What Doctor Says About Snoring

Published on: 22 September 2018 Last Updated on: 19 November 2021

Snoring is almost an everyday topic. People are just too curious about it, as it has many explanations. However, to understand this issue better, you should actually hear what a doctor has to say about it. It is always better to hear advice from an expert, so that is why we talked to the doctor. We found out some interesting facts about snoring. Did you know that there is a doctor whose specialty is snoring?

Inborn Deformities:

Let’s start with the good news. Doctors say that snoring doesn’t have to be caused by health problems, at least not with the severe ones. The cause of snoring can be the anatomy or the deformity of the snorer. The doctor mentioned a crooked nasal septum as one of the reasons. The other reason is excess throat and nasal tissue. The tissue can also be too floppy. In the case of the floppy tissue, it will produce strong vibrations. Muscle tone doesn’t refer to biceps or triceps only. Tongue and throat muscle tone are important, as the poor muscles tone induces snoring. Muscle tone reduces during sleep and the tongue falls back to the throat.


The snoring is louder and stronger if a snorer has weight problems. The fat can press the airways in the neck and the throat and cause loud snoring. However, this still can be maintained if a snorer faces the problem in time. Losing some weight is the best solution here. Eat healthily and exercise. Go for a walk every morning. The fresh air will cleanse your nostrils and lungs.

Sleep Apnea:

Sleep apnea can indicate heart failure, a stroke, or a heart attack. If a person suffers from sleep apnea, the airways in the neck and throat will get completely blocked. This is the main difference between a person who is occasional, or a “fresh” snorer, and the one who has been snoring for years. The other one will for sure suffer from sleep apnea. The other difference is the blood pressure. Sleep apnea causes high pressure which can lead to a heart attack. This is the most severe snoring outcome. Be aware that you have your life in your hands. Devote some time to solving this problem. As you can see, snoring may have a deadly outcome.

Social Issues:

The doctor said that snoring may produce health issues, but also some social issues. Believe it or not, but snoring was the reason for many divorces out there. Of course that there were some more circumstances besides snoring, but it all began with those unpleasant sounds. One of the spouses couldn’t stand anymore the fact that their partner is snoring so hard, so they started sleeping in different bedrooms. This triggered a wave of dissatisfaction and complaints, as both partners became frustrated.

However, even persons who aren’t committed are facing the social issue. The doctor said that one of the patients came in his ordination almost desperate. This patient had to miss all the house parties, weekends abroad, or seaside holidays because none of his friends was eager to sleep in the same bedroom with him. Yes, renting another room was an option, but as everybody else would sleep in the same space, this guy would feel completely neglected.

Fast Solution:

Have a look at some of the stop snoring mouthpieces reviews. There is a wide range of great mouthpieces which can really help with snoring. The goal is to live a more happy and healthy life.


If you think that there might be a reason to be scared, visit a doctor. An otolaryngologist will be the one to say which kind of a breathing problem you have. The examination includes the nose, neck, mouth, palate, and throat. The doctor will do this precisely, so you can move on with the treatment.

It depends on the diagnosis. Being aware of the problem is a great way to a solution. However. we would recommend trying out the mouthpiece first. If it doesn’t help, then you are faced with a more serious problem and would have to go and see a doctor.

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Back In Shape

How Do I Get Back In Shape? Fitness Experts Share Their Tips!

The most common question many personal trainers get is ‘how do I get back in shape’. As good-intentioned as that question is, there’s no way anyone can answer it for you. Deep inside, you know the way to get back in shape is to make some tough choices. It’s that simple. It can be difficult to balance out your work, caring for your kids, resting, binging and signing up for a gym like Fit Athletic. Getting back in shape means making some serious changes in your routine, which is always a huge challenge. In this article, we’ve asked personal trainers from the best San Diego fitness centers to share their thoughts on the topic and give their best advice on how to get back in shape. Stay In Shape: Yes, it’s easier said than done, but the truth is that the best way to get back in shape is to stay close to the shape, or the ideal look, weight, and BMI for you. As we grow older and more busy at work, skipping gym time comes rather naturally. The worst mentality you can develop is that it’s just one day. But day by day, you’ll lose the motivation to work out and stay in shape. Soon enough, you’ve come to the point where you don’t recognize yourself anymore. Going to the gym is better than not going to the gym. If you skip going to the gym because you only have 30 minutes to work out, you’re making a huge mistake. Because 30 minutes is still more than zero. Even a bad day at the gym can contribute to maintaining the harmony in your body. No matter how much you just want to sit back and binge Netflix for the rest of the day, you have to make sure you stay motivated to work out continuously. Staying in shape is the key to never having to put in the extra effort to get back in shape. Take Your Time: While your desire to get back in shape is commendable, it can also lead to serious injuries if you’re not careful. As bad as you might feel about getting out of shape, going in fast and hard is not a good idea. It took some time to get out of shape, and you cannot undo that instantly. Instead, this is a process that requires patience and caution. Don’t try to make up for the lost time the day you get back to the gym. Instead, allow your body some time to adjust to the new regime through slow, natural progression. If you strain and injure yourself, you can only hinder your progress. Set Realistic Goals: This picks up where the last point left off. There’s a big chance the first few workouts will leave you completely exhausted. That’s only natural. You have to pave the way back to your ideal shape with realistic goals. Setting realistic weight loss and muscle mass goals will ensure your workouts are effective and will motivate you even more. Deceiving yourself that you can look like an action movie star in the first month of getting back to the gym will only ruin your motivation because such a goal is unrealistic. And don’t forget all those other obligations and activities outside the gym that made you quit in the first place. All those deadlines are still waiting and someone still needs to pick the kids up from school. So instead of implementing a heavy training schedule to get back in shape, focus on short but intensive workouts. Striking a balance is key to a harmonious life and the key to getting back in shape. Read Also: How To Avoid Getting Bored At The Gym 10 Winter Fitness Hacks To Help You Stick To Your Fitness Goals


How You Can Effectively Ease Pain Caused by Braces: Top Tips

Many people who have braces for the first time go through a period of adjustment, and this is entirely normal. You will have to get used to having your braces, of course, and this comes with getting used to eating with braces as well as getting used to cleaning your teeth with braces. But when you have braces, especially when they are first installed, you may also experience a little discomfort, since the wires and brackets of the braces may be rubbing against the tissue of the mouth. If you are experiencing some pain with your braces, here’s how you can effectively ease the pain. Make use of orthodontic wax: Braces can be quite abrasive at the beginning, especially since you’re not used to them yet, so one effective solution would be to make use of orthodontic wax. You can simply apply a bit of the wax to areas where the braces’ wires and brackets come in contact with soft tissue, such as that along your inner cheeks and lips. When you apply the wax to these areas, it can serve as a barrier between the tissue and your braces. With proper application, you can prevent sores, abrasions, and cuts as well. Use a pain reliever or gel: Of course, you can also take some over-the-counter pain relievers to help relieve the pain from the braces, but you can make use of an analgesic gel which you can apply orally as well. Directly apply the analgesic gel to your teeth and gums to help alleviate discomfort. Make use of a night guard: If the pain from your braces is bad and you would also like to prevent a breakdown or damage to the enamel of your teeth from grinding, you can make use of a night guard as well. A night guard is effective because you can go for special customized ones which can really help ease the pain related to having braces. Night guards work much like orthodontic wax in the sense that they can serve as a shield and barrier between the sensitive tissue in your mouth and your braces, as the experts from http://www.braces4yourlife.com confirm. When you wear a night guard, you can prevent different areas from becoming snagged or caught on your braces while you are sleeping. And while you can go for a one-size-fits-all, generic mouth guard, it would be a better idea to opt for a customized night guard as this will fit precisely with the contours of your own mouth. Your orthodontist can easily create a mold for your mouth which will serve as a unique pattern for the night guard. This impression or mold can then be sent off to the lab, where they can create and fabricate the customized night guard. The good news is that living with braces will get easier over time, so you don’t have too much cause for concern. Before you know it, your teeth will be perfectly aligned and even, and you will not only have a better smile – you will have better oral health as well. Read Also: 18 Surprising Celebrities With Braces 5 Ways To Prevent Severe Dental Problems

American Healthcare

American Healthcare and its Woes

Most Americans agree that healthcare is important. Deciding who pays for quality healthcare is where disagreement begins. That part isn’t surprising. What many people fail to realize, is how unfounded disagreement can translate into unfair outcomes. Fortunately, Dylan Scott at Vox visualized the state of American healthcare in five sobering charts. His revelations were based on data published by the US Census Bureau in 2016, but that doesn’t make them any less compelling. According to Scott, everything from geopolitics and age to racial or ethnic heritage and even employment status can have a huge impact on healthcare. In other words, countless citizens live somewhere that doesn’t necessarily prioritize public access to affordable healthcare, and they don’t even realize it. The problems appear too complex to outsiders. That alone prevents the grand majority of them from trying to address things. Nevertheless, those individuals devoted to understanding the issues point to only a few key variables. For instance, Olga Khazan at The Atlantic highlighted three main reasons why our healthcare system is the worst amongst developed countries. Inadequate healthcare insurance coverage is the first obstacle, and with more than 27 million uninsured Americans, it’s no joking matter. Administrative inefficiency is another serious impediment, but it’s also unsurprising given the profit incentive. Everyone wants a piece of the proverbial pie. The final culprit is our primary care services, which are fragmented and disorganized to the point of sometimes inhibiting patient treatment. Conscientious writers like Olga aren’t the only ones publicizing the dismal state of affairs. Scholars from the foremost universities have begun to express similar sentiments when it comes to the healthcare system. Karen Feldscher at The Harvard Gazette promoted a joint study orchestrated by Harvard and the London School of Economics. According to the research, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), “The US has substantially higher spending, worse population health outcomes, and worse access to care than other wealthy countries.” The authoring researchers pinpointed administrative costs, prescription pharmaceuticals, and average annual salaries as the primary drivers of rampant healthcare prices. Comparing our healthcare system to those instituted abroad rarely makes sense. While the federal government vows to protect minors and has safety nets for the elderly, the status quo can quickly betray either group, depending on the nature of the scenario. Our elders are especially susceptible to disastrous possibilities without sufficient care. Many of the educated ones rely on specialized groups like Easy Medicare to investigate insurance eligibility and coverage details. The process isn’t nearly as intuitive when your health is already in decline, which is precisely why professional groups and services exist. It’s fair to say that without such support, still more people might fall by the wayside. Universal healthcare is likely to become increasingly popular if the described trends continue unabated. The healthcare outcomes are unsustainable and they seem to reflect the income inequalities and other disparities that plague America. The best that some of us can do, for the time being, is choose wisely between residing in a red or a blue state. Nisarg Patel at Slate emphasized as much just last year. According to him, “The battleground over healthcare has moved out of the national sphere and into state politics.” While the idea of moving for the sake of healthcare and medical attention might sound foreign to some individuals, numerous Americans have firsthand experience. Suffice it to say that the national healthcare system is not in an ideal condition. Debating the subject and advocating for better policies are both meaningful steps. It is our collective duty to demand appropriate healthcare for each and every person, regardless of circumstance or socioeconomic standing. Anything less ought to be considered a tragic betrayal. Read Also: Ensuring Quality Healthcare With Correct Diagnoses What Is The Chain Of Survival?