangible form. Flyers, on the other hand, are an excellent way to notify people about sales or offer special discounts. These handouts also allow representatives of your business to interact with potential customers and answer their questions. 6. Telemarketing: Don’t dismiss the idea of cold-calling in the 21st century. Research suggests calls have conversion rates of between 30 to 50%, making them one of the most effective marketing solutions. Calls were found to last almost 16 times longer than a website interaction so this traditional marketing technique should not be dismissed. Telemarketing is especially helpful in the B2B sector where you can properly segment your markets. It’s also great if you’re looking to upsell current customers or clients. Random calls will not have high conversion rates so you need to do your research and have a strategy before you pick up the phone. It’s easy to think that you should focus solely on digital marketing. However, some of the best promotion strategies involve both modern and traditional marketing efforts. Neon signs, billboards, direct mail, flyers and brochures, and telemarketing can all work well depending on your locale and target market. Read Also: Signs Your Traditional Marketing Campaign Is Working Digital Marketing: Utilize Facebook To Support Your Hospitality Business Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing