Top Tips For 2018: Student Loan Hacks


22 October 2018


Student Loan

Students are always having a tough time when they get into college because they do not have enough funds. In that case, they are left with no options but to take students loans. However, taking loans is not the end of your problems because then you have to worry about repaying them back on time and live comfortably during your student life. There are a few things that you can do to make your student loans repayment a bit easy. Here are some pointers for you.

1. Crowdfunding:

Crowdfunding is getting very popular these days. Whether you are an ambitious businessman or a student wanting to pay your way through the tuition fee of college, crowdfunding is a great way to overcome your financial issues. Raise funds from your inner social circle, including your family and friends, as a kind of graduation present from them to you. GoFundMe and Zerobound are sites that will help you raise such funds towards the student loan debt, and in exchange, you have to volunteer for some community work.

2. Borrow Federal Student Loans:

If you think that the loan debt is unavoidable, you can always consider borrowing federal student loan first. The major reason is that federal student loans are usually not that expensive and are easier to qualify for as well. There are far more repayment options for you in federal students loans as compared to the private student loans.  You will also have protection programs in federal loans also. For example, if you lose your job, the federal loan program will offer you the option to defer payments. Click here to know more about it.

3. Total Student Debt Should Be Less Than Your Income:

There is a set of rules that you must follow. Your expected annual starting salary should be more than your total debt from your student loans at the time of graduation. How else will you be able to repay your loans AND survive through your normal life? Many students take student loans so they can afford college, but it is advised that students should keep not take too many loans. What you should do is not to take out more loan than your salary.  Don’t take out more than your first year’s salary. What you can do is to keep the costs to a minimum and attend the college that you can afford comfortably. If you are able to do it as such, you might be able to repay student loans in less than ten years.

Financial experts advise that if you are out of your federal loan options, you should consider a private student loan. However, if you will qualify for one private loan, you can qualify for more of them. You are the customer, so you should always ask for any benefits the loan provides. If you have any medical issues, you should buy college tuition insurance. The option will protect you from taking on more loans in case you get ill or have to withdraw.

4. Make A Budget:

Most of the kids during their school and college years do not have any source of income, so you just have to keep living like that in college until you have a stable income. Build up an emergency fund for yourself, and start saving money for the things you want to buy. Remember, living modestly right now will help you in the longer run.

When you graduate out of high school, it can be overwhelming, but it is important to remember to see the bigger picture here. These hacks will help you manage your student loans efficiently.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How to become a sub-broker?

To become a reputed and successful entrepreneur, it takes hard work. In India, the opportunities for launching new businesses are umpteen, but the competition is fierce. There is no magic mantra that can help one company find success within record time. It requires dedication, perseverance, and knowledge. Sub-brokers are entrepreneurs with immense potential for making a profit. They are not trading members of stock exchanges, but they can act on the behalf of one. They can also assist business owners and new investors to buy or sell securities through registered trade members. The opportunities of a sub-broker business are plenty. If you have a fair idea of the share market and its products, it is going to be a rewarding business for you. In fact, it is a rewarding profession for novices as well. Anyone with the aptitude for share trading and the will to learn about the share market should be able to master the necessary skills of a sub-broker. What are the necessary qualifications of a sub-broker? The qualifying criteria remain more or less constant across the country for sub-brokers. Here’s a list of the edibility requirement for joining the elites – The person should have a graduate degree. Any subject should do, but the aptitude for share trading is a must. The applicant should have passed their 10+2 examinations at the least. They should know about the financial markets of the country. They should either have the qualification that gives them the knowledge of it or previous experience that gives them the insight of the share markets. He or she should also be able to manage basic financial transactions. They should have the latest information on the economic, socioeconomic, political and environmental scenario in the country. That is because every change in the scenario impacts the share market. They should know how to operate computers. The applicant must also be able to learn specific trading and monitoring software necessary for the process. Nothing can replace good communication skill for sub-brokers. They should be able to convince and comfort their clients during and after investment. It is a highly competitive niche and reliable skills of communication can give you an edge over your competitors. They should be good at management. You must remember that every business is about great management. Nothing can take the place of management when it boils down to man, market, and money. The aspiring sub-broker should clear the basic NISM modules on mutual funds, equities, F&O, and commodities. These regulations ensure that all sub-broking work should follow the completion of these modules. How to find a stockbroker to work with? Next, it is time for the sub-broker to find a broker as a partner. It is the most crucial step towards setting up the sub-broking business and you need to keep a few things in mind before you go down this path – i. Pick a good broker Finding a good stockbroker does not mean looking for one with a lucrative office or higher profit share. The broker you should look for should be reputed in the market, should be trustworthy and active. Make a list of the priority values you want to see in your stockbroker. Consult with your friends, family and fellow sub-brokers during the selection process. Check the broker’s profile before you go into business with him or her. ii. You should be ready for the full-time commitment Being a sub-broker is not a part-time hobby. It is a business and a full-time commitment. You will almost never be off the clock. Even when you will be away from your desk, you will be receiving updates on your mobile phones. Staying connected 24/7/365 will ensure that you will always be ready when a big business opportunity knocks on your door. iii. You need to be more than the average sub-broker Clients expect a lot more than the usual assistance and dealing. It is a competitive market, and you need to cater to your clients’ needs for market advice, investment aide, and product selection. Every client now deals in multiple products like mutual funds, currency, equities, and securities. It has become the responsibility of the sub-broker to advise them on the selection of products to avail the best investment opportunity at the time. What are the finishing touches of becoming a fine sub-broker? Get your own client database Becoming a good sub-broker takes a lot of practice and time. It is important to have databases of people, who are likely to become your clients soon. It is possibly the only profession where cold calls are still valuable and useful. The first stage of the database may consist of your family, friends, ex-colleagues and social media contacts only, but you need to start working on that data. You will have to go through multiple rounds of meetings with your clients, explain the prospects, your business USP and their chances of making profits in the long run. Build your network Finding a reliable sub-broker is a challenge for many regular share market clients. You need to fill that gap and become the sub-broker they can trust. So, do not push sales from the first round of calling and meeting. Ask for references once you establish a relationship with the client. Attend networking meetings. They might be a tad bit cliché, but they are always effective in getting new leads for the new sub-broker. Yes, you should expect to find them the moment you step in. It will take some time for others to warm up to you and for you to notice the new opportunities in the market. Keep yourself updated Lastly, no great sub-broker can remain great without regular brush-up of their market knowledge. So, go ahead, install some of the best market update applications, follow rewarding share trading blogs and follow the news on the changes in the financial policies of the country that can affect the market. To offer your clients a little more than the next sub-broker is offering, stay updated with the international market news as well. The ups and downs of the global market always influence the prices in the Indian share market. Read Also : How To Choose The Best Broker For You How Real Estate Factors Into Business Decisions

personal finances

Getting your personal finances in order with a proper budget strategy

In the event that you find yourself in a situation where you are beginning to learn how you can deal with your personal finances then you must start with the proper definition of what personal financing is. Once you have done that you will easily find that the key to proper personal financing lies with a proper strategy of budgeting. This article will help you outline how you can create a good strategy for budgeting as that is what is entailed by a proper strategy for managing personal finances. It will help you directly in contributing success to save your money for better use. What is personal financing? Personal financing is the act of managing your financial resources effectively and efficiently in order to save up enough money for yourself during emergency situations in the future when you may need some hard cash. This can be an acuter in its requirement when you run a business enterprise and find yourself in a situation where you require immediate funds to help you develop your business. You may require the money to buy important office equipment, or you require it to pay off your outstanding credit bills, or you may require it for an immediate marketing campaigning. There are various such situations when you may require having cold hard cash at your immediate disposal. If you are not good at saving money, then such a situation will be dangerous for you as your business plans and aims and goals can stand to get affected if you are unable to get the money from other sources. You must always have some money with you to fall back on in times of emergencies. Always try to ensure that what you are spending is less than what you are earning, you need to multiply your profits and get your revenues to soar higher if you want to be able to save up on more money. Budgeting is one of the key techniques for managing personal finances; you need to cut out all extra costs so that your business has the extra cash to fall back on in times of need. Thus, a proper budget strategy is a key to mastering your personal finances and controlling them. What is the importance of budgeting in managing personal finances and how can it be done? You are not required to look any further than a proper strategy for budgeting when you are trying to embark on a journey for mastering your personal finances and managing them. It can seem quite overwhelming and scary for a lot of people to think about budgeting, and this is especially true if you are someone who has not ever indulged in doing proper budgeting ever or for some time now. The money that you are spending and compared to what your income often seems terrifying to a lot of people. However, it does not matter if you happen to be a millionaire who has major investments, and a number of loans, with mortgages and also stock holdings, or if you are a humble and honest person who is hardworking and is just starting out on a financial journey, budgeting will be essential for your continued success with the money that you have. The importance of maintaining a budget is that it will help you to understand and account for the money that is coming in and the money that you are spending from your account. If you want to master your finances, then it does not matter how much income you are getting if the amount of money which you are spending is more or close to that amount. With proper budgeting, you will be able to increase your savings every month, and this will decrease the amount of cash that you are spending every month. In case you are choosing to achieve this by other types of investments than reducing the interest rates with a debt consolidation loan or by getting a promotion in your job, but the central principles of budgeting to manage your personal finances will still remain the same. The importance of managing your debt properly : It is essential to manage your debts properly alongside your incomes and your expenses. It is the basic principle by which you will be able to manage your money, and this is the reason why personal financing can only be properly done via budgeting. There will not be any requirement to get further complications, you will have to deal with the credit cards, the loans that you had taken for your business funding, your investments, your stock options, but you shall still find yourself on a proper financial footing when you have a good budget plan. You must try and follow the money you have, and you need to ensure that you are spending less than what you are earning every month. In order to properly budget and maintain your finances, you must simply add all your sources from which you get an income and then account for all the pennies which you have flowing into your account every month, once you are done with that you must start to track all the expenses which you are making. You can employ any system you want to but all you must ensure is that the procedure is detailed and this will help to keep your money flow in more easily. Track all the loans you have and the interest amounts that you are paying, track all the credit card bills also. This will help you to understand your finances better. You can find a lot of debt consolidation reviews online to help you with your budgeting and maintain your personal finances so that you do not default on your loans and credits. Conclusion : Budgeting is the secret to maintaining good personal finances. Hopefully, the information mentioned in this article will have helped you to understand how you can maintain your finances as well. Read Also : These Small Changes Will Change Your Finances For The Better

Fund Our Dreams

The Best Ways To Successfully Fund Our Dreams

We all have dreams that we would like to pursue. These dreams could look like growing our families, pursuing our dream careers, or advocating for issues that are important to us. In many of these cases, the challenge is determining how to finance these dreams. If we decide to expand our family, we may need to set up a nursery. If we are changing careers, we may need to establish a new home office where we can work from. If we want to start our own business, we may have to be in a financially secure place so we can live off our savings for several years. This means it is important for us to consider the financial consequences of our plans to pursue our dreams. Understanding Our Finances To finance our passions, we must first thoroughly understand our finances. It is critical to have a comprehensive understanding of our financial health to make sound decisions. Setting a budget, setting realistic goals, and assessing our expenditures are all part of this. We will have a better notion of how to attain our goals if we have a strong understanding of how much money we have on hand and how much a certain passion project will cost. Depending on our current financial health, we will know if we need to determine the most affordable way to reach our goals or if we have a little extra money and can splurge. While thinking about money may not be as thrilling as actually pursuing our passions, we will never achieve our goals if we do not have a clear understanding of our finances. Understanding The Cost Of Projects After determining how much money we have available to bring our passion projects to life, we must calculate how much those projects will cost us in the long term. For example, if we pay for additional schooling to attain a better-paid job, we can be confident we are likely to make money in the long term. In such a case, it is still important to consider all the costs involved with education, including everything from tuition to books and fees. Higher education or getting a certificate is a clear example of the power of investing in ourselves. On the other hand, if we want to start a business in an already competitive industry with no business experience, we are likely to lose money. On top of more mundane expenses like rent and merchandise, we would have to consider employing good qualified staff, planning for employee retention, and implementing a professional social media marketing campaign. It can be easy to think we want to be business owners without understanding all the costs that go into that choice. Overall, if we wish to prosper, we must be honest about the likelihood of our endeavor's success. Understanding Outside Financial Options Sometimes we want to complete a project but do not have the money we need on hand. We can sometimes ask friends and family members to help us raise the capital we need. On the other hand, sometimes our friends and family are not able to help. In these cases, getting an installment loan with Western Shamrock is a great option. These loans allow us to have our financial needs met so that we will be able to jump right in and start working on achieving our goals. Such loans can be used for a wide range of reasons, everything from financing new equipment to buying the newest electronics, so we can be at the peak of our game. To ensure that we have enough money to pursue our passions, we must do three things. First and foremost, we must be fully aware of our current financial status. Second, we must be aware of all the costs linked to our interests. Finally, we must consider other sources of revenue that we could utilize to fund our interests. While we all have passion projects that we want to see come to fruition, the difference between a project that remains a dream and one that becomes a reality often comes down to our finances and how well we have planned to pay for our goals. Read Also: Wardrobe Dreams: Statement Pieces to Last5 Best Online Fundraising Ideas for NonprofitsMutual Funds Vs Stocks: Which One Is The Best Option For You