Content Marketing Mistakes You Shouldn’t Be Making

Published on: 31 March 2021 Last Updated on: 06 May 2021
Content Marketing Mistakes

By now, most people are aware of the value that a content marketing campaign brings to your business. Given the reach and convenience of the internet, most brands are bound to hop onto the content marketing bandwagon.

The only problem here is that not everyone who hops onto trends completely understands them. Before you fully commit to a content marketing campaign, it’s important to know what you’re getting yourself into so you can avoid making catastrophic errors.

 Why Should I Consider Investing in Content Marketing?

Content Marketing

The first reason that content marketing is beneficial is that it significantly contributes to your return of investment (ROI).

ROI can come in different forms, such as a customer subscription, better brand visibility, improved brand reputation, increased inbound traffic, and customer loyalty.

Content marketing also helps establish your brand as an authority, so long as your content is of good quality. You can even become your niche’s primary source of information. When this happens, customers are more likely to remember your brand whenever they need a product or service that you offer.

Finally, content marketing is a potent means to interact with your target audience (and your target demographic). Sharing content helps you build trust with your audience and it also acts as a means to extend your reach even further whenever your audience shares your content.

Furthermore, frequent followers and readers eventually become actual customers.

Content marketing is a useful method to bolster your business’ performance, but only if you utilize it properly. It’s not a silver bullet that’s going to solve all your marketing problems.

Generally, your best course of action is to hire a content marketing agency to launch and implement your campaign properly, but for those who want to try their hand at doing their own content marketing, there are some mistakes that you need to avoid.

Publishing Content Without a Goal in Mind:

Goal in Mind

Whenever we publish content, it’s important to always have a goal in mind. You have to determine whether the goal of your content is to sell, generate leads, inform, or engage with your audience.

Your goal will determine things about your content such as your call to action and tone (whether conversational, informative, or imperative). For example, if your content is meant to sell a product, it needs to sound friendly yet informative. A post that’s meant to engage with your audience is best written in a sincere, genuine tone.

Failing to Utilize Paid Content Amplification:

The internet is currently oversaturated and highly-competitive. Content brands are constantly vying to get their message on the feeds of prospective customers.

The brand that gets relegated to the background is sure to lose out on customers, even if their product is superior to that of their competitor. Paid amplification helps your content reach your intended audience and they almost always produce quality leads. Consider the fact that even industry giants make use of paid content amplification.

This means that you should do so as well if you want to stay relevant in your chosen industry.

Forgoing the Use of Social Media Stories:

Social media stories are mobile-viewed vertical videos and images that appear outside a user’s regular feed and last only 24 hours. Storytelling will be the key to distributing your content successfully. Stories are perfect for building emotional connections with your audience because they are more casual and are mostly used as a medium for real-time engagement.

Stories also have a natural progression. This means that users can arrange their content to be more cohesive to viewers. Stories also allow users to enable their viewers to react to the story, while also helps users determine the type of content that viewers want.

Limiting Your Content Form:

In today’s market, text and image content alone will not differentiate you from your competitors especially when you consider that users are gradually shifting away from written content because of the increasing popularity of video content, podcasts, and infographics. This is especially true considering how these types of content are also searchable on major search engines.

It’s important to invest in other content channels in order to maximize your reach. This also allows your users to choose how they consume your content. The best part about this is that you don’t necessarily have to generate new content in order to fill these channels.

In fact, you can repurpose written content and simply change the channel they’re published on. An old blog post can serve as your framework for your video and audio content. Your users will appreciate the variety of your content and this variation will also help improve your website’s SEO ranking.

Ignoring Data Analysis:

Data Analysis

Successful content marketing is not just based on artistic taste and content popularity. It is also heavily influenced by data. Running an analysis of your campaign’s performance grants brands the insight needed to make informed decisions regarding content.

The numbers will help you determine which approach is better for a particular demographic. This also allows users to correct a wrong approach.

For example, if you’ve discovered that most of your users are active at a certain time, then use that data to determine the best time to publish your content. Simply ignoring the data will not only rob you of the traffic you would have gotten otherwise, but it will also convey that you’re indifferent to your audience, which will eventually spell the failure of your campaign.

 Content marketing is a boon to business owners because it grants them the ability to grow their businesses quickly. It requires a lot of work and experience to get it right the first time, but since you’re posting your content on the internet, it essentially means that as long as your website is up, your content will continue to do its job. Whether your content becomes effective or not depends on whether you do things correctly.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Trade Show

6 Steps to make Your Trade Show a Success

If you know the market activities known as the trade show, then you know how important they can be to develop a company. Trade shows provide a variety of resources including growing knowledge of the brand, networking with potential buyers, and making sales. Trade shows mark a major investment for a company. Therefore, in the marketing field of expertise, you need the statistics to show that this is a successful strategy. Here are six tips to ensure a good trade show: 1. Find Objectives and Set your Budget The first step to succeeding in a trade show is to know whether you want to demonstrate. You definitely won't be watching the same show based on the primary goal. However, it is important that you bear in mind the industry's biggest trade shows. You should walk step by step through the goods you want to make their debut or display at the trade show. Never endanger the reputation of your business for inexpensive short-term deals. What could appear inexpensive and enticing now may be dangerous in the long run? You can have your budget set up now. 2. Prepare your staff and teams It's important to have a strong sales staff and we would recommend you pick the best out of the squad for the trade show. Work them out carefully; clarify explicitly the priorities and stakes involved. ExpoMarketing is having too much competition in the market so you really need to choose the best staff for your trade show. You have two choices, whether to put in an in-house group or to hire an organization with event workers that have expertise with running trade shows. Whatever you decide, realize that your company will be the face of the employees working your booth. 3. Product Demos It's important to show your product and be prepared to allow the participants to test it out. Customers want something to see, touch, or even try before buying them. Send them a custom email to thank them for coming, and give them more detail about your company. You can also make a meeting. It's very essential to do so when everybody still considers each other. A strong trade show is easy to bear fruit if you respond quickly. 4. Giveaway free products People enjoy free things and plan to win quite a bit at trade shows. you can attract a crowd with anything as basic as freshly baked cookies, or you can go a step better with discounted items such as markers, shirts, notebooks, or water bottles. It will help crack the ice, open discussions, and ideally, prospects that are eligible. Try selling something that is important to your business. 5. Take Lead notes Your business card is an opportunity to expand your discussion past the trade fair, and a clear reminder of who you are. It's a must for skilled people. You feel out of place without brochures and people are less likely to be taking you seriously. 6. Follow Up Refer to the lead notes to craft customized messages that answer each future customer's unique needs and wishes. Know your primary aim that must be to transform the implementation of trade shows into long-term market partnerships. Read Also: What Type Of Inflatables Should You Opt For At Your Business Event Getting a Return on Investment From Using a Trade Show Booth A Well-Oiled Trade Show Machine: The Ones Running the Show

Strategic Investment

4 Key Concepts on Making Signage an Effective Strategic Investment

Have you ever asked yourself how effective your signages on igniting consumers’ interest? Or you simply place them so you could have something like an interior or exterior design? Do not tell you just place signs outside your store because others have them. Come on. We invest money to earn more, not to lose. Let us get you started out on the right foot on doing an effective strategic business investment with these four rule of thumbs on signage making. 1. 3 ½ Second-Rule Three and a half second rule is a rule of thumb that gives business owners a chance to deliver their messages to passing motorists thru their signage within three and a half seconds before another car whizzes right on by. It is difficult to read your message when you overcrowd your sign with many lines of texts and words. Another, overstated ideas on signs could look busy and decrease the reading speed of your signage. Your goal is to let your sign have optimal visibility within three and a half seconds. How to increase your signs reading speed? First, add borders on signages. Borders tend to increase signage reading speed by 26%, especially when your target is automobiles audience. It could manage the reading space that let viewers directly focus on the center of the sign. Second, do the math when choosing the most efficient letter size on your signs. Distance and speed are the two essential factor when selecting the right measurement. Answer these guide questions: How far away do you want your sign to be readable? How fast people or cars could pass through the sign? 2. Typefaces A typeface or font is considered as a part one’s company’s signature. Every distinctive letter style on various signage from different infrastructures offers contrasting feelings. You could reinforce brand recognition in your place when you can choose the right typeface for you. Most customers are not conscious of typefaces. However, fonts subconsciously affect a signage’s style, way of delivery, and crispness of your message. Think of font styles as themes that would represent you and your business. There are two categories for typefaces. First is that signs could be friendly, warm, and casual like that of McDonald’s. Another could be formal, serious, and traditional like some of those by Shieldco business signage. What are the don’ts that I need to avoid? Do not use fancy designer fonts like Script Style fonts on signs that are not visible from a distance. Better use it on stationery or business cards. Avoid using different letter styles in a single design, too. Do not overdo layout that your main message would not stand out. 3. Optical Center Optical center is the area when human eyes tend to enter a design or page. Our vision typically gravitates toward a spot that is slightly above the mathematical center. If there is a logo above and information below in a sign, nudge the logo higher within the boundaries of a layout. Another example is when placing a sign in a center vertically and mathematically accurate, it will look low. To solve this, again move the signage a little bit higher to correct this visual anomaly. 4. Power Kerning You might never have heard about it, but power kerning is a powerful tool on signage making. It scales letters for better visibility. Proper scaling, perfect sizing, and precise spacing are prominent factors in designing. The same goes on signs. How Kerning works? Human eyes, with the help of our brain, could quickly notice irregularities on patterns. This is why perhaps most people could immediately point out mistakes, rather than good stuff. The thing is when there is asymmetry such as too much space, or little space between characters of a word, a reader’s eyes tend to stumble. Proper kerning would fix this unevenness through adjusting the space between letters, making each character of a word together into a single unit. Consequently, a smooth flow of details from the text would be easily delivered to one’s brain. Nowadays, many applications that could easily do the job of kerning for you. However, instances like do it yourself signs would let you address kerning issues manually. When doing it by yourself, there are a few things to remember. First, uppercase characters are spaced to fit the following ceding lowercase characters. Next, big headlines require spacing adjustment to attain better visual consistency. Last, over kerning is done when doing some layout effects. Takeaway Minimal content could adequately carry out the meaning of your business.  Emphasize only the essential meaning. Remember that the fewer your words are, the higher understanding customers would get. You will know that you had reached your audience successfully when you delivered your message clearly and concisely to the customers. Read Also: Calling Out – How Telemarketing Allows You To Reach A Wider Audience What Is The Future Of Digital Marketing In Regards To Shaping Up Small And Large Businesses? 5 Types Of Digital Marketing

Boost Online Visibility With THESE 3 Smart Strategies + Bonus!

Boost Online Visibility With THESE 3 Smart Strategies + Bonus!

“Senpai notice me!” Said all online brands to internet users. They want to grab their audiences’ attention, lure them into their sphere, and generate a new lead.  This is easier said than done, though, especially with new brands entering the market daily and trying to capitalize on the same audiences. Introducing online visibility. The key to being a successful, prosperous brand is to have a strong online presence. The more users who see your brand online or on social media, the higher your chance of being visible. They will begin to recognize your brand, seeing you as a leader in the space.  Boosting a brand’s online visibility isn’t a straight path. However, these three strategies will help no matter your starting point.  3 Strategies To Boost Online Visibility The following list suggests the top 3 strategies that will help you gain more traction, thus boosting your online visibility in no time: Content Marketing Creating high-quality content regularly is a prime way to increase your online presence. The more content you create, the more chances you can reach and engage with your intended audiences.  Valuable content is also what will help set you apart from the competition. You’ll be viewed as a reliable, trustworthy leader in the space, one that benefits and serves your audience. In terms of your content marketing strategy, think about creating a diverse content portfolio. For instance, posting articles and hoping they find their way into the top search results isn’t the most thoughtful approach.  Alternatively, create blog posts but also short and long-form videos, ebooks, podcasts, and infographics. You may be able to utilize the same type of content but repurpose it for different formats. For instance, a podcast you’re taping could be recorded and posted on your YouTube channel for additional distribution.  If you’re feeling a bit lost on what kinds of content to create or what to prioritize, it may be advantageous to recruit some outside help. A performance marketing agency can collaborate with your content team to develop a strategic approach to your content marketing efforts.  Since they are experts in the field, they’ll know which keywords you should strive to rank for and which ones aren’t worth your time or effort.  They can also help with evergreen website copy and materials to drive home your marketing messages and brand vision. These updates and refreshes can lead to growth for your business and boost your online presence.  Social Media Marketing Related to content marketing, social media marketing is becoming more important in the digital space. Consumers today are going to social first to find out about brands and learn about their offerings. They’re also reading comments, looking to see how others are engaging with the brand, and seeing if there are any potential red flags to be aware of.  If they’re interested or have a specific question, they may reach out via direct message, hoping the brand will respond promptly. Social media marketing aims to build brand awareness and connect and engage with potential customers and followers.  This will assist in driving website traffic and, inevitably, sales. Posting valuable content consistently is just the start of what social media marketing can look like today.  It also includes engaging users through interactive chatbots and creating personalized, tailored experiences for followers. Brands know that if they show up regularly and consistently on user’s feeds, viewers are more likely to recall the brand and talk about it later.  Another component of social media marketing is influencer collaborations. Influencers know what resonates with their audiences — after all, it’s become their job to engage and promote content. Businesses can leverage an influencer’s audience by partnering with them for a social campaign.  If you have a new product launch approaching, working with an influencer can help spread the word. They can share a review of the product or brand and even entice users to follow your page to enter a giveaway or sweepstakes.  Paid Advertising There’s only so much you can grow without going the route of paid advertising. This marketing strategy involves displaying banner advertising to targeted audiences. It can include everything from television commercials to podcast spots to internet-based and social ads. Paid advertising isn’t cheap, so you need a tailored strategy that works for your business needs.  Choosing the right platform and setting clear goals will allow you to reach your intended audiences. Narrowing who sees your ads and when they see them will help ensure you’re reaching the right people.  Some of the main targeted advertising selections include behavioral, demographic, interest, and purchase-based intent. You can get more granular depending on your audience persona and your business goals, whether that’s awareness or sales. With each paid advertising campaign, you’ll want to monitor performance closely. See specific engagement metrics, including impressions, click-through rate, and conversions.  Additionally, keep an eye on the cost per click to justify your budget for the campaign. An exceptionally high cost per click, meaning the dollar you’re spending for someone to click on one of your ads, may not be sustainable. Optimize where you can, applying what you have learned from one campaign to future ones. Bonus: THIS will help retain your online visibility  Consistency There are two aspects of retaining an audience on your site or business. Consistency and quality. Both are often ignored. Both consistency and quality only benefit you in the long run.  If you aim for social media visibility, stay consistent there.  Be regular with your posts and engage with your audience frequently. Social media marketing will only work if you consistently keep the audience engaged. The quality of your posts must be quite high. Think of maintaining the standard.  If you closely follow your competition, you can observe their and the “industry-best’s” work. This will help you know if your content fares well. No one wants to return to your content if they keep seeing a lack of quality.  This also applies to your consistent efforts; consistently use the above-mentioned strategies. Patience and hard work will bring you results soon! Conclusion Your brand’s visibility and recognition are crucial for long-term success. Content marketing, social media marketing, and paid advertising are three channels that will boost your brand’s presence. Tell us about your experience in the comments below! Continue Reading: 5 Proven Customer Acquisition Strategies For B2C Startups How Automation Tools Are Transforming Digital Marketing? Elevate Your Property Presence With Digital Real Estate Signage – A Modern Marketing Approach