10 Tips to Design the Perfect Business Card

Published on: 04 October 2017 Last Updated on: 22 July 2024
Business Card

Handing out business cards is a good way to promote your brand and foster personal connections.

But, the creation of perfect and memorable cards clearly remains a challenge. Research shows: 88%—or 9 out of 10—of distributed business cards will be thrown out within one week.

How to Design the Perfect Business Card

So, what makes these tangible objects impressive?

A lovely design.

The perfect business card doesn’t only present your contact information. It also communicates your brand’s professionalism.

So, if you’re interested in making a positive impression, consider the business card design tips below.

1. Adhere to the Principles of Good Design

The perfect business card is a visual representation of your brand. It’s a determining factor in whether people trash your card.

And, the following elements of good design are important in capturing people’s attention:

  • Alignment and length
  • Color scheme
  • Content hierarchy
  • Typography
  • Kern
  • Layout
  • Tracking
  • White Space

2. Avoid Complexity in Design

When designing the perfect business card, you should aim for simplicity.

Simplicity in color and contrast to prevent overwhelm. Simplicity in fonts to prevent difficulty in reading.

Remember, you want a prospect or customer to reach out to you for help with their needs. And, by avoiding complexity, you make it easy for them to read your contact information, call your number, and partner with you for your services.

3. Provide Key Information

Above, we discussed simplicity in design. And, you can keep it simple by only presenting the information required to communicate who you are, what you do, and how to contact you. Details such as:

  • Name
  • Title, role, or function
  • Business name and logo
  • Physical address
  • Telephone number

If space allows, for social connections, you can also add virtual information. For instance, you can include:

  • Professional e-mail address
  • Website landing page or blog address
  • One or two professional social media handles
  • QR code

4. Emphasize Benefit and Value

You should also take it a step further and emphasize your benefits. In other words, the perfect business card should do two things:

  • Tell (or remind) people about what you can do for them
  • Tell (or remind) people about the value you offer

Limit your explanation to a line or two, describing your service, specialization, and value statement.

5. Consider a Nontraditional Shape

Can you choose the standard 3.5×2 inch horizontal rectangle/square?

Yes. But nowadays, you also have more creative options available. With die-cuts, for example, you can choose from a variety of shapes:

  • Circle
  • Folded
  • Half-Circle
  • Leaf
  • Oval
  • Rounded Corners
  • Single Rounded Corner
  • Slim
  • Vertical

6. Improve Your Card’s Appearance

Additionally, you can improve the look and feel of your business card, through imprinting. Again, you have several methods to choose from:

  • CMYK or Four-Color Printing
  • Embossing
  • Debossing
  • Foil Stamping
  • PMS or Pantone Matching System

Depending on your chosen imprint, “finishes”—such as lamination, UV, and spot coatings—can also positively enhance your card’s quality and design.

7. Invest in High-Quality Materials

Presentation is an important part of designing the perfect business card.

And, the quality of your chosen material impacts your brand’s impression.

You have a few choices, when choosing your card’s paper, weight, and thickness: regular, plastic, textured, thick, thin.

But, high-quality material is a better investment. How do we know? The National Institutes of Health’s research on haptic sensations found: physical touch can influence the impressions and thoughts formed about people and situations.

8. Ensure Branding Consistency

What you shouldn’t do, when designing your business card, is display a lack of cohesion in branding. If there are style, color, and typography inconsistencies in your marketing materials, then people will notice.

Remember, your brand identity helps customers and prospects recognize your business. And, when consistent, your business cards reinforce your visual elements.

9. Double-Check for Errors and Unreadable Text

You want customers to take you seriously. To trust you.

So, double-checking your business cards, before printing, is critical. Read, reread, and edit. Search for spelling, punctuation, grammar, layout, and omission mistakes.

But, don’t stop there. Also, make sure your business card is readable by:

  • Using at least 8 point fonts
  • Using font colors complementary to its background

10. Beware Printing Specifications

When designing the perfect business card, you must ensure optimal printing.

Many printers stop at a certain point. So, it’s important to consider the following specifications:

  • Bleed Area. You should include at least a 1/8” bleed area as it eliminates white space during printing.
  • Safe Area. The center of the business card is the safe area, so you want all your readable text and graphics there.

Ready to Design Your Card?

Now, you’re armed with 10 good design tips for creating the perfect business card. Use this Vistaprint coupon code to save on your next order. Will you apply them? If so, you’ll have what you need to increase your brand awareness, make a memorable impression, and even attract new clients.

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Employment Law Tips

7 Best Employment Law Tips For Businesses In Dubai

Are you planning to do business in Dubai? If yes, you must know the rules and regulations of employment laws in Dubai to settle there comfortably, especially the employment law, to start your job or business there. If you want to excel in your business field, you must know the country’s laws in the best possible manner. You cannot consider things for granted here. You must make your plans in the right direction to achieve your objective in the best possible way. As per the report of the Gulfnews, the labor laws are well protected in Dubai, and you cannot make any mess with it there. Best Employment Law Tips For Business In Dubai in 2021 Several employment law tips you can follow in Dubai to carry on your business successfully there. Therefore, let’s explore some of the essential facts in light of this matter. 1. Your Employees Have The Right To Take Annual Leaves The employees in Dubai have the full right to take annual leaves on several occasions; being an organization’s employer, you cannot ignore this fact. There are several kinds of leaves that you can enjoy there. For instances: Your employees can enjoy one day’s leave for new Year’s day. Your employees can enjoy the Islamic new year for one day. Your employees can enjoy Eid al Fitr for two days. Employees can also enjoy Eid Al Adha for Four days. Employees can also enjoy National Day for two days and Commemoration Day for one day. These are the leaves you must give to your employees if you are working in Dubai. You cannot bypass these leaves being an employer of an organization. The worker is entitled to annual leave for one year. Understanding the various national holidays and addressing any possible disputes that may or may not arise requires you to seek the assistance of the best uae law firms. They have an idea about the nature of society and will be able to guide you in the best possible manner. 2. Your Employers Must Pay The Wages Regularly  Your employees are entitled to receive the wages regularly in terms of the national currency of the state. Workers who are employed for monthly or annual wage must be paid once per month. An employer cannot force their employees to purchase their products from their stores. It will be considered an offense if the employer does so in Dubai. If you have accidentally breached the law, then you can consult the best law firm in Dubai. It is not necessary that your employees must buy the food or any goods from the owner’s shop in Dubai. You need to understand the law of the land before developing your business plan in Dubai. 3. You Cannot Deny The Maternity Leave Of Your Employees   You are not supposed to deny your employees maternity leave, even in the case of your immense work pressure. As per the labor law of the country Labour Law No eight and Article Number 30. A female worker is entitled to maternity leave for 45 days. Being an employer of the organization, you cannot evade out this law. 4. Your Employer Is Not Allowed To Keep Your Passport  Your employer is not allowed to keep your passport in their custody. You are not entitled to keep your employees’ access; it is actually against the law of the land. Furthermore, no employer can terminate the employee for not surrendering the passport. Your basics must be cleared regarding the employment rules in Dubai. Without the right knowledge, you cannot excel in your field. Ensure that you have not committed such mistakes in Dubai while running your business there. Your policies must be correct enough to deal with this matter efficiently. 5. Your Employees Must Not Bear The Cost Of Residency Visa Your employer must bear the cost of the residency visa in the UAE. The company must take the responsibility of the employee in this regard UAE. The Visa cost and sponsorship costs are the sole responsibility of the employer. If you want to grow your organization in the UAE, you must know this rule in detail. You cannot afford to make a mess with the law of the land. The only thing you must be aware of is that you must not violate the nation’s rules while operating your business in Dubai. 6. You Cannot Force Your Employee To Work For More Than 8-9 Hours A Day   You cannot force your employee to work for more than 8-9 hours a day in the UAE. It is a criminal offense and against the labor law of the land. You must know this fact in advance before setting your organization’s rules in the best possible manner. The total working hours for an adult in Dubai are 8 hours a day and 48 hours a week. You need not exceed that landmark in your case. The more vigilant you will be in this regard, the better it will be for you. 7. Employers Consent Is Not Required For Resignation The employer’s consent is not required if your employee wants to resign from your organization. It is solely the discretion of the employee to do the job for you. You cannot force your employee to stay and work for your organization. It is your employee’s sole individual decision and being an employer, you cannot force your employee to stay in your organization without their wish. It is wrong from the endpoints of the employer. Ensure that you know the rules and the regulation of the state in the best possible manner. Conclusion Hence, if you want to run your business in Dubai successfully, you must know the land rules in the best possible manner. You cannot ignore these facts while you are opening your organization in Dubai. Ensure that you have followed the laws of the nation in the best possible manner.  Make sure that you have followed the rules of the country in the best possible way. Ensure that being a leader of your organization; you have not violated the rules of the nation. Make sure that you have followed the rules in the best possible way. The more precise you are in adopting your business policy with the nation’s laws’ alignment, the better it will be for your organization. Try to maintain the employment law properly to run your organization successfully. Read Also: Can an Employee Claim for a Personal Injury When Working From Home? Picking the Right Law Firm for You and Your Family Understanding How Employee Recognition Can Aid Your Consulting Firm Why Do Businesses Need Lawyer’s Advice?

Reasons for Businesses to Relocate

10 Unavoidable Reasons for Businesses to Relocate

Setting up your physical shop or office is not an easy job. You should put away huge time and cash and put a lot of difficult work to guarantee that you have an amazing retail facade or working environment that mirrors your image and will pull in your objective clients or customers. Relocating business along with packing and moving can be the toughest jobs of your life, but movers in Phoenix can help you get rid of this task. With all the exertion and cash you put resources into opening your store or office, relocating your business will absolutely be the farthest thing in your brain. Notwithstanding, regardless of whether your business is new or effectively settled, there will come a time, when moving your shop or working environment will be the best choice you can actually make. If your organization is planning to move to another state or country, here are a few tips to read that could possibly be one of the main reasons for relocation: # 1. To secure more space. The No. 1 explanation an organization will move to another office is on the grounds that their present office no longer has enough space for them to do the things they need to do. One of two components becomes an integral factor: either the encompassing property needs more open space to oblige an actual extension of the structure, or the executives have established that such an office development on the current site would not be financially savvy. # 2. To bring down working expenses. While the requirement for more space might be the No. 1 explanation, directly behind the reality high working expenses have made an organization or plant uncompetitive. In some cases it's the expense of work: normal compensations, benefits, laborers comp and joblessness protection costs, and so forth Or then again it very well may be the difficult natural guidelines or high assessments. # 3. To modernize hardware and offices Now and again an organization's current office, its gear, or both, have become so outdated that the organization is put at an inconceivable hindrance contrasted with its rivals. # 4. To draw nearer to an enormous section of their market Significant distances to advertise mean two things: time and cash. In the event that a huge segment of an organization's market is in a specific district, that organization might have the option to set aside a ton of cash in transportation costs — and furthermore lessen their item conveyance times — by setting up an activity in that locale. # 5. To combine into fewer offices. Some of the time an organization simply has more assembling offices than it needs. # 6. To be nearer to specific providers or common assets. Similar market influences that apply to an organization's client base additionally apply to its providers. Significant distances mean higher transportation expenses and longer reaction times. # 7. To get to a superior or bigger work pool. Nowadays, work is the topmost concern for growing or migrating organizations, when they take a look at the areas. Here and there, an organization or office develops to where the neighborhood or local area, at this point don't supply a working power in adequate numbers and quality. # 8. To kill explicit work-related circumstances. Here and there an organization or office is having a terrible involvement in associations — ongoing strikes, expensive advantage bundles, or whatever — and the solitary arrangement is to move as distant as they can. # 9. To be nearer to comparable sort organizations (grouping). Numerous organizations like to bunch around different organizations inside a similar industry. Silicon Valley and Detroit are exemplary models, yet there are a lot of different models everywhere in the country. # 10. To improve personal satisfaction. A few organizations simply need to improve their personal satisfaction. This might be the individual decision of the proprietor for certain secretly held organizations, or it could be with the goal that the organization can all the more likely draw in particular kinds of workers (engineers, researchers, visual specialists, or whatever) by being in "high caliber of life" area. Before you start to move out, here are a few tech details you should know about relocating a business. We all vibe that the spot we live in has the best personal satisfaction on the planet. The significant thing is the way others see personal satisfaction in a specific area. In the event that an organization enlists broadly, or globally, for high-ability representatives, at that point being in an area by and large saw to be "cool" is an unequivocal resource. Read Also: Mistakes that Expats Make when they Move Overseas Plan Moving Houses Ahead: 7 Essential Tips 7 Helpful Tips During an Emergency Moving Process Moving Companies and How they Determine Cost Finding The Right Moving Company

Corporate Hackathon

Corporate Hackathon: Benefits To The Employees

Hackathons are becoming a growing hit in the business world as a tool to encourage employee innovation and collaboration. A hackathon is an event where employees from different departments come together to work on specific projects. It is usually a time-bound event, ranging from a few hours to several days. The objective is to come up with creative solutions that businesses may use and leverage. Hackathon events offer various advantages to workers. In this post, we'll talk about a few of these benefits and how they might raise an organization's general productivity and efficacy. Virtual Hackathon Platform An online platform that allows businesses to hold hackathons remotely. Regardless of their geographical location, it offers a digital environment for participants to interact, share ideas, and work on projects together. Benefits of Virtual Hackathons Flexibility: Virtual hackathons can draw a more excellent range of participants from different locations. Businesses hosting a Corporate Hackathon where employees are globally located benefit from Virtual hackathon platforms. As it involves multinational teams, participants can work from anywhere with an internet connection. Scalability: Compared to physical events, virtual hackathons are not limited by venue capacity or logistical problems.  Supports collaboration: This includes video conferencing, chat rooms, project management tools, and real-time feedback mechanisms. Exciting and engaging experience: It makes sharing ideas, working together, and building innovative solutions easier. In general, virtual hackathons offer a practical and effective approach to organizing hackathons. One of which is corporate hackathons. With a virtual hackathon platform, businesses can use the power of cooperation and creativity to advance their operations. How to Host a Hackathon at Your Organization? Set specific goals and objectives for your hackathon. Decide on a theme or problem statement to focus on. Invite participants from across your organization. Think about opening up participation to outside parties as well. Choose the right hackathon software to facilitate the event. Consider from idea submission and team formation to project management and presentation. Provide appropriate resources and support, such as access to technology, mentors, and refreshments. Encourage teamwork and communication amongst participants. Set realistic deadlines for the hackathon. Ensure that teams have enough time to develop their ideas. Plan for a post-hackathon review and feedback. Determine future steps to be taken. Benefits of Corporate Hackathons to Employees Advancement in the Workplace Corporate hackathons are an essential tool for the professional development of employees. Through hackathons, employees can acquire new skills and approaches that can help them advance in their careers. Here are some of the ways that corporate hackathons can promote professional growth: Exposure to new technologies: Participants can learn about new technologies and hackathon software, which can broaden their skillset and improve their problem-solving abilities. Project management: Hackathons often have tight deadlines, which can help employees learn to deal with pressure and improve their resilience and adaptability. Leadership development: Leading a project during a hackathon allows participants to develop their leadership abilities and hone their decision-making skills. Encourages Creativity and Innovation In today's fast-paced corporate world, it's easy for employees to get bogged down with daily tasks and lose sight of their creative potential. However, hosting a hackathon can provide a platform for employees to unleash their creativity and come up with innovative ideas. By using hackathon software, employees can collaborate and build on each other's ideas. Together, they can generate unique and novel approaches. This kind of environment creates a space where employees can think beyond their comfort zones. It allows them to push the boundaries of traditional problem-solving methods. Additionally, a hackathon can help identify the creative members of your team and encourage professional development in those areas. Example: A company wants to improve its customer service experience. Employees from several departments collaborate to enhance customer support's efficiency and engagement. One employee introduces gamification components to make the experience more interactive. Another employee suggests utilizing chatbots to respond to frequent consumer inquiries. Then the team combines these ideas and creates a prototype for a chatbot. This chatbot uses gamification to make the customer service experience more enjoyable. Advocates Cooperation and Teamwork Teamwork and cooperation are vital for a successful and productive workplace. Corporate hackathons provide an opportunity to promote these values and foster a collaborative culture. Corporate hackathons provide a platform for networking ideas. This exposure to various viewpoints and skill sets can lead to new solutions. Thereby, directing to a better understanding of business operations. Employee skill development is possible through this cross-functional cooperation. It promotes a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing. For example, a developer may learn about the user experience from a designer, whereas a marketing employee may work with a software engineer and learn to code. The team-building component of a hackathon enables staff members to train in resolution techniques, enhancing interpersonal competencies. Employees can leverage their individual strengths to achieve a common goal. This saves time, considering the pressure of time constraints and the need to produce a functional prototype. Employees feel good that their ideas and contributions are acknowledged. They will likely have a positive attitude toward their work and the company. Favors inclusion and diversity. By encouraging participation, hackathons can help break down barriers and promote a more inclusive work environment. Boosts Morale and Motivation Participating in a hackathon can be a great morale booster for employees. They feel satisfaction in their work and a sense of success. Staff members are motivated to put in more effort and advance the company. Hackathons also provide employees with a break from their routine work. Staff members get to work on something different and exciting. This is helpful in reducing boredom and burnout. Increased job fulfillment and employee retention may also follow from this. Hosting a corporate hackathon demonstrates the organization cares about its employees' growth and creative potential. Creating a fun and exciting work atmosphere can increase employee engagement. Safe Space: Hackathons give workers a place to try out novel ideas and take chances without worrying about failing. Employees from discriminated groups who might be reluctant to speak up in traditional workplaces may find this beneficial. Summing Up Corporate hackathons are a remarkable resource for professional development overall. Corporate hackathons are a fantastic method to promote innovation and creativity among employees. They offer a distinctive setting for workers to cooperate and devise original answers to challenging issues. Employees can gain new talents, improve their interpersonal skills, and network with coworkers from various departments. It is a powerful tool for promoting a culture of inclusivity in the workplace. The benefits of hosting a corporate hackathon include professional development, innovation, collaboration, employee morale, and diversity and inclusion. Hackathon software has made it more exciting and enjoyable for participants. Moreover, hackathon software allows companies to make these events more accessible and streamlined. Hosting a corporate hackathon has advantages for businesses trying to stay competitive in today's fast-paced business world. Read Also: 5 Intelligent Sources to Boost Business Strategies all Over the World Are There More Doors Or Wheels In The World? Business To Business [B2B] Content Guide