Planting & Harvesting Mint

Published on: 30 June 2021 Last Updated on: 08 July 2021

Mint is a wonderful plant that practically cultivates itself. So fast is its growth that it can threaten to spread across and take over your entire yard or garden. One way to battle this is to confine its growth by planting it in a pot or a separate bed. However, once you have this plant, you will be glad, because it has properties that make it fruity and a great addition to tea and foods.

As can be seen here, it is also quite useful in health remedies that can aid digestion and relieve headaches. We know you already feel enthralled by this herb and would like to know more. So, why don’t you read on and discover more amazing things about mint…

What Mint is All About

What Mint is All About

Mint is an herb that is perennial and has a very wonderful fragrance. Its leaves are toothed and may have tiny pink, white, or purple flowers. Mint has so many variants from crinkled or smooth, to fuzzy or shiny. However, one thing is constant despite what kind of variant it is; all mints have that wonderful fragrance.

Hence, whenever you pick up any variant of this great herb and roll it in your fingers, you would get the same smell that will make you either think of sweet teas, candy, or mint juleps.

Aside from being a wonderful kitchen companion, this herb is also used as ground covers, garden accents, herbal medicines, and air fresheners. Mints are functional as well as beautiful and can grow either in shades or under the sun.  However, as we already said, this plant is a vigorous spreader; therefore, unless you want to have too much than you need, you have to be very deliberate about planting it.



We have already stated several things that mints can be used for, but there are still so many more benefits of this wonderful herb. Below are some of these benefits:

  • Can be used to make mint tea. To do this, simply put the leaves in a cup of hot water and then leave it to sit for some minutes.
  • Make tasty ice cubes with it by freezing the leaves with raspberries and cranberries.
  • Add it to a salad dressing, marinades, or fruit salad.
  •  Use it to relieve headaches by applying It’s oil to the temples.
  •  It can also be used to relieve anxiety and stress.

Yes, mints have many other health benefits, but though not a practical use, it is also used as a virtue symbol.

Planting Mints

Planting Mints

If you decide to plant mints in your garden or yard, then below are some important things that you have to know:

  • They flourish in light earth which has good drainage.
  • Their original habitats are stream banks, so, the site you plant them should imitate stream bank soils. That is to say, ensure the soil you plant your mints is moist but also well-drained.
  • Variegated mints should not be planted in direct sun as they require a bit of shade.
  • Mints typically grow to become one to two feet tall.
  • If you plant them in a container or pot, then you would need to topdress them with organic or compost fertilizer once in a few months.
  • If you plant mints in your garden, ensure to plant them next to tomatoes or cabbages, this will help contain their spread and prevent them from stealing your crops’ nutrients.


Mints do not require that much care; however, you should consider the following points when caring for them:

  • If planted outdoor, use light mulch. You can visit to read up more on mulch. The light mulch will ensure the soil remains moist and also help the leaves to stay clean.
  • If planted indoors, then ensure you water them often to help the soil stay evenly moist.
  • Mints should be picked and pruned regularly. Like we have stated many times already, these guys are fast spreaders, therefore, you would need a lot of pruning to stop them from taking over everything. This should not worry you since their roots are shallow making it quite easy to drag them out of the soil.

The Propagating

You do not need to do a lot to propagate mint. The perfect way to go about this is to find the plant which you like and then cut out of it. Ensure the cutting is at least 6 inches and has ample roots attached. Then plant them in the soil horizontally.

You can always get a cutting from a gardening friend, so this is nothing to worry about.

Harvesting and Storing

To learn how to harvest mint is quite easy, it typically does not involve any special skill. You may either pick the leaves individually, or you may use shears to prune the plant and then take off the leaves from the stem you had cut off.

Despite the harvesting process being relatively easy, you need to remember a few things when you harvest your mints:

  • Frequent harvesting will keep the plant at its best.
  • The younger leaves have a better flavor than the old ones.
  • You can pluck the leaves whenever you need mints.
  • If you need dry mints, then pluck the leaves before flowering and then save them in an airtight container.

You can also store fresh mints that you do not immediately have use for. To do this, put water in a glass and then put the stems inside the water. The mint will stay fresh for 3 to 7 days this way. You may equally put the mints inside a rubber bag and then store them in your refrigerator. This should keep it fresh for at least a week.


Mint is an herb that would make a very great addition to your garden or yard. But, without proper knowledge about the plant, everything may spiral out of control. Therefore, you must have basic knowledge about planting, caring for, and harvesting this plant before you farm it.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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movers online

How To Find Movers Online?

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This is critical, as it will help you calculate your costs. This will also be able to give you a fair idea about the level of professionalism and expertise of the moving company. Select a few moving companies and ask for moving quote! Find movers online! If there is one business industry, which you need to trust with your life, it is the Moving Industry. From million-dollar supercars to an antique marble statue, moving companies can cost you irreparable damages. I have often seen people look for the cheapest moving companies. In my personal experience, price or fee should never be a consideration when selecting a moving company. You should rather look for expertise and professionalism. If you really want to vet the company, you should ask for references, their skill certificates and examine how long they have been in the industry. Remember, that you are entrusting them with nearly all the material wealth in your home. The combined value of such wealth will definitely be more than a few hundred dollars. Try not to employ the services of amateurs who can destroy or damage your belongings. Good moving professionals can save you a lot of trouble and stress, and they can help you how to organize your move in a safe manner. Since you don't want to find out too late that you have trusted a company that did not take good care of your home’s possessions it pays to do a little bit of research. The best place to start out is by looking up all of your alternatives. The phone book is usually not the most comprehensive source of listings, so you may want to check online instead. Information online is generally going to be far more valuable, and that will save you a lot of troubles. Also, you should know that many companies want to post up plenty of info about themselves as a key way of winning over those that they want to do business with. So, you can learn a lot with just a little reading and of course, it's a good idea to go further than this, as well. Do your research to find the best movers! When you need to find movers online, you have to do good research. And thanks to that, you will gather more information and by that, the opportunity of finding the best company who will with your relocation. For example, you can search on Master Moving Guide. This place has professionals who will help you find the best movers online. They can provide you with everything you need. All you have to do is fill in some information about your relocation, and they will suggest you some potential moving companies. You must consider everything when you are about to find movers online! Check your movers When you create the ultimate moving checklist – things you need to do when moving, now who have to get one of the best moving professionals. And when you find, you need to make sure that you can trust them. This is why you need to look up references and see whether the moving company is any good or not. You can do this in two ways. You can ask the company yourself about some of their past customers. You can contact them and check whether they had done a good job or not. Alternatively, you can go on the internet and check for online reviews. There are many platforms, which can help you in this regard. From the company’s GMB page to online directories, and even social media channels like Facebook. Once you are certain that they are experts, you can go ahead and select them. How much does the moving cost? This is something that does not have a fixed answer. It depends on the number of goods you are moving, as well as what the company is asking for you. If you want to proceed, you should always ask the company for a detailed quote. The best companies would request you to allow them to visit the property and see the number of goods. Amateur companies who are only interested in money and your business will give you a surprising figure. However, these companies cover many hidden costs that they reveal only after they send you the final bill. Make sure that you decide on all the charges, including taxes, before you sign them up. Now, all you have to do is to see a list of last-minute things you should check before you move house, and you will be ready for your movers. Make sure you have enough in your budget when you are about to hire the best movers for your relocation. Conclusion: When you have to find movers online, the most important thing is that you recognize good from fraudulent ones. To do that, you need to be very careful, and you need to know signs of fraudulent movers. Because only when you know those, you will be able to apart them. If you think that you can't find movers online there are some other options. You can always ask your friends and family who has recently moved for some recommendation. 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