5 Tips For Creating Content To Help Move The SEO Needle


09 January 2024



Using search engine optimization to increase the visibility of your online content isn’t new. But there are businesses out there that don’t do it effectively.

They’re stuffing keywords in every nook and cranny of an article, hoping Google will be kind with its ranking. SEO involves much more than sticking a particular word or phrase in a blog post or landing page, though. It’s about connecting with potential customers using content that’s relevant to solving their problems.

Your SEO efforts should be centered around what your buyers’ needs are and how to meet those needs as effectively as possible. Therefore your content creation criteria should go beyond simply writing something that addresses a problem.

Your content should be accessible, informed by experts, and provide a positive experience to the reader. The opportunity to improve conversions is greater for marketers who keep the user at the center of their strategy.

1. Show Your Authority

Marketers’ old habit of stuffing keywords in their content willy-nilly is no longer effective for achieving higher rankings. Search engines like Google give higher priority to sites that have authority on a given subject. Expert-driven articles are much more likely to lure readers to your site. Developing content pillars is a great way to show authority and build trust with potential buyers. 

A content pillar strategy involves creating a robust, long-form page centered around one topic. From there you can build out sub-topics related to the main one. A content pillar does contain numerous keywords that can boost SEO ranking, but it employs them in a natural, reader-friendly way. At the same time, because the material is so comprehensive around one main subject, it builds authority. Content pillar pages not only educate the reader, but they foster trust and keep users engaged.

2. Do Your Research

You might be the authority on a given subject, but you’ll lose sales if you don’t judiciously use keywords that match your customers’ search intent. You don’t want to do keyword stuff, but you do want to research and use keywords related to your expertise.

For example, if you run a coffee shop, naturally your content uses the word coffee. But you’ll want to consider long-tail keywords your customers might use such as “single estate coffee” or “fair trade coffee.” Think about what your customers would want related to all things coffee and what your business actually sells.

There are numerous tools you can use to do keyword research, enabling you to find words and phrases related to your main topic. Discovering how certain words and phrases relate to your region and the season can help you develop more user-friendly content.

Another tactic related to your research is digging into what keywords your competitors are using. Staying on top of the most recent trends is helpful for crafting up-to-the-minute content, like what you’d find on social media.

3. Create Accessible Content

Create Accessible Content

Crafting thought leadership articles is a great way to utilize high-intent keywords and show authority. When your content is difficult to read, however, potential buyers are likely to leave your site quickly. Bulky paragraphs without images can be a major turnoff to readers. Make sure to break up your content using lists, bullets, and relevant visuals. As a good rule of thumb, use one image for every 300 words in a blog.

SEO rankings aren’t just about the words on the page. Your content needs to be accessible in terms of how your site loads. If it takes too long for your site to load, expect readers to abandon it. Google suggests your site should take less than a half-second to load for top SEO performance. It should load just as quickly on mobile as well.

4. Develop Visual Content

As noted, a blog post that includes images relevant to the topic is much more appealing to the reader. What’s just as effective — maybe more so — is short-form video. With the boom of social sites like TikTok, short videos are proving to have strong ROI. Consider producing short videos of 60 or fewer seconds and sharing them on social media using keywords. Be sure your videos are informative and engaging.

Videos aren’t the only form of visual content that can move the needle. Strong infographics that tell a story and keep readers engaged can make a big impact. The technical components of visual aids like images or videos are just as important for SEO. Make sure meta tags for all visuals include keywords. That image of a coffee cup should be tagged “dark roast coffee” instead of “file123.jpg.” 

5. Optimize Current Content

Making use of content that already exists is an underappreciated way to increase your SEO ranking. After all, you worked hard to write those blog posts. Why not optimize and repurpose them? Refreshing old content can save time and provide new opportunities to reach potential customers.

For older blogs and articles, consider their continued relevance. If the messaging is still appropriate, update it with high–search intent keywords. Remove dates from both the content and URL to make them evergreen. Update meta tags on all images. Mix it up by turning blogs into a short-form video, if that’s more appealing to your buyers.

Maintaining a Customer Focus

Strong content is essential to any marketing strategy. As with any part of your business, keeping your customer as the core focus is important to improving SEO. Using the keywords readers are searching for is imperative, but it’s not the whole story. Prioritizing the user experience by producing content that’s accessible, builds authority, and creates trust is what will move the SEO needle.

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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Website Traffic

A Complete Online Guide to Boosting Your Website Traffic in 2020

As soon as New Year's Eve is over, we all start scrambling to improve this or that, and owners of web-based businesses are no different. The web is flooded with entrepreneurs working to boost their web traffic in the New Year. After all, any good businessperson knows that the majority of success for web-based businesses begins with getting people to your site. If you want to implement an easy plan to boost your web traffic in 2019, just follow the steps outlined below. A Complete Online Guide to Boosting Your Website Traffic in 2020: 1. SEO: To drive traffic to your page, you’ll want to begin with SEO tactics. There are some great companies out there who can provide you with professional SEO services if you don’t want to do it on your own. You’ll want to implement these SEO tactics on each of your web pages to get optimal visitors to your website and improve your ranking in search engines. Separate SEO for every single page of your site is the best way to go about this. You should also spend a bit of time writing concise meta descriptions to appear under your URL descriptions in search engines. This little step can make all the difference.  2. Listings: Another way to easily drive visitors to your pages is to improve your listings across the web. Peruse the internet and sites relating to your industry for directory listings, contact pages, and relevant links, and make sure you’ve linked to them. Check your pages for dead links often, and make sure all links are working properly. Keep any directories on your site easy to find, polished and relevant. 3. Social Media: Even in 2019, so many online companies think a social media presence is unnecessary. Unfortunately, foregoing any kind of social media interaction can really harm your business. It’s a matter of finding the social media platform that’s right for you – whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or something else entirely, find the social media platform that drives viewers to your business and makes those sales. Once you’ve got an account, start those promotions, post pictures, put up polls, and get those customers talking and engaging. Do it yourself or hire a social media whiz, but be sure to interact with your customers via these platforms to keep their interest, stay relevant, and drive customers to your site. It’s 2019 and let’s face it: most folks are addicted to some form of social media. Why wouldn’t you get in on that? If you operate an app, be sure to update links there often, too, and make sure your website is optimized for mobile. Not everyone, however, wants to use an app, and you never know, someone might be scrolling through your website on their phone, cursing because it isn't translating well. This also falls under the category of website speed, because when optimizing for mobile devices loading speed is very important. Start from fundamentals here by choosing a fast provider, then optimize your code, images, and content. Spend the time and money on making your site, app, and social media picture perfect. It's worth every penny. 3. Email Marketing: If you’re dead-set against social media, at the very least, you should have an email marketing campaign (and even if you’re totally into social media, this is still a good idea). Have your customers “opt-in” when visiting your site, offering them subscriptions to your blog or newsletter, or special promotions or deals. You’ll find that most of them are interested! Then you’ve got a ready-made list of email addresses, connected to real, live customers who will come back and become repeat customers. Avoid spamming them, of course – save the email marketing content for the really good stuff. It’s also a good idea to have a specific, set email address only for marketing, and a separate one for things like customer service, orders, etc. Having an organized email is just good business. 5. Guest-Starring: A lot of successful online entrepreneurs – whether it’s authors, business owners, musicians, marketing execs, or “social media influencers”, have learned that crossing over to other forums can increase their viewership and give them great success. Have a friend who runs a similar business? Someone who blogs about the products you sell? A repeat customer who has a podcast? Find common ground with someone who can give you a platform, or offer them a platform in return. Guest blog for someone, have someone guest blog for you or participate in a cross-promotion. The sky is the limit! Pairing up with someone can mean bigger viewership and success for BOTH of you!  6. Engage: Don’t neglect a really important part of web-business – engaging with the customer. Whether it’s responding to social media tags, reading blog comments, answering customer service emails, or frequently updating your blog, you want to make yourself available to your web traffic. They need to see that you’re present and engaging with the audience. A constant presence reminds the customer that you’re there, that they wanted to visit your site to make a purchase or look at the promotion. They come to see you as a friend, and your site might just become a frequent stop on their day-to-day web activity. 7. Analyze Your Data: Every forum from Facebook to Wordpress offers its users data; a breakdown of viewership, clicks, sales, and more. Naturally, if you run a website, you’ve seen lots of this information. Unfortunately, not enough entrepreneurs take the time to truly analyze website data, and you should. It’s a treasure trove of information, providing you with clues on how to increase your viewership. Through analytics, you can track everything from the age and gender demographics of the people who visit your site, their location, what they click on, what they buy, and more. Taking the time to track this data can help you decipher what’s working, what isn’t, and what’s bringing people back. Get the Boost: There are lots more things you can do to boost traffic to your page in 2019, but if you start with these easy, simple steps, you’ll find your traffic increase with almost no effort at all. These simple, quick measures can put your web traffic into the stratosphere and make 2019 your best business year yet. Read Also: Top Utility Tools You Need For Your Website Tips On Building Your Resume For A Website Design Company

Good Guest Post

5 Basic Tips How to Write a Really Good Guest Post

Being a guest blogger is something that you will need to work on it to remain relevant and provide useful information and will win the hearts of your audience. Taking a thoughtful approach to writing a guest post is key in determining whether you will succeed or not. Therefore, it will be a lot helpful to even consider to buy an essay from professional writing services to help you learn the basics of how to do it. Over and above that, here are 5 basic tips that you will need to really write a good guest post: Know the Audience: Get to know the kind of people you will be writing to. It helps a lot to tailor your thoughts and ideas around those who will be reading your post. There is a lot that you can learn from your audience hence the need to study their demographics and understand their language and needs before getting started with your writing. It all begins here – know the people you are targeting to be able to write content that is relevant to them. Write Catchy Headlines: Be creative in how you write your post headlines. Article headlines create the impression of what readers should expect from what you have written. In that case, you need to work on your ability to write attractive headlines to get you the attention you need to succeed in wooing your readers. Make the readers want to find out what you have written by crafting great headlines. Use Bullet Points: Long paragraphs and clumsy information is likely going to send many readers away. Knowing that readers will first scan the article, it is important to use bullet points to highlight key points in your article. These are easily noticeable and will encourage readers to take time and read the entire article to get ideas on what you have written in the entire post. Include Visual Content: A picture is worth a thousand words. Visual content is therefore key in making your post effective in communicating your message to the readers. As you endeavor to put your points across, use images and videos where possible to help readers connect with your writing with ease. A really good guest post must include visuals where possible to enhance the information provided through the writing. Optimize for SEO: Ensure that the post is optimized for search engines. This makes sure that it is ranked highly hence easily noticeable by readers online. This aspect should be included when writing a guest post. Look for keywords and keyword phrases to include based on the title of your post. It will help readers find it when they come to search for information online. Final Thoughts A good guest post is all about attracting readership. In that case, writing should revolve around what readers are looking for. Your audience is looking for meaningful information that will add value to their lives. All thoughts and ideas should, therefore, be organized in a way that enhances the interest of the readers! Read Also: Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing How To Become A Great Travel Blogger: 11 Secrets Best Ways To Get More From Your Outreach Campaign

SEO Health

How to Monitor the SEO Health of Your Website

Monitoring the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) health is essential for any website to maintain its search engine ranking and search results. You never know when an SEO issue left ignored can hit your ranking and impact your business adversely. Website owners need to take care of several SEO metrics regularly and be proactive to fix the issues that may lead to low performance.  This post explains the most important SEO health metrics that need regular monitoring to maintain the performance of a website. Organic traffic :   Your website ranking is useless unless it brings you traffic.  Tracking your organic traffic is an indicator of your SEO performance. An increase in visitors coming through search engines indicates that your rankings are increasing. Organic traffic is one of the most important metrics that you can track. While other metrics also show a trend, organic traffic provides you with quantifiable proof that your efforts are working to bring more visitors. However, the quality of the traffic depends on the keywords you're ranking for. Keyword rankings : Ranking of important keywords is a vital part of any SEO campaign, as high keyword rankings drive more traffic to the website. There are plenty of tools that will help you to conduct the keyword research, and track your website’s rankings over time. You can also search at Google Search Console to look for the keywords that drive most of the traffic to your website. As Search Console is a free-to-use platform, you can set up your website on it if you haven’t already done it. If you find it difficult to conduct the keyword research, you should get a monthly SEO maintenance plan to improve your keyword rankings. Backlinks and Referring Domains :   Backlinks are another most important metric and ranking factor in the SEO Analysis. You should track the backlinks pointing to your website. Keeping track of your backlinks and referring domains provides you with an estimate, how good your SEO efforts are working. A large number of backlinks might not immediately lead to better rankings (especially if the links are from low-quality domains), but they show positive results in the future. The quality and relevancy of backlinks also matter, and you should always use the backlinks from reputed websites. Bounce Rate : The bounce rate is defined as the percentage of single-page sessions in which the visitors left your website without interacting with the page. A low bounce rate indicates that the visitors have found your website interesting or useful. On the other hand, a higher bounce rate on a particular page might not be a bad thing, as it could just be that the user’s search query was answered on that page and they are satisfied. You should set up an event tracking to track the success of a page, even if you expect to have a high bounce rate on it. It is better to subscribe to a quick SEO plan to improve the bounce rate of your website. Click-Through Rate (CTR) :   The click-through rate (CTR) is another important metric to track the success of a website. Organic CTR is the percentage of clicks to impressions for your site in Google search. As you work on improving the CTR of your site, you may see an improvement in your keyword rankings. When Google sees that more people click on your website for a specific keyword as compared to other websites, it makes perfect sense that they would rank your website higher on search engines. Final words : There are many other metrics that you need to track to evaluate the performance of your SEO campaign. However, the above-mentioned metrics are the most critical in determining the SEO health of any website. A monthly SEO monitoring campaign is essential to monitor the important metrics and fix any issue at the right time. Tracking these metrics regularly and working on them will help you to improve the ranking and organic traffic on your website. Read Also : Critical Off-Page SEO Mistakes To Avoid Things To Consider While Doing SEO 8 Key SEO Strategies For E-Commerce Websites