7 Best Employment Law Tips For Businesses In Dubai

Published on: 09 January 2021 Last Updated on: 24 June 2022
Employment Law Tips

Are you planning to do business in Dubai? If yes, you must know the rules and regulations of employment laws in Dubai to settle there comfortably, especially the employment law, to start your job or business there.

If you want to excel in your business field, you must know the country’s laws in the best possible manner. You cannot consider things for granted here. You must make your plans in the right direction to achieve your objective in the best possible way.

As per the report of the Gulfnews, the labor laws are well protected in Dubai, and you cannot make any mess with it there.

Best Employment Law Tips For Business In Dubai in 2021

Several employment law tips you can follow in Dubai to carry on your business successfully there. Therefore, let’s explore some of the essential facts in light of this matter.

1. Your Employees Have The Right To Take Annual Leaves

The employees in Dubai have the full right to take annual leaves on several occasions; being an organization’s employer, you cannot ignore this fact. There are several kinds of leaves that you can enjoy there. For instances:

  1. Your employees can enjoy one day’s leave for new Year’s day.
  2. Your employees can enjoy the Islamic new year for one day.
  3. Your employees can enjoy Eid al Fitr for two days.
  4. Employees can also enjoy Eid Al Adha for Four days.
  5. Employees can also enjoy National Day for two days and
  6. Commemoration Day for one day.

These are the leaves you must give to your employees if you are working in Dubai. You cannot bypass these leaves being an employer of an organization. The worker is entitled to annual leave for one year.

Understanding the various national holidays and addressing any possible disputes that may or may not arise requires you to seek the assistance of the best uae law firms. They have an idea about the nature of society and will be able to guide you in the best possible manner.

2. Your Employers Must Pay The Wages Regularly 

Your employees are entitled to receive the wages regularly in terms of the national currency of the state. Workers who are employed for monthly or annual wage must be paid once per month.

An employer cannot force their employees to purchase their products from their stores. It will be considered an offense if the employer does so in Dubai. If you have accidentally breached the law, then you can consult the best law firm in Dubai.

It is not necessary that your employees must buy the food or any goods from the owner’s shop in Dubai. You need to understand the law of the land before developing your business plan in Dubai.

3. You Cannot Deny The Maternity Leave Of Your Employees  

You are not supposed to deny your employees maternity leave, even in the case of your immense work pressure.

As per the labor law of the country Labour Law No eight and Article Number 30. A female worker is entitled to maternity leave for 45 days. Being an employer of the organization, you cannot evade out this law.

4. Your Employer Is Not Allowed To Keep Your Passport 

Your employer is not allowed to keep your passport in their custody. You are not entitled to keep your employees’ access; it is actually against the law of the land. Furthermore, no employer can terminate the employee for not surrendering the passport.

Your basics must be cleared regarding the employment rules in Dubai. Without the right knowledge, you cannot excel in your field.

Ensure that you have not committed such mistakes in Dubai while running your business there. Your policies must be correct enough to deal with this matter efficiently.

5. Your Employees Must Not Bear The Cost Of Residency Visa

Your employer must bear the cost of the residency visa in the UAE. The company must take the responsibility of the employee in this regard UAE. The Visa cost and sponsorship costs are the sole responsibility of the employer.

If you want to grow your organization in the UAE, you must know this rule in detail. You cannot afford to make a mess with the law of the land. The only thing you must be aware of is that you must not violate the nation’s rules while operating your business in Dubai.

6. You Cannot Force Your Employee To Work For More Than 8-9 Hours A Day  

You cannot force your employee to work for more than 8-9 hours a day in the UAE. It is a criminal offense and against the labor law of the land. You must know this fact in advance before setting your organization’s rules in the best possible manner.

The total working hours for an adult in Dubai are 8 hours a day and 48 hours a week. You need not exceed that landmark in your case. The more vigilant you will be in this regard, the better it will be for you.

7. Employers Consent Is Not Required For Resignation

The employer’s consent is not required if your employee wants to resign from your organization. It is solely the discretion of the employee to do the job for you. You cannot force your employee to stay and work for your organization.

It is your employee’s sole individual decision and being an employer, you cannot force your employee to stay in your organization without their wish. It is wrong from the endpoints of the employer. Ensure that you know the rules and the regulation of the state in the best possible manner.


Hence, if you want to run your business in Dubai successfully, you must know the land rules in the best possible manner. You cannot ignore these facts while you are opening your organization in Dubai. Ensure that you have followed the laws of the nation in the best possible manner.  Make sure that you have followed the rules of the country in the best possible way.

Ensure that being a leader of your organization; you have not violated the rules of the nation. Make sure that you have followed the rules in the best possible way. The more precise you are in adopting your business policy with the nation’s laws’ alignment, the better it will be for your organization. Try to maintain the employment law properly to run your organization successfully.

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Leaf By Leaf: Free Samples As A Catalyst For A Sustainable And Ethical Kratom Industry

Originating in Southeast Asia, kratom has increasingly been attracting attention around the globe. As the kratom trade expands, its environmental impact grows as well. With this in consideration, sustainability has become a necessary feature that industry participants must focus on. The importance of responsible sourcing and reducing environmental repercussions are significant discussions in the trade, as consumers are becoming more aware of the environment and require more openness and ethical conduct from the companies they patronize. Free kratom samples as a business strategy provide a unique method to address these challenges. They are a connection between consumer interests and the trade's necessity for a more sustainable and ethical business model. By allowing customers to try products without immediate purchase, businesses are showcasing their trust in their product's quality. This article will argue that free kratom samples can initiate a beneficial cycle of heightened satisfaction and ultimately a change toward a more ethically and environmentally conscious kratom trade. We will examine how this straightforward yet tactical approach can foster a constructive change in the entire supply chain, from growth to consumer. Benefits of Free Kratom Samples Offering free kratom samples presents an undeniable advantage for consumers who are afforded the opportunity to explore a range of kratom strains and blends without having to open their wallets. This generous approach empowers individuals to discover the variant that best aligns with their personal goals, fostering a process of informed decision-making. The hands-on experience gained through these samples can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of each strain, encouraging a more confident and precise purchase in the future. The gesture of sharing free samples not only enhances customer satisfaction by ensuring they find their optimal product match, but it also engenders a sense of goodwill, which tends to translate into long-term client loyalty and repeat business for suppliers. Consequently, the practice serves as a cornerstone in nurturing a trustworthy relationship between consumers and kratom vendors and plays a key role in the customer's progression from novice to advocate within the kratom community. Fostering Transparency and Trust Companies that distribute free kratom samples demonstrate that they are confident about their product's quality, contributing to openness that's vital in establishing consumer confidence. When businesses are transparent about the origins and production process of their kratom, they promote a more educated customer base. People tend to favor brands that aren't solely focused on profits but also show real concern for ethical sourcing and the environmental impact of their activities. Providing free kratom samples is an action that extends beyond advertising— it signifies a dedication to excellence and ethical conduct, comforting customers that they are investing in a product that matches their principles. As a result, such openness not only earns the trust of potential customers but also strengthens the brand's reputation as an ethical and reliable supplier in the kratom industry. Supporting Ethical Supply Chains Promoting direct interactions between buyers and kratom growers, free kratom samples initiate support for ethical supply chains. This initiative forms a basis for transparency, where consumers can accumulate knowledge about the origin of their kratom and discover the cultivation and production methods used. By connecting the origin and the end-user, customers become more educated and are able to make conscious decisions, supporting producers who adhere to ethical standards and who are committed to the well-being of their workers as well as the environment. Companies that offer free samples often reinforce this ethical position, inviting examination and answering consumer inquiries regarding their supply chain management. Consequently, customers are not only informed about the quality of the kratom they receive but also about the entire sequence of operations that transports this herbal supplement from the farms to their homes, ensuring every phase is consistent with their personal values. Promoting Environmental Stewardship By integrating free samples into their distribution model, kratom companies take an important step towards environmental responsibility. This strategy inherently lessens unnecessary waste by decreasing the materials needed for packaging and the carbon emissions from shipping multiple single-purchase items. It ensures that customers only commit to larger purchases that could be wasteful after they've confirmed that the product satisfies their requirements, thus discouraging the rejection of inappropriate items. Furthermore, these environmentally-friendly practices agree with eco-aware consumers who prefer to support businesses that are actively reducing their effects on the environment. By strategically decreasing waste and adopting a more sustainable method to share their products, kratom companies not only operate with an environmentally conscious ethos but also help lead a change towards more accountable practices in the industry at large. In conclusion, free kratom samples serve as an important tool in shaping a more sustainable and ethical kratom industry. They enable consumers to make educated decisions that align with their individual needs and values, ultimately building a sense of loyalty and trust towards companies that are open and dedicated to responsible actions. The strategy also backs ethical supply chains and encourages environmental stewardship by minimizing waste and linking consumers with the origins of their purchases. The collective advantages of this business model are evident, contributing to a kratom marketplace that is not only consumer-friendly but also socially responsible and environmentally aware. For those interested in further examining the impact of free kratom samples on sustainability within the industry, research into supply chain transparency, environmental impact assessments, and consumer behavior studies would provide additional perspectives into this progressive practice. Read Also: The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Right Shipping Company How Long Does AliExpress Take To Ship? 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Third Party Lab Testing

Making the Best from Third Party Lab Testing

Venturing into the hemp market? Like other niches, there is no doubt that your goal is optimizing profit and growing your enterprise. However, the cannabis niche is a bit tricky because it is pretty new, resulting in an influx of poor-quality products. Although the Farm Bill Amendments of 2018 opened the door for all, it is now apparent that you cannot simply trust the products because they are labeled the "best." To be sure of identifying the best cannabis products, you need to move one step ahead and use third party lab testing. These are accredited independent labs that are allowed to help people test the content of their products. While testing the cannabis products is the primary goal for most traders in the cannabis niche, we will tell you how to use lab testing to enhance your competitive advantage. Use the 3rd Party Lab Tests to Check the Cannabinoid Profile One of the key issues that the FDA has noted with cannabis products is that some of them have false information on their labels. In one of the recent cases, the FDA reported that some cannabis products had CBD levels lower than manufacturers had indicated on labels. Because the bulk of clients looking for cannabis products intend to get their therapeutic benefits, you do not want to sell them products with wrong info. Third-party lab tests help you to check the cannabinoid profile, which shows the different cannabinoids and their quantities in a sample. When you notice a product with false information, it implies that a supplier or manufacturer cannot be trusted, so keep looking. Check for the Presence of Harmful Components According to the FDA, every product being released into the market should be carefully produced and proven to be harmless to the user. However, some cannabis products contain products that can be dangerous to the human body. For example, if a cannabis product contains heavy metals, your clients are at risk of suffering from serious cell-structure damage. Other harmful components that can be found in a cannabis product include bio-contaminants, pesticides, and organic solvents. When you subject your hemp product to third party lab testing, the results will show whether there are dangerous components that can harm users. If the harmful components are in qualities that are higher than what is legally allowed, the best idea is not stocking that product. Instead, keep checking until you identify the hemp products that are safe. Tell Clients about the Tests in Your Profile When you take your products for testing by independent laboratories, make sure to tell your targeted clients. This will help you to stand out because clients will be sure that they are buying high-quality cannabis products. They will also refer to others, meaning that your sales and profits are likely to grow. The emerging cannabis market has proven to be challenging for traders because not all products available for sale can be trusted. However, you can use third-party laboratory testing to ensure you stock high-quality products and strengthen your brand. Read Also: What is Cannabis Oil and how does CBD Oil Work? The Benefits of Drug Testing in the Workplace using Drug Test Cups

Improve Workplace Safety

6 Useful Tips To Improve Workplace Safety

The workplace is one of the most important places in our lives. It is where we make money, build relationships and meet new people. For us to be able to do all these things, we must have a safe environment to work in. The safety of employees should be paramount but sadly this isn't always the case as many businesses are not taking the necessary precautions when it comes to workplace safety. Below are some tips on how you can improve your workplace's safety standards. Safety Audit Conducting a safety audit is a great way to identify potential hazards and ensure that everyone in the workplace is safe. The first step in conducting a safety audit is to take stock of everything you can think of from your office building’s structure to the equipment in the kitchen, everything should be scrutinized for any risks or dangers. Keep an eye out for anything that could cause bodily harm if it were to be tripped over or otherwise mishandled. Next, it’s time for some hands-on testing! Look at every surface that might have sharp edges or jagged corners; make sure every tool has its own place where it won't get lost or forgotten about; look at staircases and make sure they're clear of clutter (or better yet, eliminate them entirely). You may even want to go around with different people who work in different parts of the building so that no one area gets overlooked—it's important not only that all employees are aware of their own responsibilities but also those around them as well! When you’ve finished checking all areas thoroughly, write down what needs improvement on pieces of paper—you’ll need these later when presenting your findings back to everyone involved so they know exactly what needs changing before someone gets hurt again due to negligence. If you are still confused, try to go for employer of record, which is a prominent outsourcing process for your business process. Safety Issues Report If you want to improve workplace safety, you need to make it easy for your employees to report problems. You don't have to be a jerk about it—just make sure they feel comfortable reporting whatever issues are on their minds so that you can take appropriate action. Don't punish people who report safety issues. It's not as simple as saying "don't ever punish someone for reporting a safety issue." Sometimes, if an employee has done something wrong and is being honest about the problem, he or she may need to be disciplined. But if an employee reports an unsafe situation because he or she feels strongly about doing the right thing in terms of workplace safety, then that person should not be punished for doing so (especially if there was no harm done). Make it anonymous—but not too much more than anonymous. In other words: allow for some anonymity (so people don't feel afraid), but also encourage them by making sure everyone knows who reported what issue and why so that everyone at least has some idea of where improvements are needed (and thus can work together on making those improvements) Safety Culture A safety culture is a set of norms and values that promote safety in the workplace. It's more than just good policies, it's how people think about and manage their own behavior. Safety culture is based on shared values, not just written rules and procedures. You can develop a positive safety culture by: Promoting a sense of ownership among employees—giving them opportunities to suggest ways to improve workplace safety and rewarding those who do so with the recognition Making sure all employees understand the importance of their role in keeping themselves safe as well as others Camera Spotter Installation Camera spotters are a great way to improve safety in your workplace. These cameras are designed to be installed in many different places, including around the perimeter of your site, underneath traffic lights and stop signs, and even on top of buildings. Camera spotters can be used for many purposes: they can help monitor people as they walk down hallways or drive through parking lots; they can help monitor traffic by recording speeding vehicles; and they can alert security when pedestrians or vehicles enter restricted areas. The camera spotter you install should be able to detect motion at long distances so that it will pick up any activity within its field of view. This way no one will ever sneak around unnoticed—you'll always know when something dangerous is happening! Drug Testing Policy It's important to have an Australian drug testing policy in place to ensure that your employees are not using drugs or alcohol at work. It can help prevent accidents and injuries, increase productivity, and improve employee morale. A drug testing policy is an important part of maintaining a safe workplace. It helps protect the health and safety of everyone who works there by setting expectations for how the company will respond when someone tests positive for drug or alcohol use. Each state has its laws governing workplace drug testing policies—which substances are allowed to be tested for (alcohol alone? alcohol with drugs?), what type of tests can be used (urine tests? hair follicle samples?), how much-advance notice employees must receive before being tested, etc. Some states even require employers who regularly employ more than five people within their jurisdiction to implement a written drug-free program that includes components such as: Work Licence Update Having a work licence lawyer working on licence updates is important. Your work licence is a legal document that allows you to work in Australia and is required for every person who wants to work in Australia, including those who are Australian citizens or permanent residents. If you are an overseas worker and have a current subclass 457 visa or a subclass 186 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme visa, then you will need to apply for a new subclass 400 Temporary Work (Skilled) visa if your current visa expires within 12 months of the expiry date on your old subclass 457/186 visa.You need to renew your work licence every 3 years after its issue date (or 2 years after its issue date if it was issued by way of an automated process). Conclusion This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many things that you can do to ensure your workplace is safe and healthy. At the end of the day, it’s all about prioritizing safety and making sure that everyone in your company feels comfortable at work. Read Also: Should You Be Friends With Your Co-Workers? 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