5 Natural Immune System Supplement Tips for Cold and Flu Season

Published on: 21 January 2019 Last Updated on: 20 July 2024
immune system supplement

The average American adult gets two to three colds per year. Additionally, 10% of us annually are stricken with the flu.

The most frequent causes of the common cold are rhinoviruses, which enter your body through the upper respiratory tract. To help prevent infection, wash your hands regularly and dispose of tissues immediately.

The immune system is the body’s defense system against organisms and invaders.

Others try to boost their body’s ability to fend off colds by taking an immune system supplement or eating a vitamin-and-nutrient-rich diet. Quality is important when choosing the best vitamins and minerals for immune system health. Here are some superfoods that can help you remain a lean, mean, virus-boxing machine.

1. Garlic:


Producing a pungent, appetizing smell when fried in olive oil to begin cooking many favorite dishes, garlic releases a compound called allicin when it is crushed or chewed. Allicin has been proven to boost the immune-fighting response of white blood cells when they encounter viruses. This includes those that cause common colds and cases of flu.

Garlic can also reduce your chances of getting sick in the first place. In one study, a group of individuals who took a garlic supplement for three months had a 63% lower risk of getting a cold. Their colds also lasted 70% shorter.

The smell of garlic alone can help open up your nasal passages to get your sinuses cleared out faster. It is also known to improve your mental health and lower your risk of heart disease.

2. Green, Leafy Vegetables:

Leafy Vegetables

In order to prevent sickness during peak season, many folks improve their body’s fighting power by taking immune system supplements, such as those available at Wellspring CBD. You can also intake as many vegetables as you can to achieve a similar effect.

Tasty veggies such as broccoli, kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, and arugula contain a high level of vitamins C, K, A, and E, as well as minerals such as fiber, magnesium, and calcium.

Vitamin C improves the immune system by boosting your body’s ability to absorb catechins, which are healthy antioxidants that also help prevent cancer and heart disease.

In addition, it assists your body in absorbing iron, which is important to the immune system.

Vitamin K prevents inflammatory diseases.

If you are not a fan of cooked verdant veggies, try them in a salad with some Omega-3-packed nuts and antioxidant-loaded berries. They are also great in soups, stir-fries omelets, and wraps.

3. Onions:


Another key ingredient in the famously flu-wrecking chicken soup, onions are low in calories and high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Onions are high in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and protects the body against free radicals.

They are also filled with other immune-boosting compounds like selenium, sulfur compounds, zinc,  and quercetin, which is known for its histamine-fighting properties.

4. Ginger:


This anti-inflammatory super-food is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals including magnesium and zinc, a powerful antioxidant known to improve immune function.

Ginger contains hundreds of compounds and metabolites, some of which are known to contribute to healing.

Try growing some ginger in your garden or indoor garden pot by planting the root with its eye bud pointing up, covered with 1-2 inches of soil.

5. Citrus Fruits:

Citrus Fruits

There is a reason why a hot cup of tea with lemon is so soothing when we are sick. It is the same reason we crave that tall, cold glass of orange juice when we have the sniffles.

Citrus fruits are loaded with Vitamin C, which has been proven to reduce the severity of cold symptoms. It also prevents cell damage by free radicals.

Additionally, citrus fruits include other health-supporting nutrients such as folate and calcium.

Diet is The Best Immune System Supplement:

Strengthening your immune system against infections involves eating healthy, vitamin-packed fruits and vegetables. Like a good immune system supplement, the right foods will leave you feeling energized and ready to tackle any challenge, even during flu season.

For more information, read our blog

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Birth Injuries

3 Most Common Reasons For Birth Injuries In Florida

The term "birth injury" refers to any injury to an infant before, during, or after the delivery process. Some birth injuries are temporary and may resolve in a few days, but others are permanent and costly. The conditions that lead to birth injuries determine whether the birth injury is temporary or permanent. Undeniably babies are delicate and improper delivery may cause debilitating injuries. There is no doubt that medical malpractice is the most common reason for birth injuries, affecting the child and the mother for the rest of their lives. For this reason, a parent whose baby suffered birth injuries must take legal action against family doctors by consulting a birth trauma lawyer because most birth injuries are avoidable. Here Are Three Prime Reasons For Birth Injuries In Florida Below are the 3 most common birth injuries in Florida. 1. Improper Or Poor Technique During the delivery of a newborn baby, the actions of an obstetrical caregiver are of the essence. Poor delivery techniques can leave the baby with lifetime disabilities and even cause death in worst-case scenarios. Undoubtedly, most parents trust the decisions of their healthcare providers, especially during the child delivery stage.  In essence, parents rely on the expertise of medical professionals regardless of standard delivery or complications. Some of the improper techniques used by medical professionals include the following: The wrong use of forceps and vacuum extractors Refusing to perform C-section so that the patient does not get shoulder dystocia Failure by healthcare professionals to handle maneuvers accurately Applying unnecessary force on the part of the baby's body like the head, neck, and shoulders Mismanaging infections In most cases, midwives and family doctors are to blame for poor delivery techniques. In difficult child delivery situations, they usually seek the assistance of qualified obstetricians, but this is usually only the case for some midwives and family doctors. Even though obstetricians are experts at handling difficult birth situations, they sometimes make mistakes. Some of the injuries that are caused by improper delivery techniques include the following: Cerebral palsy Development delays Death of the baby Brachial plexus injuries Suppose you or your baby were injured due to improper techniques that family doctors or midwives applied. In that case, it only takes a birth trauma lawyer to review the circumstances under which birth injuries occurred. It is the lawyer's responsibility to assist you in identifying the midwives or family doctors who need to be brought to justice. 2. Inappropriate Use Of Equipment As previously mentioned, parents often trust doctors' hands when they enter the labor room, hoping they will deliver safely. Sometimes, deliveries are more complex than others. For instance, the baby's head may be trapped inside the birth canal, and pushing is no longer a remedy. For this reason, doctors use birth assistance tools to solve such situations. Some of these birth assistance tools include the following: Ventouses - often used in the delivery of the baby. This tool resembles a vacuum with a small cup attached to the baby's head Forceps- if a ventouse is unreliable, the doctor will use forceps Curette- this equipment is often used during gynecological procedures, but doctors use it in the delivery room if a mother has a miscarriage Surgical kit - a complete kit usually contains sterilization equipment, necessary drugs, surgical instruments, renewable supplies, and titanium scissors, among others The doctor may apply tools like forceps and vacuum extractors for complicated deliveries. This is because the baby is in an abnormal position or is too big for the mother's pelvic bones. Injuries may occur if the doctor fails to use the tools appropriately or exerts too much force when they apply the tools mentioned above. Below are the types of injuries that result from inappropriate use of equipment: Head injuries- scalp swelling and blood pooling between the skulls occur when a family doctor misuses equipment leading to severe brain damage Neck and face injuries -when delivery tools are misapplied, the baby can suffer from lacerations and broken bones, among other birth injuries Arm and shoulder injuries like clavicle fractures and brachial plexus injuries can occur if forceps and vacuum extractors are used incorrectly If your child has suffered birth injuries following the inappropriate use of equipment, like forceps and vacuum extractors, consulting a birth trauma lawyer makes perfect sense so that you can discuss a possible malpractice claim. 3. Wrong Or Lack Of Decision By The Physician Or Medical Staff In most cases, babies are delivered safely. However, there are situations where a baby could suffer injuries when a doctor or any other healthcare professional makes a wrong decision that directly or indirectly leads to physical damage to the baby or mother. Many reasons lead to birth injuries, but it can be devastating when birth injuries occur due to wrong decisions. For instance, a baby may be deprived of oxygen during birth or stay in the canal too long. The doctor can also misjudge when the mother should undergo a C-section or when an expected delivery proves challenging. All these decisions are considered medical malpractice because, in one way or another, they leave the baby or the mother with long-term complications. In worst-case scenarios, doing the wrong thing or delaying the right decision often leads to more permanent consequences like nerve damage, mental development issues, and deformities. Treating these conditions is costly and may last for a lifetime. Because some of these birth injuries are avoidable, as a parent, it would be advisable to take legal action against those involved by consulting a birth trauma lawyer if you or your child suffered as a result of a poor decision or no decision at all by a healthcare provider. Consult And Work With A Professional Birth Trauma Lawyer It is devastating to lose or see your child suffer for the rest of their life due to medical malpractice during birth. If you have a child who died or was injured at birth, it is imperative to seek justice by consulting a professional birth trauma lawyer. When a child suffers a permanent condition due to a birth injury or medical malpractice, you may be entitled to compensation for the costs associated with the care. Read Also: What Is Considered A Personal Injury? 5 Common Types Of Personal Injury Cases 7 Most Common Types Of Wrongful Death Cases

Vegetarian Diet

9 Magical Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

No matter whether you don’t include meat into your diet because of ethics or you just don’t tolerate it, you follow a vegetarian diet. It’s highly beneficial if handled properly – with enough protein, healthy fats, carbs, and vital vitamins. If all the rules are followed, you’ll gain at least 9 benefits. Mood Improvement A vegetarian diet is usually not rich with arachidonic acid, which is found in animal products. It was discovered that this acid and mood swings are deeply connected, so the less of it you include into your diet, the better your mood becomes. Psoriasis Treatment Psoriasis is a serious problem for many people, as it affects the skin, making it red and irritated. It was noticed that the symptoms of psoriasis improved greatly in people who gave up on meat. Diabetes Symptoms Reduction Most vegetarian diets improve the health condition of people who have been affected by diabetes. Moreover, this kind of diets reduces the possibility of being affected by the condition. Eating legumes, like black beans , will greatly help in this case. Cataract Risk Reduction There’s a strong connection between what you eat and different diseases, including cataracts. It was noticed that people who don’t include meat in their diet have a lower risk of being affected by the disease in old age. Cholesterol Level Lowering A vegetarian diet helps lower cholesterol levels, mostly because of the absence of saturated fats. However, it’s important to include unsaturated fats that are stored in nuts, seeds, and legumes. To be sure you eat organic sources of unsaturated fat, but them at organic shops like FoodToLive.com. You’ll find many products you need in your diet, along with detailed descriptions of the contents of each product. You won’t have troubles with cholesterol in case you eat organic sources of fats and vitamins. Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Vegetarians eat lots of products high in vitamins and antioxidants. It means their bodies are cleaner, and most diseases don’t affect them. Cardiovascular disease is one of those, so if you follow a vegetarian diet, you won’t get atherosclerosis and your heart will be healthier. Obesity Prevention Vegetarians not only eat better food, but they also choose it more thoroughly, which eliminates the possibility of binge eating. It most often leads to rapid weight gain and obesity. Besides, plant-based foods are usually low in calories and high in nutrients, which contributes to your slim and healthy body. Read also: Tips to Lose Weight Naturally Kidney Stones Prevention Giving up on meat and switching to fresh plant-based foods will help you maintain a healthy urine pH. This is one of the main points of kidney stones prevention, as low pH leads to their formation. Nutritional Norms Following It was proved many times that a healthy vegetarian diet meets all nutritional requirements for any person of any age or way of life. Athletes get necessary proteins, infants get vital vitamins, and elderly get all nutrients necessary to support their bodies for longer. If you still think that vegetarians have a poor diet and they are always hungry only because they excluded meat from their meals, consider this question once more after looking at all the benefits of a vegetarian diet! References: globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/9-health-benefits-of-a-vegetarian-diet/

Process Painting

A Guide To Process Painting And How It Benefits Women’s Mental Health

Expressive arts therapy, such as process painting, serves as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind. Its primary focus is to shed light on blocked or stagnant areas in therapy. By emphasizing the creative process rather than just verbal communication, it unveils new insights or meanings that traditional talk therapy might not uncover.  The best thing about them is that they're suitable for people of almost any age, as it has the core potential to improve your — Emotional,  Spiritual,  Cognitive, and  Physical wellness.  You wouldn't need artistic talent, but within this therapy, various methods intensify and enrich the experience — especially for an emotionally troubled woman.  But what is a process painting group?  How do they operate?  What are the positives they can have on you? We have answered all of these questions elaborately through this article. So, without any further ado, let's get started with the same right away. What is Process Painting? "Process painting" is all about focusing more on how you paint rather than just the final picture.  Instead of caring a lot about being really good or making something perfect, it's about enjoying the act of painting itself. In this approach, the canvas works like a playground for expressing yourself without worrying about being skilled or getting a perfect result. Process painting sets you free from the stress of being perfect, or meeting set rules. Instead, it's about enjoying making art without worrying about how good it looks.  You let your feelings and ideas guide your painting without judging yourself. It's like a journey where each stroke and color helps you explore your thoughts and emotions. While this type of mindful activity can be done alone, doing it with a group of people can boost its benefits even more. Move on to the next section to learn more about it. The Benefits of Process Painting Process painting can open a new window of spark and mindfulness in your mind and assist you in thinking better or more efficiently. Let's keep reading to know more about it. 1: It Can Encourage Your Unfolding Unconscious When people use creative activities like painting, dancing, or making sculptures, hidden thoughts and feelings can surface without them realizing it. Unlike just talking about things, these activities help bring out stuff that might otherwise stay hidden.  For example, looking at a picture might remind someone of a forgotten memory, or making a mask might help someone understand a new side of themselves.  Whether someone uses the art materials or their own abilities like singing or moving, these activities help bring out thoughts and feelings that might be hard to explain with words. 2: It Creates a Line of Communication between You and Your Therapist Expressive arts therapy helps people communicate deeply, both in what they say and what they create. When someone expresses themselves through art or movement, it mostly brings out new emotions and thoughts. For instance, making a dance piece might bring up unexpected feelings that can then be talked about with a therapist.  The art itself, like a painting representing grief, can add more layers of meaning and become a starting point for a conversation about the colors, lines, and symbols used. 3: Helps You Get Control Over Yourself and the Therapeutic Process Creating a physical representation of your thoughts or emotions can help you feel more in control. For instance, drawing how you feel something can reveal things you might not realize consciously. It also lets you step back and observe your feelings from a distance, which can be really helpful, especially with tough memories.  Like watching a movie, talking about your experience as an observer can help you detach from any painful feelings at the moment. 4: It May Give a Spark to Your Therapy Expressive arts therapy helps people imagine and discover new things. It's like a lightbulb moment where you find something new or understand something in a different way.  It can help you get unstuck, uncover hidden feelings, and understand the past better. It gives you a new way to express yourself, especially when words don't capture what you're going through. 5: It Can Support Integrative Learning Encouraging people to explore unknown knowledge within themselves is usually boosted by experiencing things through different senses. When we combine these experiences, they create new thoughts, feelings, and images that we wouldn't typically have.  For instance, asking someone to focus on the sounds around them can lead to uncovering emotions or sensations they hadn't noticed before, like hidden pain. Process Painting - The Procedure Process painting, as a therapeutic procedure, usually follows a set of rules or steps. We've given a glimpse of the same here. However, if you want to know more about it, be sure to join one of the process painting groups. This will give you a practical experience of the same. 1: Set the Space for Process Painting Setting up the right environment is essential for the painting process. A calm, brightly lit area with enough space to move around enables artists to completely engage in the creative process.  Supplies like acrylic or tempera paints, different brush sizes, canvas, paper, and other preferred tools are arranged, encouraging free exploration without constraints. 2: Begin without Any Expectation Individuals start by selecting a color or dipping a brush into the palette without predetermined notions. Once the brush touches the canvas or surface, the painting journey begins.  The focus, in general, is on embracing the present, enabling colors to mix freely, and allowing organic shapes and forms to take shape spontaneously. 3: Embracing the Flow During the painting session, people engage with the artwork as it develops, trying out different colors, strokes, and techniques to explore textures and dimensions. They prioritize the creative process over the final outcome, embracing a free-flowing approach without criticism. Read Also: 10 healthy Habits to improve your health How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health Living Healthily | Six Crucial Lifestyle Tips for College Freshmen