What Is The Future Of Digital Marketing In Regards To Shaping Up Small And Large Businesses?


08 April 2019


Digital Marketing

The more we are growing every day towards technical advancements, the better our lives are becoming. Not only in the personal front, but people are getting huge advantages on the professional front as well. The developing businesses are using digital marketing immensely well to generate leads and build a connection.

And why not? The facilities are overwhelming and if you do not keep pace with the current marketing trends then you ought to lose out on many advantages of using digital marketing in lifting your business.

The most significant benefit of implementing digital marketing in your business is that it helps you expand your reaches; you can connect to clients and customers from all over the world much easier than you could do before! And who doesn’t know how important it is to build connections for letting a business grow more!

In the upcoming years, digital marketing is more likely to affect the growth of marketers in various ways

Given the growth of digital marketing in recent years, every digital marketing expert is assuming that in the coming years, it is going to bring some revolutionary changes in the way we are looking up to it now.

Some of the massive current digital marketing trends include artificial intelligence, personalization, influencer marketing, infographics, video marketing, social media marketing, visual search, apps for everything, etc.

While we get to see such beneficial digital marketing developments today, we can expect to see more such advanced trends and technologies in the years to come which will help us in expanding our business for gaining maximum profits.

While large scale marketers were always on the checklist for getting better resources, it is the small-time markers who suffered more in regards to marketing requirements. This digital marketing has helped them immensely in advertising and promoting their businesses at bare minimum costs through digital platforms like social media, website creation, etc.

Industry growth impacts everyone in some, or the other, way…

Not only that digital marketing would help the businesses to grow more in the upcoming years, but it is surely and to affect the lives of common people as well. The more the businesses throw, the better our lifestyles become.

We could not have imagined stuff getting delivered at your doorsteps a decade back but today, not only that we can almost achieve anything with just a click in our mobile or laptops.

This massive change is the reason why we can believe that in the future digital marketing is indeed going to give us more than what we expect. Thus, no matter how good effects digitization would have on the industry marketers, it is also going to take all our lives easier and more convenient!

The bottom line

The advancements in science and technology have impacted all our lives in many ways. The growth in the digital industry has benefited us all in several aspects. And businesses have seen more benefits in terms of updated software usages, huge connectivity, better resources and what not! If we consider these changes to be the initial stage of digital developments then we can expect much more in the years to come.

When businesses develop, the economy of the country also develops. Thus, digital marketing has much more to offer to us in the near future in terms of digitization and business growth so that not only the businesses grow and see profits but the common people get benefitted at the same time.

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Email List

3 Easy Ways to Grow Your Email List

The email marketing industry is expanding and there is growing competition between brands: they all want to get people’s attention. Sometimes, acquiring more subscribers seems hard. If you are looking to grow your email list, we have three easy ways maybe you never thought of.  Whether you offer a service, product or content is the product, use these tips to add more subscribers to your database and become more successful at email marketing. Why you should grow your email list There are good reasons to build your email database. It can be an instantaneous way to reach the people who want to hear from you. Also, it’s cheaper than advertising or mass mailings. Every marketer wants a large email list which is understandable. In general, the more people you reach, the better results and this has never been more true than with emails. The typical ROI for email is $42 for every $1 spent. However, before you try any email list growth strategy, remember it’s not always about the numbers. You want true engagement and a long-term relationship with your audience. To build that, focus on adding real subscribers to your list – people who genuinely want to connect with your brand. How do you do that? Let’s get into three ways to grow your email list without much effort. Is it easy for someone to sign up? Many organizations and freelancers have only one sign-up form and you’d be surprised how much you have to search the website to find that form. So, the first tip: make your email sign-up visible and easy to find. For instance, you could place it at the top of your website and not buried down by the copyright notice. Also, avoid making the text so small that someone can’t read it. Instead, let your signup form be the first thing people see when they land on your platform. Are you promoting your email list on your social media channels? Maybe you’ve been working hard to gain followers on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. There’s certainly inherent value in this, but a lot of marketers make the mistake of not cross-promoting channels. Who’s to say that someone can’t follow you on Facebook and be a subscriber to your email list? Just remember that people will frequently leave social media channels for one reason or another. You don’t want them forgetting about your brand and what you offer, so do your best to get them on your list. Post periodically on social media and invite people to subscribe to your emails. Your newsletters’ content should have real value and be unique from your website or social media content. This is a great incentive to gain an email audience. Plus, you can think outside the box to gain new followers. Maybe you can run a contest or offer a freebie, such as an e-book to anyone who signs up – whatever you think would entice your audience. Do you include an email subscribe button in every email you send? Word of mouth is the best marketing.  If someone on your list really likes your email and forwards it on to a friend, they need an easy way to subscribe. A “subscribe” button makes it simple by saving them the trouble of looking you up, going to your website, and finding your form. So, at the end of every email you send, include a call-to-action. It could be as simple as: “Did you get this email from a friend? Get yours” + “Subscribe” button. The more convenient you make it for people to subscribe, the faster your email list will grow! Also, it doesn’t hurt to encourage your subscribers to forward your email. Some of them will do that and that’s a great way to grow your audience. It’s not all about numbers Now that we’ve gone over a few easy ways to grow your email list, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not all about numbers. There is another aspect to growing your campaign: email list quality. Gathering lots of subscribers is great for email marketing, but you have to make sure those subscribers are real. You may be asking, “Well, why wouldn’t they be?” In the world of email marketing, there are quite a few types of emails that degrade your sender reputation. A sender reputation is a score that every email sender has. It’s the rating Internet Service Providers use to determine your behavior as an email sender. Some of the factors that influence your sender score are: your bounce rate your overall engagement: open and click-through rates are vital metrics the number of spam complaints and unsubscribes you get Bad email addresses you could have in your list All these factors are in direct connection with the quality of your email list. Unfortunately, every organization or marketer will acquire some bad email addresses over time. Some of the most damaging yet prevalent ones include: Fake email addresses: for a number of reasons, people sometimes provide fake email addresses. Sometimes they just want to take advantage of a freebie and have no intention of being a subscriber. Abuse emails: some people are malicious and others just careless. Abuse email owners have a habit of marking emails as spam, even those they signed up for. You don’t want these people on your list because they will hurt your sender reputation. Temporary email addresses: would you believe there are websites that exist for the sole purpose of generating temporary emails? These email addresses are sometimes called disposable because the person uses them for a day or two and never again. Then, they only cause your bounce rate to go up. On top of these, we can’t forget there’s always natural decay of the list. People simply change email addresses. Some people use their school or work email and they graduate or quit. You must get those email addresses off of your list. Use an email verifier to keep your database clean Thankfully, there is a healthy way to grow and maintain your list. The first thing is to never buy or trade email addresses to add to your list. First of all, it’s illegal to email people without their consent. Furthermore, a purchased list isn’t likely to result in anything positive and most likely the people you add will mark you as spam. The simplest way to keep your list healthy is to: The first clean it in bulk using an email verifier then, install an email verification API on your sign-up forms. Clean your list in bulk If you already have a substantial number of contacts in your list, but are not sure about their validity, run your list through a bulk email verifier. The process is simple and doesn’t take much time: you upload your list into the system and get it back clean within hours or even minutes. Install an email verification API This simple piece of software checks every new email address in real-time. It grants permission to good emailers and keeps out any of the problematic accounts mentioned above. Once your list is clean, consider adding the API to all your sign-up forms to ensure it stays in good shape. The sky’s the limit You would be surprised what a difference email marketing makes. It’s the most personal way to reach people and is an incredible tool to communicate the story of your brand and service. Using careful planning, creativity and email verification tools you are on the right path to growing your email list and getting good results. Read Also: How to Integrate Email Marketing With SEO Why Email Marketing is the BEST Digital Marketing Outreach in Singapore

Translation Business

Creative Marketing Strategies to Put Your Small Translation Business

As the owner of a translation business, you know firsthand just how much a good marketing strategy can make or break you. However, your current advertising strategy often makes you feel like your company is getting, well, lost in translation. You need to make a change as soon as possible. But you're just not sure where you should start when it comes to updating your marketing plan. In this post, we're sharing both print and digital advertising tips that you can't afford to miss out on. When you're ready to dominate your target market and outrank your competition in the search engine results, keep on reading. Start with Your Website Especially when you're running an international business, you need advertising tips that can reach everyone on the globe -- at the same time. In short, while a strong website is important for every company, it becomes even more essential for brands who need to reach people in different time zones and across different languages. In other words? Even though you're running a translation business, it doesn't change the fact that nearly 3/4 of consumers say they prefer to read content in their first language. Start by looking for the right tools and plugins that will automatically change your site's language to the language of the user. But don't stop there. Having an intuitive and branded web design are also key digital marketing tips. This matters because people will stay on a site they find easy to use for much longer than average. Pop-ups, autoplay features, or just sites that take forever to load won't cause them to click away after three seconds. This helps you rise in search engine rankings. First of all, ensure your site loads quickly and completely on desktop and mobile devices. Use menu options at the top of your page to help users find exactly what they're looking for as fast as possible. If you're blogging (more on that in a minute) make sure you've taken the time to properly categorize your past posts. Above all, keep your homepage engaging and organized, like on this website. Finally, don't forget to include your company's contact information on not just the homepage, but every page of your internal website. Remember that consumers won't always come to the homepage first. Don't make them hunt around on your site to find out how to get answers to their questions or sign up for your services. Blogging and Guest Posting Now that we've covered how your website will drive more customers to your translation business, let's talk about how blogging can increase your site visitors by around 300%. We understand that blogging is a lot of work -- and, if you have to hire professional content services to write your posts for you, it can also be expensive. So, why is it worth it? First of all, it helps to increase your authority and brand recognition within your target market. By providing information-based (as opposed to sales-driven) blog posts, you strengthen consumer trust in your brand. Plus, blogging also tells Google and other search engines that you update your entire website more often than companies who just have a static site. This means that you'll be able to outrank your competitors in the search engine results. Plus, you'll also have more indexed pages (AKA, pages that have been read and categorized by Google.) This also helps you get higher up in the search engine result pages. Blogging also gives you an amazing opportunity to connect with your target market and shorten your overall sales cycle through the use of keywords. By naturally including keywords (what people type into search engines when they need a translation business) in your content, your website will show up in front of people who are ready to buy exactly what you're selling. But blogging alone isn't enough. You also need to get into guest posting. This is one of the best online advertising tips because it gives you the chance to broaden your market and increase your brand awareness at the same time. Write articles and blog posts for popular online journals, websites, and even forums that are relevant to the translation industry. Other Key Digital Advertising Ideas Of course, your digital marketing strategy shouldn't begin and end with site design, blogging, and guest posting alone. There are a few other digital marketing tips you should take into consideration, too. Make sure that you claim your third-party listings on platforms like Google My Business, and fill out your profiles as completely as is possible. This is especially helpful when it comes to connecting you to your target market. Those third-party listings are also important because they allow your customers the chance to leave online reviews for your business. While having a testimonials section on your website is a good idea, most consumers feel that third-party site reviews are less biased. Make sure you frequently read and respond to these reviews -- yes, even the bad ones. You want to prove to potential and current clients that you take their input seriously. Social media is also essential in the online marketing world. However, especially since you're a smaller business, we suggest that you conduct some market research to find out which platform your customers spend most of their time on. Focus your efforts there first, and then expand to other platforms. If possible, aim to post three times a day: morning, noon, and night. Finally, never underestimate the power of an e-newsletter. Not only will this allow you to let your leads and current customers know about new product offerings and flash sales. E-newsletters can also help to build up a personal connection between you and your market. You can feature employees of the month, tell customer stories, and even ask for feedback in survey form. Offline Advertising Tips for Your Translation Business Yes, having a strong digital marketing strategy is incredibly important for your translation business. However, it doesn't mean that you can completely ignore print marketing or offline marketing in general. Now, let's take a look at some seriously effective marketing ideas that don't require an Internet connection. Host an Event One of the best ways to get your name out there is by hosting an event in your local market. You don't have to spend a lot of money in order to increase your brand recognition -- you just have to focus on inviting the right people. Invite other local businesses to a dinner at an international restaurant in your area, or host a "language night" at a local school. Focus on event spaces that have a global feel -- even having a "movie night" where you show a popular international film could work. We suggest handing out promotional products at these events. This way, even if attendees don't need translations services now, they'll know who to call when they do in the future. Don't Underestimate Mailings Relying on the cousin of the e-newsletter, paper mailings, to get the word out about your business is still an effective marketing idea. People love getting "snail mail," especially as it becomes rarer and rarer. Whenever possible, hand-address your envelopes to increase their open rate. When you send out mailings, think outside the holiday card or business pamphlet alone. Instead, consider including things like a magnetic calendar, so that customers can have your company in their heads all year long. You could also include a paper card with a discount code. The same goes for simply including a physical coupon offering them a percentage off of your services. Also, slip in a few of your business cards, and handwrite a note on the back of them. You may also want to create a branded letterhead or stationary, in order to increase your brand recognition. It's all about building a personal connection between you and your leads. Grow Your Translation Business with These Tips We hope that this post has helped you to better understand how to market your translation business both on and offline. Remember that conducting thorough market research -- and knowing when to ask for the help of a professional marketing team -- will take you a long way. Looking for additional advice about how to build your brand? Want to ensure you're creating evergreen content that your market will love sharing on social media? Want to understand how good web design increases your conversions and grow your traffic? Our blog can help you to learn all of that and more, so keep coming back to us for more advertising advice. Read Also: What To Look For In A Transcription Service Provider

email marketing

Why Email Marketing is the BEST Digital Marketing Outreach in Singapore

Times have changed. Commerce no longer waits for customers to head into a brick-and-mortar store, but instead takes on a proactive approach. Marketers must rely on various tools to reach out to their consumers, create sales channels, and generate revenue. Gone are the days when newspaper ads and billboards took center stage; with technology, digital marketing outreach becomes a necessity as it can reach a considerable amount of users in the shortest amount of time. Marketers often ask us about the most effective platform they should first choose, and our answer always goes back to good old email marketing. Singaporeans are so comfortable with technology, and the majority of the technologically-savvy generation will check their emails at least once a day. Even though it’s one of the most traditional methods, it’s still used frequently because it simply works. Here’s the tricky part: email marketing has to be implemented correctly. Use it right, and it’ll become an incredibly powerful tool. Use it wrong, and you’ll risk turning away customers, both potential and returning ones. Unconvinced? We’ll give you two reasons why email marketing is the best digital marketing outreach, and how you should use it effectively. Whether you’re on a limited budget or hiring a digital marketing agency in Singapore, it’s important to understand email marketing so you can use it to your advantage, especially after your lead generation agency has delivered new prospects for your business. 1. Email marketing provides endless possibilities. Like we’ve mentioned, email marketing may be one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, yet marketers in most industries still use it today as it’s efficient and cost-effective. It involves sending emails to a target audience’s inbox and gives companies a chance to promote their product or service, create brand loyalty, deliver value to consumers; the possibilities are endless. Since there are so many ways to use email marketing, there is no reason for you to stick to one type. As sending the same emails too frequently may turn consumers away, you should find the right balance to keep your readers interested and hopefully increase sales.  Here are two different types of marketing emails that you can send out to engage your subscribers. Welcome emails are usually the first email a subscriber receives after giving you their email address. As it’s the first connection, it’s essential to not only introduce your brand but also make it a memorable one. There are several ways you can do this: you can either share with them more about your brand’s story, invite them to connect via other means (such as social media) or get to know more about them (such as asking for their birthdays). Since the purpose of welcome emails is to increase your engagement with your subscribers, an excellent way to start would be to give them a gift, either a trial or discount code. Informational emails are a series of emails sent to users to keep them engaged with your brand. There are several ways you can do this, depending on your brand. If sales are your priority, you can send out targeted emails informing your subscribers of promotions, discount codes, and holiday sales. If you’re providing software, and your main goal is to increase brand awareness, you can release a series of tips and tutorials on how to make the best out of it. There are so many ways you can continuously engage your subscribers, but remember to keep a steady pace; you want to provide your readers with value, not flood them with dozens of emails. As there are so many ways to use email marketing, if you’re hiring a digital marketing agency in Singapore, be sure to let them know what you’re trying to achieve. Different goals require different types of emails, and your agency needs to know what you need before they can help you get the results you want. Email marketing lets you personalize your engagement. Although every business has a buyer persona, it may not always be the same. As a brand, you may have a range of audiences that differ based on age, gender, and other demographics. The best way to reach out to different audiences is to cater to them differently, and email marketing helps you do so by segmenting your audiences into categories. The idea is to tailor various emails that will resonate with each audience segment and provide them with something exciting and of value. If you use email marketing correctly, you can not only address your subscribers by name but also provide them with something that they want. For example, you can email your VIP members about an exclusive event or reach out to your teen audience about a back-to-school sale. By targeting each segment differently, you can increase the effectiveness of your emails. This is extremely important as an email can only be successful if your subscribers open it, read it, and appreciate it. We can go on and on about how effective email marketing can be, but the best way for you to find out is to try it yourself. If you’re confused and not sure where to begin, now’s a good time to ask for help. Reach out to a digital marketing agency in Singapore, let them know what you need, and they’ll help you achieve it. Read Also: Why Every Business Holder Should Start Using The Drip Marketing Campaign Snov.Io Review: The Missing Piece Of The Marketing Outreach Strategy Puzzle