Review: The Missing Piece of the Marketing Outreach Strategy Puzzle

Published on: 14 February 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Email Marketing

If you have not been living under a rock, you are probably aware that the importance attached to any marketing or sales strategy through the productive use of an email finder is a quintessential step towards guaranteeing success. Whether it be for Link Building, Building a Blogger Data Base, Influencer Marketing, Lead Generation, or Generating Reviews and Ratings, we cannot stress enough on the fact that a viable email outreach strategy is necessary for you.

However, if we are to do all the things listed above singularly or collectively even, the same is going to take a lot of time, effort, resources, both financial as well as in terms of workers, among other things. This is the challenge that not only affects many marketing experts but also is incremental in terms of determining their growth and the growth of the campaign or marketing strategy that they are presently working on.

An Easy, Powerful and Efficient Email Marketing Tool for Outreach:


When we have identified the problem, it makes sense to come up with a solution as well. Enter Snovio, a strategically robust and defined marketing tool that is designed to help you not only as an email finder guide but also more importantly as an email validator. Snovio is not a tool that is useful only for marketers; it is also very useful for Sales Representatives, Start-ups, Entrepreneurs, Recruiters, HR Professionals, and anyone who wants to find emails and relies on email outreach or outbound research. It helps you drastically cut down the time it takes to find and collect leads and candidates.

Snovio offers a set of useful and productive services that are aimed to help individuals looking for an expert outreach strategy. Some of the tools that Snovio provides are:

  1. Domain Email Search
  2. Email Verifier
  3. Email Drip Campaigns
  4. Email Tracker for Gmail
  5. Professional Email Search
  6. Technology Checker

The Importance of an Email Finder as a Dynamic Part of Prospecting:

For most professionals who belong to the sales, marketing, or recruiting teams, locating an official email id is often the final part of completing a strategy circle. They know who they want to reach out to, what is their TG, but most often than not, they lack a coherent database of concrete and verified contact information. Most of these professionals find emails through manual searching or by using email toolsets, which are cumbersome, complicated, and quite expensive. Snovio aims to solve all those problems by its ease of working. Snovio is a verified Google Extension that works seamlessly not only in terms of standardized Google searches of people and professionals in a given region, but also carefully disseminates official emails from the professional social network. One of the most important features that Snovio provides is the function of not only searching and locating emails but also verification. Some of the emails that are collected may be invalidemails; with Snovio everyone has the opportunity of collecting and verifying leads, prospects, and human resources.

Email Finder

An Email Finder that Works Seamlessly on LinkedIn:

Most of the times, as a recruiter or a marketing professional, we turn to LinkedIn to browse hundreds or professional profiles, in order to look for prospects, investors, entrepreneurs, and a host of other search related activities. Snovio works flawlessly creating verified email lists from LinkedIn’s extensive database of individuals and companies. If you see the image above, we had searched for professionals in the field of SEO, and as you can see from the Snovio extension on the right, the software crawls and collects, all official email addresses of the professionals.



Following the search and categorization, Snovio prepares a user-friendly and uncluttered ‘People List’ giving you credible and verified email addresses of targeted individuals and professionals. You can also directly verify from the list whether an email is a valid one or not.

A Powerful Sales and Marketing Outreach Tool that is Budget Friendly:

We are sure that you have never heard about an outreach tool or an email finder that is cheap to use and fits well your quarterly budget allocations. We are also sure that you have never heard about an email finder tool NOT asking for your credit card details, once the free trial period is over. Well, Snovio is not only inexpensive to use, but it also offers a forever free, renewable plan with 100 monthly credits and 30 drip campaign recipients for you to try out all the tools and features. If you need to go over this limit, you can purchase a plan that suits your needs best. By the way, the pricing is pretty affordable – the cheapest plan of 1,000 credits is $29.

All the features of Snovio are open to usage even in the free plan. Unlike most competitors, who restrict usage in the free plans to one or two services, Snovio’s entire repertoire of services is open for consumers, even when it is free. You can distribute your credits however, you like. Snovio notifies you about the credits to be used beforehand. The export feature is also available in all paid plans.

The Final Verdict:

Snovio is not just any other tool for lead generation and email outreach. After a very long time, we finally have a tool and an email finder that is not only user-friendly, uncluttered, professional, and dynamic but also inexpensive, trustworthy, credible and offers great post-sales customer service. With Snovio, you can rest assured that all your outreach strategies will be streamlined and you will definitely be able to see a spike in your conversions. If you are not yet ready to go for paid plans, we would strongly suggest you trying out their free plan, as they are good in terms of offering the complete arsenal of services. With all the above advantages, we would find it very difficult to understand if someone still does not want to give Snovio a chance.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Business To Business [B2B] Content Guide

In the realm of B2B showcasing, making convincing substance is basic to drawing in your crowd and driving business success. However, in the face of so many competing channels and messages, can you really ensure that your content stands out and connects with your target audience? Here are three essential tips that you have to know when it comes to developing a winning B2B content strategy. Know Your Audience Understanding your audience is the first step in creating effective B2B content. This means knowing their pain points, goals, and challenges in addition to their demographic and firmographic information. What keeps them up around evening time? What are their primary concerns? What might your item or administration do to tackle their concerns? Buyer personas research is one method for collecting this data. This entails conducting interviews with your ideal customers, evaluating the analytics on your website and social media, and researching insights and trends in the industry. You can tailor your content and messaging to meet the specific requirements and interests of your target audience by developing a comprehensive profile of them. Place Your Buyer at the Center of Your Messaging It is essential to place your audience at the center of your message once you know who they are. This means addressing their issues, goals, and challenges in detail and presenting your product or service as the answer they require. Instead of talking about the features of your company or product, talk about the benefits and outcomes your buyer will get from working with you. Create a messaging framework that emphasizes the most important ideas and points you want to convey in order to effectively accomplish this. This ought to incorporate your offer, exceptional selling focuses, and key advantages. Make sure that every piece of content you create adheres to this framework and speaks directly to the requirements and interests of your customers. Anchor Your Content Strategy in Thought Leadership Lastly, your content strategy needs to be anchored in thought leadership if you want to stand out in a crowded market. This means creating content that portrays your business as an industry expert and trusted advisor. Thought leadership content gives significant bits of knowledge, patterns, and viewpoints on industry points for your crowd. The first step in creating thought leadership content is to identify the most important topics and themes that your audience cares about. The next step is to create content that either enhances the current conversation or offers a novel point of view. Blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, webinars, and videos are all examples of this. By giving significant substance, you'll assemble trust and validity with your crowd, making them bound to think about your item or administration when the opportunity arrives. Getting Started with B2B Content All in all, an idea administration approach, a purchaser-driven informing structure, and an exhaustive perception of your main interest group are important for creating effective B2B content. You can create content that connects with your audience, inspires commitment, and ultimately supports your business results if you follow these guidelines. Read Also: Streamlining Video Content For Global Audiences With Professional Subtitling Services 10 Ways To Create Amazing Social Media Content For Your Insurance Agency Trends That Shaped The Content Marketing Industry In 2022


What to Look for in a Transcription Service Provider

The demand for transcribers has been on the rise in the past few years. The challenge that most people who are seeking these services have is that they don’t know what they should be looking for in a reliable transcription service provider. Having a clear sense of your requirements is among the initial steps of getting it right. Are you striving to hit the timelines or you are looking for a cost-effective audio transcription service? You also need to ask yourself whether you are searching for value-ads to enhance the efficiency of your business or are you after the run-of-the-mill services. Each transcription company has its strength and weaknesses. You can get a rough idea of what to expect by looking at their website. You can also decide to send the service an inquiry about their specifics. Below are some of the elements you need to consider as you do your research. Accuracy and Quality : The first thing you need to evaluate is the quality of service that the company offers to its clients. You need an accuracy level of at least 99 percent if you are looking for reliable transcripts. The company can advertise high accuracy but its good to find out their guarantee about the same. For example, evaluate the quality control processes of audio transcription before you hire their services. Simplified Pricing : Check whether the company is providing a combined pricing structure for the services they offer. You may discover some hidden costs depending on the add-ons of your choice. Variable pricing makes it very hard for the customer to decide what he or she can afford. Value for Your Money : Ask yourself whether the transcription cost is realistic. Some of the charges that vendors impose are unbelievably cheap. However, you must be sure of the accuracy and quality before running for such cheap services. There is no need to take a cheap service that will force you to employ a second transcriber and waste a lot of money because of poor services. Confidentiality : Reliable transcription services should have rigorous internal processes. The company should have the ability to preserve the confidentiality that is contained in the audio subscription files to avoid any leakage of sensitive data. It's wise to choose providers who have the ISO information security certificate if you want to have some peace of mind. Qualified Personnel : You need to look at the qualification of the people who will be transcribing your files. Subject matter experts, native speakers, trained quality analysts, and top university graduates are the best transcribers. The experience they have will guide them to pick on the soft transcription elements such as enhancing the overall quality of the product, cultural nuances such as colloquialisms, slang, and dialects. Scalability : In case you have sizeable projects, then you could be searching for a bulk transcription service online. It is wise to pick a service provider who has been handling such orders. However, the transcripts may come your way late and with several errors because of the existing inefficiencies. Credibility : The transcription service you choose should be able to verify who it claims to be. Go through some of their previous assignments to know what they can deliver. Also, read their testimonials and referrals and those of third-party websites. Value-Adds : Check whether the transcription company provides any complementary or supplementary services. It can be more cost-effective and convenient to work with a provider that offers other services such as captioning, translations, copyediting, and even proofreading. In summary, choosing an audio transcription service is not an easy task. However, you can ensure the accuracy, quality, and security of your data by doing a lot of research. You will also be able to save yourself a lot of time and money in the process. Read  Also : 5 Tips For Getting A Cheap Essay Writing Service Online The Importance Of SEO Based Digital Marketing Services Lawn Care Maintenance Services And Tips

Creating a Successful Call to Action

5 Tips for Creating a Successful Call to Action in Your Business Emails

Email marketing is an amazing digital marketing strategy to drive more sales and retain customers for a longer time. And every SEO reseller is using it in their strategy. It's among the most ROI-driven marketing practices that bring significant results when performed right. However, as we are moving towards a highly-digitized era where customers' inboxes are generally flooded with promotions, standing out becomes difficult. To entice your prospects to open your email and click on the CTA to take any action, you need to rethink how you have been performing it. You need to pay closer attention to details and improve it as your customers want to see them. In this article, we will have a look at the top five tips for creating a successful call to action in your email to drive maximum revenue. If you are just starting out, these tips will help you take the lead and grow your business. 1. Keep it real: For generating trust and improving the overall click-through rate, you need to keep everything real and not some sort of a gimmick or loaded with terms and conditions. Be very clear about what you are offering and what benefits the readers will get if they click on the button. For example, you can highlight text like there are no hidden charges, you pay what you see, and more like them. These types of text not only help you improve the call to action but also help you gain trust faster among your customers. This thing applies to every section of the email — be it the subject line, body text, or the main CTA, there should not be any misleading clickbait that will increase the bounce rate or unsubscribe rate. 2. Short and active: Ask your copywriter to draft every email in the active voice with very short and crisp sentences. It makes no sense in writing long lines or paragraphs and it has the main reason behind it. Many people check their emails on the go from their smartphones and if the email is lengthy, they might skip it save it to read later. However, as an average user receives a lot of emails a day, the probability of opening back the email is very low. That's why you should keep the email text as simple, and short as possible. However, make sure it's conveying the entire message that you want to present to the readers. You can keep the email body text within 100 - 150 words as it's easier to read and incite users to take the desired action. 3. FOMO works: Creating a sense of urgency using the fear of missing out technique works if you implement it correctly. No one wants to miss out on great deals especially when they need that product or services. You need to make your audience feel they will miss out on something really great if they don't take action right now. You can specify in bold text that it's a time-sensitive offer only or you can run a counter on the landing page. This technique will bring a higher CTR and will make your call to action more prompt and active participation. You will find a lot of free FOMO templates for creating your copy more exciting and click-worthy. 4. Use the right colors: This trick sounds ordinary but it brings extraordinary returns and improves the overall call to action of your business email. Pick the colors that reflect your brand and don't change the color theme frequently. Your readers should register a common theme so that when they will open your email, it will remind them of your brand. Apart from colors, don't overdo animations as they might load slower on some devices due to any reason. Keep the color scheme simple, attractive, and clutter-free. You can use email marketing tools and pick any premade campaigns if you are not into designing them. 5. Creativity: Smart creativity is the key when it comes to a successful call to action in your business emails. Be creative because you need to stand apart from the rest and attract your busy readers' attraction in a limited time span. You need to understand the fact that people's attention span is very limited and you need to make every aspect click-worthy without getting spammy. Instead of using a free stock image, ask your graphics team to create bespoke images that can match your custom offer and improve the CTA. Follow these simple steps for creating a successful call to action and drive more sales to your business. Email marketing is not hard and it can drive substantial results to your business strategies. If you are not into emails, it's the right time to get started and drive additional traffic and revenue to your business. Keep experimenting with different formats to check which works best for you. Read Also: Online Marketing: Selling Your Product And Services How to Integrate Email Marketing With SEO 3 Easy Ways to Grow Your Email List Best Way To Earn Passive Income In 2020: Email Marketing