Shouldn’t On-Demand Workers Get Workers’ Compensation?

Published on: 25 August 2016 Last Updated on: 15 July 2024

Things have changed significantly for American workers in recent years. More and more Americans are working not as employees, but as independent contractors. Some people call it contracting or freelancing, but the implications are always the same – a worker is hired for a particular service and is paid a rate (hourly or per job) for that service.

While working as an independent contractor might be the preferred choice of some workers, it is more often than not an arrangement born out of necessity, facilitated by a growing sea change in the relationship between labor and business.

Contractors might have a bit more freedom in the way they do their jobs but, as many freelancers have discovered, there are plenty of drawbacks to working as an independent contractor. They pay their own taxes, lack many of the benefits associated with full-time employment and – perhaps most concerning – they aren’t protected when it comes to injuries suffered on-the-job.

It’s this lack of compensation for workplace injuries that brings us to a growing discontentment for a large subset of independent contractors – on-demand workers.

What is an On-Demand Worker?

On-demand workers are the people who pick us up when we hail a ride with Uber. They are the workers who come clean our house or fix a leaky pipe when we book someone on our Handy app. In short, on-demand workers are those that spring into action when we request a service from a company that relies on freelance labor.

The “Ride-Share” Economy’s Impact on Workers

Every few weeks or so, you’ll find a news story or press release about another company that wants to become the Uber of something. Handy wanted to become the Uber of household cleaning. Cargo wanted to become the Uber of shipping. The list goes on and on. The financial success and the immense popularity of ride-share services have prompted companies to look for ways to incorporate the ride-share business model into other services, and many of them have been successful in doing so.

These “on-demand” services are not just popular in the business community, they are popular with consumers, too. In many cases, the services offered by the new breed of businesses are more affordable and, in some cases, more responsive to a customer’s needs. It might be tempting for consumers to think of these services as a much more direct way to communicate with someone who is providing the service they need.

The truth, however, is a little more complicated than that. The driver who picks us up, or the handyman who comes to fix our sink, is working on contract through the business who runs the app we use to summon them. The money that we pay that worker is divided between the worker and the business they work for. Many of these businesses have requirements that their workers must meet before they can do their job. Workers don’t have the level of control over their jobs that one would typically associate with an independent contractor, yet they are provided at the same level of benefits. In other words, they are provided with no benefits.

Read also: Making Your Office Safer for Workers

No Security for On-Demand Workers

On-demand workers can suffer injuries just like any other subset of workers. A high percentage of workplace injuries are transportation-related. Many workers suffer injuries while moving goods or traveling for work. When you consider the fact that on-demand workers spend a good deal of their time in transit from one job to another (or, as is the case with drivers for ride-share services, all of their time in transit), it’s no surprise that these workers face just as many, if not more, hazards while on the job as those who are considered to be employees.

To zero in even more on just how dangerous some of these jobs can be, let’s look at taxi drivers and chauffeurs, whose jobs are virtually identical to Uber and Lyft drivers. Taxi drivers and chauffeurs have fatality rates five times those of the average worker. On-demand drivers face the same risks – vehicle accidents, violent attacks – yet they aren’t given the financial security that other workers receive.

If an on-demand worker is injured on the job, the company that they work for will not be held accountable for the injuries of their workers. That worker will be left without the security that so many of us enjoy as a fundamental right. They work just as hard. They observe the requirements set out by the company that employs their services, yet they are guaranteed nothing when something goes wrong.

Contractors “In-Name Only”

Understandably, many on-demand workers are growing increasingly dissatisfied with their classification as independent contractors. This is evidenced in a number of lawsuits in which workers are seeking to be treated with the same rights and benefits as other types of workers. This has been happening in the trucking industry for some time, an industry that has shifted from one heavily reliant on employed drivers (who used to be more likely to be union members) to one of the independent workers, and this industry suffered major labor shortage as a result. In one high-profile lawsuit, an appeals court found that FedEx incorrectly classified their drivers as contractors, despite the fact that FedEx required workers to wear FedEx uniforms, drive FedEx vehicles, and groom themselves according to the standards of FedEx.

While on-demand workers face slightly different requirements from their companies, the principle is very much the same. The question is: How much can a company ask of you before they should give you the same rights as their “employees” are afforded? The answer is that you can ask only so much from a worker before they are essentially a contractor “in-name-only.”

It’s becoming clear that companies are taking all of the advantages they can out of the “contract” relationship they have with workers while providing none of the benefits that they would give their employees. Unfortunately, this means a lack of workers’ compensation benefits for on-demand workers.

The Implications for Consumers

On-demand services might seem like a great thing for consumers, for now, but there are many ways in which the relationship between workers and their companies will begin to seep into the quality of the services consumers are currently enjoying. If companies providing on-demand services fail to provide workers with adequate benefits, they will face the same challenges as the transportation industry, which is struggling to keep high-quality workers who will find more benefits and security in other labor markets.

In other words, on-demand suppliers will eventually get what they pay for and, by extension, so will consumers. In that respect, the lack of protection for on-demand workers is bad for business, not just for the workers themselves, but for consumers as well.

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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marketing agency

What to Consider When Starting A Marketing Agency

Marketing is a competitive field, and if you want to start your own agency, you need to make sure you have the right stuff to compete. There’s a lot of stuff to consider when starting your own firm. For instance, what services will you offer? What type of businesses will you cater to? Will you build your own website or outsource it? What sort of marketing agency hosting will you use? What to Consider When Starting A Marketing Agency It seems like a lot, doesn’t it? For this reason, we’ve created a simple guide to help you get started building your marketing agency. Read on to learn what you need to get started: To begin with, you need to make sure you have the right stuff to run an agency. To start a marketing firm, you should be adaptable, have a desire to learn, and amazing communication skills. Next, you need to decide what is going to set your agency apart from your industry competitors. The best way to figure out what will make your marketing firm unique is to start by asking yourself some questions: 1. What can you specialize in? Some services your agency can specialize in are: Search engine optimization (SEO) Email Marketing Content Marketing Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising Event Marketing Guest Blogging 2. Will you specialize in more than one thing? It’s a good idea to start small and specialize in one or two services; however, the more services you offer to clients, the more desirable your agency will be to potential customers. This is because people tend to like to be able to get all their needs met in one place. Utilizing marketing automation solutions could make it simple for you to provide a variety of marketing services to your customers. All-in-one marketing tools like digital marketing software for agencies will also enable your staff to perform more effectively and successfully. 3. Will you cater to B2B companies or B2C companies? B2B is short for business-to-business. It refers to companies that sell products or services to other companies. B2C is short for business-to-consumer. It refers to companies that sell products or services directly to consumers. Once you’ve figured out what services you’re going to offer and what type of businesses you’ll cater to, it’s time to identify who your target market will be. Ask yourself: 4. What market are your competitors targeting? Who are their customers? You don’t want to go after the same market as your competitor, or the same customers when you’re first starting. For instance, if your competitors have lots of eCommerce clients, you may want to choose a more underserved market like real estate. 5. What specific demographics can you target? It’s important to know not only who needs your service but also who is most likely to buy it. Consider the following factors: Age Location Gender Income level Education level Occupation Ethnic background. Now that you know what services you’re selling and who you’re selling them to, its time to write a business plan. Your business plan should have several components: The goals for your business. Predictions for your finances and cashflow. Forecast for your business activity. Outline of which revenue stream(s) you’ll utilize. Description of your target audience and how you intend to reach them. Finally, we arrive at the last part: finding clients. You may feel like the best thing to do is to get as many new clients as quickly as possible. Instead, it would help if you focused on retaining clients. It is much harder and more expensive to acquire new clients, then it is to keep existing clients. So how can your marketing agency find and retain clients? Find clients by: 1. Networking Networking can be done by attending industry events, trade shows, and conferences, participating in networking sessions, posting and sharing content on social media, participating in LinkedIn groups and discussions, as well as sharing information on relevant business forums. 2. Offer Free Trials Free is a golden ticket word for most people. Offering your agency’s services for free will help you build a portfolio while showing potential clients what you can do. 3. Referrals Once you’ve acquired some clients, use them to expand your client base by asking if their customers or suppliers need your services and letting them know that your firm is available. 4. Promotion Create a website, use social media, and design promotional material to market your marketing services. Retain clients by: 1. Making sure everything your firm does is client-focused. 2. Document all your work and file reports. 3. Keep abreast of the latest changes and innovations in the industry. 4. Approach your work with creativity. Read Also: How To Choose A Practice Management Software For Your Law Firm 5 Ways Construction Businesses Can Gain New Clients

online business

Make Your Business Popular Online

Start Your Website: Almost for every businessman, whether small or big getting the highest rank on search engines is a dream. To achieve this, you should build and manage high-quality and useful for customers website. Let get the insight of the most important reasons on commercial site search ranking. For every website, the home page is very influential, so the presentation part is more important. If they find the improper link or irrelevant link, they ask you to edit it. Content, keywords, and the website design are essential things for SEO marketing. The content play a very important part in website promotion therefore content should be very clear and relevant. Unclear and illogical text can get the trouble for your website as Google can block it. Use of keywords should be appropriate and limited. It should not be repeated more than thrice. If your website has hyperlinks which do not take the user to the right page, it should be corrected or deleted. Also, it's very important to create clear, well-structured and easy to use website design. It should allow users to find any information in not more than three clicks, that will be loaded quickly as on desktop as on mobile. Use Social Media: The next step is related to social media marketing ideas which will improve the outlook for your online business It's likely that you're aware of the potential effect of social networking around the world. Do you know that internet websites are also great for promoting your business? Below are some ways you can use social internet marketing that will help you increase your organization. Create your post's headlines clever or attractive. The very first thing the various reader's views is the heading. Your headline must be interesting, useful, and also beneficial. Set some real attempt into great headlines. If you are planning to create a social networking profile, you must be prepared to regularly upgrade it. Staying updated will keep your articles new. Therefore folks think that they're studying something new and also interesting. Enhance your websites many times per week to enhance the standard of your articles. One great way of boosting your readers is by providing discount coupons as well as special discounts to them. Your customers will increase your gains and provide you extra product sales after they feel they're in a membership that is special. A highly effective Social Media Marketing strategy requires more than just good articles; it requires to resonate with buyers and also readers. So just be sure you do not change all your focus on one area like video clips and that you utilize resources like Facebook tweets or Twitter posts to assist you to market your products or organization. The objective must be to get and keep a reader's interest for as long as essential to deliver information. The long activity, obviously, is to have recurring site visitors. Do not let social media's popularity mislead you; you still have to make a cogent strategy to take benefit of this promoting. You must know how social media marketing can assist you and exactly how you can manage issues that come along with it. Managing a campaign with both training and organizing beneath your belt can help you defeat your rivals and build much more efficient techniques. Develop a competition for your clients through Twitter. Many people appreciate joining a contest or competition. By running either a contest or competition on your Twitter, the attraction of your web page will increase rapidly. These kinds of marketing promotions can help increase the popularity of your brand name. Utilize some network marketing sites for the best success. Facebook is hugely preferred. However, Myspace still has a following, as well as Twitter is growing in popularity. You have a higher possibility of success if you implement various kinds of media outlets. By using these tips, social networking sites will help make your organization. Social network sites now go beyond the occasional rank replace or discussed picture book; these days, these websites offer important chances for organizations. By applying the knowledge you have figured out above, you'll be able to use social networking to boost your business position. Read More :  1. The 10 WordPress Plugins Every Successful Blogger Uses 2. Building A Brand For Your Small Business   About the Author: Carol James is an EssayLab writer and senior editor. She has an MA degree in social sciences and is an excellent specialist in this field. Moreover, Carol writes articles, reviews on the different subjects interesting to her readers. So, if you have any questions, suggestions on the writing, feel free to ask her!

Business Marketing

How to Deal With Debt By Doing Business Marketing Smartly?

Small businesses and startups often find it much easier to borrow the lion’s share of their capital. Finding an investor is never completely off the table, but it is not an easy task to do. It is much easier to find lending organizations, who are ready to test out the abilities of the new entrepreneurs to multiply their monies. Very soon, a time arises when the creditors expect at least a part of their invested money back. Now, this is a time most entrepreneurs know will come, but none are ready to face. It is almost always "too early" or "too sudden." Online marking, when you are already in massive debt? Gaining momentum for a new business not only takes time and effort, but it also takes some serious marketing skills. By marketing, we do not mean TVCs, hoardings, and pamphlets. Those are ancient forms of advertising that no one even notices anymore. If you are in such a situation, what you need is a stable dose of online marketing that will make you visible to your target audience. Here comes the biggest conundrum in the world. When a business is already nose-deep in debt, can it afford to plunge further in by going in for online marketing? That entirely depends on your perspective of online marketing. Your contenders and contemporaries may think online marketing to be an added expense, but you know what almost 71% of the US population is already online and looking for businesses like you. So, would you deem online marketing as an added expense or a smart investment? You need a website first : The first step of online marketing is getting your own presence established online. It means an excellent site. By nice, we mean something that's functional, professional, SEO optimized, and capable of attracting and converting traffic. It should represent your selling theme, services, and products perfectly. Building a website is no easy feat. You may have the enthusiasm to build a website from scratch, but not all entrepreneurs can have the coding skills and analytical skills needed to construct a working business website. Building a website from scratch can take up a lot of time, and it takes a lot of algorithms to perfect the buying and payment process. Either you can opt for DIY website builders like WordPress or Joomla, or you can surely approach a professional website builder. A professional website builder will again cost you a few bucks. If you are thinking of building a PHP based website from scratch, it will also take considerable amounts of time. Now, this is not going to be cheap for your business. Therefore, it is not uncommon for entrepreneurs to wonder if going for online marketing is the best way to a debt solution. The inspiration you need : So, let us tell you a real-life success story. Initially a nobody, Rank Fishkin started out with his own tech startup and went plummeting into a $500,000 personal debt. From there he is now the owner of the world’s largest SEO, social media, and content marketing website Moz that is netting about $40 million in revenue for the last seven years. That is a success story better than any fairy tale you will ever hear. Was it easy? Did it involve magic spells? No! It required endless hours of smart digital marketing strategies and intelligent investment moves. The moral of the story is: just because you are nose deep in debt, does not mean you can invest in something new. Digital marketing and social media marketing are the new ways to reintroduce your brand to a new world of potential buyers. People are waiting out there right now to hear from you about your products and services. How to find them? Finding the right people at the right time is the only “magic” you need to perform. You will need a few social media listening tools like HootSuite, Buffer, and Social Sprout. These offer a few free services. Their premium services cost less than a Grande. Of course, you will need to work on your social media account before you start listening to what people are saying about your brand online! So get started. Create a professional Facebook page, Twitter account, and at least an Instagram page. You need to post daily. Sometimes twice a day. Engage in regular conversations with your customers. Stay visible and exciting. If you ever run out of original content, do not shy away from asking your followers for some. Do it tactfully. Introduce new photo contests, quizzes, and polls with attractive rewards. That is the way to create user-generated content. It is the most efficient way to keep your page and wall filled with meaningful content every minute of staying online. Investing is not the problem, not spending in the right places is : Online marketing is an investment in every way possible. It is like putting a bait to catch the bigger fish. Using the right keywords in your product descriptions, doctoring your URL to suit the liking of the bots, and including image tags to become visible during Google image searches are all parts of that investment. Still, you may want to consult your personal financial advisor before you take the plunge. You need to be in touch with your financial reality before you can make new investments. Your financial advisor or your debt counselor should help you in understanding the debt program's details. Your current debt program may have reservations about making new investments or certain kinds of investments unless you pay off a certain fraction of the amount you have borrowed. Most businesses end up in a fiscal dead-end due to ignorance and bad decision-making, rather than investing in new marketing. We have seen companies drown because they were not adventurous enough and they have always played safe. In 2017, online marketing is not a luxury or an option. It is a compulsion you need to embrace before your competitors take away all your potential clients. Making yourself more visible on the internet will get you more sales and profit. It will help you make more money and pay off your debts faster than usual. Read Also : 5 Marketing Tips To Help Grow Your Business On Instagram Discovering A New Promotion Position For Your expanding Search Engine Marketing Business Top 8 Benefits Of Professional Business Cards