How To Become A Data Scientist? Skills, Courses, And Institutions Explained

Data Scientist

In recent times, data science has been everywhere. Businesses across the globe are turning to data science, which will help you to solve the most diversified issues out there. This situation has put data scientists in advantageous positions in terms of payment and employment.   

Data scientists are part of the IT or data science team who can help analyze the data to provide the information. It allows the organization to make data-driven decisions and easily create strategic plans.   

With the network economy’s improvement, the data generation pace has increased. This leads to the single step of strengthening the demand for other data scientists. Artificial Intelligence Architect leads to problem-solving with the help of high-quality technology. It would be the same for data scientists. After all, this can be a good career option for you.

What Does A Data Scientist Do?

What Does a Data Scientist Do

After researching the facts, I developed significant factors for a data scientist. Below, I am going to discuss what a data scientist does.   

After researching the facts, a data scientist can work intensely to understand and analyze the data, providing such actionable insights. In this business environment, they can work across several other teams where they will lay down the foundations for robust analytics. It means developing such significant strategies so they can easily capture, garner, and clear the cache from the range of several sources.   

Aside from that, once they are done exploring and analyzing such data, they can quickly build several other solutions and efficiently communicate their findings to an extensive range of business fields.

The Step-by-step Guide of How to Become a Data Scientist:

The Step-by-step Guide of How to Become a Data Scientist

Usually, many people are becoming interested in this data science domain. Below, I will discuss a step-by-step guide on how to become a data scientist.   

1) Earn a Bachelor’s Degree

Several data scientists can earn a bachelor’s degree, preferably in science streams like engineering, IT, math, or other related fields. You will improve your problem-solving abilities after completing your bachelor’s degree in quantitative domain.   

This will only be possible through critical thinking and analytical skills, some of the most significant skills to possess as a data scientist. Aside from that, you might also pursue an internship during your bachelor’s degree, which would help you to get an entry-level job in this domain.

2) Get the Certifications

Multiple certifications will help you develop your skill set and showcase your interest. This way, you can become a data scientist for several other potential recruiters. A vast number of courses regarding data science and data analytics are available online on several different websites.

In this case, you should consider joining any of these courses to develop your skills and chances of securing a job. This would apply to becoming a data scientist. After all, consider getting these certified by several other educational institutes in India. This also provides courses in data science.

3) Gain Work Experience

Data Scientists continue to be in high demand across several other industries. You might consider getting other relevant experience as a data scientist by pursuing internships or entry-level jobs. This happens as a junior data analyst.

On the other hand, gaining relevant work experience can help develop your skills. It means you must acquire corporate expertise.

Also, if you are working in an entry-level position, several other businesses might provide on-the-job training and other certifications. This can lead to such significant promotions.

4) Build Your Portfolio

It would help if you considered building a portfolio of some significant projects, which means you have previously worked. In this way, you can easily showcase your abilities to recruiters and gain an advantage over other candidates.

After all, you can also include several other examples of projects through which you can manage this in previous organizations in the visual format. Likewise, you can also get assistance from different online resources on such things as templates to use while building your working portfolio.

5) Pursue a Master’s Degree

Another best and most significant way to build your career in data science is to pursue your master’s degree. In this case, pursuing your master’s degree will quickly help you obtain a leadership position in the data science domain.

Not only that but having a master’s degree might also benefit you significantly from other data scientist candidates. This is mainly applicable while you are applying for higher-paying jobs.

6) Pursue a Doctorate

There are several data scientists who also prefer to pursue their careers in computer science or other related fields. In this way, they can quickly achieve leadership positions in their organizations.   

Above all, you can quickly get high-paying jobs. Even more, having a doctorate might give you a significant position as a nurse anesthetist through which you can earn a teaching position or a higher-paying role.

What Is the Skill Set Required to Become a Data Scientist?

What Is the Skill Set Required to Become a Data Scientist

If you want to become a data scientist, you must enhance several skills required in this domain. Below, I will discuss the skill set that you must have to become a data scientist.

1) Technical Skills

  • If you want to become a data scientist, then you must acquire some relevant data scientist skill set. It includes the following:
  • Proficiency in other programming languages such as R or Python.
  • You must acquire a strong knowledge of mathematics and statistics.
  • Ensure you have experience with machine learning techniques and algorithms.
  • Ensure you are familiar with data visualization libraries such as Tableau and Matplotlib.
  • Ensure you can utilize several other big data technologies like Spark and Hadoop.

2) Analytical Skills

Data scientists have superior analytical skills, which helps them visualize problems. This happens from all possible angles. It provides several other solutions after evaluating and considering all other potential solutions.

In this case, they review and check the accuracy of information and data. Aside from that, they have the analytical skills which would help them pursue their career seamlessly. They have the analytical skills that would help them do things seamlessly.

After all, your ability to visualize numbers and analyze them to other mathematical relations can provide such solutions. Furthermore, this can help them become good data scientists with that visualizing power. This will also help them improve business-related management skills.

Data Scientists might be required to work on multiple other projects with such strict deadlines. In this case, time management skills are essential to ensure they deliver on time. Aside from that, time management skills help data scientists efficiently use their time.

Even more, they can quickly achieve the desired objectives and outcomes. It means preparing schedules, following them, and managing time effectively will help you assign a significant skill set and proficiency in time management skills.

In Conclusion

I have discussed the step-by-step guide of how to become a data scientist above in this article. Being a data scientist, you must be professional and must acquire significant knowledge of statistics, mathematics, and several domains like these.

Aside from that, you also must gain knowledge about how to solve such complicated issues and ensure you have enough capacity to make data-driven decisions for your organization.

I hope you found this article helpful. If you have queries, please comment below!

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Is marine transportation a good career path

Is Marine Transportation A Good Career Path?

If there is something that young adults worry about, then it is hands down their career and future. And speaking of that, there is one question that I have frequently come across in my life. It goes something along the lines of "is marine transportation a good career path?" If you are someone who is thinking about having a career in the marine industry, then this article is for you. Want to know more about marine transportation and whether Transportation is a good career path or not? If yes, then keep on reading this article till the end… Overview Of The Industry  The maritime sector presents numerous prospects for advancement and is an exciting and fulfilling area of work. Although it has been a part of the economy for centuries, this sector has expanded significantly in the last several years. One of the biggest and fastest-growing segments of the world economy is the marine transportation sector in particular. This sector of the economy includes cargo ships, cruise ships, ferry services, and all other forms of maritime shipping and goods transportation. It makes sense that so many people are interested in this exciting field. There is always something new to discover and learn in the maritime industry, given the growing demand for freight and marine travel services. Individuals who choose to work in this field should anticipate intellectual challenges as well as numerous opportunities for professional development. Salary For individuals who are enthusiastic about the sector, a career in maritime transportation can be very profitable. When making decisions about the future, it's critical to take into account the potential salary of a given profession. Let's examine a range of salaries for various job titles in the maritime logistics industry as of March 2023 to aid with this. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that in 2021, the median annual wage for workers in the marine transportation industry was $62,768. Pay varies according to job title and location. Salary levels for the most sought-after jobs are typically higher than those for less desirable positions. Many people can gradually increase their salary with training and experience. It's crucial to take into account a variety of factors, including travel opportunities and personal interests, in addition to the potential salary when deciding whether or not a career in marine transportation is right for you. What Is Marine Transport? Also known as maritime transportation, it is a job that refers to the transportation of cargo or passengers through sea routes. Currently, it is one of the major ways of transportation when it comes to transporting goods. These goods can be anything. Some of the items that are transported through marine transportation are: Oil Spices Medicines Electronics Beverages Vehicles Machines It is undoubtedly one of the strongest sources of trading and transportation in the world when it comes to transporting heavy and bulky commodities. Moreover, it is still the backbone of the international economy and trading. So, if you are asking, "is marine transportation a good career path," the answer to that is positive. Skills: What Do You Need To Become A Part Of The Journey? Even if a particular job exists, you cannot just be eligible for the role. You need to have certain skills to be a member of that industry. The field of marine transportation is no exception to that rule. Here are the skills that you need to bag a job in marine transportation: 1. Communication Skills I cannot stress this point enough. You must be able to communicate with the crew members while you are on board. That is because, in the field of marine transportation, people come from different backgrounds. This makes it necessary for everyone to interact with each other. Therefore, it not only facilitates brotherhood but also ensures smooth functioning. 2. Mechanical Skills If you want to become successful in the field of marine transportation, it is important that you have knowledge about mechanical things. This skill will come in handy in times of need and urgency. That's the reason why it is necessary for all crew members on the ship, irrespective of their posts and ranks, that they have mechanical skills. 3. Vision (Eyesight) This is one of the most important things that you need to have is great eyesight. The fact that you are working in a shipping vessel, away from the land, makes it crucial for you to be able to see things afar. This is because you need to scout the horizon to notice the smallest changes. Job Types: What Jobs Can You Find In Marine Transportation? If you think that there is no variety in the field, then I would ask you to reconsider. There are a lot of jobs that you can find in the field of marine transportation. Some of them are as follows: Marine Engineer Port Engineer Port Captain Naval Architect Deckhand Employee Motor Man Employee Foodservice Oiler There is much more to this list, but here are the basics. Answering The Question, “Is Marine Transportation A Good Career Path?” Now, coming to the pain questions. Is marine transportation a good career path? The answer to that is YES, it is. If you are someone who loves to travel overseas and likes to explore, then you are going to love this job. At the same time, the payment or the wage in the field of marine transportation is also not that bad. The best paying jobs in the field of marine transportation are Vessel Captain, Marine Engineer, Naval Architect, Data Scientist, and Port Captain. If you are someone who is looking for a high paying job, then this might be the key for you. This is because, according to reports, the average salary of a Vessel captain (the one who is in command of the ship) is nearly 100,000 dollars USD. However, even if you want to settle for the role of a Port captain, you will still be able to have a comfortable life at home. The salary of the Post Captain is nearly 65,000 dollars USD on an average. In simpler words, marine transportation is a great career path for people who are looking for a secure future, a steady and good source of income, and the opportunity to travel overseas and over seas (get the pun?) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Now that you have almost read the end of the article, I really hope that most of your questions have already been answered and cleared. If, however, there is still some confusion left, I would advise you to read some of the questions that users frequently ask. Q1. What Is Marine Transportation Management? The task or job of being able to manage and shift the rules and policies of the marine industry, specifically the marine transportation industry, regarding safety and other important points is called marine transportation management. Q2. Which Job Pays You The Highest? There are many jobs at present that can provide a high salary. Some of them are:1. Machine Learning.2. Medical Professionals.3. Data Scientists. 3. Is Marine Transportation A Risky Job? Even though it is true that marine transportation is a job that pays you well and also gives you the opportunity to travel overseas, it is still a little risky. That is because any problem that occurs in and on the ship or vessel can be life threatening to the crew. Bottom Line: Decide If You Want A Job In Marine Transportation! Marine transportation is one of the most stable jobs that you can apply for. But, at the same time, if you are looking for the opportunity to travel while earning a sufficient amount as salary, then marine transportation is the career that you should choose. In case you were looking for the answer to the question “is marine transportation a good career path,” I hope that you found this article to be of help. If there are any questions or doubts regarding the same, kindly write them down in the comment section below. Till then, Stay safe! Read Also: Is Capital Goods A Good Career Path? Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path Is Medical/Dental Instruments A Good Career Path How Many Jobs Are Available In Real Estate Investment Trusts?

Talent at Work

4 Ways to Keep Your Top Talent at Work

Your employees, especially the best-performing ones, mean a great deal to your company. This means that losing them can significantly affect productivity and may eventually cost your company. Apparently, retaining the best employees simply translates to an increase in product sales and a bunch of satisfied and happy people working for you. In an ideal world, employees won’t find reasons to quit your company. However, that’s not always the case in reality. So just how are you going to entice your best employees to stay? You’ll be surprised at how many more things you can do, aside from increasing their pay, to retain top staff! 1. Recognize Employees’ Efforts: If you want to succeed in business, you’ll have to understand the value of recognizing others’ good work. When you appreciate and recognize a top employee’s efforts, this confirms their value and purpose in your organization. Eventually, this motivates them to increase their productivity and maintain or even improve their quality of work. Sometimes, a pat on the back can make a huge difference to a thriving employee. When you praise an employee for his or her efforts, be sure to thank that person by name and state specifically what is being recognized. Also, point out what value it adds to a project or the team in general. Employees become more engaged when their leaders celebrate their successes, whether individually or as a group, from time to time. 2. Avoid Forgotten Benefits: It’s easy for most employees to forget what benefits their organization offers—even the management can make the same mistake! To help your employees remember the benefits they are entitled to, make sure to provide your staff with a transparent view of these perks. Help them understand what these perks are about and how your employees can avail them. And don’t just deliver the information for both the first and last time. Remind them on these offers frequently, especially at key milestones in their career and personal life. For instance, sick employees may forget they are entitled to free medicine at the clinic or free use of medical equipment, such as a SpO2 pulse oximeter, thereby keeping their illness untreated and compromising their quality of work.  Reminding them of their health benefits should go a long way in helping to retain your best employees. 3. Get on a Personal Level: Many employers often make the mistake of treating employees like mere employees. To get your best staff to stay in your organization, make an effort to get to know them on a personal level. While there are boundaries to this, building personal relationships often cultivates trust and rapport between employee and leader, improving one’s quality of work and increasing productivity in the long run. There’s so much you can do to get to know each member of your team better. Whether it is over video-conferencing equipment or a personal meeting at a nearby coffee shop, staff meetings would be a lot more fun and exciting when you can discuss other things aside from work, such as everyone’s favorite celebrities or their go-to weekend hobbies. 4. Get Them to Speak Their Mind: You know what they say—two heads are better than one. There is a reason why there are people working for you, and that’s so they can help your business achieve its goals and desired outcomes. Whether it be ideas for a certain project or reactions to how the company is being managed, your employees’ thoughts matter. Provide an accessible platform where they can share their ideas and then offer feedback. Doing so will not only encourage them to speak up but will also engage employees and give them a reason to stay in your company longer. While we can’t force an employee to work for your company for the long haul, the least you can do is to make an effort to listen to your employees and to encourage them to be their best selves each day. Read Also: Is Your Company Offering Enough To Potential Employees? 7 Ways To Boost Employee Productivity And Create A Positive Culture Victor Mitchell, Serial Entrepreneur On How To Retain Your Top Employees While Growing Your Business

how many jobs are available in telecommunications equipment

How Many Jobs Are Available In Telecommunications Equipment?

Searching for the answer of how many jobs are available in telecommunications equipment? Then I must say you are not alone in this search line! There are many more people from the United States Of America who would like to know the answer. Therefore many more want to start their careers in the Telecommunication equipment department. The employees also get a pretty promising salary hike and learning opportunities. We all know almost every person wants to have these two in their professional life. And the telecommunication equipment department is the perfect selection for those who have a great passion for pursuing their career in the telecommunication department. What Does Telecommunication Equipment Mean? The telecommunication department refers to the hardware used for the telecommunication sectors. This hardware use transmission lines, multiplexers, and transceiver stations. Telecommunication technologies like radios and computers are everywhere, hence this telecommunication equipment is slowly taking over all communication mediums. Since the 1990s, two separate departments have come under a single umbrella. It encompasses different types of communication technology which include telephones, radios, and computers. At that time, the telecommunication department’s data transfer work increased. And the telecommunication department works to become more versatile and create multiple jobs for freshers and experienced telecom sector employees. Now let’s proceed to the main answer for how many jobs are available in telecommunications equipment. Is Telecommunications Equipment A Good Career Path? Yes, telecom equipment manufacturing is an excellent career choice. The telecom equipment market will reach a staggering US$ 967.9 billion by 2030, according to a report from Acumen.  In any case, what does it imply concerning development? The market was worth US$ 538 billion in 2021. Therefore, the growth rate between 2022 and 2030 stands at a respectable 6.9%. So, is a career in telecommunications equipment a good one? Here we let you know the details and the reasons it is. On the off chance that we take a gander at the measurements we have begun with, the response is a reverberating yes. But a career isn't just about numbers, right? Yes, we are completely in agreement with you. All aspects of working in this industry will be examined in detail in this article. After all, you need to make a well-informed decision about your career. The telephone, television, internet, and other communication services that people utilize make up the entirety of the telecommunications sector. The majority of people and corporations view this enormous industry as necessary. Work in telecommunications equipment is an excellent concept because it requires a lot of equipment due to its size and complexity. There are many different professions that fall under the category of working with telecommunications equipment, ranging from those who are entry-level and don't require any special training to those who are in charge of operating the business, developing new telecom technology, and revolutionizing global communication. What Types Of Jobs Are Available In The Telecommunication Equipment? Before digging for the answer to how many jobs are available in telecommunications equipment. Hence the job types are different. And the telecommunication equipment department is maintaining continuous growth. 21,510 jobs are available in the telecommunication departments, and more than 195,823 employees are working in this department. Hence if you are a passionate person and want to strive in the changing work in the telecommunication department.  Then this is the right place where you will get all of your answers related to your job search. And find the most relevant jobs for you in telecommunication equipment. Telecommunication Equipment Engineer And Manager. Tower And Telecommunication Technician. Cable line Installer. Telecommunication Equipment Engineer. Salesperson for Telecommunication. Senior Telecommunication Analyst. Network Engineer. Computer Technician. Telecommunication Analyst. Telecommunication Specialist. Jobs & Career Opportunities In The Telecommunications Equipment Departement Before thriving your career in the telecommunication equipment department, you must know  how many jobs are available in telecommunications equipment. This answer holding the information will guide you just in the right direction. Here are the types and job profiles of the ten highest paying jobs in the telecommunication department. 1. Telecommunication Equipment Manager Now you know how many jobs are available in telecommunications equipment. But which among these jobs are the highest paying? Every work in the telecommunication equipment looks after by the managers. Usually, the project’s estimation and budgeting everything is looked after by them. The telecommunication equipment managers communicate with all the senior executives, colleagues, and workers to execute the projects. Every project is running under the screening of the telecommunication manager. Salary Structure: The structure falls between $113,263 - $142,473. 2. Telecommunication Technician The telecommunication technician is another promising career option in the telecommunications department. The telecommunication technician is responsible for every type of maintenance, repair, and installation of telecom equipment. The challenge of this job profile is that many times the telecommunication technicians have to carry forward the work outside of their comfortable working environments. But the right knowledge and skills can ensure promising growth in this department. Salary Structure: The telecommunication technician's salary structure falls between $50,940 - $66,217. 3. System Manager System manager jobs are another great selection for telecommunication job seekers. If you want to know how many jobs are available in telecommunications equipment. Therefore it means you are already showing interest in this sector. And job profiles of the system managers are very similar to the IT department employees. The job roles of system managers are to maintain and repair telecommunication equipment. Hence to excel in this department, you have to understand the telecommunication department's functions. And know the right strategy to resolve telecommunication issues. Salary Structure: The system manager’s salary structure falls between $78,217 - $86479. 4. Cable Installer The cable installer is another telecommunication equipment job that is created to handle all works related to cable installations and repair. The main job roles of the cable installers are to take care of the new cable installation works and repair the old works if required. The cable installations are more like tower maintenance work. Hence people often have to climb up the poles and install the cables in the place. This is not a desk job. To get this job, you have to be fit and knowledgeable about using handheld equipment. Therefore when you want to know how many jobs are available in telecommunications equipment. You should always know what is the expected physical eligibility you required to have. Salary Structure: The cable installer’s salary structure falls between $48,063 - $57,899. 5. VOIP Engineer VOIP systems look after by VOIP engineers. This is a system that is a communication medium. This is a replacement for the traditional phone network system. The VOIP system installations and maintenance are the common work areas of the engineers.  The VOIP engineers are responsible for the design, installation, and maintenance of voice communications. Hence their job is associated with the company's in-house IP telephone communications. Salary Structure: The VOIP Engineer’s salary structure falls between $82,348 - $100,295. 6. Telecommunication Operator Everything in the telecommunication sector looks after by the telecommunication operators. The job responsibility of the telecommunication operators is to install, monitor, and repair mobile phone networks. Now you almost get the idea of how many jobs are available in telecommunications equipment. And these job types are also going to ensure you a better career graph. Therefore, every individual company has licensed telecommunication operators who can operate their TCP/IP networks. Therefore they are eligible to provide the right services to the customers. Hence from installations to repairs, every job responsibility carries forward by these telecommunication operators. Salary Structure: The telecommunication operator’s salary structure falls between $38,248 - $42,978. 7. Telecom Sector Customer Service Executive The telecom sector business link with the customers. And customer service executives look after all types of customer queries. The telecom sector’s customers are seeking help for troubleshoots.  Hence that is the reason often the telecom sector companies are hiring customer service executives for better customer responses. Hence apart from the customer’s query responses, billing and selling all come under their responsibilities. Salary Structure: The telecom sector customer care service executive’s salary fall between $107,370 - $146,000. 8. Computer Programmer Often when people are asked how many jobs are available in telecommunications equipment. They are becoming a little confused after hearing that computer programming also comes under telecommunication jobs. Yes! Do not confuse. Now everything is becoming automatic. Computer programmers’ jobs are also available in the telecom sectors. The job responsibility of the programmers in the telecom sector is to look after the complexity of computer programming and the telecom sector. Hence the system is complex, computer programmers can only sort out these complex structures. Salary Structure: The computer programmer’s annual salary is $73,007 in the telecom sector. 9. Telecommunication Equipment Specialist The telecom equipment specialist’s job responsibilities are to establish the communication systems and set up data telecommunication network circuits. From network installation to data telecommunications, everything is taken care of by these telecom equipment specialists. From the inventory to the data network maintenance, everything is taken care of by these telecommunication equipment specialists. Hence the whole telecommunication field comes under their responsibility. The error-finding solutions are the common job responsibility of the telecommunication equipment specialist. Salary Structure: The telecommunication equipment specialist's annual salary lies between $50,940 - $66,217. 10. Data Analyst Data analyst jobs are another selection that is a little bit different from the rest of the telecommunication profile jobs. So the data analyst jobs count under other telecommunication jobs, Hence why it comes under the answer to how many jobs are available in telecommunications equipment. Data analysts are responsible for data interpretations and other types of information responses. The main job profiles of the data analysts are to interpret the data information and gather the right information after analyzing the data. Salary Structure: The telecommunication equipment data analyst's annual salary lies between $82,326 - $106,500. Why Should You Choose The Telecommunications Equipment Industry? There are a number of reasons why you should be choosing the telecommunication sector. Here are some of the that you bed to take a look at: 1. Career Growth The majority of professionals aim to advance in their careers. Fortunately, this is a market where you can make a lot of money. After all, working with smartphones and the internet is a part of telecommunications equipment. And all it takes to comprehend how significant these things are for our world is a single thought. As a result, the industry will never run out of jobs. In the event that you will earn a college education in a connected field and buckle down, there are sufficient chances. Thus, regardless of whether you start with a passage level work, there is a great deal of chance to fill in the business. 2. Job Security We cannot emphasize this point strongly enough. After all, every professional seeks job security in their work. Therefore, working in a field that will see constant growth in demand is a huge plus for anyone. This explains why there are so many people looking for work in the sector. Therefore, if you think you have the necessary talents, a job in telecom equipment is ideal. The last thing you should be concerned about is losing your job due to a lack of demand. 3. Variety Of Sectors One benefit of this industry is how simple it is to move sectors. After all, within the industry, you might begin with manufacturing and move on to sales. You could work in installation as well if you're technically inclined. In a word, you don't need certain talents to start in this industry. You can start off slowly and learn on the job to advance your career in a variety of ways with entry-level positions. So, now that you are aware of the numerous benefits of a job in the sector, let's look at the requirements for entry. 3. Technological Growth This sector of the economy is the most current with fresh developments. You will always be up to date, whether it's with operating systems or cellphones. As a result, when working with telecommunications equipment, you will constantly be informed. You will be the first to learn about everything new. Consequently, you can continually advance your skills and boost your professional value. You can eventually apply for positions with better compensation. After all, this is a dynamic, ever-evolving industry. It is always preferable to continue developing your communication skill set. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Q1: Is The Telecommunications Sector A Good Career in 2022?  Working in the telecommunication sector has already proved to be a promising career in 2022. As the world is turning to a small space and to survive in this world, every industry has to adopt a faster communications medium, which is only telecommunications. Q2: What Qualifications Does Every Jobseeker Want To Have In Telecommunication? Every job types are different. And to pursue a career in this industry. The best education qualifications are:1. 0+2 level examination in Mathematics, Physics, or Chemistry.2. Engineering degree in electronics and communications.3. Post-graduation science degree from any recognized university. Q3: What Types Of Skills Do The Telecommunication Employers Require? Here is the subject every telecommunications employee should know.Computer networking and ideas about LAN, WAN, and MAN.1. TCP and IP protocols.2. Ideas about Network routers, switches, and gateways functions.3. ETSI, TIA, EIA, ITU Cabling ideas.4. Knowledge of the OSI model.5. Cloud computing. Wish You A Great Career Ahead! In Telecommunication Sector I think you get the whole answer for how many jobs are available in telecommunications equipment. Every type of job requires different eligibility, hence managerial-level jobs require expert knowledge and project execution experience. But at the starting level, only science graduate degrees are enough. What is your opinion? Are we missing out on any of the points? Then let us know through the comment sections and share your opinion. Read Also: Is Capital Goods A Good Career Path? Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path? How Many Jobs Are Available In Real Estate Investment Trusts?