7 Ways Technology Can Help in Customer Management and Sales

Published on: 08 March 2019 Last Updated on: 04 September 2024
Customer Management

We are living in an increasingly connected world. Thanks to the internet, we are able to access more information than ever before. This new connected world that we are living in has coincided with a true explosion in technological innovation. In order to succeed with your business, you need to fully embrace the way that this new world works. With that being said, there are many ways that you can approach working with your potential customers in order to maximize sales and benefits. Today, we are going to outline a handful of different approaches that you can take in order to handle both your sales experience and how you manage your customers.

Improve Sales & Customer Management With Technology:

If you are operating a business and you don’t rely on technology in order to find new leads or handle customers, you are likely falling behind the rest of the pack. We are no longer living in a ‘technology optional’ world, so you are going to have to shift your approach in order to continue finding success. Fortunately, technology like ringless voicemail is as accessible as ever and even easier to integrate into the way that we approach our work. From customer management to cultivating sales, here are seven ways that technology can help you out today.

1. Compile Big Data:

If you are a Property Agent CRM Arosoft software can help you to put all of your most important data into a single place. If you were a real estate agent back before the internet was big, you likely had to deal with several filing cabinets in order to track your data. Nowadays, CRM software can allow you to put literally countless listings and leads into one single place. Best of all? This information will be easily sortable so that you can access it whenever you need. Technology has given us all the information we will ever need and it can be yours, right at your fingertips.

2. Team Cooperation:

Let’s stay on track with our discussion of CRM software because you are going to need to familiarize yourself with the concept eventually. CRM solutions utilize the ‘Cloud’ which means that anyone on your team can access the information. If you are working on a big client, you can share and view the same information as your team members with the click of a button. Thanks to Cloud Computing, everything that you need to share can be shared wirelessly in a single second. When teams can collaborate without the hurdles of transferring data or papers, their ability to get work done will dramatically increase. On the sales side, software from Allego makes it easy to have winning conversations with prospects and clients using their conversational intelligence feature which analyzes communications.

3. Incredible Social Outreach:

There are two kinds of businesses those that embrace social media and those that fall behind. If you want to increase your sales while improving the way that you interface with customers, you have to get on social media. Now, thanks to mobile technology, it is easier than ever to build your brand via websites like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. In fact, if you aren’t actively trying to expand your brand onto social media, you are very likely wasting a massive avenue of potential income. Social media isn’t just for sharing pictures of the family dog, it is here to stay.

4. Improved Client Retention:

Technology has made it easier than ever to earn loyal customers and keep them by your side. Thanks to CRM technology, you’ll be able to collaborate with your entire team in real-time to give your clients the attention that they deserve. With your cloud-based CRM software, you’ll be able to keep track of important client information while making important notes when they are required. When you can deliver to your clients the exact kind of attention that they need, when they need it, you’ll be able to keep them around.

5. Curated Customer Management:

If you are working with a customer in order to sell their home, it helps to have all of their requirements accessible with the click of a button, right? CRM software allows you to sort your clients into their own specific cards. These cards can be made up of annotated details that explain everything that your customer wants out of their house sale. You’ll be able to keep track of their demands, your interactions, and the history of your work together. This analytical tool is convenient for both you and your customer. When you are both able to stay on the same page, work seems to fly by!

6. Access Via Mobile Technology:

We are at a point in time when mobile technology has become a platform unto itself. Thanks to the prevalence of mobile phones, tablets, and laptops it is now easier than ever to stay connected with your customers. Whether you want to get a meeting in while on the road or you want to manage a client from the runway, your mobile devices can help you to make that happen. It’s easier than ever to stay plugged into your work no matter where you are.

7. Happier & More Effective Staff:

Finally, technology is making it easier to keep your staff content. Everyone knows that the best way to give your customers the care that they deserve is to put happy employees in a position to succeed. Thanks to CRM software, your employees will be able to stay engaged and up-to-date on all the information that they need in order to succeed in their position. As a result, your staff will be much happier at the end of the day. The ease-of-access that CRM software provides means that team members never have to be frustrated or upset due to being incapable of finding the right information for their job.

Technology has been a game changer for businesses looking to manage clients and improve their sales. If you decide to take the next step by adopting CRM software, your business will immediately begin to see the benefits. CRM software partnered up with a positive mindset can lead to great success!

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Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing Tool to Move from Local to Global Market

Influencer marketing is having a high card nowadays as people are indulging more into the Virtual World. As per a survey, there are more than 2.3 Billion active users online and on average active internet users have at least 5 Social Media accounts. So just imagine how much time people actually spend Online. And if the statistics are to be believed an average US citizen spends 1 hour and 18 minutes watching a video online on the Social Media Daily! And other statistics are like this, the Snapchat users watch over 6 Billion videos in a day and the figure on Facebook is around 8 Billion. It is enough stats for any marketer to understand that no matter what niche their Product falls in, their potential buyers are waiting for them online. So the question that remains is How and When to make the approach for the purchase? The best answer for a local brand who wishes to expand their business globally is Influencer Marketing. It is the fastest and most effective way to promote business amongst the Brand’s Global leads. But there are certain things and options that are to be kept in mind for a successful promotion of a brand via Influencer Marketing. Influencer marketing is an important activity of Digital marketing, and here are some statistics of who the most famous Influencers of Social Media were and how much they earned. Selena Gomez ($550,000 per post) Kendall Jenner ($300,000 per post) Kylie Jenner Rihanna Beyoncé Knowles Taylor Swift Selena Gomez tops the chart where each social media post can be worth around   $5,50,000. Isn’t that huge? But think of the business people who are paying her would be making from the marketing she does. That’s out of my mind at least. These were enough proof for how effective influencer marketing is, let’s see how a local brand can expand their business via Influencer marketing: There are three options for Influencer Marketing Approach a local brand can make to take the leap from Local to Global: 1. Work as per the Target area and make a progressive approach: This option is for those who don’t want to take a big risk and are a little less willing to spend much in Digital Marketing in the Initial level and then increase once they start getting returns on their investment. It is completely normal for any brand to think like that and for them, the approach towards Influencer can be like this, first make a target area where you want to expand your business. After that find a local Influencer of that area and approach with a mutual win-win situation for both. You make a proposal that they will develop a special scheme and Discounts only for their followers and in return, they do the marketing with a fair compensation paid of course. Once that is done and a brand starts getting a response, move out to other areas with the same strategy and spread the market. This is a long term approach but it has minimal risk and you ought to spend less. The best benefit is the brand won’t be dependent only on one Influencer and if they think the influencer of one specific region is not worth the investment, they can stop doing marketing for that area. So the only loss of business you suffer is from one area and others are still productive. 2. Difficult and Creative Approach to hit a nation or globe: This approach is unique and is totally based on how well you execute the strategy of marketing the approach. The thing is all a brand needs to do is come up with a cause that is sweeping the nation or the globe and start to think creatively in that area. Develop a challenge and form a campaign for the same, now hire a single influencer and ask them to pitch the challenge to other influencers and all you got to do is somehow link your brand with the challenge. This way the influencer will promote your challenge and then all you got to do is sit and enjoy the word spreading across the nation or across the world. The cherry on the cake could be if you are able to profit from the campaign. That can be done by making an announcement that if people who support the cause buy their product, the company will donate some part of the profit to the Government for the eradication or betterment of the cause. The best example is the Ice Bucket challenge, think of one viral challenge and you are done. 3. Third is traditional approach: This is the option where a brand does the traditional approach and contacts an influencer to do the marketing, but there are certain things that need to be taken care of in the campaign. Make sure the campaign is backed with a unique and relative hashtag and the influencer specifically pitches the brand, not just a few tags and messages. Nowadays in platforms, like Instagram people are not concerned about who the Influencer tags but, the effect will be prominent if the Influencer is seen with the product or the person associated with the brand and pitches the brand for sales purpose. Another thing that needs to be kept in mind is the approach to an Influencer is much different than that of a normal sales and promotion approach. Many influencers don't care about the money much but about fame and image more. Make sure to present with something that is beneficial for both the parties. And it is not the sole responsibility of the Influencer to do the marketing of the product. Brand marketers also must put in some efforts and share information on their own social media accounts both personal and professional. Make sure Influencer knows these efforts as it will give a positive boost to the campaign and Influencer’s moral. Thus, above were some statistics and options that are available for a brand to take a leap from Local to Global market with the help of Influencer Marketing. Read More: Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing The New Wave: Conquer Gen Z With Effective Marketing 5 Marketing Tips To Help Grow Your Business On Instagram

content rally

Behavioral Targeting – A potential DSP strategy for media campaigns

Aren’t you happy that you are finding the perfect leads that automatically convert into customers in your digital media campaigns? Behavioral targeting, a recent technique in digital advertising, has enabled marketers to achieve 90% success from their campaigns. Although the name itself tells about the kind of marketing strategy behavioral targeting is, let’s find out more… Behavioral targeting effectively uses a customer’s past activity while displaying an ad. While matching an ad with the user, the media planning software uses non-personal and anonymous information from the user. The fact that identifying user behavior is not just limited to the desktop makes media planning software a versatile technology. There are some mobile media platforms that help companies to target users depending on their mobile search patterns. One of the key factors in mobile tracking is where the users are located when they conduct a particular online search. How behavioral targeting functions The agencies use demand-side platforms (DSPs) for buying the advertisements across the networks in real-time. As there is media software that can track the user’s IP address and content type, the user browses using deep package inspection (DPI), and the marketer is able to identify the ad appropriate for the user. The marketers then buy relevant ads via real-time bidding (RTB) and put them up on the websites. This media planning software allows marketers to focus on ads for granularity specified audiences. The tool uses different kinds of data to show the right ad to the right audience. Information marketer’s use for behavioral targeting: The demographic information that the user has shared with partner websites Data extracted by cookies from the websites visited by the consumer General assumptions based on the types of websites visited by the user Social networking sites for collecting data for this kind of targeting Types of behavioral targeting Several technologies and approaches are used in behavioral targeting. Every company in space has its set of nomenclature and approach. However, the entire gamut of behavioral targeting can be roughly divided into three categories: Targeting based on affinity Also known as traditional targeting, the tracking is based on the information the users take in. Here, the user is tracked within a particular category. By consistent consumption trait, the tracking is based on the interest the user shows in web search. This way, advertising is based on unique profiles of users rather than by focusing on the current search that the user has keyed in. Re-targeting This tracking is simpler than affinity-based targeting. Here, the user has already visited a website, made some pre-decision stage activities, but has not completed the action. Usually, users get tagged through cookies and they can be targeted again via some cross-selling prospects. According to the user’s latest interest, an advertisement can be tailor-made using re-targeting. Predictive targeting Predictive targeting is based on a series of data collected both, online and offline. The first step is gathering data online— analyzing user behavior through their clicks and real-time internet surfing. The user gets monitored through the websites they visited the amount of time spent on each website, etc. The first profile of the user gets created through online monitoring. Complete data is then collected by some kinds of socio-demographic survey, which provides complete information on the lifestyle and interests of the user. Predictive technology is used to analyze the survey data (offline) with performance data (online) to complete the profile. Thus, there is the extrapolation of socio-demographic data of the sample population to a larger user base, using the similarities in the behavioral patterns observed in the sample users to a larger population. Behavioral targeting is definitely a valuable media planning software for digital advertising. However, you need to beef your strategies up with adequate tactics. Start with the identification of the right audience for a certain media buy, the required accomplishment of the campaign, and consequently its appropriate channels and communication media. Within this framework, identify if behavioral targeting can achieve better or not. Author Bio: Preethi Vagadia is currently a Senior Business architect with the Service operations practice at a well-known IT Industry in Bangalore. She has worked in several process improvement projects involving multi-national teams for global customers. She has over 8 years of experience in mortgage technology and has successfully executed several projects in logistics management, logistics integration, reverse logistics, content management system software, warranty software, and programmatic solutions.

Business on Facebook

The Definitive Guide to Market Your Business on Facebook

Social media has penetrated deep into the life of humans in almost every possible parameter. As the rise of smartphone and tech gadgets are more frequent, the exchange and flow of information have become extremely easy. In a recent survey conducted by a top American university, it was clear that people who own a web-enabled phone spends around 2 – 4 hours while checking their feeds and news on their social media platforms. That’s a huge amount of time and gives a great opportunity for businesses to grow and reach a maximum audience. An active and decent social media page helps greatly in strengthening your brand without being annoying (Inbound marketing) For example, if Jim’s feed is filled with the last night’s birthday party that he had attended then popping up the latest shoes from Jimmy Choo won’t look bad. Here’s the deal, are your sales even after spending millions in marketing aren’t justifying your ROI? Are you still searching for the big Marlboro epic ad campaign that changed the whole horizon of how cigarettes were used to take by the people? Stay on as we are about to explain the tricks that will benefit your business insanely. Here is the definitive guide to market your business on facebook: Step Number One: Optimization will sail you through: Have you noticed one common practice often used by most prominent brands on social media? They are appealing even to the people who aren’t even interested in the brand or page. What draws them towards them? One simple approach is optimization! A Username Matters the Most: Let’s learn this with an example. facebook.com/gtbdajgdbkahdj_bdjabdjagdj_45454544545454 facebook.com/myshop Now, ask yourself, which one you like the most? The second one is easily understandable and it makes more sense than its counterpart. Always try to claim a vanity URL as it serves the purpose well. Keywords Can Get a Deal for You: Including relevant keywords is the fundamental practice of SEO. Using specific keywords can end up all the results of a query on your page. Make it a habit to add potential searchable words and a brief description of the business that you’re operating. A Category Matters the Most: In order to reach a maximum number of people and elevate your profits, one should avoid placing their business in an improper set of categories. A specific category would help you in getting placed on the Facebook Graph Search. The most common ones are choosing ‘Companies & Organizations’ An Image Speaks More Than Words:   It’s a proven fact that the majority of people would first see the cover and profile image and then decide if they want to spend time on the page reading content or not. Making images to speak about your business is perhaps the best approach that can grab you multiple customers and boost your “likes” count instantly. Participating In Groups Can Boost Engagement: Bragging about being the best is possible the biggest false marketing approach that you can ever adopt. Instead, you should concentrate more on contributing to the industry by providing important tips and tricks. This will help you in elevating your engagement and fan base, probably a vintage approach, but surely not a lame one. Don’t try to be in a rush and declaring yourself as the best option for the people. As deep inside you know, you’re not. Organic Vs Non-Organic Likes: Users cannot be fooled! Read this one more time. Users cannot be fooled! With easy access to information, the once used to innocent users or customers are now your worst critique, who is capable of ripping apart your products within a matter of a few seconds. Often time’s marketers buy Facebook likes in order to show their credibility to the potential user or customer. Buying fake likes can make the credibility of the organization into question as it shows a lack of transparency and integrity. In August, last year Facebook announced its plans about disabling more than 80 million fake accounts that would surely be a big blow to the face of the people who aren’t following the right approach. Facebook Ads: For quite some time, Facebook has expanded its horizon from “Connecting The World” to “Helping Reaching your Business to Target Audience” They give more exposure to your brand by featuring your content on the user’s feed and give an opportunity to them so; users can place their order as well. Choosing your campaign objective will help you meet your advertising goals. To create the best possible Facebook ad, you can use a good spy tool to see which of your competitor's ads are working best. How to Meet Your Objectives Using Facebook Ads: You might place a doll face or video on the whole Ad campaign, but it doesn’t matter if you haven’t placed your most important content on the first page. Then, it’s almost certain that you won’t be able to make it big. “Place your Most Important Content on the First Page” Use Call to Action Button: Placing a call to action button at the end of your Ad is like a perfect ending to the story. “Shop Now” “Claim Now” are some of the most important Adjectives that helps in converting potential leads to regular customers. Let them know why they should click on your ad! The Final Statement: There could be tons of important features that can help you to boost the business that you’re operating, but the above-mentioned ones are the most relevant in terms of building a brand and reaching to the more number of people. We hope you had a great time going through our article and will surely implement these strategies in order to gain maximum profit from your organization.    Read Also : 5 Steps On How To Market Your Business Using Social Media Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing 7 Proven Marketing Tactics To Increase Your ROI In 2018 How To Remove Pname Com Facebook Orca