4 Ideas to Bring Your Team Closer Together

Published on: 17 October 2018 Last Updated on: 05 November 2022
Team Closer Together

A University of Phoenix survey found that 70% of respondents cited being part of a dysfunctional team, and with Gallup reporting that poorly-managed work groups are 50% less productive on average, it’s easy to understand just how important a strong team is in the workplace. Bring your team closer together.

Bringing your team closer together should be among your top goals for a successful business, utilizing these ideas can help achieve that.

Multiple Ways You Can Bring Your Team Closer Together    

There are various ways you can bring your team closer together. For that, you have to make your choices in the right direction to achieve your goals in the correct manner.

Host Friendly Competitions:

A great way to build team spirit is to get everyone involved in a competition. A sporting event or another type of physical activity, like an office softball game, bowling, or even hosting a silly spoof on the Olympics, with an Olympic-style Games day that includes events like a spoon and egg races, are just a few different options.  Everyone will be working as a team while having fun at the same time, helping to encourage stronger bonds and improve communication.

Team Dinners:

Aim to occasionally get the team together for an after-work dinner so that staff members can get to know everyone on a more personal level, enjoying conversations that aren’t necessarily work-related. If coming home late is not something your employees can or want to do, you might consider weekly team lunches as they can help foster better relationships and a stronger team too.

Play Games:

Playing office games occasionally can help employees become more engaged, encouraging staff to think about work as something more than just a steady paycheck and benefits. They can also prevent boredom and provide opportunities for getting the entire team closer. Truths and lies is a good one as a fun and easy way for staff to get to know each other better. Invite workers to sit in a circle facing the center, and then ask them to take a few minutes to come up with two truths and one lie about themselves. Everyone else can try and figure out which is which.

Just about everyone enjoys playing Name that Tune. It’s just what it sounds like: simply play about a 5-second slice of a random song. The first person to guess it right wins.

Ring the Bell of Success:

Recognized employees are happy employees which makes for a stronger team. Everyone will get excited when they hear the ring of the “Bell of Success,” encouraging staff to root for one another. All you need to do is add a bell to your workplace, and when someone achieves a goal such as getting a new client or making a sale, they get to ring the bell while everyone cheers.

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Improve Workplace Safety

6 Useful Tips To Improve Workplace Safety

The workplace is one of the most important places in our lives. It is where we make money, build relationships and meet new people. For us to be able to do all these things, we must have a safe environment to work in. The safety of employees should be paramount but sadly this isn't always the case as many businesses are not taking the necessary precautions when it comes to workplace safety. Below are some tips on how you can improve your workplace's safety standards. Safety Audit Conducting a safety audit is a great way to identify potential hazards and ensure that everyone in the workplace is safe. The first step in conducting a safety audit is to take stock of everything you can think of from your office building’s structure to the equipment in the kitchen, everything should be scrutinized for any risks or dangers. Keep an eye out for anything that could cause bodily harm if it were to be tripped over or otherwise mishandled. Next, it’s time for some hands-on testing! Look at every surface that might have sharp edges or jagged corners; make sure every tool has its own place where it won't get lost or forgotten about; look at staircases and make sure they're clear of clutter (or better yet, eliminate them entirely). You may even want to go around with different people who work in different parts of the building so that no one area gets overlooked—it's important not only that all employees are aware of their own responsibilities but also those around them as well! When you’ve finished checking all areas thoroughly, write down what needs improvement on pieces of paper—you’ll need these later when presenting your findings back to everyone involved so they know exactly what needs changing before someone gets hurt again due to negligence. If you are still confused, try to go for employer of record, which is a prominent outsourcing process for your business process. Safety Issues Report If you want to improve workplace safety, you need to make it easy for your employees to report problems. You don't have to be a jerk about it—just make sure they feel comfortable reporting whatever issues are on their minds so that you can take appropriate action. Don't punish people who report safety issues. It's not as simple as saying "don't ever punish someone for reporting a safety issue." Sometimes, if an employee has done something wrong and is being honest about the problem, he or she may need to be disciplined. But if an employee reports an unsafe situation because he or she feels strongly about doing the right thing in terms of workplace safety, then that person should not be punished for doing so (especially if there was no harm done). Make it anonymous—but not too much more than anonymous. In other words: allow for some anonymity (so people don't feel afraid), but also encourage them by making sure everyone knows who reported what issue and why so that everyone at least has some idea of where improvements are needed (and thus can work together on making those improvements) Safety Culture A safety culture is a set of norms and values that promote safety in the workplace. It's more than just good policies, it's how people think about and manage their own behavior. Safety culture is based on shared values, not just written rules and procedures. You can develop a positive safety culture by: Promoting a sense of ownership among employees—giving them opportunities to suggest ways to improve workplace safety and rewarding those who do so with the recognition Making sure all employees understand the importance of their role in keeping themselves safe as well as others Camera Spotter Installation Camera spotters are a great way to improve safety in your workplace. These cameras are designed to be installed in many different places, including around the perimeter of your site, underneath traffic lights and stop signs, and even on top of buildings. Camera spotters can be used for many purposes: they can help monitor people as they walk down hallways or drive through parking lots; they can help monitor traffic by recording speeding vehicles; and they can alert security when pedestrians or vehicles enter restricted areas. The camera spotter you install should be able to detect motion at long distances so that it will pick up any activity within its field of view. This way no one will ever sneak around unnoticed—you'll always know when something dangerous is happening! Drug Testing Policy It's important to have an Australian drug testing policy in place to ensure that your employees are not using drugs or alcohol at work. It can help prevent accidents and injuries, increase productivity, and improve employee morale. A drug testing policy is an important part of maintaining a safe workplace. It helps protect the health and safety of everyone who works there by setting expectations for how the company will respond when someone tests positive for drug or alcohol use. Each state has its laws governing workplace drug testing policies—which substances are allowed to be tested for (alcohol alone? alcohol with drugs?), what type of tests can be used (urine tests? hair follicle samples?), how much-advance notice employees must receive before being tested, etc. Some states even require employers who regularly employ more than five people within their jurisdiction to implement a written drug-free program that includes components such as: Work Licence Update Having a work licence lawyer working on licence updates is important. Your work licence is a legal document that allows you to work in Australia and is required for every person who wants to work in Australia, including those who are Australian citizens or permanent residents. If you are an overseas worker and have a current subclass 457 visa or a subclass 186 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme visa, then you will need to apply for a new subclass 400 Temporary Work (Skilled) visa if your current visa expires within 12 months of the expiry date on your old subclass 457/186 visa.You need to renew your work licence every 3 years after its issue date (or 2 years after its issue date if it was issued by way of an automated process). Conclusion This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many things that you can do to ensure your workplace is safe and healthy. At the end of the day, it’s all about prioritizing safety and making sure that everyone in your company feels comfortable at work. Read Also: Should You Be Friends With Your Co-Workers? 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Promotional Event

How To Plan A Promotional Event For Your Business? – Steps & Key To Success

A promotional event plays an important role in the success of your business. Planning this type of event may be challenging but if you know how to do it right, you and your organization can achieve huge benefits in the end. To learn more about how to plan a promotional event for your business, please scroll down to find out the answer. What Is a Promotional Event & Its Importance? A promotional event is a popular occasion created for organizations looking to promote their particular products, advertise new products, or promote their whole company. By launching this event, you can draw customers' attraction about your business and reach your target audience. More than just attracting people, a well-promoted event's chief purpose is to increase public awareness of the business. In addition, it also informs customers about your organization, products, prices, services and persuades them to buy the products of your company. Planning Promotional Event With 5 Steps Step 1 First and foremost, you need to define your goal and identify the target audience of your event. This is the most important factor because your promotional event tactics will depend mainly on your customers and the goals that you want to achieve. The chief target might be increasing total revenue for your e-commerce marketplace or generating media coverage on your newly launched products which are about to be unveiled. However, having a defined goal enables you to build a strong, effective promotional event schedule and bring the right audience to your business. Step 2 Choosing the proper type of promotional event is the next significant step in your process. There are several ideas of promotional events for your intention to gather new customers, raise people's awareness of your brand, express the brand's gratitude to current clients, etc. This post will show you the three most typical types of promotional events that you may find helpful to your organization. The first one is fundraising events, created to support an organization's mission, especially nonprofit companies. These companies will raise funds via selling products or services activities. Your organization can hold this type of event by hosting a gala, online or offline auctions, or musical performance. Next, you can also opt for those promotional events like giving the public free food and custom bottled water. Who doesn't love free stuff? No one. The crucial aims of these events are to spread people's awareness about a particular product, service or advertise the image, trademark of your brand to your target audience. Giving the crowd a free trial is a great way to give them a good impression of your brand. The final type which we want to mention today goes to the award ceremony. The prize might be given to "the most loyal customer" or the one who has a winning ticket. This type of promotional event shows your brand's gratitude to loyal customers. And that will help you gain more target audience and make them want to stay longer with your brand. Step 3 To keep track of all activities of your promotional event, a schedule with strict deadlines needs to be included. Because the bigger the event is, the more things your team needs to put on the calendar. Having deadlines in your team's plan would make your job less sophisticated and give you appropriate time to change the plan if something occurs unexpectedly. Step 4 Since organizing a promotional event is not easy, you can share the load to distribute the promotional efforts to other stakeholders. Here are some tips for you. Reach out to sponsors might be the best way to bring a helping hand to your business. Sponsors could easily help your brand access your target audience and re-enhance your promotional event's key message on social media websites. They can also expand your company's budget if your brand allows them to also display their products in your event. You can consider another common way which is influencer marketing. If you can connect with influencers whose audiences are similar to your target customers, don't hesitate to discuss this partnership marketing opportunity with them. Leveraging their influence in the industry is also a great way for your event to get closer to success. Step 5 After having done all things above, following up with your event attendees is the last important step to decide the success of your event. You might want your attendees to remember your brand's message and come back to buy your products in the future. Thus, send them emails, give them some small gifts, marketing flyers, or whatever you can to make sure that they will remember your brand after the promotional events. If they come back and choose your brand as a reputable solution, you can tell that your promotional event is successful. Tips For Promoting Your Event Effectively On Social Media Using social media platforms wisely and suitable for your products/services. Paid for advertisements on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc. Host a giveaway to pump up your brand awareness and help convert your followers to attendees. Using your promotional event's hashtag everywhere and every time you have the chance. Conclusion Promotional events are amazing in helping you gain more customers and spreading your brand's key message to the community. We hope that our topic of "How to plan a promotional event for your business" today could give you the answer that you're looking for. Good luck and see you next time! 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Third Party Lab Testing

Making the Best from Third Party Lab Testing

Venturing into the hemp market? Like other niches, there is no doubt that your goal is optimizing profit and growing your enterprise. However, the cannabis niche is a bit tricky because it is pretty new, resulting in an influx of poor-quality products. Although the Farm Bill Amendments of 2018 opened the door for all, it is now apparent that you cannot simply trust the products because they are labeled the "best." To be sure of identifying the best cannabis products, you need to move one step ahead and use third party lab testing. These are accredited independent labs that are allowed to help people test the content of their products. While testing the cannabis products is the primary goal for most traders in the cannabis niche, we will tell you how to use lab testing to enhance your competitive advantage. Use the 3rd Party Lab Tests to Check the Cannabinoid Profile One of the key issues that the FDA has noted with cannabis products is that some of them have false information on their labels. In one of the recent cases, the FDA reported that some cannabis products had CBD levels lower than manufacturers had indicated on labels. Because the bulk of clients looking for cannabis products intend to get their therapeutic benefits, you do not want to sell them products with wrong info. Third-party lab tests help you to check the cannabinoid profile, which shows the different cannabinoids and their quantities in a sample. When you notice a product with false information, it implies that a supplier or manufacturer cannot be trusted, so keep looking. Check for the Presence of Harmful Components According to the FDA, every product being released into the market should be carefully produced and proven to be harmless to the user. However, some cannabis products contain products that can be dangerous to the human body. For example, if a cannabis product contains heavy metals, your clients are at risk of suffering from serious cell-structure damage. Other harmful components that can be found in a cannabis product include bio-contaminants, pesticides, and organic solvents. When you subject your hemp product to third party lab testing, the results will show whether there are dangerous components that can harm users. If the harmful components are in qualities that are higher than what is legally allowed, the best idea is not stocking that product. Instead, keep checking until you identify the hemp products that are safe. Tell Clients about the Tests in Your Profile When you take your products for testing by independent laboratories, make sure to tell your targeted clients. This will help you to stand out because clients will be sure that they are buying high-quality cannabis products. They will also refer to others, meaning that your sales and profits are likely to grow. The emerging cannabis market has proven to be challenging for traders because not all products available for sale can be trusted. However, you can use third-party laboratory testing to ensure you stock high-quality products and strengthen your brand. Read Also: What is Cannabis Oil and how does CBD Oil Work? The Benefits of Drug Testing in the Workplace using Drug Test Cups