Ensuring Quality Healthcare with Correct Diagnoses

Published on: 26 June 2018 Last Updated on: 15 October 2020

“Every system is perfectly designed to achieve exactly the results it gets,” says Donald Berwick, M.D., president emeritus and senior fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, on healthcare innovation. Toward the healthcare quality that Dr. Berwick and his fellow health professionals advocate, technology has evolved to make even the most complicated and extensive procedures possible; to better our understanding of human biology; and to enhance the delivery of healthcare services, to better human life and livelihood.

Key to this is the area of diagnostics, pertaining to the screening and prevention of diseases. Outside of hospitals, diagnostic laboratories are some of the busiest fortresses against the further spread of disease. The work that goes into collecting, analyzing, and distributing samples in a diagnostics facility is nothing to sneeze at—in this area, health professionals are currently engaging in systems to save lives, one day and one procedure at a time.


Automation of Core Lab Processes: Leveling Up Your Diagnostic Technologies

First off, a premium must be set on the value of correct diagnoses, as breakthroughs in the field of diagnostics indeed contribute to the future of the healthcare system. The greatest danger to an individual client is a doctor without a clear vision and careful hands; the responsibility extends to core processes in the lab, where crucial components such as samples must be handled carefully and accurately.

One of these core processes is pipetting. Many laboratories no longer depend on the process of manual pipetting and have invested in automated liquid handling. The automation of this process enables compound screening methods for a number of plates and tubes to be possible all at the same time.

Motion solutions such as linear stages for automated liquid handling oversee the pipetting process across the three axes of movement—upwards, downwards, or across; transferring and dispensing liquids into new containers—with levels of throughput and accuracy that make all the difference. Automated liquid handling is a reliable mechanism for so many samples, and is invaluable in closing any gaps for error—a technology that is safe, dependable even without much human intervention, and capable of high performance and output.

This focus on greater productivity, at a higher level of precision, is what forwards the field of diagnostics in its pursuit of exactness, and therefore greater responsiveness to the challenge of curing and preventing diseases.

Diagnostic Technologies


Proactive Approaches in Healthcare

Given this scenario, there are tangible benefits to improving diagnostic technologies through processes such as automation. The automation of a core laboratory process, as in the example of automated liquid handling, improves the efficacy of work in diagnostics. But how does this part of the equation work to improve the healthcare situation as a whole?

In truth, every advancement in health and technology is a boon to facing challenges in the healthcare system, such as increased costs of medicines and treatment, lack of continuity in the provision of care, and fluctuating quality of services. Against these, there is a constant pressure among health professionals to meet the needs of their patients, keep up with the pace of big institutions, and harness innovation against the spread of disease—all at the same time.

Diagnostic facilities are just one part of this large equation in the betterment of healthcare; it may be another story in clinics, pharmacies, corporations, or in the offices of the national and federal government. But every process that can be enhanced and performed at a heightened level in this field will certainly help safeguard human life.

Innovations for correct and precise diagnoses will truly contribute to the healthcare situation. In line with this, Jonathan Bush and Michael Chernew, PhD, posit on this mindset for greater innovation to happen: “If our society can seize this moment to unleash the power of innovators to create better models, which allow them to profit from removing waste and finding new efficiencies, we can put ourselves on the path to a satisfying and sustainable health care system.”


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LAUSD Daily Pass

LAUSD Daily Pass – Portal Registration And Login | Covid19 Updates

Humanity was forced to live inside their homes, isolated from each other in 2020. This is the year when the coming of the Covid pandemic shook every person in the world. Hailing from Wuhan, China, this disease infected billions globally and caused the death of millions. This pandemic forced humanity to rethink its approach to survival. People who were lucky to have desk jobs were forced to work from home. The same also went for the students as well, who all received education from their laptop screens. However, as the world was in a period of crisis, Covid vaccinations became the only means of survival. As more and more people started getting vaccinated, the fear of getting infected by this virus slowly started dwindling. Workspaces, public transportation, restaurants, theatres, and schools started reopening again. Everything started going back to normal slowly. However, to gain access to any such facilities, you need to show them your Covid vaccination certificate. This constant check of vaccination certificates became a hassle for most places, especially in schools. Since you were required to take multiple vaccine doses, you had to update your certification as necessary. This made regulation and checking even more difficult. To make matters easier for schools, the Los Angeles government introduced the system of the highly acclaimed LAUSD Daily Pass. This made regulating and updating information regarding the vaccination certification of students easier than before. Read this post till the end to learn more about this Daily Pass. What Is LAUSD Daily Pass? Image Source So far, to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, every student enrolled in Los Angeles schools must submit weekly certifications. Here, these weekly certifications refer to compulsory weekly Covid tests that the students had to go through. Therefore, if you tested negative every week, only you were allowed to enter the school premises. However, getting weekly Covid is a pretty time-consuming process. Therefore, to make matters easier for parents and students, the LAUSD Daily Pass System was introduced. So far, all the Covid tests were PCR tests that the school conducted on their premises. Therefore, school administrations were forced to take extra steps to ensure the safety of the students during such tests. Here, many parents voiced their opinions regarding the slow and cumbersome nature of such tasks, that too since they were done every week. This is why the administration of the Los Angeles Unified Schools changed the way they operated. Instead of conducting weekly tests, they now started handing out Covid Antigen Test kits to all students. With these test kits, parents can conduct Covid tests for the students from the comforts of their homes. Gone is the time-consuming process of lining up outside school premises to get Covid PCR tests done. You can simply use these test kits to test for the presence of Covid antibodies in your system. If you have a healthy amount of such antibodies in your system, you are relatively free from getting infected by Coronavirus again. Plus, it’s relatively easy to use the LAUSD Daily Pass. All you need to do as a parent is to use the kit to conduct tests yourself. After the reports are out in a few hours, you can simply upload the results on the LAUSD online portal using the LAUSD App. Who Can Access The LAUSD Daily Pass? LAUSD Daily Pass Checklist For Student And Family Image Source The official LAUSD Daily Pass website has uploaded a checklist for the students and their parents. These act as core policies that all must adhere to. Here are all the points that have been mentioned on this checklist. First and foremost, you must conduct a Covid test using the Antigen kit that has been provided to each student. In addition, after taking the test, you must ensure the results are negative. Here, it’s advised that the tests are done on weekends. After the tests are negative, you must go to this website - dailypass.lausd.net. Here, you must manually upload your test results to get the LAUSD Daily Pass. After you get your LAUSD Daily Pass, you will also get a QR code. When your ward goes to school the next day (preferably on a Monday), you must present this QR code at your school entrance. In addition, you must ensure that your ward reaches the school gates by 8 AM and get their temperatures checked there. How To Use LAUSD Daily Pass System? Image Source As a parent, using the LAUSD Daily Pass is vital. To use it without any mistakes, simply follow these steps as explained below: First, go to the website dailypass.lausd.net. Then, you will be asked a series of health check questions. Answer them one by one as they appear on the screen. It will take a maximum of two minutes to do so. After that, you are requested to submit your Antigen test reports to get the qualification QR code, as mentioned in the section above. If you are worried about what questions you will have to answer here, then fear not. I have made a list of all the potential questions you will be asked. See if you can answer them here now! Do you agree to take safety precautions in school (wear masks, use hand sanitizers, avoid inviting too many guests at home, practice distancing, etc.)? Did you have any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days? - Fever (over 100 degrees Fahrenheit), breathing problems, fatigue, body chills, sore throat, cough and cold, loss of taste and smell, nausea, diarrhea? Did you take a Covid test in the last 14 days? By any chance, did you come in close proximity to a person infected by the Coronavirus? Have you traveled outside Southern California in the last 14 days? Are you under any isolation or quarantine order by the Los Angeles Health Department? 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Eating Disorder

Teenage Eating Disorder Treatment FAQ

Eating disorders are serious mental health conditions that affect people of all ages, genders, and races. However, they typically develop in early adolescence. Families searching for the best eating disorder treatment centers should take great care to understand the different types of eating disorders and the treatment options available. At Clementine, we specialize in teenage eating disorders treatment, offering patients access to care in a comfortable, safe and home-like setting. Keep reading to learn more about common eating disorders and eating disorder recovery options. What is an eating disorder? Eating disorders are very serious mental health conditions that include both medical and psychiatric aspects. The most well-known eating disorders include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. However, people can develop other types of eating disorders, including binge eating disorder and eating disorder not otherwise specified. People who have an eating disorder are typically obsessed with food, their body shape, weight and body image. If left untreated, eating disorders can quickly become very serious and even life-threatening. Who can develop an eating disorder? People of all genders and nearly any age can develop an eating disorder. Research has shown children as young as five or six years of age can develop an eating disorder. While it is true females are more commonly diagnosed than males and individuals typically show signs of an eating disorder in adolescence, many people develop eating disorders later in adulthood. Current studies suggest up to seven percent of women in the United States have had bulimia nervosa at some point in their lives. Anorexia nervosa is the third most common chronic illness among teen girls and binge eating disorder affects anywhere from 0.7 percent to 4 percent of the general population. It is important to remember eating disorder treatment is available. Can people be cured with eating disorder treatment? Many people with eating disorders can achieve recovery. Early intervention and finding the right eating disorder treatment centers to fit an individual's needs are extremely important when seeking professional help. It is also important to keep in mind patients who have been through an eating disorder recovery program may continue to seek counseling to support and protect their recovery for months or years after leaving treatment. The chance of relapse greatly diminishes when teens have access to aftercare and a strong support system at home. If a loved one is intentionally vomiting after meals but only some of the time, should parents be worried? Yes. Anytime someone feels the need to purge after a meal, whether that means fasting, self-induced vomiting or laxative use,  they are likely dealing with underlying psychological issues surrounding food, their body shape, and weight. While this does not necessarily mean they have a diagnosable eating disorder, it is important for loved ones to express concern. What is the difference between overeating and binge eating? Many people will overeat every now and then. However, those with binge eating disorder feel out of control during the binge episode. They typically eat large amounts of food in a very short amount of time, even, at times when they are not physically hungry. The binge eating episodes can also be accompanied by feelings of shame, guilt, anxiety, and disgust. Contact Clementine Eating Disorder Treatment Centers Today: At Clementine eating disorder treatment centers, we focus on providing adolescents with the tools they need to enjoy a successful eating disorder recovery. We understand teenage eating disorders treatment should be approached from both a medical, psychiatric, therapeutic and nutritional perspectives to ensure young people can properly navigate the challenges of life after completing treatment. Read Also: 4 Reasons Why Food Handling Training Is Important Meals That Matter: The Best Foods And The Ways They Make You Fit

Connect with nature

3 Ways to Connect With Nature and Quiet Your Mind

Living near nature can help women live longer, with women in the greenest areas living as much as 12 percent longer than women who live in more built-up areas. You need to connect with nature to stay fit and healthy. Although male mortality rates do not show as much of a clear link, making time to connect with nature has many positive health benefits for both men and women. In fact, a range of studies have shown that regular contact with nature can improve everything from pain control to eyesight, as well as reduced stress levels and less anxiety. But, that's not to say that we all have to move to the countryside to take advantage of these health benefits. Simply making time to connect with whatever natural surroundings you live close to is enough to refresh your mind and improve your health and well-being. Here are three ways to connect with nature and quieten your mind. 1. Create Time Alone in Nature : It's great to experience the beauty of nature in the company of friends or family. But, when we're with other people, we tend to talk. This may be because we worry about what the people we're with think of us. Or we might just feel the need to fill the silence with chatter. However, the best way to connect with nature is by experiencing it alone. Being alone in nature allows us to focus on what we can hear, see and feel in these natural surroundings. Whether it's blades of grass between our fingers or the rush of water from a nearby river, you'll become much more aware of what's around you. So, if you go for a hike with friends, ask for an hour by yourself. Or head to the park or even out into your garden and emerge yourself in the sensory experience that nature offers. Other than hiking, traveling different beautiful locations is always a great way to behold the true beauty of nature and fall in love with it all over again and again. If you have the love for travel, you should consider traveling as much as you can and plan to visit some of the most naturally beautiful countries in the world. Some naturally beautiful places include the fjords of Norway, the Greek Islands, Islands of Maldives,  Switzerland, Kashmir in India, Nepal and so on. 2. Find Your Special Spot : You'll find that as you spend more time in nature, especially alone, you'll start finding special places that you're drawn to. It could be a tree you like to lean against when you visit your local park, or the rocks you often sit on to watch the ocean waves crashing on the shore. Wherever you feel most connected to nature, take the time to really get to know it. Go there in the heat of summer and the midst of winter, know it by day and by night. Noticing the small changes in nature as well as the contrasts between seasons helps you put things in perspective as you become more aware of how you are a part of something bigger than yourself. 3. Sleep Outdoors : Since Americans spend around 93 percent of their time indoors, it's important to actively seek out ways to experience longer periods immersed in nature. There's no better way to get in touch with nature than by waking up to a stunning sunrise, the sounds of birdsong and the smell of fresh morning dew. It certainly beats your alarm clock! Make Time to Connect with Nature : Whether you live in an urban area or in the middle of the countryside, it's important for your mental and physical health to take time out to connect with nature. Do you feel that you spend enough time in nature? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below, or contact us for more information. Read Also : 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness Top 10 Muscle And Strength Building Exercise At Home Choosing A Diet Based On Your Personality Type