Does Organic Gardening Improve Soil Quality?

Published on: 24 March 2017 Last Updated on: 13 September 2024

The soil is a fundamental resource base for agricultural production systems. Besides being the main medium for crop growth, soil functions to sustain crop productivity and maintain environmental quality. Soil quality is determined by the soil’s ability to perform these functions.

Organic gardening means avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides without necessarily implying that plants are left to fend for themselves. Therefore, it is Merely creating the best possible environment for plant growth using biological processes that create a supply of nutrients to the plants and maintain the structural and biological integrity of the soil.


Organic farming provides sites for nutrient retention by adding compost, animal and green manures in soil. In the process, soil nutrients such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium among others are added to the soil.

Leading gardening professionals such as Tree Service Deltona point out that organic farming can help promote sustainability and improve crop productivity. It can also allow helping create an ecosystem that is not dependent on artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and other harmful chemicals that ultimately end up getting into the composition of the vehicles.

Several natural soil enhancers used in organic gardening include:

Humus: This basically refers to completely decomposed, stable organic matter. Organic materials are decomposed over a long period of time. Humus has important functions in soil, particularly in enhancing soil structure and water-holding capacity

Growing of cover crops: A wide range of cover crops can be grown to enhance soil building properties. Mixtures of cover crops may be the best way to maximize soil building properties. When allowed to decompose, these cover crops have a large amount of biomass that when released into the soil have benefits. Examples of cover crops include leguminous grasses

Compost: Compost is one of the most stable forms of crop nutrients and is an effective means of building soil organic matter, it is also rich in carbon particularly when produced with carbon-rich materials.

Application of compost or manure is an effective means of building up soil organic matter, feeding a wide range of beneficial micro-organisms that aerate the soil and maintain soil PH levels.

A PH of 7 is neutral while values below 7 show increasing acidity and those above 7 show increasing alkalinity. When natural manures are used, the amount of soil PH is naturally maintained since artificial fertilizers add certain elements to the soil such as zinc and copper which when their levels are high become very toxic to the soil.

Through organic farming, soil organic matter is increased thus making the soil to be healthy and its quality also increased. The Use of natural manures aids in moisture retention within the soil, thus ensuring that the crops being grown in the farming process don’t lose water to several biological processes such as evaporation. This is because the amount of water being retained by the soil is more than the lost amount by several factors. This is especially vital in sandy soils, which have low water retention capabilities due to their well-drained nature.


Building soil quality by the use of organic methods helps increase the soil’s resilience. This is the ability to overcome stress or to bounce back after being disturbed. Crops grown in resilient soils have a better ability to withstand extreme conditions such as drought, flood, extremely high temperatures or pest infection.

Using a case study of a carrot sprout, which is mainly grown in home gardens and known for their sweet taste, we will notice that they are hard to grow and they thrive in areas of minimal artificial fertilizers and thus would do best in organic gardens that use natural means of soil improvement. They would also be best in chilly aquatic conditions considering the amount of moisture needed during their growth to full maturity.

You may have asked yourself this question – what do carrot sprouts look like. Well, carrot sprouts look like grass and can easily be mistaken for weeds in a garden.

Carrots are best grown in sandy soils since the sandy soil is well-drained in contrast to the high amounts of moisture needed to grow the carrots. The use of organic methods of enhancing the soil moisture retention will ensure that the conditions are similar to that of the best aquatic chiller thus favoring the growth of the carrots even in well-drained soils.

The growth of carrots is a good indication of how organic gardening is beneficial to the improvement of soil quality and also in ensuring that the conditions for the growth of several crops are successful, unlike when artificial enhancers such as fertilizers are used.


Advantages of organic gardening

  • Stabilizes the soil with time by repairing the soil composition and restoring the soil structure so as to ensure its properties are retained
  • Improve with time by using adequate and adaptive techniques to restore key soil functions
  • Increase productivity since a number of nutrients provided by the soil is adequate for crop growth
  • Provides healthy food supply since the crop produced is by natural means and artificial enhancers are not in the components of the crop which is being grown.

Organic gardening, therefore, does improve the quality of the soil.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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How To Make Your Home Look Like A Splendid Hotel?

But, when you enter your home after such a lavish holiday, don’t you feel irritated to see the unmade bed and cluttered bathroom? Yes right!! So, It’s worth to experience even a small version of this luxury in your daily lifestyle. With that point of view, I am listing out today some really effective ways through which you can easily attain a deluxe and opulent experience at your home. Have a look!! A lavish bedroom is the first priority You’ve to agree with the fact that when you go to a luxury hotel the first thing which catches your attention is a well-designed bed with matching cushion, bedsheets, and mattress. So, at the very first step, start with a premium quality mattress and then layer it up with the fluffy and big pillows. Choose a king or queen size bed with a headboard upside, two bedside tables, two beautiful side lamps, etc. Make a stupendous entry-way Just think of the last awesome hotel you visited, you would have noticed a well-organized lobby with some pretty orchids, designer mirrors, and dim lighting. Incorporating such a view in your small entry-way of your home is not a tough job. You just have to do a simple thing to attract your visitor’s eye to an attractive centerpiece. It can be a small table made up of marble, wood or glitzy lacquer. A refreshing spa bathroom When you’re thinking of imitating a luxury hotel, one thing which is must-have is a posh bathroom décor. You can add a glass confined walk-in shower, a dip sink with large mirrors and extremely appealing and pleasant smelling soaps. And to make it more hi-fi and comfortable things which you can add are soft towels like the puffy clouds and a bathrobe. Designer curtains are must When it comes to the window and door curtains, these are very important. It’s because the whole look of your home is dependent on these curtains up to a great extent. If you go for cheap curtains from the local store then you’re spoiling your home decor. The curtains should be of exact measurements and the ones which are in contrast with the color of your walls look more good. Read also: Top Expert Tips For A Stunning Condo Interior! Gorgeous lighting is necessary A five-star or seven-star hotel is never dark or dreary. It has enough lights that brighten up the whole interior and give the hotel-room a prominent look. At first, think of the huge overhead lights in your home. You shouldn’t use the out-dated ones and instead go for the modern and lush light-fixtures. Then add some beautiful lamps to your side-tables. An artistic look of the lamps makes a real difference. You can try that. Next, don’t forget to add some light scones over your artwork which will make them effectively visible. Flowers and greenery give the ultimate touch You can add some pretty, pleasing, elegant and aromatic floral arrangements in your every room. And even you can add those decorative plants to give an aesthetic look and make the rooms look more like a hotel room. When you enter a hotel room, the first thing which you smell is some sweet-smelling blooms. So, add up them to your home as well. These changes in your home decor will surely change it for better and will make you feel as if you’re in one of the snuggest hotels of the town. Lastly, have a happy home and great living!! Read also: Best Vietnam Trekking Tours With North Vietnam Travel Three Amazing Travel Destinations In Africa

money tree

Smart Fun Gardening: How to Take Care of a Money Tree

The beauty of gardening is to see your seedlings grow into healthy beautiful plants. Some of the plants we grow in our homes have natural meanings attached to them while others we grow them to remind us of something special. Money tree which is also known as Pachira aquatic is a tree grown to symbolize prosperity and good luck. The money tree can grow up to 60 feet tall when it naturally grows outdoor, but when we decide to domesticate it, we limit its growth to 6 or 7 feet tall. There natively grow in South, and Central American swamps and you can determine the age of the tree by its size. In many customs of the world, the tree is linked to prosperity and positivity. It creates a positive aura that allows for economic benefits to flow into the family. However, caring and doing regular maintenance can become difficult for normal human beings and families. This is why a good idea is to opt for growing trees with Tree Service Stockton. They are professionals who can take care of everything from planting to regular pruning and fertilizers. This will ensure that your money tree will always be healthy. Image of money tree that symbolizes prosperity How to grow a money plant can be easy, but how to take care of the five trunks braided tree can be a challenge. The braided trunk is a symbol of a lock that locks in your prosperity and good luck. Here are tips on how to take care of a money tree: Where to Grow A smaller pot is preferred for the growth of your money tree because it regulates the growth of your tree and also controls water and fertilizer. Big pots make it easy for you to overwater the plant. Your pot should have a proper drainage system and if you suspect that’s not the case then drill more holes at the bottom of your pot. DynaPOT 2 Gallon Garden Planting Aeration Fabric Container is a nice choice because it is eco-friendly and has a perfect drainage system. Also, place your tree in a place with indirect light because direct sunlight makes the leaves vulnerable to scorching. However, if you notice that the leaves are turning yellow or withering then expose them to more light because that is an indication of light deficiency. Fluorescent light can do the magic if you are growing the tree inside your house or at the office. Glossy and healthy leaves of Pachira aquatic Money tree grows well in moderate to high humid regions that why they mostly grow in South and Central America. When you domesticate the plant regulate the humidity at about 50% and above. Wet pebbles are a great way of maintaining humidity for your plant all you need to do is place the pot on a basin with wet pebbles. Also, you have to retain the room temperature around 16-25°C. When there is no enough humidity in the room the plant will respond by turning its leaves dry crispy. Read also:  5 Essential Tips To Designing A Beautiful Front Yard Garden Fertilizer and Watering When it comes to domesticating the money tree, you get a challenge of water and fertilizer ratio and how often you should add them to the plant. This tree needs moist soil but not wet to grow well. So you will need to water it after 7-10 days or when you notice that the top 3-4 inches of the soil are dry. Then thoroughly water your plant until water comes from the drainage system, but you have to avoid watering up to the trunk because the stem may start to rot. However, you have to cut down on water during winter because the growth is slow at this time of the year. When you see the leaves of your plants turning yellow, and you have put them in the right lighting condition then it may be an indicator or overwatering your plant. [embed][/embed] How to grow and care for your money tree During spring and summer, you can add water-soluble fertilizer that is diluted by half after every two weeks. Whether you want to use an organic or inorganic fertilizer that’s a personal choice that does not have a significant impact on the plant. The Grow More 5010 All Purpose Fertilizer 20-20-20 is a multi-purpose fertilizer that contains all the micro and macronutrients your tree will need for healthy growth. Read also: Does Organic Gardening Improve Soil Quality? Pruning and Shaping Pruning is one of the easiest steps when it comes to taking care of your money plant. You can use a clean pair of scissors or prune shears to remove yellow or damaged leaves and also side branches that could disrupt the braiding process. The pruning process is usually done during spring and summer to allow the plant to produce new leaves.                               Image of a well braided Pachira aquatic Do the braiding (shaping) of the money tree while the plant is still young and flexible. In the wild nature takes its course and braids the tree at a particular stage. Continue braiding the tree as it grows and ties a knot at the end of the braid to secure it. Repotting As the tree grows the roots also grow, and that’s why it is recommended that you report your plant after every two years. However, when the tree has reached your desired size, you can just report in the same sized pot with fresh soil. Mix your soil with peat moss to help in retaining moisture and sand to help in drainage. Avoid moving the plant too much because it gets shocked and responds by losing leaves or leaves turning yellow. How to Propagate Propagation should be done during spring because the growth rate is at its peak during this season. Chose a stem that contains not less than two leaf nodes. Sanitize a pair of scissors or pruning shears and chop off the stem then place it in a hormone rooting powder. When you the stem is well-soaked place it in a well moist pot mix. Give it time because it takes several weeks to start rooting. [embed][/embed] How to propagate money tree It is easier to take care of your money tree if you know the favored conditions and how to troubleshoot any problems. The Pachira aquatic gives out various signs if they are not satisfied with the conditions that you place them. The soil that you plant your tree in is critical because it needs to have the ability to retain moisture throughout. Like most plants, the money plant is prone to aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects which will affect their growth. How to get rid of mealybugs can be a bit hectic if they infest your garden but you can use systemic insect control to treat your plant in case you notice the infestation.

modern dining room

5 Tips for Creating a Modern Dining Room

The dining room is more than just a space where meals are taken. It is the heart of the home and the one place that brings people together. As a space where families get to spend time and enjoy delicious meals, it is only right that homeowners would want it to be stylish and luxurious. The modern dining room comes in two types; the formal dining room is a separate area from the kitchen. On the other hand, open-plan dining where the kitchen connects to the living space. For the past years, the open plan dining has gained traction among homeowners, and the formal dining room is becoming more uncommon. Why? Because the large open plan is more practical and allows them to save space. Thus, the modern dining room concept has typically become the kitchen area that transitions into the living area. So how do you proceed with creating a modern dining room? Whether you are doing an extreme dining makeover or making a few tweaks to make your dining room, there are so many options to explore to give your space a modern tone. These tips will help you give your dining space a refreshing modern vibe. 1.Add a centerpiece When creating a modern dining room, it is essential also to decorate the dining table. A contemporary table centerpiece could spice up your dining room, giving it that modern look you are going for. Depending on your style, centerpieces go from a simple vase of flowers and candles to a decorative bowl with fruits. You can even customize one by DIYing decorations. Greenery centerpieces like succulents or snake plants would also do an excellent job bringing life into space. A bonus is they are low maintenance, and you won't have to deal with withered plants frequently. Mixing different statement-making materials with bold and neutral colors to decorate the room will give it a sophisticated look. Apart from elevating the dining room's overall appearance, a fantastic centerpiece will transform your dining into a classy space. 2.Integrate wooden furniture Wooden furniture has a lot to offer in the dining room. It's simple, and its natural attribute can bring style to the room. However, before you go in over your head with displaying cabinets and sideboards, start with the basics; dining table and chairs. However, you should consider adding a wooden dining table handcrafted to meet your preferred style and needs. There is a vast choice of wooden dining tables you can add to update your dining area. A large dining design would do a great job adding comfort. Team your dining table with classic chairs to give your dining space a whole new look. Anne Quin furniture offers to handcraft modern style dining tables at affordable rates. If you crave a luxurious dining set, you can learn more about Anne Quin furniture on their site. 3.Light it up One way to make a statement in your dining space is by adding a modern lighting fixture. Pendant lightings are on-trend, and most importantly, they work perfectly in the dining room. Always remember to choose a soothing light because you want people to be comfortable. The pro tip is the bigger you go, the better it is for the room's appeal. You can choose a single large hanging pendant or install a group to make a bolder statement in the room. There are many shops filled with affordable lighting fixtures, so you have free reign, one that marries well with the existing décor and finishes in the area. A beautiful lighting fixture will bring the room together and boost its visual appeal. 4.Add a banquette A modern dining space is about mixing different aspects: classic, elegant, and contemporary. Create a relaxed vibe in the room by adding a banquette near the dining table. A banquette is an ultimate steal when modernizing your dining space; homeowners get to enjoy a modern vibe while adding more storage space. It also offers a flexible seating option which is a bonus. You can top the banquette with colorful plush pillows to cheer up the area and add comfort. 5.A gallery wall Modern dining styles are about breaking the norm, and many homeowners are embracing going bold in their dining areas. To give the room a purposeful look, you can choose to add modern art or a couple of picture frames.   Since most modern furniture tends to be sleek and cold, a wall of art would create a warm look and maintain a contemporary tone at the same time.   A beautiful piece of contemporary art will bring in some color to finish the dining room. Family photos or botanical-inspired prints could add personality to your dining space. However, ensure you use matching frames to give the room a cohesive look.   Trust us; displaying them in your dining room would look twice as good as it would on your social media. How to Create a Cozy Dining for A Rented Apartment  Moved from your hometown for work?  Want to know how to create a cozy environment? Especially in the dining space? Here is how you can.  Moving to a new city for work is exciting. But first, you need an apartment.   Then, you’ll want to make that space feel like home — especially the dining area where you’ll gather for meals and memories. Here’s how to create great dining in a rented space.  Purchase a Compact Dining Set  In a rented apartment, the space is often limited! Yes, it is a nuisance, but we have to do the most   A small round-dining table with two comfortable chairs can make the space feel intimate, and it doesn’t take up that much space. You can choose it to your liking if you prefer modern, rustic or in between.  Think About your Lighting Options  Lighting is so important to help create a warm and inviting space. A great floor lamp or a simple set of string lights can add a nice glow to your dining area.   If you’re able to, I would love the idea of installing a pendant light above the table as well.  Use Rug To Define Space  Add some seasonal greenery or flowers. A geometric rug in neutral tones will ground a black dining room and contrast the heavy pattern of your living room.  Try to keep the rug color the same as your kitchen floor for a seamless blending. This also creates a focal point, which is where all the cooking and cleaning will go on.  Sometimes, less is more when it comes to a beautiful black dining room.  Add Personal Touches  Stop searching for the perfect inspiration from the latest AD. Just do what feels right to keep it cozy!  Make the space your own with personal decorations. A small gallery wall with your favorite photos, a vase of fresh flowers, or a few candles can add a homey feel to your dining area. These touches make the space uniquely yours, even in a rental.  Keep it Functional  Lastly, make sure your dining space works for you. When space is tight, use furniture that can serve double duty. For example, a bench with built-in storage or a table that you can fold & move out of the way when not needed.  There you have it – an inviting and cozy eating space in your apartment.   A place where you can enjoy meals, put your feet up, and recharge as you immerse yourself in your home sweet home.  Final Notes!  Even though the kitchen wins many people’s hearts, the dining area will always be a special place in the home. As seen above, the simplicity and minimalism that a modern dining design calls for taking.   Different forms. These are a slew of tips you can incorporate to give your dining area a modern feel.  Remember to go for designs that complement one another to give your room a seamless pattern. If you remember these things and find the right design combo, you should be good to go.   Have fun and happy redesigning!   Read Also: Ideas to Give Luxury Feel to Your Condo How to Make your Home Look Beautiful in the Upcoming Holidays 5 Tips For Designing a Tiny House How You Can Choose the Ideal Ceiling Light for Your Living Area