Everything You Need to Know About Portable Solar Power

Published on: 28 May 2018 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Solar Power

Portable solar power generators turn energy from the sun into electricity. With new technologies for making solar panels, it has become more affordable than ever to own a solar power generator. You can find both huge and small portable models that can be used to power equipment with different power requirements. Because of the portability, you can carry the solar power generator anywhere, which makes it ideal for people who go camping.

How portable solar power generators work :

To use a portable solar power generator, you have to ensure it is charged fully. Solar panels need sunlight to gain energy, so in order for a solar power generator to gain energy, you have to place it in the sunlight. The solar power generator comes with a panel that acts as a collection point of the energy coming from the sun. This energy is then stored in a battery for later use. The bigger the battery the more the energy the generator can store, so while buying one you should consider the amount of power you need to run appliances and equipment. When completely charged, the solar power generator can help you to run appliances in your home for many hours continuously.

How are portable solar power generators different?

Probably you are asking how portable solar power generators are different from regular models. The first difference is in the portability, which means you can carry a portable solar power generator around with ease. This is the reason it’s recommended to consider having one if you love camping because it could be used to provide lighting especially at night, and you could also charge your appliances while out there. You can also use the generators for outdoor events especially in places where you will not find electrical outlets.

However, you need to note that some portable power generators offer a lower wattage compared to backup generators, which means you cannot use them to run heavy appliances and machines. These generators are suitable for charging devices including your laptop, smartphones, small appliances, and providing power to light bulbs. PoweredPortableSolar.com offers some of the benefits of portable solar power generators that you should consider when getting one.

Benefits of portable solar power generators :

A portable solar power generator comes with some benefits. Here are the most important you need to note:

Cost Efficiency :

Unlike electricity and other sources of power that you pay a subscription to use, a solar power generator only needs the sun to provide the energy you need to run your appliances. The only cost you will incur is the initial investment.

Reliability :

These generators collect energy from the sun and this helps them to provide a consistent supply of power. During power outages, you can use a portable solar power generator to run your appliances at no additional cost.

Eco-friendly :

You also protect the environment by choosing portable solar power generators. No harmful fumes are emitted and the setup is quiet, which makes the generators safe for the environment.

There are many benefits you can draw from a portable solar power generator. The generator can allow you to power your appliances without incurring the extra cost that comes with paying for electricity, and it is eco-friendly as you don’t use any fuel. You only need to place the solar panels outside to draw energy from sunlight.

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Safeguard Your Loved Ones Against the Dangers of Radon Gas

Radon Gas is one extremely harmful elements present in our environment that cannot be seen, is odorless and also tasteless. It is basically the end result of decaying uranium in the ground that ultimately takes the shape of gas and gets emitted into the air above the ground. Essentially, radon is harmless when it remains outdoors, but after seeping inside any construction it leaves a long-term negative impact. If the required preventive measures aren't taken, the gas gets accumulated at a dangerously high concentration. This radiation is actually the number one cause of lung cancer in the United States for nonsmokers. And overall, it ranks being the number 2 cause of lung cancer in Canada and the US. Therefore, you must protect your family and your loved ones against the terror of this deadly and unseen menace. Radon Testing Testing for radon, including both the DIY and professional support ways, is a pretty easy and straightforward process. 1. DIY Radon Gas Test Kits : The DIY radon gas kits used for short-term testing are charcoal-based where a canister collects the particles of radon present in the air of a particular environment. The exposure period usually ranges from 48 hours to 72 hours. While the kit does its job, you are supposed to follow a few important steps. While testing, make sure to keep all the doors and windows closed for as long as possible. This will allow the apparatus to get the most precise readings. In the end, the entire kit is sealed, a few forms are to be filled and then the user has to courier the complete package back to the (authentic) testing laboratory where the results will be compiled. All the accumulated radon particles will be tested by the experts and a detailed report will be prepared to be sent to the user. DIY Test Kits - Why Should You Buy? These kits are easily available online as well as offline stores. They are very much affordable and a user can test the concentrations himself. Such kits are ideal when you are doubtful about the situation but don't really want to invest a fortune into professional services. Exposure time is also manageable and at the end, you get expert suggestions about the circumstances. There's optimal accuracy maintained and that's what you may even long for! You must also know that if you get precise results only then it will benefit the whole situation.  Results that are achieved at the end form the basis for preventive measures that you might have to apply in case of higher concentrations. However, in case the levels appear safe and under the accepted levels, there's nothing else you will have to worry about. Electronic Radon Gas Detectors : These are electronic radon monitors that keep a check on the radon levels in your house. Such detectors are power or battery operated. The results are readily available, without wasting any time you can take the preventive measures and results too can be achieved on the spot. The hassle to courier a package and wait for the results gets avoided as the electric radon gas detector brings out precise readings right after the exposure time ends. Click here to know more about electronic radon monitors Electric Radon Gas Detection Monitors - Why Should You Buy? These devices administer only professional and advanced technology to help you keep the dangerous radon gas away. A radon detector can be useful in both home constructions as well as commercial properties. So, once you have the accurate results, you can take corrective steps to disperse the gas out of your property. On the basis of the readings you get, a radon mitigation plan is to be laid out for your home. And it is only in this manner that you become both an informed citizen of the nation along with being a responsible member of your family as well as the society. You will be able to take the next steps i.e. how to make your home radon-free! Radon Mitigation System When the test results report of any unsafe levels of radon gas inside your home, you will have to address the problem. In fact, address the problem as soon as possible. Contact a specialist or do it yourself if you are confident enough to be able to fix all the loopholes. However, an expert can actually help you in installing the right type of radon mitigation systems. A radon reduction system that cannot perform aptly is of no use. So, depending upon the kind of construction your home has, a multiple numbers of options will easily be made available by the professionals. The most prevalent option is the sub-slab depressurization along with sub-membrane depressurization. It is ideal for homes, basements as well as crawlspaces. 1.Sub Slab Depressurization Method : This method involves the drilling of a hole into the floor of your home's foundation and scooping underneath a slight cavity. A pump is then connected to this drilled out hole to vacuum radon gas before it can even break out and start causing harm to the members in the house. Even the other organic contaminants are pulled out from below to vent out the dangers present in your house. 2. Sub Membrane Depressurization Method : This method is actually similar to the method mentioned above. However, the only difference lies is in the membrane that is installed above the ground as opposed to a cavity being created in the other method.  In fact, the membrane is fitted right above the floor of the crawlspace, so the radon gas can easily be trapped and be vented out of the house. The gas is extracted out in a similar manner as above; there just isn't a slab but a membrane. One can consider any of the mentioned ways to get rid of radon gas from your home. But you'll have to ensure that radon must be released at a place where it will not cause any further damage to the people or animals. Radon mitigation isn't a one for all kind of treatment. And every house needs its own tailor-made preventive measures.  It may or may not be the job for a DIYer. From targeting the entry points of the radon gas to sealing all those spots, it is a pretty important process. One must have the needed skills, the absolute presence of mind and knowledge to ensure the safety of all the members in the family. If you aren't sure how to go about, contact any professional radon inspector. But, if you are knowledgeable enough to restrict the flow of gas in your property, then go ahead and save your loved ones. Read More : First Home Renovation Ideas And Tips What Are Renewable Sources And How To Introduce Them Into Your Household? Additional Ways To Keep Your Home Warm   Image Source: http://www.cancercarenews.ca/social-awareness/can-you-afford-to-ignore-radon-gas

Home Generator

7 Specifications You Should Look for When Buying a Home Generator

Pretty much everyone has wished they had a backup home generator at one time or another. Whether you want a generator just so you won’t be left in the dark during a power failure or you need to know your family will be safe from the cold should a prolonged power outage happen during the dead of winter, buying a home generator requires some careful thought. Past the obvious choices of cost and reliability, there are a number of factors you should carefully consider before buying a home generator, such as price, your expected power needs, installation requirements, and maintenance issues. The variety of options and requirements can turn a seemingly simple purchase into a complex problem if you don’t know what you need. Here are seven specifications you should look for when buying a home generator: Specifications You Need To Look For Home Generator  There are several factors you need to look at while seeking a home generator. Work out the plans that can work well for you. 1. Power Requirements: Power needs are often dictated by your budget, as the more powerful a generator is the more it will, typically, cost. However, initial determining factors for calculating the size of the generator can be addressed with this query: During an electricity failure, does the generator need to power the entire house, or just handle emergency needs? When considering a generator that is able to handle the electrical demands of all the appliances in your home, factors such as peak demand during the months you use the most electricity is a deciding factor. Common generator voltages are 120/240 volts. If you are unsure, your electrician can provide this information. If you live in the south, where the temperatures are moderate throughout the winter, you will not need as powerful a generator as if you live in the far north where temperatures can be deadly in the winter months. A powerful home generator can make things easier for you. On the other hand, when calculating needs for backup supply, only the requirements of the reserve need to be calculated. In the north, this should include the furnace and a couple of lights. In the south, a smaller unit that can power a few lights and the refrigerator is probably adequate. For emergency loads, you may need to have an electrician install a dedicated emergency circuit from the main service panel to a distinct backup panel. However, this is typically up to the homeowner’s liking for a whole-house system. 2. Fuel Type: While it might seem convenient, gasoline is usually an inferior fuel choice for emergency generators as it tends to go bad quite quickly, especially gasoline with ethanol. Better choices include propane, natural gas, and diesel fuel. Powerful home generator can make things easier and effective for you. Prices can be a major contention when choosing between a natural gas generator, or propane and diesel since the price of the generator will depend on the amount of fuel the generator uses. The accessibility of the form of fuel is an additional important element. Propane and diesel fuel generators will have to be refilled during extended outages, whereas the utility company provides a continual source of natural gas. Local laws may dictate what type of fuel is available in your area. For example, the fuel element, propane is not usually permissible to be used within the limits of the city 3. Installation: Depending on the type of unit, you may need to hire a licensed electrician to install the generator. While smaller portable units simply require you plug a power cord directly into the unit, larger whole-house generators will need to be hardwired into your electrical system. Additionally, you will probably have to hire an authorized and insured plumber if you will be connecting the generator to a natural-gas fuel source. However, for simple emergency situations, a portable unit like gasoline-powered online Honda generators can provide up to 10,000 watts of emergency power and be stored in your garage, basement or on your porch. Some of the larger generator companies have their own installation staff or may subcontract the work. However, in some areas, depending on local codes, a homeowner with the proper skills may be able to perform their own installation. The important consideration is to use a trustworthy firm with a proven record of accomplishment of installing standby power-generator systems. 4. Placement: Where your generator will be located is an important consideration. The home generator should be installed as close to the fuel supply and service panel as possible. The generator must also be positioned where it can be easily reached for servicing. This is especially important if the unit is not being powered by natural gas, as you will have to fill the tank periodically. Additionally, it must be located at a comfortable distance from the ground to prevent any form of water from coming close or entering the unit in case of flooding. Outdoor installations may be required to be a secure distance from flammable structures to meet codes, as well as for safety in the absence of any local requirements. Indoor installations should adhere to norms and rules regarding exhaust, closeness to flammable materials, fuel-supply, and ventilation. Even if local codes don’t require it, the power back up should be placed in some type of enclosure to protect it from the elements and possible vandalism. Consider if there are Outdoor Noise Regulation imposed by the local Council or government body for installing the home generator outdoors. Some municipalities require the noise level of a generator is restricted to a specified decibel level at the property line closest to the unit. If a noise ordinance exists, the required level of sound will dictate the kind of power generator that will be used. Quite a few residential generators are supplied with sound deadening enclosure. 5. Options: Accessory options can vary widely, depending on the home generator make and model. Some systems will offer a remote panel that can be installed in a convenient spot inside your home that will have controls and displays to allow you to control and monitor your system without having to go outside. Larger whole-house systems will typically have an automatic transfer switch that will switch the generator on when a power disruption is detected and may be an option on some smaller units. 6. Maintenance: Like any piece of mechanical equipment, and home generators require regular and proper maintenance to ensure it will do the job you bought it to do when the time comes. Unfortunately, because it isn’t typically used on a regular base, maintenance often isn't thought about, until the generator won’t start during a power outage. Some companies will include routine maintenance in the cost of the unit or you may be able to purchase a separate maintenance contract. If you are a do-it-yourselfer you can perform maintenance on your generator yourself, just be sure it won’t void the warranty. 7. Warranty: The typical warranty for residential generators usually varies from one to five year, based on the manufacturer and model. Be sure to study the warranty coverage, including the duration, and what is and what is not covered. Many companies will offer an extended warranty for an added fee. 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Solar Energy

What You Should Know about Solar Energy for Schools Benefits

The use of solar energy has grown by leaps and bounds in recent times, and now, you don't just see it in residential or commercial buildings any longer – solar panel systems are now being utilised for more schools as well. The government encourages this growth and has even come up with its own form of support for schools and other educational institutions wanting to go solar. There are indeed a lot of benefits brought by having your own solar energy, but what else can you expect from it? How can you make sure that your solar investment is fully utilised? Here's everything you need to know about solar energy for schools: benefits, expectations, and more. How you can save on expenses – and earn: With solar energy, there are three ways through which you can save and earn on your expenses. One way is with your actual usage of energy from the grid. Since you produce your own energy, your energy usage from the grid will go down, thus resulting in lower electricity bills. The second way is through what you can earn based on the electricity your panels can produce. This the Feed In Tariff. The third way through which you can save and make money is when you get paid for whatever electricity isn’t used by your school. This is referred to as the Export Tariff. Will the sun be enough? This is one of the more common questions asked by many, and the answer is a simple yes. There is enough sun, even in the UK, for your solar panel system to work – and work well, at that. Although bright sunlight is always best in regard to solar energy, your solar panel system will continue to produce energy even when the days are cloudy. For every 1 kilowatt of solar panel installed, you can expect to produce an average of between 750 to 900-kilowatt hours of energy. If you are located in the south, your system will generate even more. Is it the best solution for my school? Granted, while a solar energy system is generally a good and worthwhile investment, you still have to be sure that it’s the right solution for your school, as experts in solar in Cheshire like Atlantic Renewables attest. Many of the schools in the UK are suitable, however. For instance, does your school have a roof that is flat or pitched and is the roof facing south-east, south-west, or south? If it is, that's already good news. Also, if you don't have any buildings or trees shadowing your roof, this is a good sign as well. You should also have a strong roof, although most roofs are already strong enough to hold solar panels. How to pay for it: There are different things you can do to help you pay for a solar panel system for your school, one of which is help from your local education authority. You can ask them to provide you with the capital you need at a very low or even zero rate of interest. Another way through which you can finance your solar panel system is to go to your local council. Community funding is also possible, and you may be surprised at how many communities have already worked together to bring a solar energy system to fruition for schools. Read Also: Ready Rooftops – How To Install Solar Panels Prepare Your Solar Panels For The Fall