What Are Renewable Sources And How To Introduce Your Household

Published on: 09 January 2018 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020
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In the face of exhaustion of so many natural resources and ever-increasing pollution some of them cause, the need has arisen for renewable and less aggressive sources of energy. You must have heard of so many alternatives to fossil fuels which, unlike them, can be regenerated or replenished.

If you are environmentally conscious or trying to become so, you are probably thinking about introducing some of those alternative resources, at least partially, since any decrease in CO2 emission or electricity usage is helpful to the planet. Numerous tech companies are attempting to introduce these technologies into our everyday lives like https://www.streetlights-solar.com/solar-street-lighting.html.

Here is a brief overview of the most popular and most convenient renewable energy sources. The most popular ones are biomass, geothermal, wind, solar and water. They are all very useful and applicable in the industry, however not all of them can be easily introduced in your household, so here some more info about that, too.

Solar Energy Systems

Photovoltaic (solar) systems have become the most widely spread renewable source of energy in households. Solar modules turn solar energy into electricity. They can be used to provide electricity, heating and hot water. These photovoltaic modules, better known as solar panels, have no movable parts, so they’re quite reliable and don’t require much maintenance.

The most common way they are made is a group of photovoltaic cells in order to reach a size and electrical output which makes it viable and usable. They are really practical and suitable to use both in rural and urban areas because they don’t take up too much space, they don’t make any noise and aren’t heavy. Once installed, these devices are completely independent of the electrical grid and can power the devices that are connected to them.

There are several types of photovoltaic cells, so always contact solar energy experts for help before you make a decision which ones to install. Solar panels come in different sizes, from 2 to 350 Wp electricity output, but the most widely sold and used sizes are from 160 to 240 Wp. Photovoltaic modules are either stand-alone, usually installed in a frame, free-standing or on a roof, or most often integrated into the building itself.

Wind Generators

I’m sure you’ve all seen those huge wind turbines beside the road, but did you know you can actually have a wind generator at home? Wind turbines normally use horizontal axis with propeller-like blades, but wind more aerodynamic wind generators and the ones with the vertical axis are also being developed in order to try and overcome the problem of noise in urban usage. They are less efficient than the horizontal axis turbines but offer a compromise which can bring them to the urban households.

Household wind generators are normally used to charge the battery bank for stand-alone electricity systems.  They are usually installed in distant, semi-rural locations in order to optimize the output potential. Wind generators for domestic use are usually sized from about 300W to as high as 20kW. It is necessary to assess the location’s potential before choosing the size.

Combination of wind and solar systems is ideal for the whole year-round, as the photovoltaic panels are the best in the summer, and wind generators are the most efficient in winter.

Small Hydro Generators

These generators are the least frequent domestic source of renewable energy as they operate by converting the flowing water energy to electricity and locations with sufficient source of the flowing water energy are incredibly difficult to find. Again, just like with the two previous systems, it is necessary to consults the experts assess the potential of hydro system site.

Despite the apparent difficulties, more and more people are opting to use some degree of renewable energies in a bid to combat the worst of climate change and global warming.

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An Ultimate Guide To Instant Hot Water Dispensers

Maximizing Energy Efficiency: An Ultimate Guide To Instant Hot Water Dispensers

Having hot water ready and waiting can make everyday life much easier. But heating tanks of water that mostly sit idle wastes energy. This is where on-demand hot water dispensers excel. They provide instant hot water as needed without standby energy losses. However, installing an efficient hot water system in your home or office lets you enjoy this convenience sustainably. Therefore, read on to learn what makes tankless water heaters eco-friendly and how to pick the best model to maximize energy savings. Why Instant Systems Beat Tanks Standard hot water tanks heat and store 30-50 gallons of water constantly. This maintains availability but isn't efficient. The standby energy needed to keep large volumes hot all day adds up. However, the  US Department of Energy estimates tank water heating accounts for 18% of home energy bills on average. Enhancing your home's efficiency and saving on energy bills becomes a breeze with hot water dispensers, particularly the instant or tankless variety. Instant or tankless water heaters avoid this waste by heating water directly on demand instead of storing hot water. Compact and wall-mounted, they detect when a tap is opened. However, an internal heating element quickly warms the water flowing through to the desired temperature only as needed. Top benefits of instant dispensers include: Energy savings from not heating excess stored water Continuous hot water - it never runs out with an endless supply. Compact size takes up less space Long lifespan of up to 20 years with no tank corrosion Lower monthly bills and environmental impact Tankless instant systems can reduce household hot water heating costs by 30% or more. Key Factors When Selecting An Eco-Friendly System With so many instant heater models available, it's helpful to understand which features impact energy efficiency: Energy factor – A higher rating means greater efficiency. Look for 0.95 or more. Flow rate – GPM determines how much hot water is produced per minute. Higher is better for larger homes. Temperature settings – Lower heat settings use less energy. Models with a range are the most flexible. Safety controls – Sensors that modulate power use based on demand improve efficiency. Size – Right-sized units are most efficient. Undersized heaters have to work harder. Energy sources – Electricity or gas. Electricity offers environmental benefits. Buying the correctly sized hot water dispensers with an energy-efficient design maximizes potential savings. Read Also: Pros And Cons Of Mini Splits For Cooling Tips For Maximizing Efficiency Beyond choosing a quality efficient instant water heater, certain usage habits also optimize savings: Set temperature only as hot as needed Insulate pipes to reduce standby losses Schedule a vacation mode to save energy when away Limit excessively long showers that deplete capacity Have the unit flushed and maintained yearly Consider adding a recirculation pump if distances from taps are long Proper installation and maintenance ensure your system runs at peak efficiency for the long term. Smart Technology Provides Added Control Advanced instant water heaters offer built-in Wi-Fi connectivity and smart features. These provide greater control and customization for increased efficiency. Look for models with: Remote temperature adjustments via phone app Voice activation through virtual assistants Usage tracking to identify savings opportunities Away modes to conserve energy when traveling Diagnostic alerts to prevent issues causing waste Smart water heating provides detailed insights and controls at your fingertips, wherever you are. Winterizing Your Instant System In cold climates, taking steps to winterize instant water heaters prevents energy waste and damage from freezing. This may involve: Installing indoor models in conditioned utility rooms Insulating outdoor water lines and pipes Setting a vacation mode low temperature Adding antifreeze formulas to the system Draining water and blowing air through pipes before hard freezes Maintaining optimal airflow around outdoor wall-mounted units A frozen broken water heater wastes all the energy it took to produce and install it. Proper seasonal maintenance sustains energy efficiency. An Eco-Friendly Solution For Hot Water Needs Instant tankless water heating systems represent a sustainable upgrade from outdated storage tank heaters. Their compact on-demand operation slashes energy consumption and bills. Choosing Energy Star-certified models sized for your household with high-efficiency ratings and smart capabilities optimizes savings. With some energy-conserving usage habits, you can enjoy endless hot water with minimal environmental impact. Advanced Installation And Maintenance Tips Proper installation and maintenance help ensure your instant hot water system operates safely and efficiently. Hire qualified professionals for complex venting and wiring needs Follow all local building codes and permit requirements Insulate connecting pipes to prevent heat loss Flush annually to prevent scale buildup reducing efficiency Check the energy guide sticker to confirm optimal electricity amperage Keep intake openings clear to allow proper airflow Vacuum exhaust ducts to remove accumulated dust Replace water filters as needed Regular maintenance prevents future issues that could compromise energy performance. Additional Energy And Cost-Saving Strategies Beyond the instant water heater itself, completing your system with certain components increases efficiency: Recirculation pump - Circulates hot water through pipes back to the heater so it's instantly available at taps. Drain water heat recovery - Recovers heat from draining water to pre-heat cold supply water entering the system. Solar pre-heating - Solar collectors warm up cold water before it enters the instant heater, reducing the electricity needed. Insulated pipes - Limit standby heat loss from pipes between heater and fixtures. Low-flow fixtures - Reduce water demand so the heater doesn't have to work as hard. Layering on complementary energy-smart devices and practices amplifies your instant hot water system's eco-benefits. Frequently Asked Questions What maintenance do instant water heaters require? Annual flushing of the heat exchanger and checking electric connections, temperature settings, and airflow around the unit are essential. Filters should be changed following the manufacturer's guidelines, typically around once a year. Do instant heaters work well in cold climates? Yes, but outdoor pipes and units need insulation and proper air sealing. Some installations in northern regions place heaters in utility rooms instead of mounting them outside. How difficult is it to install an instant hot water system? It's recommended to hire a professional for the complex venting and electrical work unless you are very experienced. Typical installs take a full day. Final Thoughts Tankless instant hot water dispensers provide an energy-efficient and sustainable upgrade from outdated tank heaters. Combined with eco-friendly usage habits and proper maintenance, they deliver significant cost savings and environmental benefits. Adopting a whole-system approach maximizes efficiency. Read Also : Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO 4 Points To Consider When Creating A Great Content Marketing Strategy Today How To Deal With Debt By Doing Business Marketing Smartly?


The Essential Factors You Need to Consider when Installing Solar Panels

Solar panel systems have taken the world by storm, and it’s not just in ‘sunny’ countries like Australia where solar panel installations have become immensely popular. In the UK, more homeowners and householders are opting for solar panels as well, and the fact that the cost of installing your own solar panel system has gone down tremendously in the last few years has contributed to its popularity. But if you are thinking of having a solar panel system installed, there are some major considerations you need to think about as well. For one, solar panel installations need to be done in the proper way and with the proper accreditation in order for you to take advantage of the government's Feed-in Tariff programme. What else do you need to consider, then? Here’s a list of the essential factors you need to consider when installing solar panels in your home. The investment: Truth be told, having a solar panel installation isn't a cheap affair. It is an investment, and it's best you know this from the start. But the good news is that the cost of a typical solar panel installation has already gone down by as much as 50% compared to the cost of a system eight years ago. But here's the thing: while it's not cheap, you are guaranteed to recover your investment over time, especially since your energy bills are going to be lower and you can even earn extra money through the Feed-in Tariff scheme. With the scheme, whatever extra energy you have that you don't use can be sold back to the grid, and you will receive payments from the government every quarter for this. The supply of energy: Your solar panel installation will still work quite well even if you are in the UK, with its inclement and unpredictable weather. Of course, the system will work best during the sunnier seasons, but it doesn’t mean that it won’t produce energy whilst it’s winter time or when it’s cloudy. But while it is still within reason for you to expect your system to generate energy, even on cloudy days, you can never really tell how much the system will produce. What you can expect, though, is that your energy bills will definitely be reduced – sometimes by as much as 40 to 50%. Where to place them: The placement of your solar panels is of utmost importance as well, so you also have to consider this, as confirmed by the specialists in solar in Manchester from Atlantic Renewables. Whilst your solar panels don't require direct sunlight to work, they will have to be installed by a professional, preferably one who is accredited by the MCS (this is so you can get your Feed-in Tariff). The location of the solar panels matter, and so does the angle of placement. Make sure other buildings or structures or trees don't overshadow your roof; but if this is the case, you have the option to install your solar panels on the ground as well. Read Also: Prepare Your Solar Panels For The Fall Everything You Need To Know About Portable Solar Power

Mobile Solar Generators

Everything You Need To Know About Mobile Solar Generators

Solar power is a technology that has been around for quite some time, and the first photovoltaic cells were created in the 1950s. Since then, the technology has been improving, and the efficiency of modern photovoltaic cells has increased immensely, making solar power a viable option. If you are considering getting mobile solar generators, here is everything that you need to know. What Are Mobile Solar Generators? Most solar generators are static, which means they do not move. However, there are mobile ones that you can transport to any location and use them if there is enough sunlight. The items are common with people who love camping, RV camping, and boats, and they come in a variety of sizes. It is also popular for use in infrastructure projects, agriculture, and even in remote communities. Mobile solar power generators have a bank of photovoltaic cells. These cells turn sunlight into energy. The energy can then be stored in batteries, which make this type of power generator handy for your next outdoor adventure. What Do You Need For  Mobile Solar Generators? When you are looking to purchase or make mobile solar generators, there are four components that make the device, which are: Solar Panels An Invertor A Solar Charge Controller Solar Batteries The solar panels and the batteries are the parts of this device that can vary in quality, and you will want to select the most efficient solar panels you can afford, as well as high-quality batteries to store your electricity. How Do They Work? The first thing that you need to do is transport your system to where you want to set it up, and then assemble the solar panels. The solar panels collect the energy from the sun and where it is converted to a Direct Current (DC), and it is then passed through the solar charge controller. The controller regulates the voltage of the electricity when charging the battery where you store the power to be used later. When you are ready to use the energy collected from your solar panels, the inverter converts the DC power into AC (Alternating Current), which is what most electrical appliances use. The Pros & Cons Of Mobile Solar Power There are a lot of benefits to using solar power, and some drawbacks as well. One of the best things about solar power is that it is 100% clean and renewable energy that you are using, and there are no fuels to burn, which will create pollution. They are also relatively simple to maintain, and the biggest task will be to clean the solar panels and ensure that they are running at maximum efficiency. There are some cons to solar power as well, and the biggest one is that there is a significant upfront cost required to purchase the equipment that you will need. You are also limited to the amount of power you can store, depending on the size and efficiency of your batteries. The charging process is slow as well. The expense of solar technology can pay for itself in a short time, so it is worthwhile investing. You will have the luxury of being able to use your electrical devices wherever you go, safe in the knowledge that you are doing your part for the environment. Read Also: The Benefits of Solar Lighting in a Nutshell 10 Steps To Take To Set Up Solar Panels At Home What You Should Know About Solar Energy for Schools Benefits What Are Solar Incentives? Prepare Your Solar Panels for the Fall