5 Tips for Creating a Successful Call to Action in Your Business Emails


13 April 2021


Creating a Successful Call to Action

Email marketing is an amazing digital marketing strategy to drive more sales and retain customers for a longer time. And every SEO reseller is using it in their strategy. It’s among the most ROI-driven marketing practices that bring significant results when performed right.

However, as we are moving towards a highly-digitized era where customers’ inboxes are generally flooded with promotions, standing out becomes difficult.

To entice your prospects to open your email and click on the CTA to take any action, you need to rethink how you have been performing it. You need to pay closer attention to details and improve it as your customers want to see them.

In this article, we will have a look at the top five tips for creating a successful call to action in your email to drive maximum revenue. If you are just starting out, these tips will help you take the lead and grow your business.

1. Keep it real:

For generating trust and improving the overall click-through rate, you need to keep everything real and not some sort of a gimmick or loaded with terms and conditions. Be very clear about what you are offering and what benefits the readers will get if they click on the button. For example, you can highlight text like there are no hidden charges, you pay what you see, and more like them.

These types of text not only help you improve the call to action but also help you gain trust faster among your customers. This thing applies to every section of the email — be it the subject line, body text, or the main CTA, there should not be any misleading clickbait that will increase the bounce rate or unsubscribe rate.

2. Short and active:

Ask your copywriter to draft every email in the active voice with very short and crisp sentences. It makes no sense in writing long lines or paragraphs and it has the main reason behind it. Many people check their emails on the go from their smartphones and if the email is lengthy, they might skip it save it to read later.

However, as an average user receives a lot of emails a day, the probability of opening back the email is very low.

That’s why you should keep the email text as simple, and short as possible.

However, make sure it’s conveying the entire message that you want to present to the readers. You can keep the email body text within 100 – 150 words as it’s easier to read and incite users to take the desired action.

3. FOMO works:

Creating a sense of urgency using the fear of missing out technique works if you implement it correctly. No one wants to miss out on great deals especially when they need that product or services. You need to make your audience feel they will miss out on something really great if they don’t take action right now. You can specify in bold text that it’s a time-sensitive offer only or you can run a counter on the landing page.

This technique will bring a higher CTR and will make your call to action more prompt and active participation. You will find a lot of free FOMO templates for creating your copy more exciting and click-worthy.

4. Use the right colors:

Use the right colors

This trick sounds ordinary but it brings extraordinary returns and improves the overall call to action of your business email. Pick the colors that reflect your brand and don’t change the color theme frequently. Your readers should register a common theme so that when they will open your email, it will remind them of your brand.

Apart from colors, don’t overdo animations as they might load slower on some devices due to any reason. Keep the color scheme simple, attractive, and clutter-free. You can use email marketing tools and pick any premade campaigns if you are not into designing them.

5. Creativity:

Smart creativity is the key when it comes to a successful call to action in your business emails. Be creative because you need to stand apart from the rest and attract your busy readers’ attraction in a limited time span. You need to understand the fact that people’s attention span is very limited and you need to make every aspect click-worthy without getting spammy.

Instead of using a free stock image, ask your graphics team to create bespoke images that can match your custom offer and improve the CTA.

Follow these simple steps for creating a successful call to action and drive more sales to your business. Email marketing is not hard and it can drive substantial results to your business strategies. If you are not into emails, it’s the right time to get started and drive additional traffic and revenue to your business. Keep experimenting with different formats to check which works best for you.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Multi-Step forms

5 Creative Ways to Improve Lead Quality with Multi-Step forms

A majority of companies who execute lead generation often complain about the quality of leads that they get from lead generation forms. Problems range from not getting enough people to type in the leads to people getting confused about the leads. While Landing Page forms that help in lead generation are still one of the best ways to improve sales and queries, optimization of the same remains a major concern. In this article, we help companies devise the best lead generation form. We also look at why digital marketing experts prefer certain key steps when creating multi-step forms. Therefore, if you are a company, or a digital marketing expert looking to maximize the potential for lead generation, you should pay attention to this article. Lead Generation through Multi-Level Forms: Why is it important? Every digital business has to complete a cycle, which eventually culminates in the last goal- generating sales and revenues. Brands try to use SEO, Social Media Marketing, Google AdWords and other marketing strategies to reach their target audience. A brand wants people to be directed by using the above-mentioned strategies to their website or landing page. The multi-level form is the final step of getting the information and reaching out to the customer to satisfy his query. You can have multi-step forms on social media platforms, but getting the customer to a brand’s website or landing page is still the desired goal. This not only helps in keeping, increasing, and maintaining a database, it also adds to the health of the website. Even though there are many other strategies and ways, which are being tried out by brands, yet the multi-step forms for lead generation continues to be a digital marketing favorite. 5 creative ways to improve lead quality with multi-step forms: The List 1. Always place Multi-Level forms above the Fold- Statistics show that forms or CTAs placed above the fold generate over 200% more results than the ones, which are placed somewhere else on the page. In other words, above the fold section on a page is considered a prime real estate in digital marketing terms. The aim should always be to capture the attention of the viewer or user as soon as possible. 2. The Call-To-Action should always be simple and direct- Brands and agencies tend to cramp too many CTAs in one simple form. The aim is to make it as clear as possible to the target audiences. By leaving, no stone unturned when it comes to removing confusion, brands can encourage more people to sign up for the forms. Have one clear and direct CTA is a landing page best practice. 3. Be honest and disclose the Privacy Concerns- Every user who is visiting a digital platform wants all their privacy concerns should be respected at all times. Nobody wants to be bombarded with promotional material all the time. Your multi-step form should always be honest in disclosing what the user is getting into. Factors like unsubscribe at any time, or a link to how their data is going to be used should have a link. 4. Keep the messaging short and sweet on the multi-level forms- Have you ever come across forms, which have ten tabs and long text boxes? Do you know what their success rate is? The answer is very poor! Do not make your target audience work extra. Give them the offer, and ask them to fill as few tabs and sections as possible. This is just digital behavior. If some information is not required for, do not place it on the form. 5. Focus on the Design, Colours and Image elements- Capturing attention is something, which most landing pages and multi-level aim for. This means that in addition to the messaging, it is important to focus on the design elements of the multi-level form. Colors, images, text box size, and the entire user experience needs to be factored in when creating the form. The better the design, the better will be the lead generation. Conclusion If you are following the five points mentioned above when creating the landing page, you can rest assured that you will improve your digital marketing performance. Can you think of some other ways to help and improve the health of your multi-level form? Let us know your suggestions in the comments section below. Read Also: 5 Types of Digital Marketing 5 Unusual Social Media Tips That No One Will Know About 5 Traditional Marketing Techniques That Still Work

Online Store Sales

Getting Help from an E-Commerce Expert to Boost Your Online Store Sales

Every new online store comes with subpar sales, at least in the beginning. While this may make you want to give up, remember that there's still a chance for you to generate more sales and earn more money. All you need to do is seek the help of an e-commerce expert like Matthew Lepre. With his years of industry experience as seen in tons of Matthew Lepre reviews, he can help you perform the following tips that can help boost your sales: Be Visual A picture paints a thousand words. This is especially true when it comes to online selling. Since the client cannot see or touch the product for himself, he needs to have a good visual reference. You can provide this through captivating photos. While you may not be a photography expert, you can still come up with pro-grade images. First, use a good backdrop – a plain white one would do. Next, mind the lighting when you take a picture. For this, you can use softbox lighting. There are several more things to consider, so make sure to refer to these photography tips for beginners. Enhance Communication E-commerce experts believe in good communication, something you can promote with a live chat feature. This can be a chat screen that automatically pops up on your site. You also have the option for a more subtle clickable button. So, what makes live chat good for the business? For one, it addresses the issue of urgency. Some of your clients may have concerns regarding specific products. With live chat, you can answer them right away, and this swiftness might be the push they need for the purchase. With 77% of customers refusing to buy from a store with no live chat features, it's essential to have this feature installed right away. Ease the Checkout Process Clients go online shopping because of the fuss-free experience. As such, you stand to lose several customers when you complicate the buying process. A lot depends on the UI, UX, and hosting when it comes to easing and accelerating the speed of checking out. Using a Magento Hosting helps in improving the speed of the experience and allows the final payments to be made in a fraction of seconds. This helps in improving the overall user experience. Because of this, e-commerce experts recommend easing the checkout process. This can be done by offering a guest checkout option. That way, eager buyers don't have to fill out several forms to complete their purchase. Simplifying the process should not be limited to guests, though, as you need to deliver the same service to your existing subscribers. One way to hasten the checkout process is to reduce unnecessary form fields. You can do this by having a tick box that allows the program to use the shipping address for the billing address. Adding a progress bar is a worthwhile consideration as well. With this, the clients are informed of all the steps they have to take to finish the purchase. Improve Client Trust Trust is the foundation of relationships – whether personal or business. This is why gaining your clients' trust is vital if you want to continue transacting with them. Fortunately for you, an e-commerce expert can help you promote trust through every part of the funnel. The best way to do so is through social proof, that is, adding customer reviews to your product pages. Apart from the product description, the review is another aspect where clients base their decisions. If the product comes with many rave reviews, the buyer will be more convinced to click the checkout button. It's also important to show your badge of honor for payment security. Remember, identity theft is not an issue to be taken lightly. It affects approximately 14 million individuals or 1 out of 15 people. With the many payment badges available, it's best to use those that generate the most trust. So far, the most popular seals include: PayPal Verisign McAfee Truste Better Business Bureau Apart from showing these badges, putting in client testimonials will help boost sales, too. Like reviews, this can help assure your clients that they're making a safe purchase decision. If many others have bought from you securely, why shouldn't they? Utilize Email Marketing Many people believe that email marketing is dead, but e-commerce experts are quick to point out how mistaken they are. You get to earn as much as $42 in ROI for every $1 you spend on email marketing. You can capitalize on email marketing in several ways. If you don't have a list yet, you need to do a promotional bit to collect email addresses. For example, you can give discounts or a free shipping coupon in exchange for newsletter signup. Now that you have a couple of emails under your belt, you can use them to boost your sales. One technique that e-commerce experts recommend is cross-selling. This is where you promote products that are related to or complementary to the client's purchased items. Another way to boost sales is to send promotional deals during hot dates, like Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Make sure to appeal to the client's fear of missing out by offering limited-time offers such as one-day sales or flash sales. Launch Paid Ads The term 'paid' may make you queasy, mostly if you have already spent a great deal establishing your online store. That said, this should make you consider paid ads even more. Despite its name, paid ads are cost-effective ways of generating sales. And you don't have to necessarily spend a lot to get started. You can test the waters for as low as $50. An e-commerce expert can also help you gain a clear understanding of your target audience. This will help you hone in on the group that's more likely to buy your products. That way, you gain the best value for your money. An e-commerce expert can also help you run multiple campaigns with different ad variations. According to Matthew Lepre reviews, this is important because social media channels help generate the most leads. More importantly, an expert can also help you monitor and interpret the metrics that come with the ads. That way, you get to focus on the campaigns that bring the most revenue. Optimize Your Website To grow your sales, it’s essential to optimize your website’s loading speed and uptime. If your website doesn’t load quickly there’s a high chance that the visitors may bounce away without even checking your products or services.  Your expert may recommend using reliable Magento hosting solutions that can help boost the loading speed of your e-commerce website. Additionally, the web hosting provider also determines the uptime of your website. The expert will help you find a host who has minimal downtime to ensure that your website remains online all the time. E-commerce experts can help you boost your sales. With the many benefits they can bring to your business, it's high time that you contacted one today. Read Also: CRM and ERP Combination for Business Solutions 5 affordable e-commerce shopping carts for small business The Right B2B E-Commerce Platforms to Sell Your Used Machinery

B2B E-Commerce Platforms

The Right B2B E-Commerce Platforms to Sell Your Used Machinery

Any business person aims to make many sales to stay afloat. Choosing the right B2B marketplace help, you grow your business to a whole new level. There are many B2B marketplaces on the internet that makes it hard for sellers to choose on that best suits their needs. Whether one decides to go for a leading B2B European marketplace or a small dedicated niche website, it must help a seller get buyers and offer the customer good shopping experience. The latter especially is very important if a customer is to keep shopping at the same B2B marketplace. So how then can a seller find a B2B marketplace that best suits their needs? 1. You should agree with the policies and objectives of the platform: Because there are numerous B2B marketplaces on the internet, they are bound to be different in the way they conduct business. As a seller, you should agree with their business model and make sure that they do what they promise to do for you as a seller. Consider their payment policies, seller agreements, commissions, user support among other important things. In case you are in doubt, ask questions and keep doing your research until you are satisfied. If you and the platform have different goals, then you will struggle with sales on the platform. 2. The cost of doing business on the platform: Different B2B eCommerce platforms exist because they earn a certain percentage every time a sale is made. If as a seller you factor in everything all the costs of selling your used machinery on a certain platform, you should make a decent amount afterward. Avoid platforms that overcharge you on commissions and make you shoulder a lot of the expenses. This is important especially to people that are selling used machinery as a business and not as a one-time thing. 3. How easy to use is the platform? With many e-commerce platforms in the market, people will gravitate towards those that are easy to access and use. If a platform can be accessed even on the smallest device and still performs the same as if one is using a PC or laptop, then that’s where many buyers would be. The platforms should be responsive and offer the best user experience. It should allow the buyer and seller to communicate with each other and offer easy payment plans within the platform. This not only protects the seller form fake buyers but also the buyer from fake sellers. 4. Is one’s business on the platform scalable? Again, this may not apply to one-time sellers because once they have sold the equipment, they don’t need the platform anymore. For people that are looking to start used machinery resell business, they have to consider that their business will grow and they will need a platform that will take that into account. How e-commerce sites do this is by providing features on the website that allows one to create more than one storefront. This allows the seller to target the audience they want by offering different products. Each storefront can be used to sell individual products. 5. Personalization and customization: When choosing a good B2B platform, ensure that it is flexible enough to suit your needs at different stages of your business. It should allow you to scale up and down whenever you want. You should be able to change the appearance of your storefront from the backend. Make it suit your needs and that of your potential client. For example, you can choose the features that you think are important for your clients such as an increase in the number of photos you can upload a product. For personalization, choose a platform that targets customers with something they are interested in based on their recent searches. This ensures that potential customers are made aware of your products and are directed to your storefront. There are many popular and smaller, dedicated B2B e-commerce platforms to choose from on the internet. You need to choose a platform that takes care of your needs as well as those of the customer. Also, if an e-commerce platform can help customers discover your page with ease, it is the right platform for you. Read Also: How Social Media Can Boost Up The E-Commerce Industry 7 Ways Technology Can Help In Customer Management And Sales Tags In E-Commerce: This Is Why They Are Important Top 10 Features To Have In Marketing Automation Platforms 5 Reasons To Use Magento For Your Next Ecommerce Website