Avoid these 5 Mistakes before Starting an SEO

Published on: 03 March 2017 Last Updated on: 20 July 2024

SEO is defined as the strategies used to increase the traffic to the website by obtaining high-ranking in the Search engine results page. In order to start a successful SEO campaign, the person should clearly know what is he up to and from where should he begin.

Here are some common mistakes made before SEO campaign which the beginners should avoid:

Ignoring the On-page SEO Audit:

On-page SEO involves many factors such as Keyword, Meta Descriptions, and Title Tags. These factors are used to inform the search engine that what is the content about. If the SEO person ignores the inspection of any of these factors, the website will fail to attain a high rank. Before starting the SEO strategy, the person should carefully examine the On-page factors given below:

Keywords: Relevant Keywords hold a vital role in SEO strategy. Overstuffing of Keywords happens due to lack of proper research. Instead of overstuffing, the beginners can make use of keywords with medium competition and long-tail keywords.

Meta Descriptions: Many beginners tend to ignore the power of Meta descriptions in website ranking. The Meta description should be correctly optimized and of the correct length (not more than 155 characters) in order to attain the maximum rank.

Title Tags: Writing lengthy titles is another mistake which is frequently made by beginners. The title tag should not be more than 70 characters. The title tag is only shown up to 70 characters in the search engine and the excess ones are hidden. The too-long title tags create a bad impact on the CTR SERP which inevitably decreases the click rates.

Read More: SEO For Dummies

Not Examining the Content:

It’s another big mistake made by beginners. The beginners should audit the already present content through Google Analytics or Webmaster tools to identify the organic pages which are receiving high traffic. Moreover, the audience looks forward to fresh and high-caliber content each day. If the person publishes the content once in a month with poor quality, he will eventually lose the trust of his fans. Apart from publishing the quality content, the content must be relevant to the product and the targeted audience to naturally attract them.

Doing SEO on the own:

Many marketing professionals believe that they can manage SEO on their own. But in reality, SEO is a full-time job which requires the advanced knowledge of changing algorithm, current trends, and successful strategies. The SEO professional is on the top of trends and is quite aware of how to deal with possible consequences. If the website owner doesn’t have enough time to monitor the website then he should look forward to hiring an expert service such as SEO service.

Not Using the Google Analytics for Audit:

Google Analytics is a free way to examine the results of the website. Before starting SEO strategy, an individual need to analyze the traffic received by his website and its source. It is an imperative step because it tells the significant and simple adjustments which can lead to increased traffic.  But unfortunately, many beginners don’t pay attention to Google Analytics.

Neglecting the Link Profile Audit:

If an individual is planning to do SEO, he first needs to consider the link profiles by performing the audit. Many of the beginners fail to do so. It basically involves the review of all the inbound links which are pointing to the website. If a low-quality link is identified from a website then it immediately has to be removed by contacting the website’s owner.

Everyone makes mistakes. But instead of repeating them, the person should strive to learn from them. Moreover, if an individual residing in Pakistan is uncertain about giving the proper attention to SEO strategy, he must look forward to an SEO service in Pakistan.

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SEO Practices

Best SEO Practices Melbourne Businesses Should Follow

Melbourne is the state capital of Victoria, located on the southeast coast of Australia. It occupies much of Port Phillip Bay’s shoreline and spreads into the hinterlands and second only to Sydney in terms of population, with five million people calling it home. It is also one of the biggest financial contributors in Victoria and Australia as a whole. Melbourne’s economy is highly diversified, with strengths in finance, manufacturing, tourism, and other sectors. The city’s economy can also be described as advanced, with many industries engaged in the latest business strategies. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is front and center in this setting, allowing many brands to adapt to changing consumer behavior. Best SEO Practices Melbourne Businesses Should Follow Below are the latest practices in SEO service in Melbourne best that business owners and entrepreneurs should know. Optimize Your Website for Users and Search Engines Your website’s content should cater to the needs of your target users and the criteria of search engines, and in that order. Search engines are designed to provide the best experience to their users, which you also want for your website and your brand. This means that you could not have one without the other and that the user is the driving force behind all of it. Research Your Keyword Properly Keyword research is one of the most important components of an effective SEO campaign. It tells you what search terms are mostly used and helps you focus your SEO efforts more effectively. In addition, it allows you to gauge how well other brands are doing in these search terms so you can pick one where you will be more competitive. Optimize Your Website for Mobile Users Smartphones are getting smarter, more powerful, and increasingly being used by consumers when browsing the internet. In fact, studies show that over 50% of website traffic comes from mobile users. This means that if you want to widen your base of customers, you must make your website as mobile-friendly as possible with an effective SEO campaign. Optimize Your Loading Speed Perhaps the biggest draw for online shoppers is the unrivaled convenience that the internet offers. However, loading speed has much to do with this benefit. If your pages take a while to load, users will abandon their purchase, application for a newsletter, or whatever it is that they are doing on your website. Not only will this hurt your brand immediately, but have long-term negative effects as well. That is why making your website faster, and more responsive is extremely important. There are many ways to increase your page’s loading speed, from compressing images to deleting unnecessary plugins to enabling browser caching, all essential components of SEO. Get High-Quality Backlinks Search algorithms have gone through many updates, but one thing remains the same: backlinks are very important when vying for high rankings. High-quality backlinks are clear signals that your pages are relevant and offer much value to users, and this is what search engines are looking for. Do Not Forget Internal Linking Backlinks are important, but internal linking is also essential for a website to rank highly in search engines. Internal links help sort out the information hierarchy in your website, allowing search engines to gain a deeper understanding of your page’s content. If executed properly, internal linking can help drive more organic traffic to pages that need a boost. So head out to find the agency providing the best SEO services in Melbourne. Clearly, it will benefit your business. Read Also: What You Need to Know When Outsourcing SEO How to Monitor the SEO Health of Your Website 5 Things You Are Not Checking In SEO But You Should!

Mobile SEO

5 Ways to Improve Mobile SEO

Statistics show that people spend a minimum of 5 hours a day on the phone. In this digital error, smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices have become more than a means of communicating with family and friends. People are increasingly using it for businesses purposes. What does this mean? There could be more people than you can probably imagine that search for your site on their phones. Look at it this way; most people get time to visit their social media pages during their commuter time or lunch breaks. While doing it, they might bump into your paid ad on Facebook; this does not mean they will have to wait until they get to their computer for them to visit your website. It is where mobile SEO comes into play. Ignoring search queries originating from mobile devices could make your scrapbook look bad. The whole idea of mobile SEO is to enable your website to rank on web searches by ensuring that the quality of the searches is top-notch. How is it done? By focusing on content visibility, loading speed and user experience to mention a few. A few tips on how to optimize mobile searches will help you a great deal in getting those conversions. Tips on how to improve mobile SEO 1. Improve your site speed : No one wants to spend his entire lunch break trying to access a website: which is why you should ensure that your site loading speed is on point: lest the user will give up and go searching for other things. Speed is a vital ranking factor: and has been for a long time now. It can be backed by studies that show that people are so quick at leaving sites that take forever to load. 2. Cut on redirects : If redirects are applied the right way, they may contribute to the excellent user experience. Redirects will enable visitors to track down your website if you deleted or moved to a particular page. However, note that redirects will slow down your page. Focus on having more direct links than infinite redirects. Also, take time to clear links that lead to dead or removed pages. 3. Use a responsive web design : What is meant by having a responsive web design? It means that development and design should be in alignment with the user’s environment and behavior. That is the screen size, orientation, and platform. The catch is that when a user switches from using a computer to a smartphone, they should not feel the impact of a change in resolution, scripting abilities, and speed. In simple terms, your website should have technologies that retort to user preferences Also, having a responsive design will make it easy for Google to understand and index your URL since your site will be living on one URL. Having a responsive web design will also save you from the hassle of developing a new design every time a new gadget is introduced to the market. 4. Straighten out your images : What does optimizing your images entail? It is all about ensuring that your images do not interfere with the loading speed of your mobile site at the same time making them easily accessible. Balancing the use of pictures on your website will have an impact on the attractiveness of your page, the performance of your page and user experience. The first step towards image optimization is by doing away with images that do not add value to your site and making the most out of the ones that will be remaining. Also, you could make use of compression tools to reduce the weight of the image and still have the quality of the pixels intact. You can make use of HTML specifications to create various surrogate photos to fit multiple viewports. Such tricks will enable visitors to have a faster loading speed at the same time have zoomed in instead of cropped out images: this is the ultimate user experience. 5. Improve legibility : There is no point in giving your visitors a hard time on your website. The most you could do is ensure that your site is readable on mobile devices. There are various techniques that you could use to make your website readable.  The first one is ensuring that you are quick to drive the point home. Will the user have to devote extra time to try to understand what your content means? Does your content give the reader any useful information? These are some of the questions that you should ask yourself. The typography of your content should make the user experience even better. On this point, you could also make use of readability tools that will help you gauge how readable your text is. You should do everything to mend your mobile website, remember that mobile is the future! Read Also : Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO How To Monitor The SEO Health Of Your Website Things To Consider While Doing SEO

cornerstone content

How to create cornerstone content for your website

If you’ve been running your website for some time, accumulating lots of different pages, tackling different angles and creating a rich variety of resources, you probably have a good idea of what your most popular pages are. The problem is, someone else landing on your site for the first time doesn’t. Could they get from the homepage to your top-performing pages in just one or two clicks? Or are they only going to find them through luck, clicking around randomly through your menus (which is unlikely with today’s fondness for instant results) or a Google search that directs them straight to that page? Letting your readers and Google know what the most important and valuable pages on your website are is what creating cornerstone content is all about. Here we take a look at what it is, why it’s so important for SEO, and how to implement a strategy to make the best possible use of it. Putting your best foot forward An excellent example of a high-value post that could get overlooked by a new visitor is a particularly informative blog post you wrote several years ago. If a new visitor lands on your homepage and clicks on your blog, they’d likely have to scroll down and click through to ‘older posts’ multiple times before they get anywhere near this page – and as the saying goes, ain’t nobody got time for that! These top performers are your cornerstone or ‘evergreen’ content. Like the architectural term, the cornerstone is the foundation that all other parts are positioned against and aligned with. The idea is to get all those top performers in one place where they can dazzle your readers and have them coming back again and again. By fleshing out your cornerstone content page into an unusually lengthy post, you're creating a veritable treasure trove of useful information for your readers which they can use to easily access all the other content on your site that may interest them. In just one page, it gives them an overview of everything your site has to offer, with enough information to brief them on what each section is about while leaving them hungry for more – which you will supply with just one easy click. A rose by any other name Cornerstone content goes by quite a few monikers. Evergreen content, long-form content, massive value posts, pillar articles… whatever you call them, they're the content that keeps on giving. It’s the kind of content that remains relevant (either because it covers unchanging facts, goes into exceptional detail, or because you regularly update it) no matter when the reader discovers it. And, of course, it’s the kind of content that gets you noticed and rewarded by Google because so many visitors find it useful and spend time reading it. Speaking of which… Why Google loves cornerstone content Google uses many metrics to measure the value of a particular page and decide where it deserves to rank in their search results. Which keywords are used, how often and where is just one of the factors their algorithms take into consideration. How much time a user spends on a page before clicking away is a good indication of whether that page answers their query or not. A page which consistently gets clicked away from in just seconds is clearly not answering the user’s question and will quickly see its ranking for that search term drop. Whether the page loads quickly and how it’s linked internally to the rest of your website are also considerations. Great cornerstone content can also help you take on keywords that have a lot of competition and would normally be pretty hard to rank for. Cornerstone content strategy When you're building a new website, structuring your site around a few major keywords (generally two to five, depending on the nature of your niche) is a good place to start. For each of those keywords, you want one fat, juicy cornerstone article that links out to smaller posts which discuss a certain aspect in more detail. If you're relatively new to SEO and aren’t yet sure what keywords you should be aiming for, get a good SEO company on board at this point to help you identify them. Whenever you write a new article, it should tie back to its corresponding cornerstone piece. Aside from making it easy for your readers to navigate to the topics they're most interested in, it also lets Google know this page is important and will increase its chances of ranking in searches. If you have an existing website, you can take the same approach and work backward. Pick the top three to five pages you’re the proudest of and want your visitors to see the most – those will become your cornerstone pieces. Going forward, make sure new posts tie back to their cornerstone piece and start updating older pages systematically to do the same. One of the awesome things about cornerstone content is that although it’s one of the best ways to improve your site’s SEO, it’s not very technical - so anyone who can build their own website can take advantage and get the rankings they deserve. Read Also: 5 Things You Are Not Checking In SEO But You Should! 5 Inexpensive Tips On How To Scale Your SEO Business