Title Loan Requirements: What you Do and Don’t Need

Published on: 15 June 2018 Last Updated on: 06 October 2020
Loan Requirements

A title loan is a type of a loan where an asset is given to act as collateral, popularized because of two main reasons:

  • When determining your qualifications, title loans don’t put your credit rating into consideration.
  • Title loans get approved very quickly for loan amounts of as little as $ 100.

This makes title loans some of the most convenient and efficient options in the lending market.

The Breakdown of A Title Loan :

Title Loan

A car title loan is the most common type of title loan. It’s a case where you as a potential borrower, you are obliged to be in possession of car outright and sign the title over to an auto loan title company.  The loan company will allow you up to 25% of the value of the car to the borrower and then retain the car’s title as collateral in case you breach the repayment agreement.

It’s worth noting that the amount you want to borrow must always be put into consideration. The value of your car or the commonly called – equity in the value will set the limit of the amount of money you can borrow.  If your car has a high value, so will be your title loan.

The lenders will in most cases lend you money they are sure they can get it back easily if they were to sell your car in case you default the payment.

With car title loans, there are no prepayment penalties, so it’s okay and not costly if you want to pay off your loan earlier.

Be Careful of Rolling Over :

 A lot of title loan cases end up in rolling over. This means that you decide to prolong your payment by another 30-day loan. The disadvantage of rolling over with your title loan is that it gets very expensive and every time you extend the loan you are penalized for new loan fees. There are cases where the process of extending a car title loan is controlled by the law.

Unlike the interest rates that you usually pay on credit cards, title loans have a very high cost despite the fact that there are laws that limit the interest rates. You, therefore, end up paying back more money than you actually borrowed.

The Risk of Losing Your Car :

Getting a car title loan sounds so good but there is always a big problem which is the risk of losing your car to your lenders. This happens in the event that you can’t pay back your lender. Your car will then become their possession and they sell it to get back their share of the money that they lend to you.

Car title loans are different from bank loans, typically they have easier requirements. Here are the key dos and don’ts you need to know to apply for a title loan.

What You Do Need To Apply FOR A Title Loan :

 You will need the following before going for a title loan:

  • Vehicle title with your name
  • Valid driver’s license
  • Proof income
  • Proof of residence

These requirements will be qualified in the following manner:

Vehicle Title with Your Name :

Vehicle Title

 Since the title loan is being given to you, the title of your car must be in your name, and lien-free or something close to lien free. What’s a lien-free car title? It simply means that you have total ownership of the car; it’s completely paid off with no outstanding balances or loans against it. Certifying that your vehicle is lien-free is important because the amount of money you are given on the loan is on the basis of the value of your vehicle at the time of application.

A Valid Driver’s License :

A Valid Driver’s License

 For proper verification of your identity, your valid driver’s license is required. In addition, the names on the form of identification must match the name on the title of the vehicle in order to issue the loan.

Proof of Income :

The companies that give you loans don’t necessarily depend solely on credit scores. Rather, you will be asked to show your proof of income like:


Bank statements

Monthly allowances such as retirement accounts

With proof of income, you basically tell the lender how much you can afford to pay back.

Proof of Residence :

Since title loans aren’t given to every region, you just have to prove your current residence and also certify that you have been an ongoing resident of your current residential area for the past two years.  This same requirement is still used to verify your identity.

What You Don’t Need To Apply For the Loan :

 There are so many misconceptions about what you need to apply for a title loan. Mostly, you might think that you need:

  • A good credit score
  • A bank account
  • A high-paying job

However, contrary to popular belief, none of these requirements are essential anywhere when applying for a title loan.

A Good Credit Score :

 You don’t need a perfect credit score for you to get a title loan.  A good credit score doesn’t necessarily prove your eligibility for a loan.

A Bank Account :

A Bank Account

 Are you worried that you don’t have a bank account? You don’t need to be. You will be provided with a check for your loan amount without having to give your account number from you.

A High-paying Job :

 This is one of the most popular misconceptions that is among many people. There are flexible payment options for a realistic repayment schedule and the amount you’ll feel comfortable accepting.

With the right kind of documents, you can easily get a title loan. You do not need to have a high-paying job, a good credit score nor even a bank account. All you need is a clean car title and the right kind of financier willing to lend you the money.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Is Fixed Deposit the Right Place to Invest Post-Demonetization?

Fixed deposit is an investment option which is balanced with both: Returns and Risks. Although the investment is the most preferred option; these day’s people are seen to be disappointed with its returns. Perhaps the reason behind this disappointment can be the drop down of interest rates post-demonetization. Fixed deposit (FD) is always considered as a much favourable choice than savings since the returns earned are comparatively high. But as the rates have dropped down, the investors might have to think about parking their funds in savings rather than investing it. Before you change your mind, it is important to consider other financial institutions too, who offer fixed deposit investments. Banks are not the only ones providing the fixed deposit service; there are highly reputed NBFCs which are providing it too. The FD offered by the NBFCs are called as company fixed deposit. Despite the repo rate cut down, NBFCs still manage to offer best-fixed deposit rates which are higher than banks. Yes! You read it right, you can earn higher returns by investing in company’s fixed deposit, plus there are many schemes and facilities you can gain from. Owing to the favourable fixed deposit conditions, you no longer need to resort to less interest offering saving options. Here are some things that you should know about fixed deposit investments:  1. Secured Investment: As fixed deposit does not depend upon the market conditions, the interest offered on it is fixed throughout the loan tenure. This makes the investment a safe option to allocate your funds in. Whereas, the returns offered on the high-risk investments depends upon the market conditions which makes them risky. There is no such guarantee that you might always earn higher returns as there can be times when you might face a loss. This is not the case with fixed deposit. Besides, there are some NBFCs who are awarded ICRA’s MAAA rating and CRISIL’s FAAA rating which means, they are reliable as well as safe to invest in.  2. Flexibility: With a safe investment option, fixed deposit also provides flexibility with its tenure. You are free to choose any tenure period ranging from one year to five years. Also, you can reinvest in FD if your account matures.  3. Interest rates: The interest rate is a very important factor to consider when it comes to investments, as it decides the returns you will be earning over the fixed deposit. Fixed deposit interest rate offered by every financial institution differ, which is why it is important to compare FD rates and then apply for it. Also, as mentioned above, investing in NBFC’s fixed deposit can benefit you with higher FD returns in comparison to banks.  4. Tax deduction: In case, if you are investing a lump sum amount and the interest offered on your investment is above INR 10,000, then you might have to pay taxes. To escape from this tax deduction, you can split the money and invest it in different FD accounts. Also, you can apply for Section 80C to benefit from the tax deduction.  5. Senior citizen fixed deposit: If you are a senior citizen, you can benefit here, as you can invest your pension funds and earn higher FD returns compared to normal FD accounts by parking your funds in senior citizen fixed deposit. Although post-demonetization has brought down interest rates on normal FD account, the rates offered on senior citizen fixed deposits have increased. Though rates offered on a fixed deposit have dropped down, investing in a company fixed deposit can earn you higher returns. If you are planning for an investment, then NBFCs such as Bajaj Finserv offers highest Interest on FD Rate as well as provide different schemes and facilities that can benefit you. Read More : How To Get Low Cost Life Insurance For Seniors 10 Tips To Design The Perfect Business Card

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What Is the Best Tax Software to Be Using in 2019?

If you fail to file your taxes correctly, the IRS can fine you a penalty up to 20% of the amount you owe. Taxes are a complete nightmare for many people especially if you can't pay them. And the last thing you want to deal with is owing even more money to the government. That's why the emergence of tax software has helped so many people. It helps you make sense of the confusing terminology, perform calculations, and break the process down into easy steps. But what is the best tax software and how does it help simplify everything? This article covers everything you need to know. The Criteria for Best Tax Software: Everyone is different and the tax software available now tends to be tailored to different audiences with bank products and other solutions available. For example, a family of four with a house and one income earner will have a fairly straightforward process. But what about someone who is self-employed or a small business owner? In these cases, some companies offer tiered pricing models that can quickly become expensive. When asking questions like "Why would anyone use a bank product?" or "Is this service right for me?" it's important to consider the following. Ease of Use: There's no point paying for a system that is just as confusing as the tax forms themselves. Check out reviews from other people to see what their experiences with the company were. Or watch a 'how to' video for a preview of the software. Are Your Taxes Complicated: Between deductibles, donations, and multiple sources of income, taxes can get complex very quickly. If you're unsure what you qualify for and what options are available to you then tax software may be the way to go. Look at State Tax Prices: Some tax software companies include state tax in their services free of charge. Others ask for a fee and class it as an additional service. Be sure to look into the costs behind each one to be sure. With that said, here are the best online tax filing options out there. TurboTax: Known for its simplicity and ease of use, TurboTax has many features and designs to help you file without a headache. The use a simple step by step process that puts questions in laymen's terms and does the hard work and calculations for you. They even offer a W-2 scanner where upload a photo of your form and it automatically sorts the information on your tax forms. They have a free option for getting your taxes ready to file. But can charge past $100 if you want more premium services like a tax specialist to talk to. Tax Act: Similar to TurboTax, TaxAct offers a sliding scale of costs for users depending on the level of service they want. Their layout makes it easy to input data and offers free state tax returns for simple forms. If you're a homeowner or business owner however, then you will have to pay a fee for state taxes. If you are unhappy with the service you've received from other tax software companies, TaxAct makes it easy to import your old information over to them. H&R Block: Known for their stand-out customer support, H&R Block takes the uncertainty out of the equation with tax specialists on call and online. It has a similar model and pricing structure to the previous companies but also offers up to $3000 of interest-free loans to anyone entitled to federal tax refunds. Shop Around: Knowing what the best tax software is for you takes time and research. This list helped narrow things down but you should still look into each company in more detail to see what will work best for you. Check out our other finance articles for more tips and advice. Read Also: 6 Tips On How To Pay Off Your Tax Debt All You Must Know About Construction Business Management Software 8 Reasons Why Your Company Should Get A Vendor Management Software

Bitcoin Profit

Bitcoin Profit Review 2019

Bitcoin trading is a cryptocurrency. It is a process of selling or buying bitcoins from one user’s wallet to another user’s wallet. It works as other currency trading but, you cannot store your bitcoin in the normal wallet, because it can only be stored in a digital Bitcoin wallet. If you are a new user and don’t know about trading, then you don’t need to worry, because there are trading bot available which is used to trade your bitcoin automatically. You do not need to spend time to understand and analyze this because trading bot takes care of the current price of bitcoin and the right time to trade. Benefits of Bitcoin Trading: There is a huge number of benefits of this Bitcoin trading software because this is one of the best methods of cryptocurrency trading. Available Globally: As bitcoin is a digital currency, which directly means it is not related to the economy of any country. There are many countries such as Australia and Japan which are using this Bitcoin as a payment method. Apart from these people from different countries are using this Bitcoin as trading. Volatile: Due to its frequent price movements, it is becoming one of the most popular cryptocurrency. Therefore, this plays the role of a volatile factor because it creates many opportunities for traders. Provides 24*7 Trading Service: Just because of its decentralized digital currency, there are no official Bitcoin exchanges, unlike the stock markets. Anyone can use trading anytime all over the world. No Charge: The Bitcoin trader software is freely available because there is no hidden charge to access this software. How to join Bitcoin profit trading software? Starting with the Bitcoin profit is very simple and anyone can start with this by just following some steps. First, you have to visit the official website of bitcoin profit and fill out your information. The information may include name, contact number and email address. After filling all the details click on the submit button. Now you have to open your account at Bitcoin profit. Then, you will need to fund it with your initial deposit of $250. Now you are in the serious business of making money. You can choose automated trading according to the parameters. No matter what you are, going to choose, but there is no other easier method to get profit from Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Successful Bitcoin Trading Apps like Bitcoin SuperStar has been leading the way when it comes to technological advancement. Their high level of sophistication means that normal people are able to make huge profits by simply being informed about their decision on the app. How to start profit by Bitcoin App: If anyone wants to take this service of the Bitcoin Profit App, then they will need to register their account with the Bitcoin platform. The process of registration is straight forward. BTC profit review- The Bitcoin Profit Website: When you load the bitcoin website on your web browser, you will be trading cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin. You can share the massive profits that are earned by traders from digital currencies then you need to click on the action now. There are many informative videos available on the Homepage of the Bitcoin Profit website. Another interesting thing is if the website is exploring its new features then you can see these features mentioned above. It is one of the best software of Bitcoin trader. It is Leight or Scam: The Bitcoin trading software is not a fraud, because the Bitcoins is tested with the help of Bitcoin Profit Software. This platform is very easy to use and the robot offers the highest conversation rate of the app. It is a purely digital currency and can be kept secure analog form. Read Also: How Financial Trading Can Give You The Life You Want Millennial Investors Will Drive Bitcoin Price Growth In 2019