5 Trends To Watch Out For In The Bitcoin Ecosystem In 2021

Published on: 07 October 2021 Last Updated on: 08 October 2021
Bitcoin Ecosystem

Today, the market for Cryptocurrency is booming at a faster pace. Many national and international institutional players are making use of Bitcoin to increase their business profitability.

The Crypto-trading market is booming faster as the financial players are contributing their best for the development of the overall economy. However, you need to take care of several aspects while investing your money in Bitcoin today.

Bitcoin Trends To Watch For In 2021

There are several aspects of the Bitcoin Trends that you have to undergo in 2021. It can help your business to run more smoothly if you know their market dynamics. Let’s explore some of the crucial facts in the light of this matter too.

1. More Institutional Factors In Digital Asset Game

There has been a considerable adoption of digital assets in 2020. It hints at a better and greater institutional interest in Bitcoin. You can get better interest in other digital assets in 2021 if you want to increase your profitability.

It can help you to position your market growth for better market capitalization in 2021. During the last quarter of 2020, Paypal has allowed users to buy and sell Bitcoins. It has payment options for 26 million merchants.

2. Further Development Of CBDCs

The central bank digital currencies were being discussed in great fervor in 2020. Many central banks of the world are now looking to launch their own set of digital currencies to reduce the load on fiat currency.

Whenever you make use of digital currency, the transaction process becomes faster and easier. On the other hand, when any fiat currency is being used, their transaction process becomes slower.

Many reserve banks of various nations are now conducting research on the use of digital currency. For example, banks Of International Settlements, Swiss Bank, and European Central bank are currently researching CBDCS.

3. Accelerated Demand For The Blockchain Solutions

When the global pandemic struck then the demand for Bitcoin rose in the worldwide market. The demand for contactless transactions has increased a lot. It has made the scenario much more fascinating than others.

Digital transformation has augmented the business process. It has also given rise to the demand for Bitcoin transactions. It is one of the effective means to meet the demand for tech solutions with the help of Blockchain technology.

4. Growth In The DEFI Sector

The year 2020 will witness exponential growth in DEFI Technology. This is because the application of decentralized technology has increased a lot. In February 2020, it crossed the $1billion mark.

The Current DEFI value is $14.32 billion. It is now one of the fastest-growing sectors that work well in all directions. The investment in this sector is growing rapidly and can provide you the opportunity to deal with the market crisis in an effective manner.

5. Greater Heights Bitcoin & Other Digital Assets

Bitcoin has already crossed the $500 billion market capitalization rate. There has been a considerable increase in the demand for Bitcoin over the past few years. It has made things easier for investors to gain more from the global market. If you are interested in Bitcoin investment, you can make money by using the bitcoin loophole platform for developing your business.

Fewer hindrances in the pathway of its transaction have increased the market capitalization rate in the global market scenario. Therefore, proper implementation of the market strategy can make things easier for you.

Final Words For Upcoming Bitcoin Trends

Today, Bitcoin prices are increasing at a rapid pace. Consumers are more confident and have the trust to invest their money in Bitcoin. This is the reason why it can be foolish from your end not to invest now in Bitcoin. Grab this opportunity to become the next billionaire of the world.

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Gifting an Asset

Know the Applicable Stamp Duty when Gifting an Asset

Ravi Krishnan was retiring from central government service. At this time, he decided to gift his three-bedroom flat in Navi Mumbai to his son Akaash. Krishnan is now 60 years old and would relocate to his native Bengaluru from Mumbai. Widower Krishnan has planned for his golden years well. He can easily manage with a pension of Rs.2.5 lakh a year in Bengaluru where he owns a house. While Krishnan was formally transferring the rights of his Mumbai flat to his son, he came to know that there are certain tax implications. He got down to assess what needs to be taken care of with regard to stamp duty gift deed. It turns out that the transfer of any immovable property, even from father to son, is considered as a gift as per the existing laws. Stamp Duty on Gifts Stamp duty is the tax levied on a property which is being sold or transferred. Stamp duty varies from state to state. It is in the range of 3–7% of the value of the property. The Transfer of Property Act mandates that the gifted property be registered as a ‘gift deed’. This should be duly signed by the person who is gifting it. It also needs to be signed in front of two witnesses. A gift deed is a legal document that endorses the transfer of property from the donor to the receiver. There is no exchange of money in this case. The rate of stamp duty, however, is the same as in the regular sale of the property. However, some states are lenient in terms of stamp duty gift deed when it involves gifting of property between close relatives. You can make use of a free stamp duty calculator available on various real estate aggregator websites. Then you will know the exact rate applicable in the case of your gift deed property. Components of a Gift Deed Details of the property that is being given as a gift Details of the donor such as name, father’s name, Aadhaar number, address, etc. Details of the receiver such as name, father’s name, Aadhaar number, address, etc. The date and place where the gift deed is being signed Signature and details of two witnesses who were present when the gift deed was executed Relationship between the donor and the receiver Income Tax on Property Gifts According to the Income Tax Act, 1961, you are not liable to pay tax on gifts received of up to Rs.50,000 in a year. What if the value of the gifts exceeds Rs.50,000? Then a gift tax is imposed on the receiver. The Income Tax Department has taken into consideration that movable and immovable assets change hands between close relatives. So, it has exempted the receiver from paying any tax for a property received as a gift. What is heartening is that there is no cap on the price of the property. However, the donor of such a gift has to be from a list prepared by the Income Tax Department. Which donors are exempt from taxes? That includes parents, spouse, siblings, siblings of the spouse, and direct ascendants and descendants of the donor and their spouse. As a receiver of the property as a gift, you would only need to pay income tax when you decide to sell it. The Income Tax Department will treat the proceeds from the sale of the property as an income. You are liable to pay taxes on such an income. The rate of the taxes, however, will be decided on your period of holding. Short-term capital gains will apply to holdings below 36 months. If the holding period is beyond 36 months, you will have to pay long-term capital gains tax of 20%. But in this case, you will also be entitled to indexation benefits. Conclusion The gifting of immovable assets attracts taxes. One has to pay stamp duty and registration charges when the transfer of rights of a property takes place. Stamp duty varies from state to state but is essential in formalizing the gift you have received. For property received as a gift, you will not be required to pay any taxes unless you decide to sell it. Read Also: 5 Gorgeous Hairstyles For A Perfect Date Night

Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended

Are Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended for Credit Card Consolidation

Debt consolidation has become a very common practice in the modern world. Financial advisers encourage people to take this approach especially if you want to become debt-free. Always go for a credit card loan during emergencies and look for means and ways of clearing it fast. Credit cards loans only assist you because you get them very fast. However, they come with more disadvantages the benefits to the borrower. At this point, consolidating all your credit card loans into one big but cheaper loan becomes a necessity. Importance of Debt Consolidation: Debt consolidation loan refers to taking out a personal loan that is equivalent to the sum you owe on your high-interest credit cards. After you use the loan to pay off the credit card, you must now pay back the lender that extend the loan to you. If you can find a personal loan with a low-interest rate, you will be saving money in repaying your credit card debt. Lower interest rate means that you can pay off your credit card debt and become debt-free faster. How Debt Consolidation Works: Many online personal loan lenders offer a loan amount of up to $35,000 to more than $100,000. The loan amount that you get approved will depend on whether you have the income to pay back. Once you are approved of the loan, they may send you a check or direct deposit the amount into your bank. You can then use the funds to pay back the credit card debt yourself. Some lenders can help you to submit the payment to your preferred credit card companies. In this case, you have to tell them what lenders to submit the payment and the amount to submit for each lender. Read More: Top 5 Types Of Startup Business Loans Other benefits of Debt Consolidation: Now that you can afford to pay back the loan, you must be diligent in making the repayment every month. In this way, your credit score will be build-up by the time you finish repaying the loan. You should check your credit report prior to applying for a personal loan use for the purpose of debt consolidation. The debt consolidation loan could also help to extend your loan term and reduce the monthly payment. Making a minimum payment on the loan means that you are only paying the interest rate. The actual amount you owe will remain the same in this case. This option is ideal for people who have limited income and need help in repaying the loan. The lender will review your credit profile and financial documents when deciding whether to approve the loan. It is easy to get a low-interest debt consolidation loan when you have a good/excellent credit score. In addition, you also must have a low outstanding debt to qualify for a low-interest rate. The length of repayment will also affect the interest rate. Longer repayment term causes you to pay a higher interest rate. A debt consolidation loan can consolidate your credit card debts into a single monthly payment. Before that, you have to remember different due dates from different credit cards to make sure you promptly submit the payment to the credit card company. It is easy to miss a payment when you have multiple due dates to remember. Now, you just have one repayment date to remember. This ensures that you will always remember to make the repayment on time. Read More: How To Get An Auto Loan At A Low-Interest Rate Conclusion: It’s a nice move to consolidate all your credit cards debts into a single but less expensive loan. You will have a peace of mind from the single installment and reduced interest rates. You will also rebuild your credit history as you continue repaying the loan as long as you make timely monthly installments. Read More: Best Home Buying Tips For First Time Buyers Oh, Crop! Killer E-Commerce Mistakes You Need To Conquer Questions To Ask When Working With A Web Developer

Binary Options

Unveiling The Dark Side Of Trading: Exposing Binary Options Scams And Ensuring A Secure Future

It is quite normal to have an extra cushion in life in the form of financial freedom. When you have enough money, your life becomes more comfortable. You have the freedom to buy the things that you desire most. And it is not a crime to dream big. Many seek an alternative source of income to supplement their income. There are several ways one can achieve this, and the stock market is one such place. Many have invested in the stock market and have made substantial profits. Considering the current economic situation, the need for this extra cushion is ever greater. The rising food prices, the Fed's increasing interest rates, and declining job prospects have raised concerns among many Westerners. As more and more people explore the possibilities of making a quick buck, scammers are just around the corner, waiting for them to make a mistake and get scammed in the process. Several scammers will impersonate stock brokers or brokerage firms; there are also some firms whose license to practice trading has expired or been revoked due to some legal issues. Thus, you, as an investor, need to be careful not to fall for such scams. The binary options trading scam is one such financial fraud that has engulfed many victims in its path. Binary Option Trading Before we understand the nature of the scam, let us first understand what binary options trading is. It is a type of contract between the broker and the client where the payouts entirely depend on the outcome, such as "yes" or "no." The price trend of a financial asset like a stock is considered, and a wager exists between the broker and the client that in the next five minutes, the price trend of that particular stock will either increase or decline. The one who loses the wager pays the winning amount to the winner. For example, a $100 wager between the client and broker is that the price of X stock, which is trending at $45 per share, will rise or fall. The one who loses the wager pays off the winner. Such wagers are instantaneous, and unlike other types of options available in the financial market, there is no way the client can avoid paying the losing bet. The contract ends when the stimulated time ends, and the loser pays the winner. Binary Option Scams Well, if binary options trading is so simple, you have a 50% chance of winning the bet, and you might think, "What could go wrong?" Well, for one, the trading platform that scammers offer their clients to download is rigged. The rigging is achieved in two ways: either the entire platform is rigged or there is a delay in the data that is streamed. Generally, the trading platforms offered by brokers or brokerage firms relay real-time data on price fluctuations in the stock market. The trading platform provided by Binary options scammers could cause a delay in the data streamed by the stock market. Thus, scammers know in advance about the price moment and can thus ensure that every bet that is placed is in favor of the scammer. In the second way of scamming the victims, scammers provide their victims with a completely rigged trading platform. In this case, the real-time data is not streamed from the stock market; rather, it is completely controlled by scammers. How do scammers keep their victims enticed? Scammers are smart; they know that if they keep on winning every time, their victims will lose interest and stop playing their "rigged game." Scammers will ensure that their victims initially win, thus promising a false sense of security that they have the "ability to win big." Thus, once these scammers start investing more, they start to lose. They invest more because they are afraid of losing money. The false sense that "this is the last bet, the one bet that will recover all the lost money," makes them invest more while increasing the amount on successive bets. A few genuine brokers and brokerage firms allow binary trading; they are regulated and certified by the regulatory authority, which ensures clients' interests are protected. How to spot bogus brokers or brokerage firms offering binary options services? Among all the complaints that are being received by the SEC, or Securities Exchange Commission, there are three common categories where victims were ripped off. 1. Denying reimbursement or paying off clients Once clients have opened trading accounts with scammers, they will deposit their money into their trading accounts. As and when the clients are falsely encouraged by the scammers to invest more to win more. Once these clients have had enough of the losses or wish to withdraw their winnings from their accounts, these scammers will not allow their clients to withdraw. Since these Binary options scammers are based in another country, there is little that these clients can do apart from calling their customer service center, which will eventually block their contact numbers. 2. Identity Theft Under the guise of providing binary options services, scammers will collect all the sensitive data from their victims. These scammers will collect their social security numbers, bank account numbers, credit card details, passports, driver’s licenses, and so forth. 3. Rigged trading platform Many clients who fall victim to bogus brokers or brokerage firms finally admit that they have fallen for a scam where they suspect that the trading platform was rigged. They also stated that the time left until the expiration of the winnings may be extended arbitrarily until the trade ends in a loss. Final thoughts The United States has legalized binary options trading, and as mentioned earlier, there are a few genuine brokers and brokerage firms regulated by regulatory authorities that are either private or government-owned. Since almost all brokers and brokerage firms advertise and can be contacted online, researching these firms is a must to avoid falling for binary options scams. Use caution if any broker or brokerage firm is offering binary options services at competitive prices. It's possible that they are scammers. Regulatory authorities offer protection against scams and fraud; they protect the interests of clients of a broker or a brokerage firm. So when a broker or brokerage firm goes rogue, these regulatory authorities ensure that the client's interests are protected. Always check that the online broker or brokerage firm is authorized and protected by a renowned private regulatory body or a government-owned entity. The binary option scam has also engulfed the cryptocurrency market; thus, be cautious if a binary option is offered in the crypto market. Read Also: 6 Ways To Make Sure Your Finances Are Seamless The Future Of Digital Currencies: 7 Things We Can Expect In 2022 Crypto Staking: Locking Up Crypto Holdings To Earn Interest