Why every Business Holder should Start Using the Drip Marketing

Published on: 28 March 2019 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
Drip Marketing Campaign

Business is all about being customer oriented and coming up with new engaging plans to build rapport with customers. Making timely emails, reminding customers to finish their task, providing proper confirmation, catering them with right targeted content and many more. All these things are possible when using automation tools offered by Snovio.

I came to know about it recently, so mark my words as this new technology is tried and tested by me for my own business. The reasons I love to do business with this platform are not so numerous but they are valuable.

How you will benefit from using Snovio

Snovio Email Drip Campaigns is a tool that might be used for many purposes. Here are some points you might benefit from.

●Warm the leads up:

There is no harm in little persuasion if the customer is interested. So to make them interested in your services or good, they need to have prior knowledge about the company or the type of service you provide, so that they will be interested in you.

In order to make this happen, you need to activate the customers by providing with the right content. This process is called “warming up” in this field. It might be of any form like a blog post, or a piece of information on how to use the platform or service, or an email asking for their expectations and possible questions.

●Locking the customer:

Once the customer is enough interested in the service, you need to lock the customer with you, by providing them more information about the topic they are interested in. This kind of actions will make sure that you will have that customer for a long period. Sending them messages regularly will show your determinism towards the customers and things like these will help you win the heart of the customer. Snovio tool provides users with the right tools which are required for any business to reach marketing and sales success.

●Converting lead:

Once you make the customer comfortable in reading and understanding the service or content, it is the time to move towards making the sale which will be beneficial for an interested customer or a business owner.

Drip Campaigns features:

The tool is completely free but provides users with paid plans as well. All the features are unlocked within the free plan and you can use the tool to the fullest. Let me provide you with a list of features that will help you skyrocket the business:

  • email campaign templates to save time and not to create a new email campaign every time you need one;
  • email templates to send pre-written plain-text messages;
  • personalization variables to add a human touch to every email and build relationships with the leads;
  • triggers and delays to spread the emails regularly, not like a spammer;
  • goals and statistics to see how well the campaign and every message in particular perform.

Enjoy it to the full:

All the benefits and features mentioned above are really working and you can try the platform today. You can sign up right now and enjoy all the features for free. With drip emails campaign, you can reach out to target people, warm them up, and later convert, thus increase sales. Isn’t that the goal you are aiming to?

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Importance of proofreading your website content

5 Importance of proofreading your website content

It is very important to take time and proofread your work even if you are going to employ proofreading services. Don’t publish or hand in any articles or academic papers that you have written before subjecting them to a thorough scrutiny. You may discover some simple mistakes in your content that you would have simply corrected by proofreading. Don’t think that website content is not as critical as academic assignments and hence avoid proofreading. Some of the mistakes can completely change the meaning of your articles. Here are some 5 importance of proofreading your web content 1. You Will be Able to Correct any Spelling Mistakes in the Content : It is normal to misspell some words as you write the content. The challenge is that the office writing application will not auto-correct for you all the mistakes. You need to go through your content step by step to make sure that you correct all the spelling mistakes. Did you know that some spelling mistakes can completely change the meaning of your article? Yes, you can completely misguide your audience through wrong spellings. The implication is that the content can work against you at the end of the day. Read through each sentence to make sure that there are no spelling mistakes. Some of these mistakes can make the sentence to have no meaning at all. This is one of the objectives that proofreading services seek to achieve. 2. There Will be No Grammar Mistakes in Your Content : Grammar is the other big issue especially when dealing non-native speakers. You may find a problem with some of the sentence structures in your content. It is hard to notice some of these issues as you continue with the writing. Go through your text and make sure that the grammar is flawless. If you want to hire proofreading company, then it’s wise to go for native speakers like ProofreadingService.net proofreading services. Some of your audience may not take you seriously if they find several mistakes in your grammar. In fact, most of them will ignore your content because of grammar issues. Increase your conversion rate by proofreading your web content to correct any grammatical mistakes. 3. The Published Content Will Flow : As you proofread your content, you will be putting yourself in the shoe of the reader. You may discover that some important points are misplaced in the context of the text. As you right your content, each section or paragraph should have a particular point it is supporting. However, you can find yourself mixing some of the points here and there. It’s important to even give a third party to read through your work so that he ca tell whether it is flowing or not. A friend or proofreading services can be able to tell whether the theme of your content is flowing. This will in turn increase readability and make the content more engaging and attractive. 4. Proofreading Fixes any Punctuation Issues : Punctuation is the other common mistake when dealing with web content publication. A missing question mark or wrongly placed comma, colon, or even full stop can change the meaning of the whole phrase or even make it meaningless. Each punctuation mark communicates a specific message and this should be exhibited in your content. As you proofread your work, you will make sure that all punctuation marks are properly placed. 5. Format : Each web content should always have a format to increase its readability. You want to be sure whether the font type, size, and color of your content match what already exists on your website. The content you publish on your website should have some consistency to make it visually appealing. This can be achieved by editing your content so that it complies with the formatting requirements of your site. Multiple formats on the same website can make it to be quite unattractive. Having gone through this article, you will discover that proofreading enhances the value of your content. This is the only way you will make sure that you are communicating the right message to your target audience. It will help you to stand out from the other competing brands and even increase your competitive advantage in the market. Therefore, proofreading alone can go a long way in increasing the productivity of your business. Read More : Would Your E-commerce Website Pass The Cybersecurity Test? Here Are 3 Things You Could Be Doing Wrong Best SEO Tools For Ranking The Website Some Powerful Attributes That A Website Must Have In Its Content

Mailing Lists

Best Compilation Of Mailing Lists Of Us Companies

Mailing lists have been one of the most cost-effective methods of targeted business promotion activities. Mailing lists will never become redundant in b2b because of the need for businesses to get in touch with other businesses. Nothing can change the need for soliciting new business through cold calling and email marketing efforts. And without contact details, it would not be possible to get in touch with the targeted entities to promote products and services. Access to information on different categories of b2b entities : One of the most important requirements in mailing lists is the need for having access to specific information about the b2b entities. Details such as the size of the business, exact nature of the business, accurate contact information, the domain of the business and other information are of great importance.  A marketing effort that is targeted has better conversion rates of leads into actual business relationships. This is precisely why it is important to have a mailing list of companies by industry.   Making The Right Pitch To The Right Clientele :   Another advantage of using a segmented mailing list is the ability to create a pitch as per the needs of the targeted company. For instance, a business that needs to sell a service may have options and resources to handle both large-scale operations and operations on a smaller scale to meet the requirements of small-sized entities. However, when mass mailers or brochures are mailed out to clients, it may not be a good idea to mention services that are intended for another segment. By using a mailing list that is clearly segmented as per the size of business and volume, it is possible to send the relevant information alone. This will have a better chance of converting a lead, rather than sharing information that may not be relevant to everyone. Mining Of Information From Credible Sources : By using the services of the featured site, users get the advantage of information that is credible and verified. Most of the databases comprising records of our businesses and other businesses are compiled from public sources, cleaned, and verified before being made available to clients. This process of verifying and cleaning of information needs to be carried out by a dedicated team to offer the assurance of the accuracy of information. The featured site takes care to cross-check the information before making it available for users. This ensures that mail and calls do not bounce due to incorrect information. Data for all industries and business : The featured site offers mailing lists with data on most of the b2b categories of business that will be of use to businesses. Entities keen to tap into new territory will find the availability of credible information to be of great use in their marketing efforts. A business that manufactures products or makes available serves that can be used by all sectors of industries will find the need to make the right pitch to all industries. However, the pitches may itself differ from industry to industry, and this may require segmentation. With the availability of databases containing information about all aspects of the business, it is possible to identify the right resource who needs to be contacted. Marketing efforts differ across hierarchies in business. For instance, a c-level executive will need to be approached in a manner that is different from a manager. Relationship building exercise : Many businesses rely on mailing lists with the understanding that efforts to acquire new business may not actually succeed immediately. However, mature businesses are aware of the need for building relationships with clients over a period of time and using the relationship as a basis for converting the relationship into a business-client relationship. This can be achieved by dispatching informative newsletters and updates on the products and services, in addition to the latest information about the specific industry. By remaining in contact and engaging the b2b clients, it is possible that at some of the time in the future, the clients would find the need to use the service or the product. And it is also important to understand that clients may not necessarily avail of all the services or products, but may make a small beginning through a micro-conversion. This can slowly scale into a full-scale conversion.    

Trade Show Booth

Getting a Return on Investment From Using a Trade Show Booth

It's easy to find people who will swear that getting a massive ROI from a trade show booth is nearly impossible. That is not the case, by any means. Most likely, those people failed to use some of the tips in this article. Companies that have, however, have experienced massive success with their trade show booth. Here's what they did. 1. Putting Branding First For people who have never heard of your organization before, your booth is their first impression of your brand. If you can make it a positive one, that will result in them being more eager to do business with you. That's why it's crucial to make sure that your booth reflects the unique features of your brand. Incorporating creativity into your branding can help, as it allows you to stand apart from other booths, encouraging more people to take an interest. 2. Having a Friendly Design It's almost certain that there will be other booths around, and attendees might not have enough time to have an in-depth interaction with all of them. That's why having a design that not only showcases your brand but invites people is important. Brands that have worked with ExpoMarketing to create high-performing booths have been presented with unmatched designs. It also helps to have staff surrounding the booth, so that people have someone to talk to and interact with when they decide to explore it. Attendees can also be treated to interactive such as touchscreens, through which they can learn more about your business while having fun. 3. Capitalizing on Word-of-Mouth Marketing A successful trade show booth generates buzz long after the trade show itself. To do this, you need to have something that ensures that people keep talking about your business and the way you presented it. One of the most successful ways to achieve that is to hand out things like stickers and wearables. StickerYou has wide options of premium custom stickers for all your business printing and branding needs. At the end of the event, you can give out prizes to people who wear your merch. It's important to be strategic about the prizes and to make them things that people are likely to display in full view of others. That way, you'll keep generating conversations about your brand and winning over new customers and clients. 4. Networking  Meeting attendees before the trade show can have a profound effect on how your booth performs. You'll also be able to gather contact information from people so you can stay in touch and have a chance to convert them later on. When meeting people before a booth, you can On the day of the trade show, people will be more likely to visit your booth because they'll feel a sense of familiarity with it, unlike others that will seem completely alien. When meeting them, however, it's important to focus less on talking about your business and what it does. Rather, you can try to gather as much information about them and what they do. When people do visit your booth, you'll be able to start a conversation based on how you're equipped to help them with the problems they mentioned to you earlier. Combining all these tips will ensure that you have a booth that will have a huge positive ROI, resulting in more clients and customers. The sooner you start thinking about how you're goese tips, the more success you're likely to have with your trade show booth. Read Also: Execute The Perfect Expo With This Trade Show Checklist A Well-Oiled Trade Show Machine: The Ones Running The Show