The Challenges of E-Commerce SEO


28 April 2021


E-Commerce SEO

SEO is an essential part of running any business with an online presence (which, in this day and age, all businesses should have). Think of SEO like a bright sign with flashing lights, telling people passing by that your business is here and draws them inside to check it out.

However, some businesses will find implementing SEO to boost their site’s rankings easier than others will.

Especially when it comes to businesses in the e-commerce sector, SEO can be quite a challenge. Even if you’ve been researching how to improve SEO for your company, you may not be able to find resources that apply to e-commerce companies.

Playing By Google’s Rules

The goal of any business with an online presence is to rank high enough on Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) to be seen by customers. Although this is a challenge for any business, E-commerce businesses will find it especially difficult.

This is because Google prefers websites that rank high on their E-A-T scale, which measures sites based on Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. In other words, Google prefers informational websites over commercial ones and rewards those that highlight genuine knowledge and don’t appear to be trying to make quick money. This criterion is part of Google’s method of quality control.

As an e-commerce business, your website lies in the YMYL (Your Money Your Life) category. This category encompasses websites whose content can affect the reader’s financial, physical, and medical wellbeing. Because the stakes are higher, the scrutiny is higher as well.

YMYL websites with misleading or inaccurate information can trick users into making an uninformed decision, causing them harm. Your e-commerce business fits into this category by allowing customers to make purchasing decisions that can cause them financial harm.

Managing A High Volume of Content

Most e-commerce sites offer listings of hundreds if not thousands of physical and digital products. Product listings are not necessarily written with the utmost care, but Google still parses them like it does any other text on your site, and therefore measures them with its E-A-T criteria.

This can be an issue because, due to the sheer number of product descriptions required, many e-commerce sites rely on automation to update these listings. While automated services can be helpful in some regards, they can also lead to typos, grammatical errors, dead links, inaccurate information, and other mistakes. All of these issues can be detected by Google, lowering your website’s E-A-T score.

Although time-consuming, your best option would be to hire someone whose job is going through every listing individually to update and correct any errors, making sure it meets Google’s standards.

Bouncebacks Based On Loading Time

Your website’s bounce rate is the percentage of users who visit briefly and then leave using the back button or by clicking on an external link without browsing other pages on the same site. While one reason for high bounce rates can be a dull or outdated website, this issue can also be caused by poor hosting.

E-commerce sites often have lots of buttons, listings, and pop-ups. Pages aren’t simple and include many elements. Having so many processes that must run simply to present a page can result in extended load times for users. Unfortunately, most people online are impatient. If your site doesn’t load as quickly as visitors think it should, they’re likely to leave without browsing, let alone making a purchase.

The Google algorithm sees the high bounce rate as a sign that people find no value in your website, so it lowers your ranking and sends fewer people your way, resulting in fewer purchases and reduced revenue. Fortunately, fixing this issue can be fairly straightforward. Either make your website’s landing page (the first page that loads for visitors) simpler to avoid long wait times, or contact your website hosting service and look into upgrading to more powerful servers.

User Reviews

User reviews are a great and almost guaranteed resource for building your E-A-T levels. Google prefers sites that let users review products, as this creates a sense of social credibility and allows people to share feedback, building trust. The more positive reviews your products have, the more Google will boost your website up the SERP.

However, too many negative reviews have the exact opposite effect, hurting your website’s ranking. You can avoid negative reviews using a review posting tool that allows you to read submitted reviews before they are posted.

Knowing Where to Start

When faced with the challenge of implementing SEO as an e-commerce business, deciding where to start can be overwhelming. Google doesn’t give you a gold star for trying, and starting multiple SEO strategies only to quit them midway can even flag your site as suspicious in Google’s eyes.

One way you can get started properly is by using Ahrefs’ Site Explorer to identify SEO opportunities. You can use this particular tool to analyze what competitors are doing in terms of SEO and piggyback off it, or implement a skyscraper method where you do what they’re doing but better. Or you can use it to analyze your own site to find new competitors or broken backlinks. Site Explorer also provides keyword research, backlink profiles, PPC campaigns, and more.

Still, a great tool is only useful in the hands of someone who knows how to operate it. Having dedicated SEO experts focused on boosting your site can have better results in the long run. SEO strategies are multi-faceted, and high-quality approaches are time-consuming.

Staying Up to Date

Google’s algorithms are constantly changing, meaning your SEO strategy needs to change with them. As the owner of an e-commerce company, you’ll need to be particularly flexible and adaptable. Just like posting only a few times on your site and still expecting increasing returns is a flawed strategy, undertaking a half-baked SEO strategy will hurt you more in the long run. Having experts on your marketing team allows you to smoothly ride all SEO waves and grow your website.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Digital marketing

Should You Hire a Digital Marketing Agency?

You could have the most astounding business, offering the most elite products or service, but if your consumers cannot find you, how will they experience what you have to offer? Digital marketing is the latest way of marketing your business. Why? Because more than 3 billion people in the world use the internet. Digital marketing agencies specialise in online strategies to get your website found. They use paid searches, search engine optimisation (SEO), the creation of content and social media in order to drive more traffic to your website. More traffic means more purchases, more customers and more revenue. But why do you need a digital marketing agency? You have a pretty savvy marketing assistant promoting your company, that’s enough right? No, not if you want to beat your competitors.  Search engines such as Google are always changing how they rank and who should be placed higher. This makes optimisation ever-changing. Social media’s are constantly modernising algorithms and changing features. In a continually changing and fast-paced digital world, it can be hard to keep up with digital marketing strategies, as well as run your business. You want to be the best in your game right? You want maximum profits and up-to-date strategies. Here is how a creative digital marketing agency can do this for you. SEO If someone is looking for something online, where is the first place they will go? Search engines. The most popular being Google, receiving over 3 billion online searches on a daily basis. If your website isn’t created to work well in a Google search, it’s going to be very difficult for people to find you. SEO is an organic way to gain traffic because you’re not paying for it; you are just optimizing your site to rank higher on search engines. Keyword placement and gaining backlinks to your site are the main ways a digital marketing agency will SEO your website, but with ever-changing Google Algorithms, it requires consistent updating. Read also: Avoid These 5 Mistakes Before Starting An SEO Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing Methods Of Optimizing Local SEO That Is Essential For Small Business Social media A digital marketing agency also provides social media management. Knowing what social media platforms are best for your company is one thing, but being able to use them effectively to successfully promote a campaign is another. If utilised correctly, social media is a great way to stay connected with customers, reach out to new customers and let people know exactly what your business is doing. Social networking is a powerful tool with 2.34 billion social media users worldwide. Knowing how to encourage people to share your content on social media can make your business visible to thousands of the sharers’ friends that may not have ever seen your products or services otherwise. There’s specific do’s and don’ts to a social media campaign and accidently doing some of the don’ts could have detrimental effects on your business’ reputation. Read also: Which Backend Keys Makes Social Networking Sites & Apps Works Smoothly Social Media Marketing Role In Technology Content Writing content for digital marketing has to be done in a certain way. You may think it’s good to be creative with your content writing detailed descriptions and drop-intros to hook and engage your readers. However, if you don’t optimise it to the web, you won’t have any readers to hook. It is not about cramming content with keywords, but about using them in the correct way to keep the quality and creative content, but also publish and promote your content well. Digital marketing agencies write all of your on-site and off-site content in an optimised way. They create the right content for your correct audience for you through research of keywords used by your consumers and exploration of what your competitors are doing to make sure you are always number 1. A digital marketing agency is a helping hand in promoting your business the way you know it deserves to be. They have the advantage of knowing their way around the complex digital world so that they can make sure your business is recognised, promoted and established in the digital marketing world. Read also: Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing Some Powerful Attributes That A Website Must Have In Its Content

Best Ways To Market Your Small Business Online In 2024

The Best Ways To Market Your Small Business Online In 2024: A Guide

As we step into 2024, the digital landscape for marketing a small business continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Navigating this dynamic world can be daunting, yet small business owners need to stay ahead of the curve. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the most effective online marketing strategies tailored for small businesses in 2024. From leveraging social media platforms to exploring emerging digital trends, we’ll provide you with actionable insights and tips to enhance your online presence and connect with your audience. Whether you’re a startup or an established business looking to expand your digital footprint, these strategies will help you maximize your online marketing potential and drive your business forward. Harnessing The Power Of Social Media: Beyond The Basics  Social media remains a powerhouse for small business marketing, but it’s no longer just about having a presence – it’s about strategic engagement. Businesses should focus on platforms where their target audience is most active and tailor content to suit each platform’s unique environment. Interactive and visually appealing content, such as live videos, stories, and AR filters, can significantly boost engagement. Additionally, leveraging social media analytics tools for insights into customer behavior and preferences is crucial. By creating a strong, authentic brand voice and engaging directly with customers through comments and messages, businesses can build a loyal community, turning followers into customers. WhatsApp Marketing: Connecting with Customers On A Personal Level  WhatsApp marketing continues to stand out as a highly effective tool for small businesses, especially when leveraging advanced WhatsApp marketing software. This software enables businesses to automate and streamline their communication, making it easier to manage large volumes of messages and maintain personal connections with customers. Features like automated responses, chatbots, and broadcast lists allow for efficient and personalized communication at scale. Businesses can use these tools to send timely updates, promotional messages, and personalized greetings, enhancing customer engagement. Additionally, WhatsApp marketing software often includes analytics capabilities, helping businesses to track engagement and refine their strategies. By utilizing this software, small businesses can maximize the impact of their WhatsApp marketing efforts, fostering stronger customer relationships and loyalty. Email Marketing: Personalized Way Of Marketing A Small Business  Email marketing continues to be a vital tool for small businesses, with personalization at its core. Crafting personalized emails that resonate with your audience can significantly increase open rates and conversions. Segmenting your email list based on customer behavior and preferences allows for more targeted and relevant messaging. Automation tools can help in sending timely and personalized emails triggered by specific actions, like welcoming new subscribers or following up on abandoned carts. Moreover, integrating interactive elements such as polls, surveys, and clickable CTAs can enhance user engagement. A well-executed email marketing strategy not only drives sales but also strengthens customer relationships. Leveraging SEO For Long-Term Success  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) remains a fundamental aspect of online marketing for small businesses. A strong SEO strategy ensures your business appears prominently in search results, driving organic traffic to your website. Focus on optimizing your website with relevant keywords, quality content, and a mobile-friendly design. Regularly updating your blog with informative and engaging content can establish your business as an industry authority. Local SEO is especially crucial for small businesses, so ensure your local listings are up-to-date and you’re leveraging location-based keywords. Remember, SEO is a long-term strategy; consistent efforts and staying updated with Google’s algorithm changes are key to success. Video Marketing: The Era Of Authentic Storytelling  Video marketing continues to dominate in 2023, with a shift towards authentic storytelling. Customers crave genuine, relatable content, making it essential for small businesses to create videos that resonate on a personal level. Focus on producing high-quality, informative, and entertaining videos that showcase your brand’s personality and values. Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok offer vast audiences for diverse video content, from educational how-tos and product demos to behind-the-scenes glimpses and customer testimonials. Live streaming also presents an opportunity for real-time engagement. With the increasing accessibility of video production tools, businesses of any size can harness the power of video marketing to captivate and connect with their audience. Influencer Collaborations: Leveraging Credibility And Reach  In 2023, influencer marketing continues to thrive, offering small businesses a chance to leverage the credibility and reach of popular online personalities. Working alongside influencers who align with the values of your brand and resonate with your prospective audience can largely amplify your marketing message.  These collaborations can range from sponsored posts and product reviews to joint live streams and giveaways. It’s not just about the number of followers; micro-influencers with a highly engaged audience can often offer more value. The authenticity and trust that influencers have cultivated with their followers can lead to increased brand awareness and loyalty, driving both traffic and conversions for small businesses. It takes marketing a small business to another level.  Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Maximizing ROI  Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising remains a vital part of online marketing strategies, especially for small businesses looking for measurable ROI. Platforms like Google Ads and social media ads offer targeted advertising options to reach potential customers based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. The key to successful PPC is creating compelling ad copy, choosing the right keywords, and continuously optimizing based on performance data. Utilize A/B testing to determine which ads perform best and adjust your strategy accordingly. PPC can drive immediate traffic and conversions, but it requires careful budget management and ongoing analysis to ensure you’re getting the most out of your investment. Mobile Optimization: Catering To The On-The-Go Consumer  Mobile optimization is no longer optional for small businesses – it’s essential. With the majority of online interactions occurring on mobile devices, ensuring your website and content are mobile-friendly is crucial. This includes responsive web design, fast loading times, and easy navigation. Mobile optimization extends to all aspects of your online presence, from emails being easily readable on mobile devices to ensure your social media content is engaging on smaller screens. Additionally, consider mobile-specific strategies like SMS marketing or mobile apps to further engage your mobile audience. Catering to the on-the-go consumer can significantly enhance user experience and increase engagement and conversions. Final Thoughts In the ever-evolving world of online marketing, making data-driven decisions is key to success in 2024. Utilizing analytics tools to track and analyze your marketing efforts is essential in understanding what works and what doesn’t. Regularly review metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, engagement rates, and ROI across all your marketing channels. This data allows you to refine your strategies, allocate your budget more effectively, and personalize your marketing efforts. Staying agile and responsive to data trends can help you stay ahead of the competition. In a landscape inundated with information, the ability to decipher and utilize this data effectively can make a significant difference in the success of your small business’s online marketing efforts. Read Also: Optimize Your Small Business Revenue by Taking These Steps Basic Small Business Tips for Noobs Who Want to Start a Venture in 2020 How to Empower Your Small Business through Digital Marketing?

Marketing Strategies

5 Ways Marketing Strategies Will Change Post COVID-19

To think life will go back to normal post-Pandemic is a pipe dream. The world underwent a paradigm shift to the new normal, and there is no returning now. The COVID-19 Pandemic has brought many changes we couldn’t have ever predicted. The unheralded health crises impacted nearly everything, from personal affairs to governmental decisions and even corporate matters. Business operations, in particular, faced quite a few alterations. Digital mediums took over the world by storm, and e-commerce businesses experienced a significant rise in demand. These reshaped business activities welcomed a considerable restructuring of marketing strategies. Marketers primarily shifted their focus to online tools, giving digital marketing an unanticipated hype. Given the technological innovations rate, marketers expect to see many more advancements in the marketing department post-COVID-19. Read below to find out how marketing strategies will change after the Pandemic. 1. The Importance of Online Presence:  If businesses have to choose one takeaway from the crisis, it would be essential to have an online presence. With strict lockdowns and restrictions on going out, the entire world switched to conducting and participating in businesses online. Many also realized the convenience such platforms bring. Hence, owning a website has now become an essential business marketing strategy. Almost 56% of businesses with a website perform better as compared to the ones without a website. Besides, a website is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools. It marks your presence on the internet and helps you get more reach. A website also lets you upload a customizable flip book or eBook where you can share all necessary details about your products and services. It is an exceptional technique to spread awareness about your brand, attract traffic, and eventually boost sales. A website gives your customers ease of access and costs much less than traditional marketing, and dramatically impacts investment return. It is a proven worthwhile investment. An authentic-looking website enhances your business’s professionalism and adds value to it. Hence, having a website is vital for a business’s success. So, it is safe to say that website marketing will be a critical element post-COVID-19. 2. The Emergence of Social Media: Social media is undisputedly the king of marketing. The world is quickly becoming digitally advanced, with social media users increasing rapidly. Nearly 83.3% of people use social media worldwide, and the figure is likely to grow by 10% each year. Not only that, 71% of businesses have a social media account, out of which 90% experience improvements in sales and growth. 90% of users connect with brands through social media, and 54% of consumers make purchases from brands after scrolling through the brand’s social media account. The statistics above prove the criticality of a social media presence for businesses. The future is uncalled for, but one thing is for sure; social media’s regime will only grow. Social media helps connect brands with potential customers and allows marketers to make informed decisions based on the target audience. It also gives businesses an incredible opportunity to grow. The paid advertising options on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are the easiest, quickest, and most affordable promotion plans for your business. So, you can popularize, promote, and increase your brand’s overall ROI without breaking the bank. Social media is here to stay and quite possibly grow into a platform unimaginable. Hence, social media was, is, and will remain, marketers, fundamental focus. 3. Video Marketing: Video marketing was every marketer’s favorite even before COVID-19 and is still growing phenomenally. Studies confirm that videos interest more users than any other graphics form and carry great potential for attracting customers. YouTube and other video streaming sites are experiencing an incredible increase in usage. These sites allow businesses to market their products and services or raise brand awareness in the form of high-quality videos. Video content also plays an essential role in emails. It exceptionally increases your email’s click-through rates and decreases the unsubscribe rates. Additionally, it boosts your SEO by attracting traffic and increasing your site’s searchability and visibility on different search engines. After seeing how effective video marketing leaves on the brand and consumers, it is likely to grow and remain a powerful marketing strategy in the future. 4. Customer Retention and Loyalty: One major disadvantage many businesses had to face due to the Pandemic was to cut down costs in essential areas like marketing. As a result, markets had to shift their focus to different, long-run marketing tactics like building customer loyalty. Customer loyalty helps you stay one step ahead of your competitors. Loyal customers give you valuable feedback, increasing your business’s rating and eventually attracting new customers. Building customer loyalty considerably reduces your marketing spending, but retaining a customer also leads to a more profitable outcome. Remember, customer retention is what powers customer acquisition. The free word-of-mouth promotion your business gets from loyal customers is one of the most significant benefits of building customer loyalty. Loyal customers are also likely to make purchases repeatedly and trust your business enough to pay premium prices. 5. Less Is More: The Pandemic has stipulated marketers think about innovative marketing strategies without having to go all out. They have to find ways to develop creative marketing campaigns, which are both practical and inexpensive. Moreover, with a limited budget, marketers have restricted resources which they have to ensure to save for more than one campaign. In short, the coronavirus has compelled marketers to do more with less. Marketers need to make efficient use of technology to find solutions and make decisions quicker. The “less is more” trend will continue long after the Pandemic is over as marketers turn their attention to enhancing innovation and improving skills. Conclusion: Businesses will undoubtedly have to deal with the pandemic effects for a long time to come. However, organizations have to push ahead. The Pandemic led to several changes in consumer buying patterns which marketers cannot ignore at any cost. The changes in consumption techniques encouraged marketers to think ahead and think creatively. Even though companies cut down the cost of marketing immensely due to COVID-19, the role of marketing has thoroughly increased during the Pandemic. However, there is still quite a lot of room for growth and innovation. These alterations in marketing strategies are likely to continue and grow post-COVID. Read Also: Key Components for Your Marketing Stack How To Foolproof Your Digital Marketing Strategy? Why Email Marketing is the BEST Digital Marketing Outreach in Singapore