Not all customers are always right

Published on: 21 September 2017 Last Updated on: 16 August 2019

Why Not All Customers Are Subjects to “Always Right” Position

1909 is the year when one of the most famous phrases of all times ‘The customer is always right’ has appeared. The author, Harry Gordon Selfridge, founder and owner of a department store in London, used this phrase to argue customers into the point that they will be served like kings and employees of the store by the same token promised that they would do all they could to satisfy their customers.

Much water has flowed under the bridges since then, and perhaps it is time to throw discredit on this dictum. Today it is clear that such approach can lead to worse customer service. So if you are a business owner, and do not want to support this ‘customer’s right’ position then rejoice! You are not alone and economists tend to agree with you.

Here are some reasons to support this point of view :


1. Such approach harms the productivity of the staff

The way an employer treats his people is extremely important as thereon hangs their wish to put the best leg forward and bend every effort for company’s success. Many customers when paying for certain service decide that they have a right to abuse workers of the service. And taking their side in the conflict with your employees makes your people vulnerable.  Employees need to feel that they are protected and valued, so no tricky customer can spoil your relationship. Of course, one may say that such approach encourages lousy customer service, however, it turns out that if the employer always takes side of the customer, the repercussions are much worse than in the sound solving of the problem.

2. It over complicates work of the staff

Abusive people take this slogan to their advantage demanding additional service that employees should not provide. And due to this slogan workers try to satisfy excessive demands, for the most part neglecting needs of nicer costumers.

3. You can fire a customer, yes

There is no excuse to disrespect and rudeness towards employees of your business and no matter how much money such customer can bring to the company. So when the customer keeps complaining about your service but still uses it, feel free to fire him – save time and nerves, yours and your staff. There is no need to worry as long as your business offers high quality services –you will always have customers.

4. You get better results at work

Treat your people as you wish them to treat your customers. Satisfy all their needs and protect their rights and dignity. And that will motivate your employees to work harder and care about customers. Otherwise, you will show your staff that they are not important for the company and they have to tolerate disrespectful behavior from clients.

 5. If the customer is wrong, then your business is better off without him, honestly

There are situations when clients are definitely wrong, for example, when abusing others or infringing on their rights. Providing services to such buyers will result in the rundown of appropriate customers.

As for the companies that offer online writing services like 10 page, the situation is brighter. Students come for help and they know what they are searching for. For example, if they need custom academic papers, then they place an order at the website and discuss it with the writer. All writers of the service are qualified and eager to help, more than that, after completion of each order students leave feedback for their work, so they are motivated to be customer-friendly.

If there is any problem, the friendly Support team helps to solve the issue and as the company tends to be customer-oriented, members of Support team work 24/7 to be in touch with customers in need. So any client can communicate with the writer or member of the Support team using convenient means of communication and at any time. The support team is always able to get across even with the most carping customer, yet, they also do not tolerate rudeness or abusiveness. Writers there are masters of their craft, their works are highly evaluated by students worldwide so they know their own value. Managers of the service are always ready to hear an appeal if there is something wrong with the order, still, they always make fair verdicts.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Business Downtime

How to Protect Your Business from Downtime

One of the costliest experiences your business can face is network downtime. It can result in tremendous loss of profit if contracts are not fulfilled or services are not provided simply because you cannot access the relevant information you need. While there are many advantages to moving to a cloud network, there are also some things that can go wrong. As with any business practice, it is important to plan for what can go wrong and protect yourself when this happens. Expect the Unexpected: Downtime can occur at any point with little notice. When this happens, it can fully interrupt your daily business plan and can leave you spinning and looking for something to do until you can get online. To minimize the loss in this time, it is imperative that you develop a full continuity plan to be utilized in the event of downtime. You may also need to check any service level agreements (or SLAs) that you may have with a third party to make sure that you are protected from any action from then during downtime. Appreciate That It Might Sometimes Be You: These frustrating periods of downtime are not always caused by the cloud provider. Sometimes it might be as simple as a dodgy script or piece of code causing your cloud to go down. In this scenario, the onus is on you to fix it and not upon the cloud provider since the problem originated from you. Check everything frequently to ensure that you are completing things to the best of your ability. Any coding needs to be properly checked before it goes live on the site and bugs need to be found and fixed as quickly as possible. If you are introducing something from a third-party developer, make sure that is from a reputable source so that it does not damage any of the structure that you have worked so hard to build. Do not add anything to your cloud unless you know exactly what it is and where it has come from. Use a Multi-Cloud Structure: By using a multi-cloud structure which operates across different accessibility zones, you are decreasing the likelihood of your business being completely cut off from its work. This may not eliminate your downtime risk but it can certainly help to minimize it. Check that the individual cloud providers you are using for your hybrid structure aren’t using the same data centre and the same resources. If this is the case, having a multi-cloud structure for the purpose of reducing downtime is completely redundant. Prepare for Recovery: Sudden downtime can result in some awful loss of data and projects if you are not careful. Sometimes, this loss can occur even if you follow the best online practices. To best recover from downtime and data loss, you will need to use some proactive measures and potentially contact an expert to help. Disaster Recover as a Service (or DRaaS) is a service which can be implemented as part of your overall cloud package from the right provider. Along with other services like infrastructure or software, many should be able to offer disaster recovery. Find out more about DRaaS from; these experts know all about it. Downtime may seem like a scary prospect which can seriously affect your performance depending on how you handle it. Like many aspects of business, you will be able to weather even periods of unexpected downtime if you have a proactive business plan in place. Be sensible, and you will be able to protect your company properly no matter what is thrown at it. Read More:  5Tricks for Using Twitter to Grow Your Business. The Top Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Security Guard. Thinking of becoming an entrepreneur? What is the cost to start a business?


5 Strategic Ways To Automate Your Internal Business Workflows

Setting up a business requires a lot of effort, time, and money. On top of that, making sure it becomes a success is an even harder job. It requires capital, investment, and constant attention. After going through the complicated process of making a business stand on its feet, if you also have to keep yourself engaged in all the jobs that your business requires, it may pose a big problem for you. As the meme goes, modern problems require modern solutions; technology has an answer to every problem that we encounter in whatever spectrum. Workflow automation has emerged to be one of the most sought-after forms of technology. It simply refers to the automatic functioning of a few processes with just the input of a few data. It saves a lot of manpower. Here are 5 ways in which automation can be strategically utilized. Use automation only where applicable You must not overdo it by using automation in every step of your business. Instead, you should decide where it is necessary. For example, a process that is prone to mistakes if conducted by a person may be given over to automation to minimize time and errors. Automation may be used for repetitive processes There are all kinds of jobs that constitute a business. In the past, they all had to be done by people, which gradually became quite exhausting. The job may involve a few processes that need to be repeated over and over again. It becomes very difficult and tedious for an individual to continue doing the same thing for hours on end. Thus, automation is recommended for such repetitive tasks where all you have to do is put in your data, and certain software will record it and do the rest of your job. Automating tasks that have a bigger impact You may assign automation to a simple and trivial task and not see much of a difference. But, many small tasks together would have taken up a lot of time and effort, which you have saved by using automation. For example, a company has reached out to say that they have used automation to send emails to their partners at their convenience without worrying about them being disturbed. AUse automation to form a connection between two software You must make the most of automation by using it to connect two software and get the work done. It will be like living up to the phrase of killing two birds with one stone. Automated by using a step by step process You may be faced with errors if you automate a process in one go. Instead, you should break down a process into simple steps that would have been undertaken by an individual. Enter individual data for every step and then combine them. This will make sure there are no glitches in the intermediate steps. Only then will you end with a successfully automated process. Read Also: Industrial Automation Software Development 5 Reasons Every Business Should Invest in Automation Software Why Sensors are Essential in Machine Automation Top 10 Features to Have in Marketing Automation Platforms

Manage Multiple Accounts and Listings on Airbnb

How to Manage Multiple Accounts and Listings on Airbnb

Working with multiple accounts and listings on Airbnb is not easy. This requires the ability to solve several problems at the same time. Only specialists who are constantly working in this field have such skills. For ordinary citizens, following some rules makes it easier to work on effective business control. Why Managing Multiple Accounts and Listings on Airbnb Can Be a Problem for a Host? The use of multiple accounts is appropriate when working on the service on behalf of the company. The owner, who has decided to do so, may face the following problems: You risk losing all your accounts. Airbnb is able to recognize accounts that are included with a single IP address; Many owners lose potential customers. To keep many accounts active, you need to respond to guest messages right away. With many accounts, it's hard to keep track of everyone; Lack of experience and organizational skills leads to confusion and complicates business. In order not to have such problems, you should carefully study the service instruction for the region where you are. How to Improve Account Management: The company has gained a lot of experience in its segment. Over the years, the service has brought its work by customers and companions to perfection. The company has created conditions to facilitate the work of staff, to provide all assistance to holidaymakers and owners who are ready to provide them with temporary accommodation. If you work closely with the service, all problems can be solved. To do this, you have to meet several conditions. Using Only 1 Account: One of Airbnb's main requirements is that customers should use one account to address multiple issues. This condition may not apply to all regions. Customers of the company should carefully consider the requirements of the service to the place of residence. It happens that somewhere it is more effective to use more than one account. In such cases, the service attentively explains to the customers. Using Special Software: It's not easy to choose a company having much experience with Airbnb in managing a multi-listing business. The most appropriate option in this situation would be to choose automation. iGms free service will provide you with software for multiple accounts. Automatic mode will allow you to receive messages from guests without your intervention. This will give you the opportunity to respond quickly to guests and constantly be aware of things. All transactions will take place in a single mailbox. It will save you time because you don’t have to admit multiple accounts all the time. Another reliable assistant for effective listing management is Hosty software. It allows you to access all ads on the same panel. Hosty offers you several advantages: Increases productivity; Simplifies the work; Cleans up listings. An intelligent filter performs an important function. With it, you can: Filter ads in a specific account; Find lists from multiple accounts; See listings on other channels and services besides Airbnb. Custom tags will allow you to clarify details in lists: Parking features; Real estate location coordinates; Handicap availability. In Hosty, you can open the calendar of each property. Here you will see all the information you are interested in. A messenger is built into the calendar to communicate with guests. The best way to do things successfully is to use the automation of listings on Airbnb through Hosty. It includes some useful features that will improve your work. Automation in the software will help not only recreational lovers, owners of rental premises, and young businessmen, but also experienced real estate professionals. Follow the link for more information: Hire an Airbnb Real Estate Management Company: Many hosts are unable to cope with their accounts. They are not able to communicate with multiple guests at the same time. It's hard for them to determine which account the conversation is on. Such situations lead to confusion. The best way to solve your problems is to hire Airbnb management. This will give you several advantages: Saving time and efforts; Guarantee against banning accounts; Professional salvation of the problems. You will have to pay only a small percentage of your income for the company's services. Using Airbnb Sharing: The service allows you to jointly register on the platform on one account. If a group is going on vacation nearby or book one room, there is no need to have multiple accounts. Conclusion: Maintaining multiple accounts is not an easy task. Don't be overconfident about the Airbnb app. It is better to discuss all the details regarding the booking of accommodation with the management of the service. Otherwise, the period of preparation for rest can be spoiled by unpleasant problems. No one knows the nuances of the company's activities better than its staff. Before you make a decision, you should carefully consider the rules of Airbnb. Read Also: Best Transaction Management Software for Your Real Estate Business This Is Why Every Organization Should Invest in Job Management Software 7 Ways Technology Can Help in Customer Management and Sales Services Offered By A Property Management Service