How To Grow Tomatoes From Seed

Published on: 28 April 2017 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021

If you are an avid tomato grower you’re probably envious of all the different varieties that other growers talk about, but that you can’t find transplants for in your area. In many cases, those growers are growing tomatoes from seed.

Growing tomatoes from seed really isn’t that difficult, as long as you understand a few basic things. Well, I will walk you through this process below. Read on.

Why is it necessary to start tomato seeds early?

Tomato seeds planted in the garden won’t germinate until the ground is warm enough. What’s the ideal ground temperature? They germinate best at temperatures in the 70-80 degree range.

If you plant seeds directly into the ground, odds are the summer will be too short for tomatoes to become productive before the end of the growing season unless you live in one of the warmest climates in the US.

The days to harvest number that is on a packageof tomato seeds assumes that you are using transplants.


To decide if your area is warm enough to plant directly in the ground, add 30-50 days to that number. So if it says 90 days you would need 120-140 days of temperatures above 70 degrees to get your first ripe tomato if you plant the seeds in the ground!

When should I start my seeds?

Most people who are growing tomatoes from seed start 4 6 weeks before the last expected spring frost date in their area. You need to wait to plant the seedlings outdoors about 2 weeks after that date when the soil has warmed up to at least 50 degrees.

The date you start growing tomatoes from seed can vary depending on the space you have available and the length of your growing season.


First, you need to gather some important items:

  1. Containers: Start with clean, sterile containers to grow your tomato transplants in.
    Your local garden center or big box store should have seed starting kits that consist of a black plastic tray with peat pots or plastic inserts and a clear plastic dome cover that fits over the top.

If you’re only starting a few seeds, you may want to just plant them in paper or foam cups with holes punched in the bottoms.

Many of us like to save money and reuse flats or recycle containers like plastic milk jugs for starting seeds. This is fine as long as you wash them thoroughly and then sanitize in a 10% bleach solution (1 cup bleach in 10 cups of water).

Note: Be sure whatever container you use has drainage holes in the bottom so that excess water can drain out.

  1. Lights: You cannot grow a healthy transplant without proper light. Even a sunny, south-facing window is not really adequate. Using a led grow light or fluorescent light on a timer that it is on for 12 hours and then off for 12 hours, will ensure that when you are growing tomatoes from seed your plants get all the light they need to grow properly.

You will need to plan a way to raise the lights so that the top leaves of the plants are 2- 3î below the lights. One method is to use a wire shelving unit. The chain that comes with a fluorescent shop light works perfectly to hang it from the shelf above your plants.

  1. Growing Media: Use fresh, sterile germination mix labeled for seed starting. These mixes are usually peat-based and do not contain garden soil.

Tip: More than 50% of people who are growing tomatoes from seed for the first time lose their seedlings to damping-off disease. This fatal disease can literally wipe out your seedlings overnight. Starting with sterile containers and soil mix will greatly decrease the chance of your seedlings becoming infected.

Read also: How To Choose The Right Containers For Your Container Garden

Growing tomatoes from seed are the only way to have the very best tasting and old fashioned heirloom varieties which are not usually available as nursery started plants.

Read also: Does Organic Gardening Improve Soil Quality?

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Arborists: Keeping Cities Attractive, Amazing and Beautiful

We’ve all been driving our car along the road and noticed a dead tree branch blocking the path. Driving along clear roads and being able to enjoy the beautiful scenery is a wonderful thing. Nature offers to us a variety of colorful shrubs, trees, and plants that are pleasing to the eye. How Arborists Do Their Jobs? Arborists are working long and hard hours every day to bring the beauty of the natural world to others. Arborists care for the trees in a way that poses little risk to utility lines, roads, and sidewalks. An arborist is always using their skills to keep the areas of importance looking neat, clean and organized. To help them achieve this look of “beautification,” arborists use an assortment of unique tools to get the job done. Trees and bushes that pose the greatest threat must be trimmed to an acceptable limit. One of the main tools used to grind up the large chunks of tree branches is the wood chipper. Arborists often must climb trees and cut away low-hanging dead branches using power saws. These big wood chunks are dropped right into the chippers to be pulverized. Once the large chunks of wood are broken up into smaller lighter pieces they are hauled off. Read also: 3 Amazing Flower Street Garden – How To Design Where Arborists Spend Their Time? Due to the nature of the work, arborist workplaces a heavy emphasis on outdoor activities. Read also: Gardening Tips To Improve Outdoor Space Exposure to the elements and other random factors thrill many who choose this exhilarating career path in their life. Most arborists serve the community and are often under government contracts to provide work for firms, large companies, and other government municipalities. It’s also not uncommon at all to hear that many arborists who work as independent contractors end up becoming owners of their own landscaping firms and companies. How Arborists Earn a Living Arborists work in a variety of different beautiful areas throughout the United States. The field of workers that trim and prune trees is expected to keep growing more and more each year. Most cities are now adding extra “green space” by planting lots of trees. Some skills that an arborist is required to be able to handle daily include: Hauling away stumps, dead tree limbs, and wood chip scraps. Pruning trees to limit the overgrowth and to cut away diseased or rotting branches Responding in emergency situations like storms Being able to operate heavy machinery and use hand tools for trimming/pruning Moving seedlings from site to site The Path to Becoming an Arborist The requirements to become an arborist varies depending on the location to be worked. Some hiring managers may require an arboriculture or landscape design certification. On-site training is provided almost in all cases. When it comes to using the types of machinery involved, special training is a sure bet. Working with certain chemicals may require special certifications as well. There are multiple courses you can take to increase your chances of being hired. Degrees that make potential arborists stand out can be passed with practice. Taking exams offered by great organizations like the Tree Care Industry Association or the International Society of Arboriculture are great ways to become an arborist. Let us know in the comments what you think about becoming an arborist. Have you started an exciting journey to caring for the earth one tree, shrub and branch at a time?

Tree Grates

How to Expand Tree Grates

Trees are an essential component of any great urban landscape. They not only add a touch of beauty to a property but also help urban dwellers by providing cleaner air, cool down buildings and their surroundings, and providing a natural carbon sink. Trees can affect both the micro and the microclimates of an urban area, making them an integral part of any city’s transformational plan. If you want to transform your urban property into an enduring beauty, it’s time to start planting the best trees. However, while trees will work great for your landscape, they have to endure a harsh environment that can cause lasting damage. Trees have to withstand car accidents and vandalism, increasing microclimate temperatures, paved surroundings, exposure to de-icing salt, wind, and the reflecting glare from buildings. This is where tree grates come in handy. If you have an urban area or property you would like to landscape, this article explores the role of tree grating, types of grates, and how to expand these installations. Introducing Tree Grating in Urban Landscaping A tree grate is a ubiquitous feature in most cities but most people don’t give these landscaping features a lot of thought. This is despite the fact these installations play a critical role in protecting trees from abrasion caused by bustling urban life. The landscaping installation protects roots that would otherwise become exposed and vulnerable to damage. The grating provides an ideal pit where roots can thrive without any dangers from pedestrians, exposure to glare, de-icing salt, and other harmful materials. Tree grilles create a greater surface area for natural or supplemental irrigation. These root coverings also facilitate better air circulation within the covered space. Tree grating protects the soil, the rooting system, and sometimes the trunk. If trees are left to grow without this physical protection, they might not withstand the harsh urban environment. While most people enjoy the beautiful landscaping, they don’t make any efforts to protect these trees. Other reasons to install tree gratings include: Enhanced aesthetics: You can choose a tree grate that increases the visual appeal of your landscape. Most of the products on the market are visually appealing and are designed to improve curb appeal. These installations are easy to customize to suit your landscaping needs. Improving safety: Grates also protect pedestrians against injuries that would be caused by exposed roots. Landscaping maintenance: Maintaining a green landscape is not easy due to litter build-up from trees. However, grates help by preventing weed build-up around the tree and also make it easier to maintain the area around the trees. Diverse styling options: You can choose grates in multiple sizes, shapes, materials, and designs. This makes it easier to find that perfect grating system that suits your landscape. Flexibility: The best grates for your trees should accommodate the tree’s growth. Expanding the tree grates is an important step in maintaining your green landscape. This gives room to your trees to thrive at their different stages of growth. You can choose grates for your trees from different materials including cast iron tree grates, natural stone, steel, recycled plastic, concrete tree grates, and other materials. When choosing any tree grilles, consider: The durability of the material Theft and vandal-resistance ADA (Americans with disabilities act) compliance Ease of customization Eco-friendly materials Ease of installation and expansion The versatility of the tree grills for different tree species. Steps to Expand a Tree Grate When designing and installing a tree grate, it’s important to appreciate that the tree will continue growing. This necessitates changes to the tree grille to accommodate such growth. If a tree grate is not expandable, it might cause more harm than good to the tree. For this reason, always assess how expandable any tree grille is before you buy it. The best tree grills are easy to expand by removing the inner center rings. This means you can continue expanding the grates as the tree continues to grow. When shopping for a grate, look for one designed for expansion. Here are the steps for expanding a tree grate: Check the rate of the tree’s growth and identify the grate rings you should cut.  Depending on the material, use a portable hard wheel grinder with an abrasive wheel (aluminum oxide) to cut off the marked rings.  Cut through with the wheel on thin areas of the grate casting For thicker areas of the grating, (including casting edges or areas with heavy support ribs) cut halfway through the casting with the grinder. Use a heavy hammer to remove the marked areas and they should break at the core line. Before applying the sharp blow, ensure there’s sufficient support behind the casting.  Continue the process for all the grates and leave enough room for the tree trunk to grow. Final Thoughts Using trees for landscaping has both functional and aesthetical purposes. Tree grates are crucial for green landscaping as they protect your trees against physical damage. These installations fuse aesthetics with function to add visual appeal to an area while also protecting tree roots, managing floodwater and maintaining beautiful, neat and safe sidewalks. With time, you should expand these grates to allow more room for tree trunks’ growth. Read Also: How to Safely Prune Your Trees Create A Stunning Outdoor Space With These Residential Landscape Lighting Tips 5 Essential Tips to Designing a Beautiful Front Yard Garden

Blocked Drains

How to Solve the Biggest Problems in Blocked Drains

Many things can clog a drain in a tub or sink by blocking nooks and crannies in its plumbing system. The big benefit is that there are easy ways to eliminate different clogs, and you can achieve practical results by using the solutions in this guide. Bent Hanger A hanger can extract hair and goo that blocks a drain in a tub or sink. To use a hanger, you'll need to take it apart so that its hook can travel down the drain. When wiggling the hook around, ensure that it doesn't push the debris down the pipe. You can avoid this problem by maneuvering the hook around in a circle before pulling it up. The rotation will help you grab debris that's lodged against the walls in the drain. Once you've removed most of the debris, eliminate the lingering particles by running the hot water. Baking Soda and Vinegar A baking soda and vinegar solution can get rid of a general clog. To make the solution, mix 1/3 cup of vinegar with 1/3 cup of baking soda. When the mixture fizzes, pour it down the drain so that the bubbles can dissolve sticky grime that's causing the clog. If possible, let the solution set in the drain for 24 hours. Then, flush the drain thoroughly with hot tap water. When a drain has a heavy clog, pour the baking soda down the drain first. Then, gradually pour the vinegar into the drain. This strategy will give the solution an opportunity to activate the source of the clog. Vacuum A wet and dry vacuum can pull up the is that's stuck in the upper portion of a drain. The suction power is very important as it can impact how effectively a vac extracts debris, to ensure that your vacuum has an efficient motor. To use a vacuum, adjust it to the highest setting. Then, place the hose over the drain. If the debris isn't too dry or stiff, the vacuum will remove it. Tumbling Water When your plumbing system has a clog that's tough to access, you can remove it by pouring boiling water down a drain. If you have a kettle, you can use it to bring the water to a boil, or you can boil water in the microwave. While the water is boiling, pour it slowly down the drain in stages, and wait a few seconds between each pour. To avoid burn injuries, hover the kettle or pot close to the drain so that the water doesn't splash. Caustic Soda Caustic soda contains sodium hydroxide, which is a risky substance that can produce chemical burns. As a result, you must wear dense rubber gloves and protective goggles when using caustic soda. Because caustic soda is strong, you'll need to combine it with ¾ gallons of cold tap water. For a general clog, you'll only need three cups of soda. To mix the soda, stir it around in the water with a wooden spoon. The mixture will begin to fizz as it heats up during this process. At this point, pour the solution down the drain, and let it sit there for about half an hour. Then, use boiling water to flush the drain. Pipe Maintenance General maintenance is an easy way to unclog a drain underneath a sink. Begin by placing a bucket below the trap. The bucket will capture water that spills after the trap is removed. To remove the trap pipe, gradually loosen it with a plumber's wrench. While the trap is detached, lift the housing, and rotate it until the trap is upside down. The source of the clog should drop on the ground. If nothing drops, use a tool to fish out the debris. Salt and Baking Soda Thick blockages will break down when they're treated with strong chemicals. The easiest way to create a chemical reaction that's powerful enough to destroy heavy grime is by mixing ½ cup of baking soda with ½ cup of salt in a drain. After the solution sets for about 20 minutes, rinse it down the drain with boiling water. Dish Detergent Dish detergent can eliminate clogs in a toilet bowl if it's mixed with hot water. The soapy suds are effective because they strategically break down dry debris. For an average clog, you'll only need to mix ½ cup of dish soap and a cup of hot water in the bowl. Vinegar and Baking Soda Tubs have the toughest clogs since a lot of dirt and grime travels through the drains each day. To get rid of thick debris, you'll need to loosen the goo, and the best solution for this task is made with a combination of baking soda and vinegar. To treat a clog, pour the solution down the drain. Then, cover the drain with a stopper. At this point, let the solution set for about 45 minutes, and pull the stopper off the drain. As the water exits the tub, the pressure will get rid of the blockage that was weakened by the vinegar and baking soda. Plunger Plungers can get rid of a clog in the toilet bowl. When using a plunger, totally submerge it underwater. The rubber portion of the bell should touch the housing in a sink or toilet. Once you have a good grip, push and pull the handle rapidly for about 20 seconds. Then, lift the plunger, and let the water escape out of the drain. Whenever the process of unclogging a fixture is too complicated, seek help from a professional plumber. If you want great service options, considering working with Canberra Blocked Drains Definitive Plumbing. Read Also: The 7 Most Common Types Of Plumbing Problems 8 Plumbing Myths Busted 4 Tips For Finishing A Basement