Ensuring Quality Healthcare with Correct Diagnoses

Published on: 26 June 2018 Last Updated on: 15 October 2020

“Every system is perfectly designed to achieve exactly the results it gets,” says Donald Berwick, M.D., president emeritus and senior fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, on healthcare innovation. Toward the healthcare quality that Dr. Berwick and his fellow health professionals advocate, technology has evolved to make even the most complicated and extensive procedures possible; to better our understanding of human biology; and to enhance the delivery of healthcare services, to better human life and livelihood.

Key to this is the area of diagnostics, pertaining to the screening and prevention of diseases. Outside of hospitals, diagnostic laboratories are some of the busiest fortresses against the further spread of disease. The work that goes into collecting, analyzing, and distributing samples in a diagnostics facility is nothing to sneeze at—in this area, health professionals are currently engaging in systems to save lives, one day and one procedure at a time.


Automation of Core Lab Processes: Leveling Up Your Diagnostic Technologies

First off, a premium must be set on the value of correct diagnoses, as breakthroughs in the field of diagnostics indeed contribute to the future of the healthcare system. The greatest danger to an individual client is a doctor without a clear vision and careful hands; the responsibility extends to core processes in the lab, where crucial components such as samples must be handled carefully and accurately.

One of these core processes is pipetting. Many laboratories no longer depend on the process of manual pipetting and have invested in automated liquid handling. The automation of this process enables compound screening methods for a number of plates and tubes to be possible all at the same time.

Motion solutions such as linear stages for automated liquid handling oversee the pipetting process across the three axes of movement—upwards, downwards, or across; transferring and dispensing liquids into new containers—with levels of throughput and accuracy that make all the difference. Automated liquid handling is a reliable mechanism for so many samples, and is invaluable in closing any gaps for error—a technology that is safe, dependable even without much human intervention, and capable of high performance and output.

This focus on greater productivity, at a higher level of precision, is what forwards the field of diagnostics in its pursuit of exactness, and therefore greater responsiveness to the challenge of curing and preventing diseases.

Diagnostic Technologies


Proactive Approaches in Healthcare

Given this scenario, there are tangible benefits to improving diagnostic technologies through processes such as automation. The automation of a core laboratory process, as in the example of automated liquid handling, improves the efficacy of work in diagnostics. But how does this part of the equation work to improve the healthcare situation as a whole?

In truth, every advancement in health and technology is a boon to facing challenges in the healthcare system, such as increased costs of medicines and treatment, lack of continuity in the provision of care, and fluctuating quality of services. Against these, there is a constant pressure among health professionals to meet the needs of their patients, keep up with the pace of big institutions, and harness innovation against the spread of disease—all at the same time.

Diagnostic facilities are just one part of this large equation in the betterment of healthcare; it may be another story in clinics, pharmacies, corporations, or in the offices of the national and federal government. But every process that can be enhanced and performed at a heightened level in this field will certainly help safeguard human life.

Innovations for correct and precise diagnoses will truly contribute to the healthcare situation. In line with this, Jonathan Bush and Michael Chernew, PhD, posit on this mindset for greater innovation to happen: “If our society can seize this moment to unleash the power of innovators to create better models, which allow them to profit from removing waste and finding new efficiencies, we can put ourselves on the path to a satisfying and sustainable health care system.”


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Marijuana Urine

Passing A Marijuana Urine Drug Test- How To Pass Pee Narcotics Tests

Most people who have a job, have taken a drug test. Prior to the mid-80s, it was just about unheard of, employers believed more in lie detector tests for pre-employment. Since drugs have taken over society, it is imperative for companies to give drug tests. They aren’t only for pre-employment, but usually, companies test their employees randomly after being hired. Of course, there are employees that aren’t on any drugs unless they are prescribed to them. Then, some employees choose to quit the use of illegal drugs because they don’t want to take the chance of losing their jobs. Then, you have those employees that just don’t really care if they lose their job. If an employee is hurt on the job, they are immediately tested at the hospital. However, any other time that they are drug tested, they use one of the many ways that exist to pass the test. If they didn’t use one of these alternatives, they would literally burn a hole in the cup. Usually, the random tests are announced, that way everyone can be ready just in case their name is chosen to actually be tested. There are several different ways to do a drug test. The urine drug test is the most common. How long a drug can be detected in urine varies with each drug. Saliva tests are basically more recent drug use, it usually only detects the last few days. Blood tests determine drug use at that very moment. Then, the test that truly tells the tale is hair follicle tests. They tell which drugs have been used for up to 90 days. Honestly, with marijuana or cannabis, the question of how long it stays in your system depends on your usage. The THC in the drug stays in your system longer because of the way it stores itself in your body. One single use can show for three days, while a regular smoker can take up to 90 days to get out of your system. Cannabinoids that break down from the THC are lipids, which means they store in a person's fat cells, not blood. Hence, why they don’t show so easily in a blood test. They can excrete through urine, but since they are fatty molecules, they are usually cleared by stool. So, how do you pass a urine drug test after smoking marijuana? Well, common sense says that the best way is to not use marijuana in any way. However, if you insist on continuing use and needing to pass a test, there are several ways to do it. The next way to pass a urine drug test is to get someone who doesn’t use drugs to P for you and then try to sneak it in today testing facility. Remember, the urine has to be 98.6°F, which is a person's normal body temperature. This is the most effective way, but only if no one is watching you. Also, you can buy synthetic or fake pee. Make sure that it has Uric Acid in the ingredient when you buy it, some labs test for it, to make sure it is real. It usually comes with a heating pad so you can make sure it’s the right temperature. Since the THC is stored in fat cells, doing exercises that help burn fat can help get rid of the cannabinoids. Don’t do any of the exercises the day of the test. Green vegetables are full of iron and other vitamins and minerals. These can help to get that metabolism going, which will make it easier to burn fat. Be careful listening to your friends about how to pass a urine test. There are more stories than there are remedies and it would be horrible if you went through a bad experience and still failed the test. First of all, do not drink bleach, it can kill you easily. Don’t chew denture cleaner, pretty sure all you are going to do is puke! Other things that just aren’t going to help you pass a urine test for THC are cranberry juice, vinegar (you are NOT an Easter egg), creatine, zinc, Goldenseal, and Niacin (although this is nature’s best antibiotic). Drink lots of water for a few days before the test. This could possibly dilute the urine enough to get went to have a light level below the level that makes for a positive test. Be careful to not drink too much water, it will show diluted urine and send out red flags that you were trying to hide something. No matter which process you choose, be sure to stay hydrated, eat properly, exercise and don’t smoke anymore in there I want to chill after the test. Casual smokers are easier to detox or mask then heavy smokers. Another way to pass a urine drug test is Sure-Jell. It’s the easiest and cheapest when compared to other things that are ingesting to pass the test. Just makes a pack from the grocery store we had a 32-ounce bottle of Gatorade. Drink out of it three or four hours before test time. Be sure to P3 or four times before the test also. There’s a one day detox that comes with pills, liquid, and fiber. It has vitamins, and minerals and herbs, making it all natural. It dissolves in your system, get rid of the THC and can’t be traced in any way. The one specific for the person with a higher THC level comes with six capsules that are taking 12 to 24 hours before the test. They drink 20 ounces every two hours, it will take effect went to five hours later. Be careful because it wears off, so you have to time it just right. Learn More I will tell you what beats all of these concoctions, try delaying the test. Most drugs can’t be traced after a few hours in blood or saliva. So, if you could Delay it for just a day, your results could be different. When you think you've read, all you should get a home test and take it to check the results. This way, if your chores didn’t work, you’ve got time to try another way. Every person‘s chemistry is different, so it might work for your friend, but not work for you. Also, it couldn’t hurt to educate yourself. Eight minutes won’t get you anywhere, but knowledge might get you off the hook. Each state has different drug testing laws that dictate how both applicants and employees can be tested. Read Also: Marijuana Addiction Treatment: 5 Steps To Avoid Relapse How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life Is CBD Oil & Edible Treats Safe For Pets – Dogs & Cats


Polydrug Use: What Happens When You Mix Cocaine with Heroin?

Cocaine and heroin are among the most potent and extensively used illicit drugs in the world with deeply addictive and destructive potential. When we think of these drugs, we usually think of individuals having either cocaine or heroin addiction, whereas in reality the practice of taking more than one substance at the same time - known as polydrug use - is on the rise. Individuals typically start polydrug use by combining substances to enhance the effects of one or both of them. A very common combination of drugs in polydrug use is cocaine and heroin and in fact, the practice has become so widespread that it now has its own street name: "speedballing." When speedballing, polydrug users take heroin to extend and enhance cocaine’s short-term effects to avoid the crashing come down, essentially by replacing it with opiate-induced euphoria. The Health Risks of Speed Balling with Cocaine and Heroin: Although the effects of speedballing are extremely pleasurable and compelling to users, it is incredibly dangerous. Both heroin and cocaine have significant health risks separately but when used in combination and injected at the same time, these risks are heightened considerably. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and depending on the US state studied, around 36.9% to 98.9% of heroin-related deaths involve other substances. There are few activities in life that have the potential to be more deadly than speedballing and yet it is now a significant issue. Young people experimenting with substances are increasingly being encouraged to participate in speedballing without being fully aware of the risks. Let’s take a look at the differences between cocaine and heroin when used on their own: Heroin: Heroin is made from an extract of the opium poppy and it has been used for hundreds of years as pain relief for significant trauma. The way heroin works are by flooding the brain with euphoria-creating dopamine so as to “trick” the mind into ignoring pain signals from other parts of the body. The euphoria created by heroin is considered the reason it is highly addictive, as it immobilizes the body in the most pleasant way so that the only thing a user can do is lay back and enjoy the feeling. One of the most common ways people develop heroin addiction is by becoming tolerant to its effects, which can happen very quickly after they start using the drug. When the euphoria they seek starts to wane when taking their usual amount of the drug, they will simply up the dose. After a very short while of this addictive behavior, the body will start to develop cravings for heroin every time the user comes down from their high. Some of the withdrawal symptoms emerging if cravings for heroin are not satisfied can be extremely unpleasant and so more of the drug is needed to make them go away. Cocaine: The kind of high cocaine creates depends on the way it’s taken, which is generally by snorting or injecting. The effects of cocaine are generally short-term, lasting around 40 minutes and they are quite opposite to those of heroin. Cocaine is a stimulant that makes users feel a rush of energy, often making them the life and soul of the party. Whereas heroin immobilizes, cocaine stimulates and while on a high from the drug, users tend to talk at a fast pace, enjoying everything around them in an animated way. Cocaine is equally as addictive as heroin although it has a very different kind of appeal. Some people become socially dependent on the drug before going on to developing an addiction, using cocaine as a prop to boost confidence. However, as with heroin, cocaine has a negative impact on the brain's function, which can introduce extra challenges for people seeking to overcome cocaine addiction in heroin and cocaine addiction treatment. The risks caused by speedballing with cocaine and heroin include the following: Whereas heroin stimulates the brain’s production of endorphins, cocaine prevents them from being reabsorbed naturally. This eventually erodes an individual’s ability to enjoy the simplest pleasures in life unless substance abuse is involved. Cocaine is the only drug with the potential to hyper-stimulate the body to the point where the user suffers a stroke. When used in combination in heroin, it is not possible to detect that this is happening and there is a risk of suffering a stroke without any warning and possible death. The effects of cocaine do not last for as long as heroin and so speedballers tend to use more cocaine to prolong their high. This is incredibly dangerous and places the individual at risk of a fatal heart attack. Heroin has a powerful effect on the central nervous system, slowing down its functions when a person is under influence including the heartbeat and breathing. If there is not enough oxygen reaching the brain because a person’s breathing has become shallow after taking heroin, there is a high risk of brain damage or death. Because cocaine is a stimulant, it reduces some of the effects of heroin if taken at the same time. This can mask the warning signs of heroin overdose which include: confusion, dizziness, slurred speech, body limpness, and unconsciousness. Cocaine and Heroin Addiction Treatment for Speed Balling: Addiction is an illness that can be treated so that individuals can move on from substance abuse and enjoy a life in sobriety. Although challenging, the path through detox, rehab, and recovery on a cocaine or heroin addiction treatment program introduces individuals to a world outside of substance use, motivating them to make the necessary changes to overcome their illness. Because of the potency of heroin and cocaine independently, people speedballing face significantly more risks from substance abuse than those abusing one type of drug. The effects on a person's personality, behavior, and psychological state can be extended with both substances which is why holistic therapies such as those offered at the best heroin and cocaine addiction treatment centers are now commonly available as a cocaine and heroin addiction treatment approach. Through learning skills such as meditation and yoga or becoming physically fit through a structured exercise regime, individuals can move on from the difficulties in their lives cause by heroin and cocaine addiction. 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Cancer Patients

How Cold Weather Affects the Cancer Patients

As the weather once again turns colder, most of us are thinking of ways to keep ourselves warm. Whether it is warm clothes, fixing up the furnace in your home, or something entirely else, we all appreciate the warmth and the need to keep warm. Cancer patients are among the most sensitive people, which is why it is natural to wonder whether the cold affects them in any particular way. We reached out to cancer treatment researchers at Odonate Therapeutics to learn a bit more. Why cancer Patients Are Sensitive? In order to understand why people combating cancer may be more susceptible to external influences, cold temperatures included, it is helpful to remember what cancer treatment involves. The standard fare treatment for cancer is chemotherapy which is often complemented with radiation treatment. That means that their immune systems are quite strained as it is and should not be pushed further. Hypothermia Is a Real Risk Cancer treatment can have many side effects, which include anemia and dehydration, among other things. These two conditions in particular make the organism far less capable of combating the cold. In essence, that means that a cancer patient may be less capable of maintaining body heat. Fortunately, there is one simple way to ensure that cancer patients are safe from the negative effects of the colder weather – keeping them warm. This includes making sure they are properly dressed for the weather, as well as that their homes are nice and warm when they return from their treatment sessions. Frostbites Can Also Occur Whereas most people would be aware of the cold because their body will naturally tell them, some cancer patients may be denied that. Certain cancer medications may cause what is known as peripheral neuropathy. This neuropathy affects the digits and can spread to affect hands and feet. Without being able to tell how cold you are, you may not react in time and get yourself to warmth. After prolonged exposure to cold, the skin and the tissue underneath can become damaged, causing frostbite. Neuropathy Can Cause Falls Apart from damaging the cold receptors, neuropathies can also affect a person’s sense of balance. The unsteadiness can quite easily result in a fall if the person is not tended to carefully. Even though falls can affect anyone, and cause quite a lot of pain, they can be particularly nasty to some cancer patients. More specifically, leukemia patients who have low platelet levels in their blood. This component of blood helps the wounds heal by creating clots. Cancer patients whose platelet levels are low cannot heal wounds properly, making even smaller injuries potentially dangerous. Cold Weather Ushers the Flu Season Seasonal illnesses such as the flu and the common cold typically spike with the colder weather. Most people stay indoors, they interact with other people and can easily get ill. Cancer patients can be quite susceptible to those types of illnesses because their immune system is suppressed by the medication and can be completely destroyed by radiation therapy. Keeping cancer patients from contracting these common diseases can be a struggle, but it is vital. COVID 19 Complicates Things No roundup of issues that negatively affect people in 2020 would be complete without the ever-present COVID-19. This illness has affected millions of people across the world and taken quite a few lives. Due to the nature of the illness, it is most damaging to those who are already fighting another illness. Just like with the flu and the cold, COVID-19 can quickly infect a cancer patient and do a lot of damage. Cancer patients need to focus on the most important battle in their lives- defeating cancer. They need all the help and the support they can get from their loved ones. Keeping them safe from the cold weather and everything it brings is just another step in their fight for recovery. Read Also: How to sleep better when you have cancer