Staying Safe in the Office: 8 Workplace Safety Tips Everyone Should Know

Published on: 24 December 2018 Last Updated on: 16 July 2024
Workplace Safety

Workplace accidents don’t only happen on construction sites and in warehouses. The office environment poses risks to health and safety, too.

Although most office hazards don’t result in death, they do cause injury and sickness.

In this article, we take help from one of America’s leading work injury lawyers, Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard. We ask them to list down some constructive steps which can help businesses not be at the receiving end of workplace injury lawsuits. If you are a business organization that is concerned about your workplace safety requirements, please read on to get a fair idea of the topic.

Are you safe in your workplace? Do you know which hazards to look out for? It’s your employer’s responsibility to make the workplace safe, and yours to maintain it.

It’s important to know how to protect yourself from potential hazards. Keep reading for the eight most important workplace safety tips.

1. Ergonomic Desk Setups:

The most common office injury is muscle strain from a poor desk setup. When the body stays in uncomfortable positions too long, it causes strain. Muscle strain can create short and long-term pain.

You can prevent this situation by making sure your desk is set up ergonomically.

First, make sure the height of your computer monitor is at eye level. Your chair should allow you to sit with a straight posture, your elbows at desk height.

When you type on the keyboard, your forearms should sit gently on the desk. They shouldn’t be straining to reach the keyboard.

Second, make sure your office chair is on wheels. Reaching for objects and twisting to grab them cause back strain. Use the wheels to move closer to whatever you’re grabbing.

If you use the phone a lot at work, invest in a headset. This prevents neck pain from leaning into the phone. Your employer should supply any ergonomic materials.

2. Make Emergency Exits Clear and Known:

It’s crucial that everyone in the office know where the emergency exits are. In the case of a fire, you can’t take the elevator. You must be able to take the stairs.

Not only does mean you need proper signage, but you need clear pathways.

Many offices are guilty of having filing boxes sit in the hallway for weeks. Someone will put them away eventually, right? If these boxes get left in front of an emergency exit, they could prevent a speedy exit.

This is only one of the reasons to have a clean and clutter-free office.

3. Prevent Slips and Falls:

Boxes left on the ground are also serious tripping hazards. You might turn a corner expecting it to be clear, only to knock your shin on a stack of boxes. If you don’t trip and fall this time, someone else will.

Make it a rule to always keep pathways clear of clutter. If someone takes a box from its storage spot, they must put it back.

Slips are another common office safety concern. The breakroom is where people fill their water bottles and prepare lunch. Spilt liquids are hazards for slipping and falling.

Your office needs to have “wet floor” signs so employees can signify a spill right away. Until the janitor gets there, people will know to use caution near the spill.

4. Proper Storage:

Improper storage of boxes can cause muscle strains and injuries. The basic rule is to keep heavier items on the bottom shelf, lighter on the higher ones. If a box were to fall from the top shelf, you don’t want it to be the heavy one.

Every bookshelf should have a step ladder near it. Reaching upwards to lift a box is dangerous for your back muscles. Instead, use the handy ladder to bring down whatever you need.

When it comes to filing cabinets, it’s crucial all the drawers aren’t opened at the same time. This can cause the cabinet to fall over and land on you. Open one drawer at a time and make sure it’s closed when you’re done.

5. Inspect Electrical Cords:

Fire hazards exist in office workplaces, too. Since so much of the office equipment relies on electricity, there are tons of cords and wires.

Cords and wires that have tears or rips are risks for starting a fire. Some offices use extension cords as a regular office tool. These, too, are serious fire hazards.

Check the state of your office’s cords regularly. Don’t get used to using extension cords. Instead, have an electrician from Barwon Heads to re-position the outlets.

6. Use Hazardous Tools Correctly:

Even the office has hazardous tools that need instruction. All employees should get training on the various office tools and equipment.

For example, large paper cutters are common for workplaces that work with paper. Without proper training, these tools can cut off a finger or seriously slice you.

Any automatic office equipment requires caution. Keep your hair, jewelry, and sleeves away from any openings.

7. Be Aware of Surroundings:

Many workplace incidents occur when the employee isn’t aware of their surroundings. You may walk around reading text on your phone or looking at the ground. While you’ll see clutter on the ground, you won’t see hazards at eye level.

When people don’t close the top drawer of a filing unit, someone could walk into it. If you bump into a ladder, the person using it could fall.

It’s everyone’s responsibility to be aware of their surroundings. Encourage all employees to slow down; it’s better to be safe than fast.

8. Choose a Health and Safety Officer:

Staying on top of all the different health and safety aspects is tedious. You may not have time to check cords, signs, and declutter every day.

As a solution, elect one employee to be a health and safety hazard. Give them the task of doing a weekly or bi-weekly check of the office. They can have a report to fill out.

Any hazards that need fixing can be on the report. Bonus pay could be the incentive for an employee to take this role.

Even the employees who aren’t appointed officers should take safety training. Click here to find out why safety skills are important in the office.

Want More Workplace Safety Tips?

The safety of all employees depends on health and safety procedures. If you keep the workplace clean, organized, and up to date, there will be fewer risks of incidents.

Use the workplace safety tips above to make your office a safer place to work.

There are tons of other ways to improve your workplace. Stay up to date on business news and trends to improve your office. Happy employees do productive work which thus boosts sales.

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Workplace Injuries

The Hidden Damages In Workspaces: 5 Steps To Reduce The Risk Of Workplace Injuries!

Cleaner workplace means high performance, increased employee productivity, and safe, healthy stuff. However, the always going production services increased workloads, and busy schedule causes the standards to dip. Of course, it's obvious that safety and health hazards occur on workspaces that have heavy machines and equipment where workers are engaged in strenuous manual labor. However, a place where most of the tasks are completed by just sitting on the chair posses less danger. According to the national safety council, in every 7-seconds, a worker is injured with most occupations like transportation, construction and more being the most common places for injuries. Here are a few things you need to look to reduce the risk of workplace injuries: To Minimize Falls: Things like trips, slips, and falls are the most common type of workplace injuries. To reduce them: Stay Clean And Clutter-Free: Things like files, boxes and other items in the walkways create a tripping hazard. So, make sure you store all the items in a proper location to prevent piles of clutter. Keep oils and other lubricants at separate shelves to avoid slips and falls. Besides, apart from posing electrical hazards, keeping cords and cables in the walkways poses more risk at workplaces.   Step On The Chair: Using chairs and stools to pick up things comes in fall hazards. Therefore, employees who want to search for something at some height should use a stepladder. Just make sure that the ladders you give to employees should be placed on a level and stable ground.   Make Sure Things Are Visible: There might be situations when workers can collide when taking a turn to blind corners. However, to prevent this, make sure to install mirrors (convex mirrors) at the intersection to minimize a collision. This way workers will be able to see who’s coming and collisions will be less likely to occur.   Work In Skid-Resistant Floors: Placing carpets and having skid-resistant floors help reduce falls. Further, marbles and tiles can become slippery, especially in wet weather. However, having professionals like Commercial cleaning services Las Vegas will keep them clean and will reduce the chance of falls.   Minimizing The Accidents Occurred From Moving Machinery: Machines that are not guarded are at high risk of safety. And, if anybody part get caught in or struck by the exposed part, without the protective guard, the result can be disastrous. Crushed hands, severed fingers, blindness, and injured arm are some of the common machine-related injuries. Moreover, these injuries occur in places where heavy equipment and machinery are used. However, protective equipment and attention to minor details help to avoid these injuries. Reduce Vehicle Injuries: Workers who drive for business purposes, often get injured in auto accidents, which can vary from the minor ones to the fatal ones. However, the employees safe-driving training and driver policies can help to reduce accidents. Reducing Falling Object Injuries: Objects that fall from shelves or by another person can result in serious injuries, with head injuries being the most common one. Employee’s negligence and employer’s hard work to keep the work environment free from any injuries. Of course, you should train employees for the usage of gears and machines. Overexertion Injuries: Things like pushing, lifting, pulling, carrying and throwing heavy objects at work can also cause serious overexertion injuries. Those who experience overexertion injuries can result in medical bills, physical therapy, missed work time. In fact, overexertion injuries are the second leading cause of on-job injuries and accidents.  These are some most common associated injuries: Back Injuries: These injuries vary from mild strains to severe spinal cord injuries. Neck Injuries: Neck is the most sensitive body part, and any injury to this section can result in deleterious effects. Muscle Strains: while muscle injuries are not serious ones, they can prevent a worker from doing serious work. Pushing, lifting objects, carrying heavy things can result in muscle strain. So, those were some common work-related injuries. Keep them in mind and keep your employees safe and sound! Read Also: Making Your Office Safer For Workers How To Improve Workplace Security 5 Safety Awareness Ideas To Maintain A Safe Workplace

Construction Safeguards

What Are the Top 3 Leading Risks for Machine-Related Amputation

It doesn’t take much thought to appreciate the fact that working on a construction site can be a dangerous occupation with so many potential dangers all around you, but despite improvements in safety standards over the years, there are still plenty of incidents reported each year. Some accidents cause minor injuries but others cause life-changing injuries. When something serious like this happens it might be that you end up visiting a site like for information on what do if you need to make a claim. However, in order to try and avoid that scenario in the first place, here’s a look at some of the leading risks to be aware of if you are working on a construction site. The cutting tool in your hand could cost you a limb - preparation is essential: Mechanized cutting tools are a primary source of construction site injuries and it is grinders and cutters that tend to create the most amputation injuries. As plenty of construction workers will no doubt agree, an angle grinder is one of the most versatile tools in your box but it can be one of the most dangerous if you don’t follow strict safety protocols every time you pick it up. A typical angle grinder will operate at a speed of about 12,000 rpm, compared to a drill that runs at about a tenth of that speed, which should be ample warning that this is a tool that needs to be treated with respect. Preparing your workspace for the job is essential and following some basic safety precautions will also minimize risk. Unplug the grinder when changing discs, and ensure you have a firm grip on the grinder at all times. The grinder guard is there for a reason, so use it, and the blade should always be spinning away from you. The band saw safety: Another piece of construction equipment that is a leading cause of amputation injuries is the band saw. A good starting point is to ensure that you are fully trained to use woodworking machinery properly and safely and wearing safety glasses is a priority when you working with a tool like this. If you are wearing gloves to protect your hands from splinters you should be mindful that wearing them while working near a rotating blade could cause your gloves to catch, with disastrous consequences for your fingers. Don’t ignore the danger of lifting equipment: While there are obvious dangers associated with using tools like cutters and grinders you might be surprised to discover that another significant source of amputation injuries is when you are using the lifting gear. Cranes and excavators can create pinch-points where your limbs get trapped or an object falls on you. Crushing, fractures, and dislocations are the major injuries on construction sites, with amputations not far behind, so it is clear that you have to be very mindful of the dangers each time you put on your safety hat and start your day’s work. Many construction workers have tales to tell of lucky escapes and injuries to colleagues and if you follow safety rules and always think before you pick up your tools, hopefully, you can avoid becoming one of these statistics, especially when you consider how life-changing a loss of a limb can be. Read Also: Best Uses For Stainless Steel In Construction How To Create & Source Your Company Uniforms Timber! 8 Facts About Log Cabin Construction You Should Know All You Must Know About Construction Business Management Software

Become a Hacker

How to Become a Hacker: X Steps to Follow

A hacker is a professional who focuses on the security mechanism of your network systems and computers. Therefore, don’t think of hackers as unethical people who break into the security system of your phone or computer to steal your valuable information. It is only that some people use their expertise in the wrong ways. Here are some 12 steps on how to become a hacker. 1. Learn UNIX-Like Operating Systems UNIX-like and UNIX are the operating systems of the internet. You can use the internet without knowing UNIX but you can never become a hacker without having the UNIX knowledge. There are several forms of UNIX-like OS but the most popular one is Linux. You can run Linux hand in hand with MS Windows on your machine. You need to download Linux and install it on your computer. The other UNIX-like OS is BSD systems that comprise of DragonFly BSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and FreeBSD. You have to understand the difference between BSD and Linux. Even though we have other solutions like Open Indiana, it is good to rely on Linux, BSD, and MacOS because they are more popular and have several programs for your use. 2. Write HTML You have to build your proficiency in HTML especially if you are not a programming professional. HTML is used to code everything that you see on any website such as the design components, images, and pictures.  You start by learning how to make a basic homepage and grow from there. You can open the source information in your browser to see the examples of HTML. You can either write basic HTML in simple text or processing programs like Notepad. 3. Learn the Programming Language   If your goal is to become a hacker, you need to learn programming languages to write your masterpiece. The best language to start with is python because it is well documented, has a clean design, and relatively kind for beginners. Apart from being an excellent language for starters, python is flexible, compelling, and suites large projects well. Once you get into serious programming, you will have to learn Java, JavaScript, and PHP C, and C++. These programming languages will give you the right background that will help you to develop hacking skills. 4. Think Creatively Once you have the basic skills, you need to start thinking artistically. A hacker is like an engineer, philosopher, and artist all rolled up into one person. These professionals believe in mutual responsibility and freedom. The world has so many fascinating problems that are waiting for answers. Hackers delight in solving these problems, exciting their intelligence, and sharpening skills. Hackers have a broad range of intellectual and cultural interests outside hacking. Play as intensely as you work and work as intensely as you play. For most hackers, the boundaries between art and science or work and play tend to merge or disappear into a high level of creative playfulness. You can enroll in martial art training if you want to learn how to become a hacker. 5. Learn to Appreciate Solving Problems  Hackers believe that it is a moral responsibility to solve problems. Once you solve a particular problem, put is in the public domain so that you can assist other people to solve the same issue. However, you will not be giving away all your creative product. You will begin to command a lot of respect when you share the knowledge that you have accumulated over time. 6. Learn Recognizing and Fighting Authority The main enemies od hackers are drudgery, boredom, and authority figures who use secrecy and censorship to stifle the freedom of information. Monotonous works discourage the hacker from hacking. You can embrace hacking as a way of life by rejecting the ‘normal’ concepts of property and work. Instead, choose to fight for common knowledge and equality. 7. Be Competent Any person who spends a lot of time on Reddit is able to write up a ridiculous cyberpunk username and pose to be a hacker. However, the internet is an excellent equalizer that values competence over posture and ego. Spend a lot of time to work on your craft and not the mage and you will gain a lot of respect quickly instead of modeling yourself around the superficial things that people think around hacking in the popular culture. 8. Write Open-Source Software Take time and write programs that other hackers believe are useful and fun. Give your fellow hackers the sources of these programs for their use. Hackers respect individuals who have written capable programs and share with their colleagues for use. 9. Help in Testing and Debugging Open-Source Software Reputable open-source authors know that good beta-testers are worth their weight in dollars. These beta-testers know how to localize problems well, describe symbols, can tolerate bugs in quickie releases, and are more than willing to apply few simple diagnostic routines. Try to get a challenge that is under development that you have interest in and strive to become a good beta-tester. 10. Publish Useful Information You also need to gather and filter interesting and useful information into documents or web pages like FAQs lists and avail them. The respect that those who maintain FAQs have is equal to that of open-source authors. 11. Assist in Keeping the Infrastructure Working It is volunteers who operate the hacking culture and the internet’s engineering development. You need to do a lot of unglamorous but necessary tasks to keep everything running. It includes the administration of mailing lists, moderating of newsgroups, maintenance of huge software archives, and the development of RFCs among the other technical standards. You will command a lot of respect by doing all these things with a high level of dedication. 12. Serve the Hacking Culture Itself You will not be able to do this exercise until you have been around for some time. The hacking culture does not have leaders to say but it has tribal elders, culture heroes, spokespeople, and historians. After being in the trenches for a long period, you can develop into one of these.  Hackers don’t trust the blatant ego among their tribal elders and hence attaining such fame visibly is dangerous. Instead of striving for it, it is wise to position yourself so that it drops in your lap so that you can be gracious and modest regarding your status. Read Also:  How Dangerous Is Ransomware Anyway? Why DRM Is The New Standard For Document Security How To Improve Workplace Security