A Detailed Guide to Cashless Car Insurance Policy

Published on: 10 November 2020 Last Updated on: 26 October 2023
Cashless Car Insurance Policy

As a responsible car owner, you must take the utmost care to ensure that you follow all traffic and safety rules. Wearing a seat belt, obeying the traffic laws, maintaining adequate distance between two vehicles, and driving within the speed limit are some of the safety measures. However, even if you follow all rules, there is always a fear of accidents because of numerous vehicles, reckless drivers, and other third-party issues.

An accident can cause significant damage to your vehicle, which may result in huge financial expenses. Hence, in such contingencies, an insurance policy for cars can provide much-needed financial aid.  Moreover, it is mandatory to have car insurance in India.  If you drive your car without an active car insurance policy, you will be charged a penalty or even imprisoned in certain cases.

Car insurance covers medical expenses, property damage, and even third parties. Compulsory third-party insurance covers the owner or driver of the vehicle against claims for personal injuries caused to other people in a road accident. Car owners can obtain a CTP green slip quote from a reputable insurance provider nearby or online in areas where this insurance is mandatory.

There are different kinds of insurance products available in the market. One of the most popular insurance policies is a cashless car insurance plan. A cashless policy can save you from spending hard cash while extending the requisite financial coverage.

Below is a detailed guide to cashless car insurance:

What is a cashless car insurance policy? 

A cashless policy allows you to get your car repaired without making any cash payment. The expense of repairs is borne by the cashless car insurance policy, unlike a general insurance plan where you are liable to pay for expenses and then file for reimbursement. A cashless car insurance plan will include a network of garages where you can get your car fixed without paying any money. This is also inclusive of online 3rd party car insurance.

What does the cashless car insurance policy cover? 

A cashless insurance cover allows you to get your car refurbished without paying any money. The payment is directly settled by the insurer and is included as a part of your insurance contract. However, the policy excludes deductibles and depreciation, which are explained below.

  • Deductibles: It is the amount that you have to pay while raising a claim. For instance, if you are filing a claim of 20,000 and the deductible is Rs. 2,000. Then, the insurer shall make the payment of Rs. 8,000 subject to other terms and conditions.

There are two types of deductibles, compulsory and voluntary. Both are decided at the time of buying the policy. A compulsory deductible is mandatory, and you are required to pay your component of the final amount at the time of claim. Whereas, a voluntary deductible is what you agree to pay, in addition to the compulsory deductible.

  • Depreciation: The value of an asset decreases over time due to the use, wear, and tear or obsolesce. Depreciation is the reduction in the value of the car or any of its parts. The insurer deducts the value of depreciation before releasing the payment. Depreciation is calculated according to the life of the asset at the rates listed by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI).

What is an authorized garage?

An authorized garage forms a part of a network of workshops that have entered into an agreement with the insurance company. Workshops meeting predetermined selection criteria get added to the list of the authorized workshops. They offer cashless repair services for insurance policyholders. The repairs are undertaken by trained mechanics who maintain transparency in the pricing. Moreover, the workshop issues the initial estimate of repair expenses, which is reasonably accurate.

What are the benefits of a cashless policy? 

The key advantage of a cashless policy is that the insurance company settles the cost of damages directly with the authorized garage. You need not incur expenses before raising the claim. Hence, there is no financial stress to arrange funds for repair. A good insurance company will have a large network of authorized garages across the country, which further makes the cashless claim process smoother.

How to buy a cashless car insurance policy?

You can purchase a cashless plan by visiting the nearest branch office of your chosen insurance company. The documentation process is simple and quick, but you would need to go to the branch in-person.

Alternatively, you can buy insurance online. Online car insurance India brings in more transparency and convenience in the entire process. Moreover, in the current pandemic situation, the IRDA has abolished the need for submitting the documents or application form in hard copies. The insurer can share the policy document on your registered e-mail ID or mobile number, which shall be treated as a valid physical document.

Overall, given the number of rising accidents today, a comprehensive car insurance policy has become more of a necessity than a choice. If you fear the cumbersome claim process and want an easy way out, buy cashless car insurance online at the convenience of your home. The policy protects your vehicle and also assures your hassle-free settlement at all times.

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Bitcoin Trading

Most Common Bitcoin Trading Blunders – You Must Avoid

The bitcoin market is easily accessible to anyone who has a computer with an internet connection or a smartphone or tab and some starting capital. Many beginners are fascinated by the process and want to be a part of this trade but often fail to do well in this trade. It is very sad that many of the beginners do start with the trade but end up being broke due to tack of the knowledge of bitcoin trading. Here we have mentioned some of the most common bitcoin trading blunders that one must avoid while dealing with bitcoins. Bitcoin Trading Blunders If you are new to the business of bitcoin trading, then you must surely avoid making some mistakes. Here we will discuss the pointers of which one must avoid while doing bitcoin trading. Money: The beginners will not have to use real money when there is already innumerable availability of paper money on different platforms. A beginner who is actually passionate about being a professional trader must first step in with a system that sets guidelines for their entries, exits and risk management. Trading: Freshers usually tend to trade with emotions which makes them fail to accept the loss that is created to them. The most important capability of the trader must be the fact that he/she must be able to take the loss or accept the loss to run healthily in the future. You must set a stop loss guideline and do not move if all the guidelines are violated already. Balance: Experienced traders tend to balance their trade which the freshers might fail at. Balancing and rebalancing of your bitcoin are important to keep a balanced portfolio for yourself. Balancing will also help you to make less loss in your bitcoin trading. Trading Journal: Investment and trade are very different from each other, one must first be aware of this. If you have a plan for your trade then you would consider yourself responsible for your action and the result of your action. Keep a journal to follow and make a note of all the changes that you make in your trade and you can also follow it back for future references. Risk: Many young ones believe that they can earn life-changing money through bitcoin trading and by the bar of which it takes a lot of risks targetting to earn that amount. Undercapitalized: You must know that money is the mantra. You need money to make more money. Many think that through bitcoin trading one can make money sitting in the comfort of the couch but that is a sheer lie. If making money would have been so easy then no one would have worked day and night to earn money. A trader who wants to run his entire life earning money through bitcoin must also have enough money for investment. Being undercapitalized can ruin their dream and career of earing through bitcoin trading. Conclusion It is a hard job to earn money and especially if it bitcoin money. Even if you know all the hacks, you must be aware of the risk management in bitcoin trading because that would be majorly the factor in this trade. Read Also: A Beginner’s Guide In Using MT4 On A Mac How To Make Money From Bitcoins In 2019

The 7 Habits of People Who Live Debt-Free Lives

The 7 Habits of People Who Live Debt-Free Lives

What does it take to live debt-free lives? It’s not cutting up your credit cards or refusing to use credit at all. Credit can be a useful tool at times for building the life you want to live. But there are certain habits that people who never carry a credit card balance tend to practice. To get debt-free lives here're few essentials to flesh a glance over: #1 They Pay Their Bills in Full One of the best things you can do for your finances is to pay your credit card bill in full every month. The same goes for utilities and other expenses, but your credit card is usually the only one with the option to pay less and carry a balance. You’ll save yourself hundreds (if not thousands over a lifetime) by treating your credit card like any other bill and always paying the full balance. #2 They Make Long-Term Plans People who live free from debt have long-term goals, and that gives them the motivation to save more. It’s much easier to delay immediate gratification because they have a greater goal in mind. It’s not about refusing to ever treat yourself; it’s about balancing your present wants with your future wants. You’ll be more likely to save when you can clearly see what you want to do with that money. #3 They Get Help When They Need It The first habit of people who want debt-free lives is getting out of debt in the first place. The smartest way out of debt isn’t always to pay it all back yourself. High-interest rates are expensive and cut into your payments. Don’t be afraid to get help with your debt so that you can save more money and pay it all back sooner. You don’t have to be stuck with debt for years to come. #4 They Automate Their Savings If you want to make sure you’re saving, put it on automatic. It’s easy to set up automated withdrawals from your bank account into a savings or investment account. Set it up with every paycheck, monthly, or on whatever basis works for you. When you automate everything, you won’t even be tempted to spend the money. #5 They Have an Emergency Fund Too often, people wind up in debt because they faced an unexpected expense and didn’t have the money for it. An emergency fund is what bridges the gap. These are some of the best reasons to use an emergency fund: Bridging a period of unemployment; Paying for car repairs or medical expenses that you didn’t expect; Emergency home repairs; Essential travel that you weren’t expecting; Other unanticipated situations. It’s important to note that it shouldn’t be for recurring expenses. Those should be built into your budget. #6 They Live on Less Than They Make One of the toughest things you can do for your finances is to cut your expenses. It’s easy to get used to a certain lifestyle, whether it’s a bigger or more central apartment or dining out a certain amount. It’s much easier to never get started in the first place. The next time you get a raise or a new job that earns more money, put all or most of the new money into your savings without changing your lifestyle. Otherwise, you get what’s known as lifestyle creep. #7 They Say No Sometimes, debt-free lives mean passing down opportunities, especially the most expensive ones. Whether it’s a dinner date at a restaurant outside of your price range or a destination wedding you don’t have the money for, sometimes you have to say no for your own benefit. Read Also: Debt Management: Why It Pays To Seek Help From The Experts? Dealing With A Debt Relief Officer For A Better Assistance Debt consolidation plans for your debt relief

Short-Term Loans

Using Short-Term Loans to Help Rebuild Your Credit Score

Life in America is difficult enough without someone having to deal with credit issues. A low credit score usually has a profound effect on the choices people make and how they may have to live their lives. Make use of short-term loans to improve your credit score. No matter what kind of financial difficulties you may find yourself dealing with, nothing is ever etched in stone. Even bankruptcy comes with time constraints that make certain you will get a second chance. The truth is there are ways someone with a bad credit score can actively participate in fixing their own credit score. The discussion below will discuss how short-term loans can be used by borrowers to help rebuild their credit scores. Different Ways Short Term loans can improve Your Credit Score Are As Follows:-     There are multiple ways Short term loans can help you to improve your credit score. In this article, you will get the complete details of it. The Stigma of Bankruptcy: When someone is forced into bankruptcy to protect certain assets and their overall well-being, there's a price that has to be paid in the eyes of the credit market. Lenders don't like to be left holding the bag. The ultimate penalty is a substandard credit score, which subsequently makes it very difficult for the individual to borrow any kind of money for a period of time, usually not to exceed 10 years. What everyone has to remember is that poor credit performance is a historical perspective on the borrower's past behavior. Based on historical facts, potential lenders can rightfully assume the individual is a poor credit risk. The good news is history is a constantly evolving notion that gets rewritten every day. Using Short Term Debt to Rebuild One's Credit Score: If someone wants to rebuild their credit score, they have to convert bad financial behaviors into good financial behaviors. No matter how low someone's credit score might get, it's an objective rating based on certain criteria. As such, it can improve just as easily as it can fall apart. As you contemplate how to repair and rebuild your credit, you need to be aware that the only way to increase your rating is by strictly adhering to all future obligations. To that end, there's an interesting strategy you can employ to speed up the process. First, it's duly noted it is going to be difficult for you to secure new loans. Your credit score ratios and payment profile will interfere with the approval process. However, it's worth the effort for you to do whatever's necessary to establish short term debt with manageable terms. Initially, you might have to swallow high-interest rates and lender-friendly terms to secure a credit card, title loan or whatever other kinds of loan you can get. Once you have the first short-term loan in place, your credit score might take a small dip. However, your credit score will eventually start increasing as you make your payments on time. At some point, you can pay off that loan early and followup by securing a new loan. As you continue abiding by your agreements and perhaps exceeding expectations, your credit score with pick up momentum to the upside. Eventually, your bad credit history will fade into the past, being replaced by new credit history that supports the fact you are again becoming a worthy risk. How well does this approach work? Bankruptcy stays on your record for approximately 10 years. If you can represent to a succession of lenders that the past is the past and you are now able to handle your responsibilities, that bankruptcy will lose significance in the eyes of many lenders. Read Also: 5 Smart Ways To Boost Your Credit Score 7 Simple Tips To Pay Off Your Loans Faster Are Payday Loans Really As Bad As People Say? Title Loan Requirements: What You Do And Don’t Need