Is Fixed Deposit the Right Place to Invest Post-Demonetization?

Published on: 17 October 2017 Last Updated on: 16 August 2019
fixed deposit

Fixed deposit is an investment option which is balanced with both: Returns and Risks. Although the investment is the most preferred option; these day’s people are seen to be disappointed with its returns. Perhaps the reason behind this disappointment can be the drop down of interest rates post-demonetization. Fixed deposit (FD) is always considered as a much favourable choice than savings since the returns earned are comparatively high. But as the rates have dropped down, the investors might have to think about parking their funds in savings rather than investing it.

Before you change your mind, it is important to consider other financial institutions too, who offer fixed deposit investments. Banks are not the only ones providing the fixed deposit service; there are highly reputed NBFCs which are providing it too. The FD offered by the NBFCs are called as company fixed deposit. Despite the repo rate cut down, NBFCs still manage to offer best-fixed deposit rates which are higher than banks. Yes! You read it right, you can earn higher returns by investing in company’s fixed deposit, plus there are many schemes and facilities you can gain from. Owing to the favourable fixed deposit conditions, you no longer need to resort to less interest offering saving options.

Here are some things that you should know about fixed deposit investments:

 1. Secured Investment:

As fixed deposit does not depend upon the market conditions, the interest offered on it is fixed throughout the loan tenure. This makes the investment a safe option to allocate your funds in. Whereas, the returns offered on the high-risk investments depends upon the market conditions which makes them risky. There is no such guarantee that you might always earn higher returns as there can be times when you might face a loss. This is not the case with fixed deposit. Besides, there are some NBFCs who are awarded ICRA’s MAAA rating and CRISIL’s FAAA rating which means, they are reliable as well as safe to invest in.

 2. Flexibility:

With a safe investment option, fixed deposit also provides flexibility with its tenure. You are free to choose any tenure period ranging from one year to five years. Also, you can reinvest in FD if your account matures.

 3. Interest rates:

The interest rate is a very important factor to consider when it comes to investments, as it decides the returns you will be earning over the fixed deposit. Fixed deposit interest rate offered by every financial institution differ, which is why it is important to compare FD rates and then apply for it. Also, as mentioned above, investing in NBFC’s fixed deposit can benefit you with higher FD returns in comparison to banks.

 4. Tax deduction:

In case, if you are investing a lump sum amount and the interest offered on your investment is above INR 10,000, then you might have to pay taxes. To escape from this tax deduction, you can split the money and invest it in different FD accounts. Also, you can apply for Section 80C to benefit from the tax deduction.

 5. Senior citizen fixed deposit:

If you are a senior citizen, you can benefit here, as you can invest your pension funds and earn higher FD returns compared to normal FD accounts by parking your funds in senior citizen fixed deposit. Although post-demonetization has brought down interest rates on normal FD account, the rates offered on senior citizen fixed deposits have increased.

Though rates offered on a fixed deposit have dropped down, investing in a company fixed deposit can earn you higher returns. If you are planning for an investment, then NBFCs such as Bajaj Finserv offers highest Interest on FD Rate as well as provide different schemes and facilities that can benefit you.

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Bitcoin Ecosystem

5 Trends To Watch Out For In The Bitcoin Ecosystem In 2021

Today, the market for Cryptocurrency is booming at a faster pace. Many national and international institutional players are making use of Bitcoin to increase their business profitability. The Crypto-trading market is booming faster as the financial players are contributing their best for the development of the overall economy. However, you need to take care of several aspects while investing your money in Bitcoin today. Bitcoin Trends To Watch For In 2021 There are several aspects of the Bitcoin Trends that you have to undergo in 2021. It can help your business to run more smoothly if you know their market dynamics. Let’s explore some of the crucial facts in the light of this matter too. 1. More Institutional Factors In Digital Asset Game There has been a considerable adoption of digital assets in 2020. It hints at a better and greater institutional interest in Bitcoin. You can get better interest in other digital assets in 2021 if you want to increase your profitability. It can help you to position your market growth for better market capitalization in 2021. During the last quarter of 2020, Paypal has allowed users to buy and sell Bitcoins. It has payment options for 26 million merchants. 2. Further Development Of CBDCs The central bank digital currencies were being discussed in great fervor in 2020. Many central banks of the world are now looking to launch their own set of digital currencies to reduce the load on fiat currency. Whenever you make use of digital currency, the transaction process becomes faster and easier. On the other hand, when any fiat currency is being used, their transaction process becomes slower. Many reserve banks of various nations are now conducting research on the use of digital currency. For example, banks Of International Settlements, Swiss Bank, and European Central bank are currently researching CBDCS. 3. Accelerated Demand For The Blockchain Solutions When the global pandemic struck then the demand for Bitcoin rose in the worldwide market. The demand for contactless transactions has increased a lot. It has made the scenario much more fascinating than others. Digital transformation has augmented the business process. It has also given rise to the demand for Bitcoin transactions. It is one of the effective means to meet the demand for tech solutions with the help of Blockchain technology. 4. Growth In The DEFI Sector The year 2020 will witness exponential growth in DEFI Technology. This is because the application of decentralized technology has increased a lot. In February 2020, it crossed the $1billion mark. The Current DEFI value is $14.32 billion. It is now one of the fastest-growing sectors that work well in all directions. The investment in this sector is growing rapidly and can provide you the opportunity to deal with the market crisis in an effective manner. 5. Greater Heights Bitcoin & Other Digital Assets Bitcoin has already crossed the $500 billion market capitalization rate. There has been a considerable increase in the demand for Bitcoin over the past few years. It has made things easier for investors to gain more from the global market. If you are interested in Bitcoin investment, you can make money by using the bitcoin loophole platform for developing your business. Fewer hindrances in the pathway of its transaction have increased the market capitalization rate in the global market scenario. Therefore, proper implementation of the market strategy can make things easier for you. Final Words For Upcoming Bitcoin Trends Today, Bitcoin prices are increasing at a rapid pace. Consumers are more confident and have the trust to invest their money in Bitcoin. This is the reason why it can be foolish from your end not to invest now in Bitcoin. Grab this opportunity to become the next billionaire of the world. Read Also: 5 Simple Steps to a Winning Brand Strategy Top 10 Reasons Why Everybody Over 18 Should Have a Will What Is The Concept Of ‘HODL’ Which Everyone Is Talking About In Bitcoins

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Auto Insurance Brokers Your Trusted Guide To Affordable Coverage

When it comes to securing the right auto insurance, navigating the complex world of policies and providers can be a daunting task. That's where auto insurance brokers come into play. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you through everything you need to know about auto insurance brokers, their role, benefits, and how they can help you find affordable coverage that suits your needs. What Are Auto Insurance Brokers? Auto insurance brokers are licensed professionals who act as intermediaries between insurance seekers (you) and insurance companies. They are experts in the insurance industry, and their primary role is to help you find the most suitable insurance policies at the best prices. Unlike insurance agents who work for a single insurance company, brokers work independently, representing multiple insurance companies. The Benefits Of Using Auto Insurance Brokers Expertise And Advice Auto insurance brokers have in-depth knowledge of the insurance market. They understand the intricacies of various policies, coverage options, and discounts. By leveraging their expertise, you can make informed decisions about your auto insurance. Access To Multiple Insurance Options Brokers have access to a wide range of insurance providers. This means they can offer you multiple quotes from different companies, giving you the opportunity to compare and choose the one that best suits your needs and budget. Time And Effort Savings Searching for the right insurance policy can be time-consuming. Brokers do the legwork for you, saving you precious time and effort. They handle the paperwork, negotiations, and follow-ups, ensuring a smooth process. How Auto Insurance Brokers Work Initial Consultation Your journey with an auto insurance broker begins with an initial consultation. During this meeting, you'll discuss your insurance needs, budget, and any specific requirements. Market Research Once your broker understands your needs, they'll scour the market for suitable policies. They will analyze coverage options, deductibles, and premiums to find the best match. Quote Comparison After researching, your broker will provide you with multiple insurance quotes. This allows you to make an informed decision based on cost, coverage, and benefits. Policy Selection Once you've made your choice, your broker will assist you in selecting the policy that aligns with your requirements. How To Choose The Right Auto Insurance Broker Licensing And Credentials Ensure that the broker is licensed and holds relevant credentials in your state. This guarantees their professionalism and knowledge. Reputation Check online reviews and ask for recommendations to gauge the broker's reputation and customer satisfaction. Transparency A reputable broker should be transparent about their fees and the commissions they earn from insurance companies. Auto insurance brokers are invaluable resources when it comes to finding the perfect insurance coverage for your vehicle. Their expertise, access to multiple options, and time-saving abilities make them a trusted ally in your quest for affordable and comprehensive auto insurance. Read Also: Are You Trying to Sell An Inherited House in Michigan? How to Choose the Best Merchant Account for Your Burgeoning Insurance Overcrowding in Cities Causes Increase Road Traffic Accidents

Embracing Crypto-Backed Lending

What Embracing Crypto-Backed Lending Means for the Finance Industry

You probably know that cryptocurrency is becoming more in-demand with each passing year. Bitcoin is extremely popular, but other forms, such as Ethereum, are also making a splash. However, some financial institutions are reluctant to fully embrace cryptocurrency, thinking it’s just a flash in the pan. In time, they may want to change their tune since the finance industry seems poised to allow companies and individuals to use cryptocurrency for more mainstream transactions. Once they do so, they can take on new clients in a variety of industries and niches. The LQD Business Finance company is one that recently started embracing crypto-backed lending. Let’s look at what they have to gain by doing so and what this strategy means in the larger finance industry context. The First Bitcoin-as-Currency Commercial Lending Platform: For LQD Finance, transforming the finance industry is nothing new. They periodically use emerging technology as it becomes available if they feel it will benefit their would-be clients. By setting up the first Bitcoin-as-currency lending platform, they can take away the mindset that it’s strictly a digital asset. If you’re a business owner, and you have invested in Bitcoin heavily, as so many have, this is probably what you have anticipated. Now, you can utilize that cryptocurrency for buying and selling various business assets that your company needs. There are three particular ways this step by the LQD Business Finance company will alter the financial industry’s cryptocurrency outlook. Let’s go over each one. Broader and More Wide-Ranging International Applications: Many businesses want to take their sales to the next level, which means going international. US-based companies often take this approach at a certain point, but so do foreign ones. Either way, these businesses can face logistical challenges. For instance, they might generally utilize their own country’s currency, and they find that foreign suppliers are reluctant to accept it. They can use banks or finance companies to exchange their currency, but that’s time-consuming and potentially frustrating since they must pay fees if they go this route. Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin is an international monetary form. When a well-known company like LQD Business Finance says they’re setting up a lending platform using it, many businesses are likely to want to jump on that opportunity. They know they can use Bitcoin in any market because the world decides its worth. Customer Satisfaction is More Likely: The second way this decision will shake up the finance industry is that customer satisfaction with this type of lending platform is highly likely. Cryptocurrency investors have certainly made plenty of money off trading this commodity up to this point, but they have more ambitious plans for it. This is the first huge sign their patience is paying off. Bitcoin reaching the mainstream market through a lending platform in this way means the larger and more prominent lending companies are starting to come around. Many small and mid-sized businesses that own Bitcoin and have waited for this day are going to move aggressively within their niche because they know they have a reputable financial institution backing them. Individuals Can Diversify Their Portfolios Like Never Before: The third shakeup that’s likely to occur is that investment-minded individuals can diversify their portfolios more aggressively than they could previously. A major commercial lender treating Bitcoin as actual currency instead of a mere niche investment means that clients can completely rethink their investment strategies. For instance, someone who would not sink any real money into Bitcoin up to this point might make their move now and buy up quite a bit of it. Cryptocurrency mainstream success is something that serious investors can’t ignore. You might have an individual investor or day trader who buys Bitcoin aggressively now. You may have a hedge fund manager who has hundreds or thousands of clients in tow, and they decide Bitcoin is the new must-have. Either way, a diverse portfolio from this point forward is almost always going to be the one that includes Bitcoin. This is probably far from the last lending company that will accept Bitcoin in this broader way. It was likely to happen at some juncture, and the moment has come. It will certainly be fascinating to see which other cryptocurrencies will reach this favored status. Some seem to be on the mainstream success borderline, but watching lending companies like LQD Business Finance will always be a strong indicator. You know they would not make this move unless they were certain of Bitcoin’s newfound legitimacy. Read Also: How To Become A Successful Cryptocurrency Trader In 5 Easy Steps The Profit Revolution: The Best Bitcoin Trading And Investing Platform Most Common Bitcoin Trading Blunders – You Must Avoid