5 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier You in 2019

Published on: 26 December 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
healthier you

Do you remember what your New Year’s resolution was last year? Did you achieve it, or did it end up on the backburner before February even came around?

This year, don’t let your resolution get away from you. Set a clear goal for yourself and define what things you need to do to create the change you’re looking for.

Here are 5 things you can do to become a healthier you this year.

1. Cut the Caffeine:


Caffeine is actually the most widely-used drug in the world. It’s highly addictive. Too much caffeine can have an effect on your sleep, your body’s natural energy levels, and your irritability.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to cut out coffee (and tea) cold turkey. But, try to keep your caffeine intake to just one cup a day.

You’ll be surprised to realize how much better you feel without this sneaky drug slowing you down. You may even become inspired to stop drinking alcohol, too!

2. Cook More of Your Meals:


Another thing you can do to become healthier is to cook at home more and eat out less. When you make time to cook your meals mindfully, you’re less likely to end up in the drive-through line or getting takeout delivered. You become a lot more aware of the things you’re putting into your body, which is essential to eating better.

3. Shop the Perimeter of the Grocery Store:

If you’re going to cook more of your meals, you’re going to be in the grocery store a lot more. Make sure you’re stocking the kitchen with mostly fresh, natural ingredients rather than processed foods.

The best way to do this is to shop the perimeter of the grocery store. This is where all the fresh produce and lean proteins are. Although you might need to grab a few seasoning items, cereal, or a little treat, the majority of your cart should be filled with things you can easily find on the outer edges of the store.

4. Get a Workout Buddy:

Workout Buddy

Here’s the thing about making your healthy resolution workout-focused: at some point, you’re going to skip a workout. This is actually okay – it happens to everyone and it’s not the end of the world if you miss one or two days in the gym.

But, the tricky part is making sure you get back into your routine after an unexpected rest day. Before you know it, one day of listening to your body or understanding your priorities turns into 3 weeks without working out!

This is where a workout buddy comes in. Find someone who is willing to have the same workout schedule as you and hold you accountable for showing up. This way, you’re much more likely to get back at it and keep at it.

5. Focus on Your Mental Health:

Mental Health

Whether you’re becoming more active in the new year or eating healthier than you ever have before, you need to focus on your mental health.

You won’t be satisfied with what you see in the mirror or even that post-workout high if you’re not at peace with what’s in your mind and heart. As you’re working on a healthier physical you, remember to pay attention to the emotions and experiences that bubble up.

Start the Journey to a Healthier You Today!

Bonus tip: don’t wait for the new year to begin to start working on a healthier you. Make the decision today to throw out all your junk food, or cook a healthy meal, or start journaling or meditating. Whatever it is that you want your resolution to focus on, get started today.

For more insights on how to live a healthier life, click here.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment

The Benefits Of Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Over Other Choices

If you are struggling with using drugs, alcohol, or other vices that are causing you to become addicted and reliant, you may benefit from going to a rehabilitation facility that can help you get your life back on track. Instead of relying on yourself to do the hard work, you can put your trust and faith in professionals who know what they are doing. By choosing an experienced facility with reputable professionals who are well-versed in this industry, you can increase the likelihood of getting sober, getting happy, and remaining healthy for a long time. Benefits of choosing an inpatient substance abuse treatment If you think that you can get clean on your own, you might need some extra help so that you do not end up failing your rehabilitate attempt and relapsing - although many people relapse, and it's nothing to be ashamed of, you can prevent this from happening and reduce the risk of relapsing by choosing a reputable and well-reviewed inpatient substance abuse treatment. Instead of choosing an outpatient option, which typically puts more pressure on the individual to make decisions for themselves, you can choose an inpatient substance abuse treatment where everything is done for you - this way, the only thing that you have to focus on is getting sober and getting healthy! 1. Constant supervision Although some patients may not like the constant supervision and monitoring, it can be very helpful for those who have just relapsed or who are in the process of detoxing - for professionals to be able to keep an eye on you at all times of the day, it can help you adhere to a program during your first stint in rehab. 2. Accommodation The second benefit of attending an inpatient substance abuse treatment is the ability to have free accommodation - even though you will be paying for the rehab prices. The accommodation means that you can stay at the facility, letting you be monitored during the days and nights, ensuring you comply with the program. Furthermore, you don't have to travel day in and day out to go to treatment and therapy sessions - instead, all you have to do is just walk to the next building and go to your treatments! 3. Licensed professionals The third benefit of choosing an inpatient substance abuse program over an outpatient or online choice is that you can constantly talk with licensed professionals who are there to help you. Instead of other options where you do not have access 24/7, an inpatient program gives you access to doctors, therapists, counselors, and nurses at all times of day and night so you can talk to them with any questions, concerns, or feelings you have about the recovery process. Conclusion If you are not sure what type of rehab is best for you and your lifestyle, consider choosing an inpatient substance abuse program over other choices. Not only will this be most effective for first-time rehab attendees, but it can also be helpful for those who have relapsed in the past due to constant supervision, amenities, accommodation, and 24/7 help. Read Also: Going to Rehab: What You Can Expect When You’re Getting Clean Is Outpatient Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Effective?

dental care

Choosing The Best Dental Care In Gramercy

The lovely Gramercy neighborhood, located in the center of Manhattan, is well-known for its old brownstones, tree-lined streets, and active community. Both locals and visitors can find comfort in the presence of top-notch dental treatment despite the busy environment. This article will examine the field of dentistry and the outstanding Dentists in Gramercy who serve the community by offering first-rate oral health care. Gramercy offers the following comprehensive dental health services: Cutting-Edge Facilities Numerous dental offices in Gramercy are outfitted with cutting-edge equipment and contemporary technologies. These facilities put the comfort of their clients first and provide a wide range of services, from standard checkups and cleanings to cutting-edge cosmetic and restorative procedures. Dentists With Experience And Knowledge The dentists in Gramercy are renowned for their skill, extensive training, and dedication to providing customized service to each patient. To guarantee that their patients receive the best care possible, they have received extensive training and continue to learn about the most recent developments in dentistry. Future-Focused Approach Whether you need preventive care, aesthetic improvements, or restorative operations, they offer complete dental care customized to a person's needs and interests. Dental offices in Gramercy commonly offer the following procedures: Regular dental checkups and cleanings: Good dental health starts with routine examinations and cleanings. Gramercy dentists provide thorough examinations, evaluating the overall health of your teeth and gums and doing expert cleanings to get rid of plaque and tartar accumulation. Cosmetic dentistry: Gramercy's dentists are experts in this field and help customers obtain the smiles of their dreams. They use cutting-edge methods to improve the looks of your smile, including porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, and smile makeovers. Restorative dentistry: If you have dental damage, tooth rot, or missing teeth, Gramercy's restorative dental services can help you regain your oral health and functionality. These include root canal therapy, dentures, crowns, bridges, and dental implants. Emergency Dental Care: Painful and uncomfortable dental crises can happen anytime. The dental offices in Gramercy know the urgency of such circumstances and provide quick and effective emergency dental care to reduce pain and address the problem as soon as possible. A Focus On The Patient They place a high value on developing enduring connections with their patients, paying attention to their worries, and developing treatment regimens specifically tailored to meet each patient's needs. The dentists in Gramercy work hard to establish a friendly and welcoming atmosphere so that patients feel relaxed and at ease while they are there. Convenience And Accessibility The dental offices in Gramercy know how important patient convenience and accessibility are. Many offices provide extended hours to meet demanding schedules, including evening and weekend hours. Additionally, patients may receive the dental treatment they require more easily, thanks to online appointment booking, flexible payment methods, and convenient locations. What Is The Need For Dental Services In Gramercy? Dental services are essential for increasing the general quality of life, encouraging oral health, avoiding dental disorders, detecting concerns, and providing appropriate treatments. The best oral health can be maintained by visiting the dentist frequently and avoiding issues. The following list of factors makes dental care necessary: Oral Health Maintenance: Dental services aid in the maintenance of oral health. Tooth decay, gum disease, and oral infections can all be avoided with regular dental cleanings, checkups, and preventive procedures like fluoridation and sealants. Early Detection of Dental Problems: Dentists can identify and diagnose dental diseases in their earliest stages since they are educated to do so. With regular dental appointments, dentists can identify issues, including cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, and anomalies in the teeth or gums. Treatment of Dental Problems: A variety of dental problems are treated by dental treatments. Dentists can treat gum disease and conduct fillings, root canals, tooth extractions, and other dental procedures. These procedures aid pain relief, functional restoration, and enhancement of general oral health. Cosmetic Dentistry: Cosmetic dental operations that improve the look of the teeth and smile are frequently included in dental services. These procedures include dental veneers, dental bonding, teeth whitening, and orthodontic procedures. Cosmetic dentistry can enhance the appearance of a smile and increase self-confidence. Education and Oral Health Advice: Dentists and dental hygienists offer information and guidance on appropriate oral health practices, including proper brushing and flossing techniques and food selections. They can answer any queries or concerns about your oral health and give you tailored advice on keeping your teeth and gums healthy. The Takeaway- Selecting the most suitable dentist in Gramercy is essential for optimal oral health. To make an informed decision, it is crucial to consider various vital factors, including qualifications, experience, reputation, and patient reviews. Proficient and knowledgeable dentists can offer comprehensive dental care, personalized treatment plans, and a comfortable patient environment. Regular dental checkups and treatments prevent dental issues and promote overall well-being. Devoting ample time to conduct thorough research and choosing a reputable dentist guarantees the receipt of high-quality dental services, fostering a long-term relationship based on trust and confidence in one's oral healthcare provider. Read Also: 5 Ways To Prevent Severe Dental Problems How You Can Effectively Ease Pain Caused By Braces: Top Tips

Figure Skating

The Health Benefits of Figure Skating Explained

Figure skating is a fun hobby that tons of people choose to partake in.  No matter what the weather outside, you can head to a skating rink and enjoy a fun hour on the ice.  However, what many people are unaware of is the whole host of health benefits that those who participate in the sport receive.  These are what we’re going to take a closer look at in this article. Different Ways Figure Skating Is Beneficial To Your Health    There are multiple ways figure skating is beneficial to your health. In this article, you will get the complete answer to it. 1. High-Calorie Burn: Anyone who has ever strapped on a pair of figure skates for women and performed some laps on the ice will tell you that the activity is strenuous.  The number of calories that you’ll burn in a session will depend on your speed and your weight, but to give you an idea, a 155lb woman will burn around 380 calories an hour at a slow speed, and over 600 calories an hour at a fast speed.  If you have the opportunity to use an outdoor rink, you’ll burn even more, especially if the conditions are very windy.  There are dozens of health benefits associated with losing weight, and figure skating is a safe and fun way to go about doing it. 2. Improves Flexibility: Due to the nature of the sport, figure skaters need to flex their body constantly in order to maintain balance on their thin skates.  Over time, the body becomes used to extending outside of its comfort level, boosting flexibility on a permanent basis.  The improved level of flexibility helps to prevent the body from obtaining injuries, as the constant stretching and flexing motions make it more resilient, and can also help to make everyday tasks a lot easier due to less strain being placed on the muscles. 3. Improves Bone Density: Bone density decreases as we age, especially in women.  But, preventing this from happening can help to improve posture as well as prevent diseases like osteoporosis.  Apart from adding more vitamin D to your diet, you can also improve bone density through figure skating. Research shows that placing stress on the skeleton helps to make it stronger over time.  The best way to do this when skating is through jumps.  Even small, low jumps can help to improve bone density over time. 4. Builds Major Muscle Groups: Over time, figure skating can help to build major muscle groups, most notably those in the lower body.  Your core, back, pelvic floor, quads, calves, and hamstrings will all be strengthened and toned, even if you only participate in leisurely skating.  This can provide many health benefits.  For example, a strengthened pelvic floor can help to combat urinary incontinence; something that many women struggle with after childbirth.  Back pain can often be attributed to weak muscles too, which ice skating can help to relieve. Whether you figure skate for exercise or just for fun, there are tons of health benefits associated with the sport.  Have you noticed any other ways in which your health has improved after figure skating?  Let us know in the comments! Read Also: Ways To Stay Fit And Healthy In Your Senior Years Why Jumping On Trampolines Is More Beneficial Than Running Or Jogging?