Customer Service Gripes Revealed In New Survey

Published on: 28 November 2020 Last Updated on: 04 December 2020
Customer Service
  • Are you an eCommerce business looking to address the problem of abandoned carts on your platform?
  • Do you know how you can ensure that more people close the sales and move cart items into final purchases?
  • Have you tried using some strategies like offering coupons and discounts to sweeten the deal?

According to a new and very important study made by Feefo, it has been found that there are more than 79% of customers abandoning their carts and not closing purchases on e-commerce platforms. The question, which many eCommerce-based companies are asking is- how can I change this?

In this article, we speak to leading digital marketing specialists and ask them about the various strategies, which can be used to ensure that the items are moved from the cart into the final purchase.

Why Consumers leave Items in the Cart According to the Feefo Study?

The survey is very important to read and understand if you want to improve the sales and revenue generation for your e-commerce business.

According to Feefo, most consumers leave items in the cart because of one specific reason- High Prices! In most cases, the prices displayed on the product pages are exclusive of additional costs like taxes, shipping charges, and in some very weird cases, packaging!

According to the study, it is time for eCommerce businesses to start becoming honest and transparent in showcasing prices to the consumers on the product page itself. This may remove the entire magnet strategy of-

  • lower pricing,
  • moving to the cart
  • seeing the higher pricing
  • however emotional investments and time
  • ending up with the purchase

Ecommerce businesses need to realize that digital audiences have started to move beyond just baits and value transparency on digital platforms.

The study pointed out specifically to High Shipping Costs as the primary impediment to abandoned carts. Taxes too are something, which most of us take into consideration. However, additional shipping expenditures are still not acceptable to the vast majority.

How the World’s Best Ecommerce Sites Handle the Abandoned Carts Issue?

According to business experts at the best-performing sites, the need of the hour is to help customers at this stage with a small incentive. In other words, customers are already through 80% of the things a business needs to close a sale. At the cart stage, what you need is a small push, which can be offered by brands to the customers.

Not only will this result in the final sales happening, but it will also boost the image of the brand in the eyes of the customer in a positive fashion.

Some of the best businesses go for the following strategies-

  1. Using promotional codes for both new and existing customers.
  2. Taking away the Shipping Charges for customers and showing the discounted price.
  3. Creating personalized packaging and offering incentives to buy.
  4. Having multiple shipping vendors on the business and comparing prices.
  5. Rewarding the customer in other ways (social media shout outs).

Why Building Positive Business Relationships matter for Ecommerce Businesses?

Building a positive brand and making the customer feel special is critical for the success of your e-commerce business. This means that e-commerce businesses need to invest in their communication. In-app messages, email newsletters, WhatsApp communications, etc. are good ways to ensure that you are always having an open channel of communication.

By valuing your existing customers, you will be able to win repeat purchases for your business. Your existing customers can also spread a positive word about your brand to their family and friends, leading to more sales and revenues.

However, taking care of the costs is the number one thing, eCommerce businesses should look to address at all costs. If eCommerce businesses are able to bring their operational costs down, they will be able to further incentivize sales.

You can view the Full Study and Report of the excellent Feefo Study below:


How do consumers think and behave across the purchase journey? [Infographic]

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Employment Law Tips

7 Best Employment Law Tips For Businesses In Dubai

Are you planning to do business in Dubai? If yes, you must know the rules and regulations of employment laws in Dubai to settle there comfortably, especially the employment law, to start your job or business there. If you want to excel in your business field, you must know the country’s laws in the best possible manner. You cannot consider things for granted here. You must make your plans in the right direction to achieve your objective in the best possible way. As per the report of the Gulfnews, the labor laws are well protected in Dubai, and you cannot make any mess with it there. Best Employment Law Tips For Business In Dubai in 2021 Several employment law tips you can follow in Dubai to carry on your business successfully there. Therefore, let’s explore some of the essential facts in light of this matter. 1. Your Employees Have The Right To Take Annual Leaves The employees in Dubai have the full right to take annual leaves on several occasions; being an organization’s employer, you cannot ignore this fact. There are several kinds of leaves that you can enjoy there. For instances: Your employees can enjoy one day’s leave for new Year’s day. Your employees can enjoy the Islamic new year for one day. Your employees can enjoy Eid al Fitr for two days. Employees can also enjoy Eid Al Adha for Four days. Employees can also enjoy National Day for two days and Commemoration Day for one day. These are the leaves you must give to your employees if you are working in Dubai. You cannot bypass these leaves being an employer of an organization. The worker is entitled to annual leave for one year. Understanding the various national holidays and addressing any possible disputes that may or may not arise requires you to seek the assistance of the best uae law firms. They have an idea about the nature of society and will be able to guide you in the best possible manner. 2. Your Employers Must Pay The Wages Regularly  Your employees are entitled to receive the wages regularly in terms of the national currency of the state. Workers who are employed for monthly or annual wage must be paid once per month. An employer cannot force their employees to purchase their products from their stores. It will be considered an offense if the employer does so in Dubai. If you have accidentally breached the law, then you can consult the best law firm in Dubai. It is not necessary that your employees must buy the food or any goods from the owner’s shop in Dubai. You need to understand the law of the land before developing your business plan in Dubai. 3. You Cannot Deny The Maternity Leave Of Your Employees   You are not supposed to deny your employees maternity leave, even in the case of your immense work pressure. As per the labor law of the country Labour Law No eight and Article Number 30. A female worker is entitled to maternity leave for 45 days. Being an employer of the organization, you cannot evade out this law. 4. Your Employer Is Not Allowed To Keep Your Passport  Your employer is not allowed to keep your passport in their custody. You are not entitled to keep your employees’ access; it is actually against the law of the land. Furthermore, no employer can terminate the employee for not surrendering the passport. Your basics must be cleared regarding the employment rules in Dubai. Without the right knowledge, you cannot excel in your field. Ensure that you have not committed such mistakes in Dubai while running your business there. Your policies must be correct enough to deal with this matter efficiently. 5. Your Employees Must Not Bear The Cost Of Residency Visa Your employer must bear the cost of the residency visa in the UAE. The company must take the responsibility of the employee in this regard UAE. The Visa cost and sponsorship costs are the sole responsibility of the employer. If you want to grow your organization in the UAE, you must know this rule in detail. You cannot afford to make a mess with the law of the land. The only thing you must be aware of is that you must not violate the nation’s rules while operating your business in Dubai. 6. You Cannot Force Your Employee To Work For More Than 8-9 Hours A Day   You cannot force your employee to work for more than 8-9 hours a day in the UAE. It is a criminal offense and against the labor law of the land. You must know this fact in advance before setting your organization’s rules in the best possible manner. The total working hours for an adult in Dubai are 8 hours a day and 48 hours a week. You need not exceed that landmark in your case. The more vigilant you will be in this regard, the better it will be for you. 7. Employers Consent Is Not Required For Resignation The employer’s consent is not required if your employee wants to resign from your organization. It is solely the discretion of the employee to do the job for you. You cannot force your employee to stay and work for your organization. It is your employee’s sole individual decision and being an employer, you cannot force your employee to stay in your organization without their wish. It is wrong from the endpoints of the employer. Ensure that you know the rules and the regulation of the state in the best possible manner. Conclusion Hence, if you want to run your business in Dubai successfully, you must know the land rules in the best possible manner. You cannot ignore these facts while you are opening your organization in Dubai. Ensure that you have followed the laws of the nation in the best possible manner.  Make sure that you have followed the rules of the country in the best possible way. Ensure that being a leader of your organization; you have not violated the rules of the nation. Make sure that you have followed the rules in the best possible way. The more precise you are in adopting your business policy with the nation’s laws’ alignment, the better it will be for your organization. Try to maintain the employment law properly to run your organization successfully. Read Also: Can an Employee Claim for a Personal Injury When Working From Home? Picking the Right Law Firm for You and Your Family Understanding How Employee Recognition Can Aid Your Consulting Firm Why Do Businesses Need Lawyer’s Advice?

Turn-key Industry

Turn-key Industry: 5 Topmost Warnings

The turn-key industry has had its promising and fewer favorable times, and there'll never be any deficiency of people who figure they'll make a speedy buck selling land. Accordingly, it shouldn't shock anyone that there are plenty of not exactly conscientious individuals out there calling themselves turn-key suppliers, yet giving barely anything of great worth to their investors. While this can be a difficulty, it's additionally a difficulty you'll undoubtedly keep one's hands off from. Underneath, there are five key things that this type of supplier does that ought to fill in as tremendous warnings for any forthcoming investor. Staggering over details One of the essential things a fake craftsman will battle with is measurements, so this can be your first chance to induce eliminate the awful seeds. For this purpose, once you get some information about things like support rate, opportunity, move-out expenses, and inhabitant turnover, any supplier worth it slow must have strong responses primed and prepared. These insights are pivotal to any turn-key supplier's business, so having the choice to grant that data for the asking should resemble relaxing. A shortage of data Despite how sharp a supplier is with their measurements, it's pivotal that you just get some information about where those numbers come from and this can be doubly obvious assuming those insights appear hopeful. A decent supplier should have the choice to allow you to know the way their measurements are determined, what they remember a period, and what's remembered for every figure. The visit request drop-off While it’s firmly prescribed that investors visit their main suppliers before disposing of the checkbook, there's something particularly valuable about mentioning a visit from any supplier you're wondering about. a substantial lot of the less-trustworthy suppliers will out of nowhere not be able to return messages promptly or have a reiteration of reasons for why a visit is absurd. Any supplier worth some time is going to be glad to administer you a visit, show you the town, and allow you to see a little of their properties before you contribute. Assuming booking a visit is a problem, it's presumably a perfect opportunity to seem some other place. The Weekend deal Quality items, in reality as altogether the opposite things, needn't bother with a large amount of gaudy purposeful publicity. You do not see Prada or Tesla paying for Super bowl ads publicizing clearance events - individuals will purchase quality items without each one of the pushy promotions. The equivalent is valid thusly key assuming that you just see advertised up publicizing, inflatable thrashing arm tube men, or hear final offer centered informing, then, at that time, it's likely a perfect opportunity to seem someplace else. The outsider handoff Quite possibly the most thing to go looking for this secret is the full-specialist co-op. Many organizations allude to themselves as turn-key, however, which will simply mean they sell lease prepared properties. A real turn-key organization will do everything in-house from tracking down properties to recovery, promoting to the board. This suggests you only have one organization, one group, to vet. You finish up with a smoother exchange and a superior long-haul relationship. Full-administration turn-key implies that the organization that sold you the property was boosted to figure within the financial backer's wellbeing constantly. From buy to recovery to the executives, a full-specialist co-op is boosted to decide on choices considering the longer term, since they are not simply selling the property, they're overseeing it for the following decade. Begin with trust Of the various fake specialists, you'll be able to visit to seek out one among the trustworthy organizations. By knowing what to pay special attention to, you'll be able to guarantee that you just don't fall under the snare. Read Also: A Guide to Hiring a Recruiter in the Food and Beverage Industry 5 Ways Technology Will Change the Hospitality Industry Post Covid-19 Pandemic Effect of Australia’s New Inland Rail on the Trucking Industry 5 Technologies Disrupting The Construction Industry Which Type Of Forklift Your Industry Need: Have A Look At Them!

Equipment Insurance

The Top 3 Reasons That You MUST Get Equipment Insurance Before Starting Your Job

If you are in charge of a business or you are going to be the head honcho of a project, then you need to make sure that your equipment, your employees, and yourself are all protected if something happens to your gear. If something happens while you are working on a project - such as accidental damage to equipment, third party property damage, or theft of your valuable gear -then you need insurance to make sure that you are covered and will not have to pay hefty out of pocket expenses for any damage or replacement equipment needed. But how do you protect yourself and your gear? You can use equipment insurance to make sure that you avoid any expensive fees that can occur without taking the necessary precautions. If you avoid purchasing insurance, this can lead to expensive up-front costs on replacing gear, paying third parties for any damage, and legal battles that can arise from negligence claims. Let’s see more a few reasons why you absolutely must purchase equipment insurance before starting your job! 3 reasons equipment insurance is a MUST for all businesses Business equipment insurance is the best way that you can safeguard yourself, your employees, and your business. By purchasing this type of insurance, you can cover any damage to your equipment or any loss of property that might occur during the project or duration of your business venture. If you find that your business would seriously falter without the use of certain pieces of equipment, then you should purchase equipment insurance to make sure that you do not fall behind on schedule and your business productivity does not fall by the wayside if something is damaged. 1. Wide scope of coverage One of the main reasons why you absolutely need to purchase an insurance is so you can protect yourself against various scenarios. Instead of just protecting yourself against one type of accident or claim, you can purchase equipment insurance to make sure you are covered in case of any type of accident or damage. Equipment insurance covers you from fire, explosions, thieves, storms, floods, impact by vehicle, earthquakes, riots, and much more! 2. Anywhere in the world The next reason to purchase equipment insurance is so you can be protected anywhere that you travel. If you are going somewhere for business with your gear, then make sure you purchase equipment insurance to keep you protected even while you are out of the country. 3. You can choose the type of package and plan The last reason to purchase equipment insurance is that you can customize the type of plan and package that you want. Instead of having to purchase a specific type of insurance, you can choose what you want to have covered under warranty and what you do not need to be included! Conclusion To make sure you and your business stay safe and protected, purchasing equipment insurance is the way to go! Avoid anything from hurting your equipment and your reputation in the industry by purchasing equipment insurance for your business. Read Also: How to Choose Insurance When Launching Your HHA Business Business Insurance Covering Tree Trimmers: Insurance Policies You Need To Know