1 In 10 Cyber Attacks Is Driven By Espionage

Published on: 29 August 2023 Last Updated on: 30 August 2023
Cyber Attacks

According to Verizon’s data breach report, 89% of cyber attacks aim to gain financial incentives. The other 11% of attacks happen to get some form of leverage through espionage.

Also known as cyber spying, such malicious attempts target businesses and governments. The goal is to access sensitive information, classified data, or intellectual property for various benefits.

Main tactics used in cyber espionage

Cyber espionage targets and exploits the exclusive nature and anonymity of information networks. As technology advances, hackers are becoming sophisticated, meaning their tactics are diversifying.

In general, their methods include:

  • Supply chain attacks. Supply chain attacks target systems rather than networks. Hackers first infiltrate an organization’s outside provider to get access to the data.
  • Watering hole attacks. Watering hole attacks involve compromising legitimate websites in high-valued industries with malware. The aim is to trick people into accessing a bad site. The goal is to hack an organization’s network by injecting harmful software into users’ computers.
  • Spear phishing attacks. Spear phishing is a customized form of cyber espionage. The method targets high-profile people via email messages that look legitimate. The goal is to make recipients share personal information. This approach allows attackers to access their credit card details or passwords.
  • Zero-day vulnerabilities. A zero-day vulnerability is a tactic used to exploit software flaws overlooked by security teams. It involves implementing malicious code into the software before developers can get a chance to fix it.

How to prevent cyber espionage

Cyber espionage aims to be undetectable from start to end. Perpetrators generally use extreme measures to conceal their motives, identities, and actions. As a result, business leaders must pay attention to how they perceive their organization’s cybersecurity.

In 2020, a nation-state attack targeted several businesses and government agencies in the US. Leading software company SolarWinds got hacked, exposing nearly 18,000 SolarWinds customers, including several US government agencies. The hack compromised systems, data, and networks via a masqued software update.

A supply chain attack was the method used to conduct the attack. It involved inserting malicious code into SolarWinds’s Orion system. To prevent such attacks, every organization should implement basic prevention practices such as:

prevent cyber espionage

Risk assessment analysis

Every organization should recognize the worth of its data and who might want it. Risk assessment is the base for setting up a risk-based security strategy. Being aware of potential threats makes detecting vulnerabilities much easier.

Build a secure system infrastructure

Set a secured perimeter around your organization’s network. An excellent prevention strategy is multi-level security. A layered approach makes cyber espionage attacks more difficult to penetrate. Start by separating your corporate network from sensitive data and limiting access. Implement the zero-trust model to check user identity whenever someone accesses sensitive resources.

Develop a cybersecurity policy

When building a cybersecurity policy, include clearly defined rules around topics such as:

  • Network security. Explain security rules and implementation tactics. Include clear guidelines for accessing computer networks.
  • Network security awareness. Inform all employees about your security mechanisms and processes.
  • Employee onboarding & offboarding. Ensure all security procedures are defined, explained, and followed during the onboarding/offboarding.
  • Password control. Set strict rules on how employees must create, store, and manage passwords within your company. Restrain password reuse on multiple websites and browsers.
  • Network & system access management. Specify procedures for accessing data for remote, regular, and privileged users.
  • Data breach response. Build an action plan for what employees must do if a data breach occurs. Make sure everyone follows the security rules developed.

How to develop a company culture that values security

There’s only so much the IT department of an organization can do to spot a cyber attack. In 2022, 85% of data breach attempts were human-driven. Security awareness training remains one of the best defense mechanisms against cyber attacks.

With a strong security-focused culture, employees gain confidence to make more sensible decisions. This leads to lower security incident risks and reduced time security teams spend addressing threats. How do you build a company culture that values security?

  • Don’t make security policies too technical. Make learning how to scan a file for viruses and using multiple-factor authentication (MFA) easy to understand for everyone.
  • Make sure employees understand why they shouldn’t share passwords and access codes.
  • Talk about incidents that have happened to reinforce the need for security best practices. ●         Set standards, performance metrics, and goals. Track progress frequently.
  • Reward employees for their contribution. Implement an incentive plan to praise employees for improving security throughout the organization.

In conclusion, employees will fail to understand the importance of security if they believe it’s the responsibility of IT. That’s why prevention practices often rely on establishing a strong security culture beforehand.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Workplace Safety

Staying Safe in the Office: 8 Workplace Safety Tips Everyone Should Know

Workplace accidents don't only happen on construction sites and in warehouses. The office environment poses risks to health and safety, too. Although most office hazards don't result in death, they do cause injury and sickness. In this article, we take help from one of America’s leading work injury lawyers, Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard. We ask them to list down some constructive steps which can help businesses not be at the receiving end of workplace injury lawsuits. If you are a business organization that is concerned about your workplace safety requirements, please read on to get a fair idea of the topic. Are you safe in your workplace? Do you know which hazards to look out for? It's your employer's responsibility to make the workplace safe, and yours to maintain it. It's important to know how to protect yourself from potential hazards. Keep reading for the eight most important workplace safety tips. 1. Ergonomic Desk Setups: The most common office injury is muscle strain from a poor desk setup. When the body stays in uncomfortable positions too long, it causes strain. Muscle strain can create short and long-term pain. You can prevent this situation by making sure your desk is set up ergonomically. First, make sure the height of your computer monitor is at eye level. Your chair should allow you to sit with a straight posture, your elbows at desk height. When you type on the keyboard, your forearms should sit gently on the desk. They shouldn't be straining to reach the keyboard. Second, make sure your office chair is on wheels. Reaching for objects and twisting to grab them cause back strain. Use the wheels to move closer to whatever you're grabbing. If you use the phone a lot at work, invest in a headset. This prevents neck pain from leaning into the phone. Your employer should supply any ergonomic materials. 2. Make Emergency Exits Clear and Known: It's crucial that everyone in the office know where the emergency exits are. In the case of a fire, you can't take the elevator. You must be able to take the stairs. Not only does mean you need proper signage, but you need clear pathways. Many offices are guilty of having filing boxes sit in the hallway for weeks. Someone will put them away eventually, right? If these boxes get left in front of an emergency exit, they could prevent a speedy exit. This is only one of the reasons to have a clean and clutter-free office. 3. Prevent Slips and Falls: Boxes left on the ground are also serious tripping hazards. You might turn a corner expecting it to be clear, only to knock your shin on a stack of boxes. If you don't trip and fall this time, someone else will. Make it a rule to always keep pathways clear of clutter. If someone takes a box from its storage spot, they must put it back. Slips are another common office safety concern. The breakroom is where people fill their water bottles and prepare lunch. Spilt liquids are hazards for slipping and falling. Your office needs to have "wet floor" signs so employees can signify a spill right away. Until the janitor gets there, people will know to use caution near the spill. 4. Proper Storage: Improper storage of boxes can cause muscle strains and injuries. The basic rule is to keep heavier items on the bottom shelf, lighter on the higher ones. If a box were to fall from the top shelf, you don't want it to be the heavy one. Every bookshelf should have a step ladder near it. Reaching upwards to lift a box is dangerous for your back muscles. Instead, use the handy ladder to bring down whatever you need. When it comes to filing cabinets, it's crucial all the drawers aren't opened at the same time. This can cause the cabinet to fall over and land on you. Open one drawer at a time and make sure it's closed when you're done. 5. Inspect Electrical Cords: Fire hazards exist in office workplaces, too. Since so much of the office equipment relies on electricity, there are tons of cords and wires. Cords and wires that have tears or rips are risks for starting a fire. Some offices use extension cords as a regular office tool. These, too, are serious fire hazards. Check the state of your office’s cords regularly. Don’t get used to using extension cords. Instead, have an electrician from Barwon Heads to re-position the outlets. 6. Use Hazardous Tools Correctly: Even the office has hazardous tools that need instruction. All employees should get training on the various office tools and equipment. For example, large paper cutters are common for workplaces that work with paper. Without proper training, these tools can cut off a finger or seriously slice you. Any automatic office equipment requires caution. Keep your hair, jewelry, and sleeves away from any openings. 7. Be Aware of Surroundings: Many workplace incidents occur when the employee isn't aware of their surroundings. You may walk around reading text on your phone or looking at the ground. While you'll see clutter on the ground, you won't see hazards at eye level. When people don't close the top drawer of a filing unit, someone could walk into it. If you bump into a ladder, the person using it could fall. It's everyone's responsibility to be aware of their surroundings. Encourage all employees to slow down; it's better to be safe than fast. 8. Choose a Health and Safety Officer: Staying on top of all the different health and safety aspects is tedious. You may not have time to check cords, signs, and declutter every day. As a solution, elect one employee to be a health and safety hazard. Give them the task of doing a weekly or bi-weekly check of the office. They can have a report to fill out. Any hazards that need fixing can be on the report. Bonus pay could be the incentive for an employee to take this role. Even the employees who aren't appointed officers should take safety training. Click here to find out why safety skills are important in the office. Want More Workplace Safety Tips? The safety of all employees depends on health and safety procedures. If you keep the workplace clean, organized, and up to date, there will be fewer risks of incidents. Use the workplace safety tips above to make your office a safer place to work. There are tons of other ways to improve your workplace. Stay up to date on business news and trends to improve your office. Happy employees do productive work which thus boosts sales. Read Also: How To Improve Workplace Security The Top Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Security Guard

Marketing Data

How to Manage Your Marketing Data

As a marketer, you deal with numerous data from all avenues ranging from social media and website visits to fill-out forms. With businesses leveraging data for business growth and a competitive edge, all the data you collect is an asset that can propel your business to greater heights. To get the best out of your marketing data, you need to take proper data management measures to ensure the information you collect serves its purpose and does not fall into the wrong hands or get lost. You should also comply with current data regulations to avoid fines and penalties. Here Are Tips To Help You Manage Your Marketing Data: 1. Implement Data Security Measures Your marketing data should always be secure and up to date to meet existing data and privacy laws and regulations. To protect your marketing data from cyber-attacks, loss, unauthorized access, or natural disasters, create and implement robust security measures in compliance with the law. You can maintain data security by restricting access to a few authorized individuals and encrypting data to make it unreadable if it falls into the wrong hands. Also, conduct regular audits and penetration testing and fix any loopholes that may jeopardize the safety of your marketing data. Besides safeguarding your data, ensure you back it up to avoid losing it permanently in case of a data breach or disaster. 2. Integrate Your Data Marketing data can come from various sources, and every database may have different characteristics, making it difficult to unify them. Regardless, it is advisable to have one source of clean and reliable data. Utilize data integration platforms like Operations Hub to make the process easier. On the same note, avoid data silos and storing different forms of data in different systems as it prevents optimal performance of your marketing or sales team. Integrated data gives you a uniform overview of valuable information, thus promoting efficiency and optimal data utilization. 3. Data Quality over Quantity It is better to have quality data that aligns with your marketing goals than lots of useless or irrelevant data that does nothing than clog your marketing data storage. With this in mind, promote data quality by only collecting and retaining the data you need. Also, ensure that the data you enter manually is free of errors, as any slight mistake can result in lost opportunities and inefficiencies. To improve the quality of your data, provide a specific format for entering data during collection. Also, incorporate data validation to control into online forms to check the validity of the information. Lastly, train your employees to appreciate the importance of quality data. Doing so creates awareness and maintains high data quality standards. 4. Avoid Data Duplication Data duplication can jeopardize the accuracy of your marketing data. You can avoid data duplication by cross-referencing different systems or data units to find those with similar characteristics. Once you identify duplicate or redundant data, delete it as part of your data cleaning routine to avoid inaccurate statistics and poor analytical outcomes. For example, returning customers can leave records like contacts or addresses twice when they come back for second purchases. As such, you should have an audit system that can automatically identify and remove the duplicated data to save you the trouble. Consider auditing your data continuously to keep it clean and accurate. Marketing data can provide insights into customer needs and help you create valuable connections with your present and potential clients. It can also help you improve your products and services, explore growth opportunities and identify working marketing strategies, and those you should improve all abandon altogether. The above tips can help you manage your marketing data better, stay compliant and maintain data integrity and safety. Read Also: Importance of Learning Data Science What to Know About Location-Based Data A Brief Introduction to Data Quality Management Systems Is Big Data Capable Of Predicting The Next Best-Selling Book And Author: An Analysis


Hybrid Work Age: Best Firmware Protection

As the world steps on a fast-paced transformation into digital, it's vital to understand and keep up with its benefits as well as the dangers that come with it. In the same way, you have learned to secure your physical house from being too vulnerable to being attacked, you must now also protect your digital devices from attackers. Living more and more in the frame of hybrid work models, the risks of firmware attacks have increased, making it a priority to take the necessary precautions to keep your devices and sensitive and valuable information secure. Especially in the age of hybrid work, it's more important than ever to be vigilant against potential firmware attacks. Since the digital world is blooming fast and at the same time it has matured from a naif use to an all life online, we must upgrade our understanding of it, to a whole other level. It is therefore imperative to be aware that dangers are real, in order to empower yourself to take proactive steps. Well done, you are doing the first step, to research and educate yourself. An enduring strategy amidst the changing nature of existence is to constantly acquire knowledge. Secondly, to assume liability for our collective contribution, towards establishing a secure online environment that can positively influence our physical reality. No different than in the real world, if your business gets attacked, you will suffer consequences. So, in all that we can control, we must act. Let’s get to know more about firmware attacks and ways to prevent them, for an easy and more relaxed life. Firmware attacks: What Are They? Firmware attacks are specific types of cyberattacks that target the software embedded in the computer's hardware. These attacks exploit security breaks in the firmware, much like thieves can find ways to break into a house. By doing so, criminals can then obtain unauthorized access to your device and take control of it. Firmware acts like a bridge between the computer's hardware and software. It controls the basic operations of the device and enables the communication between these two. If a malicious code is injected into the firmware, it is possible to have complete control of the device. This allows the hacker to perform a multitude of harmful activities, such as stealing sensitive information, modifying the device's behavior, or using the device as a launching pad for further attacks. Just to give an example, attackers can exploit the firmware in a router in order to redirect traffic to an infected website, leading to further compromise of the entire network. Dangers and consequences are real The impact of firmware attacks can be devastating for any business. Once the hackers find a way to get inside a device, it becomes possible to steal sensitive information or install malware on the network. Depending on their agenda, this can lead to financial loss, damage to reputation, and even legal repercussions. Plus, they can be hard to detect until it is too late.The risk of firmware attacks has increased quite significantly, as we are entering the age of hybrid work, where more and more people are working remotely. In order to keep a lifestyle of living the dream, it's critical to understand that the threat of firmware attacks is real and can have severe consequences. Let’s review two of the main dangers: Unauthorized access: Attackers can gain access to your device and take complete control over it: steal valuable information, use it as a platform to execute further attacks and manipulate the device's behavior. Difficult to detect: Firmware attacks are often hard to detect, as they can be deeply installed in the hardware of a device. Be aware that traditional antivirus may not be enough, leaving you vulnerable to potential threats. However, you can relax, as the good news is that there are strategies and actions you can take to prevent this from occurring. Key solutions to shield your devices To protect your devices from firmware attacks, there are several key solutions that you must consider. First, regularly updating your firmware with the latest security patches and updates is fundamental. These updates often address known vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. Second, investing in anti-virus software that includes firmware scanning capabilities can also help detect and prevent firmware attacks. Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication to reinforce security, to avoid unauthorized access to your devices. In addition to these common solutions, there are several hidden protections that businesses can implement to safeguard themselves, such as: Firmware-based intrusion detection, to seek for and prevent attackers from injecting malicious code into the firmware, during the boot-up process. Implementing firmware encryption makes it considerably more difficult for attackers to insert illegitimate code into the firmware. Finally, organizations can also consider implementing firmware-based authentication, which can add an extra layer of security to the login process. Strengthen your network defenses One of the most effective ways to protect your business from firmware attacks is to take a proactive approach to network security. By implementing robust defenses and regularly updating firmware and software, you can help prevent unauthorized access and reduce the risk of a successful attack. One important step is to use firewalls and access controls to restrict traffic to and from your network. This can help prevent intruders from gaining entry through vulnerable devices and systems. You also improve network security when you regularly update firmware and software on all devices, including routers, switches, and other network appliances. In addition to these measures, stay informed about emerging threats and vulnerabilities. You can do this by subscribing to security alerts and advisories, and by following best practices for network security. Keep yourself in the loop of the latest hi-tech news. Promote cybersecurity awareness Another key aspect of protecting your business from firmware attacks is promoting cybersecurity awareness among employees. By educating staff on the best practices for security and providing regular training, you can help reduce the risk of human error and improve your overall security posture. Some important steps to consider include encouraging employees to create strong passwords, avoiding suspicious links and downloads, and using two-factor authentication whenever possible. You can also implement security policies and procedures, such as requiring regular password changes and limiting access to sensitive data. Another important element is raising awareness about the latest threats and attack methods and motivating everyone to keep themselves curious. By keeping staff informed about emerging risks and updated training on how to recognize and respond to potential attacks, you can help prevent successful breaches and protect your business from harm. Conclusion Just like how individuals need to adapt and upgrade their skills to thrive in the changing world, businesses must also take steps to protect themselves in the digital world. By understanding what firmware attacks are, their impact on organizations, and implementing the right security measures, businesses can mitigate the risks and ensure a secure hybrid work environment. Each one of us has a role to play in creating a safe and pleasant navigation experience in both the digital and planetary worlds. So, let's educate ourselves and take aligned action toward a safe world that will benefit us and all internet users. 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