Grow these flowering plants in your home garden

Published on: 20 December 2017 Last Updated on: 07 August 2021
flowering plants

Plants have a significant role in our day-to-day life and affect the various activities of life in a big manner. Besides, enhancing the beauty of the place, it can also play a positive role in improving the internal aura and vibes inside your home. If you want to attain positivity and a good internal environment in your home, here are some of the amazing flowering plants and herbs that are recommended by the Vastu Shastra experts.

Planting flowering plants might not be the easiest thing to do. Caring for them through regular maintenance, use of fertilizers, trimming and pruning might require you to call in an expert. You can call Tree Service Pearland for advice on flowering plants as they are one of the leading experts in this field. They can advise you on different watering routines and make you understand the individual needs and requirements of the different plants.

Read More: 3 Amazing Flower Street Garden – How To Design



Plants with sweet swelling flowers such as jasmine, red lotus, blue lotus, and others are perfect to be grown in the house compounds as they emit a pleasant fragrance. You can also use these lovely flowers in daily worshipping activities. These wonderful flowers are further available around the year and can be used as a hair decoration item.

Thorny plants-

Thorny plants

Although, thorny plants should be avoided in the house but beautiful roses are an exception to this rule. This is because rose plants don’t have many prickly thorns like their counterpart cactus plants. Besides this, roses symbolize auspiciousness and can be grown in your home without any restriction from Vastu experts. The important reason for disallowing thorny plants in the house is that they bring a lot of negative energy and can cause kidney and lungs related health issues. Apart from the roses, you can also grow citrus fruits such as lemon and Bel tree that are considered lucky in spite of having thorns.



One of the popular indoor flowering plants that can be easily found in various Indian households is Basil or Tulsi. It is a wonderful auspicious plant that is described in various scriptures and cultures. Tulsi is regarded sacred by people and is believed to bring prosperity and good luck to your home. The amazing plant is known to have extraordinary medicinal properties that make it truly effective against blood and digestive system problems along with its extraordinary use in Ayurvedic medicines. However, this exceptional plant needs to be placed in the north, north-east or eastern part of the house.



Ensure that the creepers and other plants are not growing by using your building or compound wall as the support system as these clingers can easily creep inside the tiny cracks and holes in the walls. According to the Vastu experts, creepers should be allowed to grow outside the house but the creeper-like money plant needs to be grown inside the house only.



This extraordinary flowering plant is known to radiate happiness and harmony in the home of any owner. It is also effective in bringing calmness and serenity to the internal home environment. This amazing plant is recommended to be placed in the living room, bedroom or any other room where meditation is performed. It is highly advised by Vastu experts for a peaceful environment and aura.

It is high time to buy flowering plants online for your home in India or abroad in order to channelize the positive energy and aura in your home for achieving prosperity, good luck, and health.

Read More:

  1. How To Choose The Right Containers For Your Container Garden
  2. Does Organic Gardening Improve Soil Quality?
  3. Gardening Tips To Improve Outdoor Space
  4. 5 Essential Tips To Designing A Beautiful Front Yard Garden

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How to Choose the Right Containers for Your Container Garden

Container garden is a great idea for those who don’t have too much space in their house. Besides that, with a container garden, you will not have to spend too much time and effort to take care of it, such as mowing regularly with a lawn mower. So, in this article, I would like to introduce you to some ideas about choosing the right containers for your garden. I may be useful if you are intending to build one. Read also: Gardening Tips To Improve Outdoor Space There are two essential things to successfully choose a container for use in a container garden: size and material. The size of the content relates to the optimal growth of the plant. Choose one that's too small, and your plant might not reach its full potential. The material, of which the container is made, is of almost equal importance. Which material works best depends on the situation. Larger perennial plants (those that grow for more than one season) do quite well in a large wooden container. Most container gardeners prefer wood for use with perennials. It's also a good choice for plants that will be grown outside in a visible location. Read also: 3 Amazing Flower Street Garden – How To Design Although wooden containers tend to be more expensive than other materials, the cost is balanced by their extreme durability. Should the wood be treated? Yes and no. Yes for the outside, no for the inside of the container. If the inside is treated, the chemicals could leach into the soil. Remember, whatever is in the soil ends up in the plant. At best, your plant will be damaged. At worst, if it's an edible plant, it could actually make you ill. Plastic pots are widely used in container gardens. The main reason for this is cost. Plastic pots are the cheapest option in most cases. There's nothing wrong with saving money, but plastic may not always be your best choice. Plastic pots are fine to use if you don't intend to keep it up. Maybe you don't even know if you'll enjoy it or if it will work for you. But if there's any chance you will continue to garden in the future, you should realize that plastic pots are not very durable. Read also: 5 Essential Tips To Designing A Beautiful Front Yard Garden They look durable, but looks can be misleading. Regardless of how thick or hard the plastic seems to be, outdoor elements can quickly crack and warp this type of container. Once the pots are damaged, they're essentially useless. Not much future in cracked pot gardening. Pots made from terra cotta clay are also quite inexpensive. The only plastic is cheaper. Unfortunately, clay can be delicately made and easily broken. This material doesn't handle freezing temperatures very well either. If your area experiences below-freezing weather, plants in terra cotta containers should be brought indoors during the winter.   Okay, so far wood is expensive, plastic is cheap and clay can break. What's next? You can often do well with fired ceramic pots. Sometimes they are somewhat delicate but relatively durable. Look for the glaze on the outside with unglazed insides. The outside glaze enhances appearance, but inside glaze could leach into the soil. Read also: Does Organic Gardening Improve Soil Quality? Another option is to construct containers from things around your home. If you find something large enough for the plant, cut some drainage holes in the bottom and you're good to go. The possibilities are wide open. Milk jugs, soda bottles, and even margarine tubs have all been used. For larger plants, trash cans and plastic tubs could work.   If you really want to go minimalist, then use a bag of soil. Cut a hole in the bag and plant something in the exposed soil. This simply proves that almost anything can be used. Just make sure it's big enough for the plant, will last as long as you want it to, and allows for proper drainage. Read also: Lawn Care Maintenance Services And Tips


Playful Landscapes: How TO Seamlessly Integrate Play Areas INTO Your Lawn

Fostering a connection between children and the great outdoors has become more important. Playful landscapes offer a unique solution to this modern challenge by seamlessly integrating play areas into your lawn, creating a harmonious environment that encourages physical activity, creativity, and family bonding. Choosing the right type of grass When considering grass types for your playful landscape, opt for those that are hardy and resilient, able to withstand the wear and tear of active play. Bermuda grass and Kentucky bluegrass are excellent choices due to their durability and lush appearance. These grasses recover well from foot traffic and require moderate maintenance, balancing playability and aesthetics. These grasses are available for purchase via the convenience of the Internet ( Designing play zones with natural elements How often do we see playgrounds today? The answer is very rarely. Kids are nowadays trapped in technology and gadgets- they have almost forgotten the importance of playground. But as adults, we are responsible for keeping this feeling mortal in them. And what helps in doing so? Making the playgrounds more attractive with organic elements. Integrate play areas with their natural environment using gentle slopes, mounds, and pathways. These additions improve the aesthetic value, pique kids' interest, and inspire creativity. Adding native trees and plants to playgrounds has multiple benefits, including aesthetics, environmental education, and biodiversity. Incorporating safe play equipment Playful landscapes must prioritize the installation of secure play equipment. You may put in swings, slides, and climbing structures suitable for different ages that still fit in with the architecture. Ensure everything is in working order and up to code before using it. A well-designed playground incorporating natural elements will encourage youngsters to play and learn. Blending play areas with aesthetic appeal Aesthetics shouldn't take a back seat to functionality while designing an entertaining and engaging environment. Use landscaping components like rocks, grasses, and flowers to help blend the playsets in with the rest of the yard. This method results in a space that is appealing to the eyes of both young and old. Maintenance tips for a lively lawn Your landscaping should be maintained regularly to keep it looking fresh and appealing. Maintain a proper mowing height, water the grass well, and immediately fix bald spots. You should consider aerating and overseeding the grass to keep it lush and healthy, so your kids will have a great place to play. Environmental considerations Make your landscaping more environmentally responsible without sacrificing fun. A greener and more sustainable playground is possible through rainwater collection systems, native plant varieties, and organic fertilizers. Instilling lifelong lessons of environmental responsibility in children through their play space is worthwhile. Enhancing family bonding through play An environment with play opportunities improves bonding among family members. Have a picnic, do some gardening, and compete against each other in fun contests. Children will remember these times fondly far into adulthood, and the relationships between family members will grow stronger as a result. Boosting children's creativity and imagination Playful landscapes inspire creativity and imagination by providing a constantly shifting canvas for play. Encourage children to make forts, nature-inspired artwork, and imaginative activities. The flexibility to experiment and explore promotes cognitive growth and problem-solving abilities. Final words Adding playsets to your yard may completely alter the vibe of your outdoor space, making it a more inviting place for kids to spend time and develop their interests. You may make a landscape that entertains, teaches, and enhances through careful planning and a balance between natural and artificial features. Read Also: The Secret To A Lush And Beautiful Lawn: Unveiling Littleton’s Best Lawn Care Services Natural ways to get rid of flea in your lawn 5 Power Tools For New Homeowners


Planting & Harvesting Mint

Mint is a wonderful plant that practically cultivates itself. So fast is its growth that it can threaten to spread across and take over your entire yard or garden. One way to battle this is to confine its growth by planting it in a pot or a separate bed. However, once you have this plant, you will be glad, because it has properties that make it fruity and a great addition to tea and foods. As can be seen here, it is also quite useful in health remedies that can aid digestion and relieve headaches. We know you already feel enthralled by this herb and would like to know more. So, why don’t you read on and discover more amazing things about mint… What Mint is All About Mint is an herb that is perennial and has a very wonderful fragrance. Its leaves are toothed and may have tiny pink, white, or purple flowers. Mint has so many variants from crinkled or smooth, to fuzzy or shiny. However, one thing is constant despite what kind of variant it is; all mints have that wonderful fragrance. Hence, whenever you pick up any variant of this great herb and roll it in your fingers, you would get the same smell that will make you either think of sweet teas, candy, or mint juleps. Aside from being a wonderful kitchen companion, this herb is also used as ground covers, garden accents, herbal medicines, and air fresheners. Mints are functional as well as beautiful and can grow either in shades or under the sun.  However, as we already said, this plant is a vigorous spreader; therefore, unless you want to have too much than you need, you have to be very deliberate about planting it. Uses We have already stated several things that mints can be used for, but there are still so many more benefits of this wonderful herb. Below are some of these benefits: Can be used to make mint tea. To do this, simply put the leaves in a cup of hot water and then leave it to sit for some minutes. Make tasty ice cubes with it by freezing the leaves with raspberries and cranberries. Add it to a salad dressing, marinades, or fruit salad.  Use it to relieve headaches by applying It's oil to the temples.  It can also be used to relieve anxiety and stress. Yes, mints have many other health benefits, but though not a practical use, it is also used as a virtue symbol. Planting Mints If you decide to plant mints in your garden or yard, then below are some important things that you have to know: They flourish in light earth which has good drainage. Their original habitats are stream banks, so, the site you plant them should imitate stream bank soils. That is to say, ensure the soil you plant your mints is moist but also well-drained. Variegated mints should not be planted in direct sun as they require a bit of shade. Mints typically grow to become one to two feet tall. If you plant them in a container or pot, then you would need to topdress them with organic or compost fertilizer once in a few months. If you plant mints in your garden, ensure to plant them next to tomatoes or cabbages, this will help contain their spread and prevent them from stealing your crops’ nutrients. Care Mints do not require that much care; however, you should consider the following points when caring for them: If planted outdoor, use light mulch. You can visit to read up more on mulch. The light mulch will ensure the soil remains moist and also help the leaves to stay clean. If planted indoors, then ensure you water them often to help the soil stay evenly moist. Mints should be picked and pruned regularly. Like we have stated many times already, these guys are fast spreaders, therefore, you would need a lot of pruning to stop them from taking over everything. This should not worry you since their roots are shallow making it quite easy to drag them out of the soil. The Propagating You do not need to do a lot to propagate mint. The perfect way to go about this is to find the plant which you like and then cut out of it. Ensure the cutting is at least 6 inches and has ample roots attached. Then plant them in the soil horizontally. You can always get a cutting from a gardening friend, so this is nothing to worry about. Harvesting and Storing To learn how to harvest mint is quite easy, it typically does not involve any special skill. You may either pick the leaves individually, or you may use shears to prune the plant and then take off the leaves from the stem you had cut off. Despite the harvesting process being relatively easy, you need to remember a few things when you harvest your mints: Frequent harvesting will keep the plant at its best. The younger leaves have a better flavor than the old ones. You can pluck the leaves whenever you need mints. If you need dry mints, then pluck the leaves before flowering and then save them in an airtight container. You can also store fresh mints that you do not immediately have use for. To do this, put water in a glass and then put the stems inside the water. The mint will stay fresh for 3 to 7 days this way. You may equally put the mints inside a rubber bag and then store them in your refrigerator. This should keep it fresh for at least a week. Conclusion Mint is an herb that would make a very great addition to your garden or yard. But, without proper knowledge about the plant, everything may spiral out of control. Therefore, you must have basic knowledge about planting, caring for, and harvesting this plant before you farm it.  Read Also: How to Maintain a Bright and Beautiful Garden During Winter How to Choose the Right Containers for Your Container Garden Grow these flowering plants in your home garden How To Grow Tomatoes From Seed