Importance of Learning Data Science

Published on: 27 May 2021 Last Updated on: 05 March 2022
Importance of Learning Data Science

Data science is a perfect blend of algorithms, tools, and machine learning principles to find different hidden patterns from the raw data. It encompasses the exploratory analysis from it and uses various machine learning algorithms to accurately predict the future.

A data scientist perceives data from different angles to ensure they know the data’s ins and outs; some are not known earlier. All the ideas in science-fiction movies of Hollywood can turn into reality by data science.

Lately, data science has become a tool to make a prediction about the future, making use of predictive casual analytics, machine learning, and prescriptive analytics (Predictive and decision science).

Data science is related to big data, machine learning, and data mining. It applies knowledge and actionable insights from data across a broad range of application domains.

What Is Data Science?

Data science is also known as a concept to unify data analytics, statistics, informatics, and their related methods to analyze and understand actual phenomena with data. It uses tools, techniques, and theories taken from several fields such as statistics, mathematics, information science, domain knowledge, and computer science.

So if someone wants to learn data science, he needs to take a specially designed Data Science course and start a promising career in this domain. This article is all about learning data science and the benefits of taking a data science course.

Why Learn Data Science?

Data science has been hailed as one of the most exciting jobs of the 21st century. Here are some of the reasons that make data science important and highly paid professionals.

A Fuel of the 21st Century:

In the 21st century, the industry is driving through a force called Data. Several industries, including automobile industries, are using data to improve their business. Data science is also called the electricity that powers the industries today.

They need data to improve their productivity, make their business grow, and offer the best products to their customers. Data scientists make valuable sense of data with their tools in order to make profound decisions. They also use high-performing computing to solve complex data problems.

Huge Demand And less Supply:

There is a huge abundance of data, but there are no proper resources to convert this data into useful products. There is a lack of skilled professionals who help companies utilize the potential that data holds.

We can say that there is a lack of data literacy in the market in order to fill this gap in supply. So it’s worth learning data science in its high-demanding time.

A Lucrative Career:

According to Glassdoor, a data scientist can earn more than the national average salary, where the average salary for a Data Scientist is $117,345/yr, and the national average salary is $44,456 yearly. So this makes data science a highly lucrative career choice.

The absence of data scientists is resulting in a double increase in income. So learning data science is beneficial, and a data scientist can enjoy the position of prestige in the company.

Benefits of a Data Science Career-

Today, so many professionals want to become data scientists, so it’s necessary to take a proper certification course in this domain to help them start their careers. Below mentioned are some of the advantages of starting a data science career.

1. Data Science is Versatile:

Data Science is a versatile field where numerous applications are available. Data science is vastly used in the sectors such as banking, healthcare, consultancy services, and e-commerce industries. So it offers a huge set of opportunities to work in various fields.

2. Makes Data Better:

All companies need skilled data scientists to analyze and process their data. They also want to improve their quality; here, data science improves the process in which how we perceive and understand the data.

3. Data Science Makes Products Smarter:

For customer satisfaction, Data science includes the usage of Machine Learning that helps companies create better products. For example, eCommerce websites use analytics to have insight into their customers’ needs based on previous purchases through recommendation systems. It helps computers to understand human behavior and make data-driven decisions.

4. Data Science Makes you A Better professional:

Data science provides you a great career and helps you create your better version via personal growth. It offers you a problem-solving attitude and a bridge role between IT and Management. So you can enjoy the best of both worlds.

5. Prestigious career and Highly Paid Job:

Data Scientists allow companies to make smarter decisions and provide better results to their clients. It makes them achieve an important and prestigious position in the company.

Due to their prestigious values and roles, data scientists can earn higher than other job roles. Nowadays, data science is considered one of the most highly-paid jobs as they can earn an average of $116,100 per year, which is quite an attractive salary for anyone.

Wrap Up:

Data science is a field with many lucrative advantages. However, it has its own flaws, considering how vast this field can be and its cross-disciplinary nature. But the benefits of data science can make you take this up as your future career. So are you ready to take a data science course to make your career bright and find your niche?

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Indian Navy

Indian Navy 2019 – How to Apply Online for Sailor (AA & SSR)

If you are looking for a career option that is both respected and rewarding, then the armed force is a good option. Joining the defense forces of a country offers an experience that few other career options can guarantee. Indian Navy can help you to build your career at the right direction Serving your country and your compatriots is a feeling that is incomparable to any other feeling in the world. Members of the defense forces are widely respected as being above mere civilians in the society. Anyone who joins the armed forces has an inherent leadership quotient built into his or her personality. The Indian Navy- The Best in the World The Indian Navy is not merely a job. It is a way of life. If you want to live a life of discipline and push yourself, a Sailor’s job in the Indian Navy might be the best decision of your life. If we are to protect the motherland of India, then protecting the sea is of primary importance. In terms of commanding areas on the sea, the Indian Navy is entrusted with the task of patrolling, securing and monitoring a 7500 km coastline. This is no mean feat considering the fact that the Exclusive Economic Zone area or EEZ as it is called stretches well over 2 million square kilometers. The Indian Navy boasts of having one of the biggest operations in the world, both in terms of manpower as well as in terms of expertise. If you are someone who looks forward to a challenge, the Indian Navy is the best career option for you. Benefits of Joining the Indian Navy One of the biggest benefits of joining the Indian Navy is traveling to unexplored and exotic lands. Sailors travel all over the world, exploring different cultures, cuisines, and lifestyles. The amount of exposure they get in travel terms is unparalleled. Serving the country and being called upon to help fellow citizens in times of distress like floods, drought, tsunamis, cyclones, and earthquakes is fulfilling. Being loved for your job by millions of people in the country is an added benefit. In terms of pay, retirement benefits, insurances, and allowances, few other institutions come as close to the Indian Navy. The financial benefits are more than adequate compared to millions of other jobs in the industry. In addition, the retirement benefits along with coverage for families and dependents will always offer you a peace of mind that other jobs simply cannot give. If you want to develop your leadership skills, the Indian Navy will give you more than many opportunities when it comes to shouldering responsibilities. As you rise up the organizational hierarchy, your leadership and responsibilities will also increase. You will be leading teams of people who will look up to your advice and suggestions. How to Join the Indian Navy? The Indian Navy is asking individuals to apply for the following current openings- Sailor for Artificer Apprentice (SAA) Senior Secondary Recruits (SSR) The Indian Navy SSR and the SAA are positions that are open to individuals who have just passed out of schools. Both the positions offer a very healthy pay scale, multiple benefits and privileges, and best post-retirement conveniences. The openings are for the batches that are supposed to start from 2020 onwards. There will be a Medical Fitness Test before the Indian Navy will formally select candidates. If you wish to apply for the above positions in the Indian Navy, you can apply through Sarkari Results today. A career in the defense forces is not for everyone. If you feel you are someone who feels strongly towards serving your nation, you should definitely apply. Read Also: 4 Ways To Keep Your Top Talent At Work 8 Useful Tips For Personal Career Development featured image:

Remote Working

Exploring A Full-Time Remote Working Opportunity: Here Is How To Prepare

The COVID-19 Pandemic resulted in the creation of a new working order that was only being used earlier in a sparing fashion. Remote working or working from home was models that were earlier employed by employees who could not make it to their offices because of some other reason. As the pandemic resulted in the closure of physical workspaces because of governmentally mandated protocols, businesses rushed towards adopting remote working models and started hiring remote workers. This allowed businesses to stay afloat, run their operations, pay employees and carry on with economic sustenance. In this article, we are going to look at a comprehensive guide on jobs remote. We are going to discover some of its benefits of it and prescribe how employees who are looking for full-time remote working opportunities should prepare themselves. Remote Working: Meaning and Definition Remote working/teleworking/working from home is the process of an employee working for an organization, not within the confines of office space. In this working arrangement, an employee can work from anywhere for a business. Remote working means that employees do not have to travel to their place of work. It means that employees are no longer bound to come to office space, showroom, or warehouse to do actual company work. Remote working necessitates the use of technology, digital platforms, and software to enable employees to connect with their managers, bosses, and colleagues. Major Benefits of Ful-Time Remote Working Opportunities Many studies conducted over the last few months have shown that remote working comes with its own sets of advantages for both employees as well as employers. In this section, we will try to shed some light on both. Benefits For Employers- Data shows that remote working has allowed employees to become 13% more efficient and productive in terms of work output and task completion rates. Businesses who opt for remote working can save a lot of additional overhead costs that are part and parcel of an office setup. It has given businesses the ability to attract the best talents from any part of the world. This has opened up an exciting new prospect, which was earlier not possible. Studies have also shown that remote working has allowed for the creation of a fitter and leaner workforce with fewer employees taking sick or casual leaves. Finally, employers have smartly been able to add to the working hours as employees have on average been saving close to 5 hours on traveling to and from the office. Benefits For Employees- The remote working model has allowed employees to spend more time with their family members and carry on a healthy mix of work-life balance. It has allowed for lesser travel stress, especially in developed countries of the world where traffic issues can lead to tensions and exhaustion. The rise of the Digital Nomad means an employee that is enjoying his stay in a location of their choice while working full-time with an organization. Remote working has also allowed employees to add to their savings. Whether it is the fuel or train costs, or additional money spent on lunches, everything is getting saved. Lastly, employees are able to put in their best productivity and performance and win a good chance of getting higher increments, bonuses, and promotions. 5 Easy Steps to Help you Prepare for a Full-Time Remote Working Opportunity In this section, we are going to look at 5 easy steps that can help professionals prepare for a full-time remote working opportunity- 1. Create your Home Work Station/Office- If you think you are going to work on the kitchen top one day and in the bedroom, the other, think again. You need to set up a separate and designated workspace or create a home office for work. This will bring in productivity, and discipline and ensure all your official things are in one place and not getting lost. Systems, family photo frames, green plants, and so on can help. 2. Apply for Full-Time Remote Working Jobs- Many businesses are using this bait to attract the best talent. However, you need to be very careful when applying for such jobs. It might be that the business is now working remotely, but can in the future ask the employees to come in. This is why choosing the best online job platforms that list 100% remote working opportunities should be preferred. 3. Create a Working Routine for the Day- Working from home or remote working does not mean you are working for the first ten minutes and then doing something else. Remote working means you are setting aside office time just in the same way you would if you were working in the office. It is essential that you stick to the same in order to fulfill the timelines, responsibilities, and expectations that have been set on you. 4. Start becoming familiar and using Remote Working Tools- As someone who is looking to not step into a physical office again, you need to start understanding how remote working tools work. This is because you will be doing all of your work using them. Workflow software, video conferencing apps, and cybersecurity protocols are some areas that you need to know about before you start applying for opportunities. 5. Make Family Members understand ‘you are at work’- In most families, if someone is working remotely, family members tend to take them less seriously. It is essential that you make your parents, partner, kids or fiancée understand that you will not be able to step aside from your system during working hours. This will prevent them from having any expectations from you during that period. The Bottom Line Remote working has been proven to result in happier employees and better-run business organizations. If done in the right fashion, it is a win-win situation for both the employee as well as the employer. A lot of friction between managers and employees can also become better if they are not occupying the same physical space day after day. In this article, we have tried to discuss some of the major advantages of remote working for both employees as well as employers. We have also discussed some important ways how professionals looking to pursue full-time remote working opportunities should prepare themselves. If you have any other questions, you would like us to address, or require clarifications on any points mentioned in the article, feel free to state them in the comments section below. Read Also: 5 Ways to Get a Better Work-Life Balance for Remote Employees Top 10 Apps for Team Communication and Remote Work How To Increase Your Chances Of Getting Hired During A Pandemic

Supervisor Vs Manager

Supervisor Vs Manager: Similarities & Differences Between Them – 2021 Updated

The success of the firm depends on the employees and the ones to whom they are accountable, i.e., Managers and Supervisors. These are the two most important positions in an organization, but there are some differences between the two roles (Supervisor Vs Manager) and this we will discuss in this article. One of the most important tools that a leader can use is leadership communication and these leaders can add some layers to your company’s structure.  Besides, when writing a job description, confusion arises about whether to hire a manager or a supervisor. So, now let’s proceed to know the key differences and similarities between them. Supervisors And Their Job Responsibilities - All You Need To Know A Supervisor is a leader who makes the decisions after it is approved or confirmed by the manager. In a company, if any issue or problem arises related to the employees or customers, then supervisors are the initial point of contact for the same.  If the issue is serious and deserves high attention, then the supervisor presents it to the manager. Besides, the primary duty of a supervisor is to have a constant eye on the employees and analyze their performance & productivity in the workplace. The job responsibilities of a supervisor are described below. Have a look! Train new employees  Analyze the productivity and performance of the employees Collecting and submitting performance reports to the department manager Maintaining and keeping track of personnel records and employee’s schedule Addressing inquiries and complaints from customers Training employees by giving them regular feedbacks Assisting employees in knowing their job responsibilities  Creating deadlines and goals that match with the company’s plan. Managers And Their Job Responsibilities - All You Need To Know A manager is an individual in a high-level administrative who manages the resources of the organization and makes all the important decisions that affect all areas of business operations. They plan the desired amount that should be spent on resources, and they allocate the same to each department to reach their business objectives. Managers have the decision-making capabilities, and they manage the department as a whole. Some of the primary responsibilities of a manager are described below. Have a look! Communicating department information to employees through team meetings or one-on-one. Provides work schedules to employees Assigning tasks to employees and gives feedback to the employees constantly Evaluating employee performance and set goals for employees  Organizing training and professional development opportunities for all employees Collaborating with the human resources department  Organizing the firm’s management structure to streamline performance, communication, and workflow.  Supervisor Vs Manager - Differences Between Them The key differences between managers and supervisors are their level of authority, salary, responsibilities, and objectives. Generally, managers are higher-level and higher-level leaders in an organization. They are responsible for team management, goal setting, and strategic planning. On the other hand, supervisors are closer to the day-to-day tasks of their teams, and they ensure that the manager’s goal (or company’s objectives) are achieved. Now, let’s get to know in detail. 1. Salary  Those individuals who are in the managerial post have a higher salary than the supervisor. Keep in mind; managers have more duties or burdens than supervisors (If you compare Supervisor Vs Manager) because they manage the company as a whole, which is why their salary is high.  2. Objectives If you compare Supervisor Vs Manager, they both have different goals to meet. Supervisors coordinate with employees (have internal focus) and make sure that their work has been completed on time or not. Whereas managers have an external focus, they manage and represent the company as a whole. They make powerful plans and make sure it gives a good ROI.  3. Responsibilities Supervisors enhance the productivity of the employees and position their departments for success. They understand the duties of the employees in detail, and they report the same to the managers about their performance and productivity. Whereas managers meet with supervisors to understand the structure of the employees and their responsibilities. Managers oversee the budget and attend meetings for the same. 4. Level Of Authority There is no doubt that managers are the higher-ranking employees within the organization. A company can have many supervisors, and managers can promote the employee to become a supervisor. On the other hand, the level of authority of a supervisor is generally low as compared to managers.  Supervisor Vs Manager - Similarities Between Them The job role of a manager and a supervisor can differ, but the responsibilities that they carry out are almost the same. It is because the main objective of both (supervisor and manager) is to meet the company’s objectives.  Manager Vs Supervisor - With Comparison Chart If you compare Manager Vs Supervisor or Supervisor Vs Manager, there are some key similarities and differences between the two. So, to make your efforts easy, we have discussed this in a comparison chart below. Closing Thoughts The above information represents Supervisor Vs Manager job responsibilities in detail, and you must be aware of the same if you are willing to hire any for your own company. Besides, you can also describe your doubts, if you have any, in the comment section below.    FAQ( Frequently Asked Questions)  How Are Supervisors and managers are similar?  Both the positions are supervisor and manager resemble the managerial position in the organization. Both are the sole embodiment of the strategic role in a company. What is the difference between manager and supervisor?  Supervisory experience is internally focused while managerial experience is externally focussed. What is the difference between Supervisor and an assistant manager?  The assistant manager does the hiring process and keeps you informed about it for the overall development in the organization. Work out the plans that can work well for you.   More Resources: 3 Steps to Hire the Perfect Employee The Best Dissertation Service with Personal Manager 5 Major Tips to Increase Employee Engagement in a Call Centre Industry