Everything You Need To Know About Mobile Solar Generators


06 January 2021


Mobile Solar Generators

Solar power is a technology that has been around for quite some time, and the first photovoltaic cells were created in the 1950s. Since then, the technology has been improving, and the efficiency of modern photovoltaic cells has increased immensely, making solar power a viable option.

If you are considering getting mobile solar generators, here is everything that you need to know.

What Are Mobile Solar Generators?

Mobile Solar Generators

Most solar generators are static, which means they do not move. However, there are mobile ones that you can transport to any location and use them if there is enough sunlight. The items are common with people who love camping, RV camping, and boats, and they come in a variety of sizes. It is also popular for use in infrastructure projects, agriculture, and even in remote communities.

Mobile solar power generators have a bank of photovoltaic cells. These cells turn sunlight into energy. The energy can then be stored in batteries, which make this type of power generator handy for your next outdoor adventure.

What Do You Need For  Mobile Solar Generators?

When you are looking to purchase or make mobile solar generators, there are four components that make the device, which are:

  • Solar Panels
  • An Invertor
  • A Solar Charge Controller
  • Solar Batteries

The solar panels and the batteries are the parts of this device that can vary in quality, and you will want to select the most efficient solar panels you can afford, as well as high-quality batteries to store your electricity.

How Do They Work?

The first thing that you need to do is transport your system to where you want to set it up, and then assemble the solar panels. The solar panels collect the energy from the sun and where it is converted to a Direct Current (DC), and it is then passed through the solar charge controller. The controller regulates the voltage of the electricity when charging the battery where you store the power to be used later. When you are ready to use the energy collected from your solar panels, the inverter converts the DC power into AC (Alternating Current), which is what most electrical appliances use.

The Pros & Cons Of Mobile Solar Power

There are a lot of benefits to using solar power, and some drawbacks as well. One of the best things about solar power is that it is 100% clean and renewable energy that you are using, and there are no fuels to burn, which will create pollution. They are also relatively simple to maintain, and the biggest task will be to clean the solar panels and ensure that they are running at maximum efficiency.

There are some cons to solar power as well, and the biggest one is that there is a significant upfront cost required to purchase the equipment that you will need. You are also limited to the amount of power you can store, depending on the size and efficiency of your batteries. The charging process is slow as well.

The expense of solar technology can pay for itself in a short time, so it is worthwhile investing. You will have the luxury of being able to use your electrical devices wherever you go, safe in the knowledge that you are doing your part for the environment.

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Prepare Your Solar Panels for the Fall

Summer is done, and you can already see it by the drop in temperatures and the duration of the day. With shorter days also comes the reduced amount of sunlight during a 24 hour period, which worries some solar panel owners. Some people aren’t sure how effective their solar panels will be during the colder period of the year. However, as experts from Action Solar assure us, panels work just fine throughout the year; all you need to do is make sure that you optimize them for the season. Here’s how. Clean Your Panels: No matter how many panels you have, they are exposed to the elements all the time, and naturally, they get dirty. However, solar panels are quite durable and strong, meaning that you don’t need to clean them very often and even when you do, you don’t need to go into too much detail. In fact, if you clean them too often, you might damage them, so it’s better to give them a cursory sweep every month or so and be done with it. Removing debris like leaves and branches are more important than dusting them, as most solar panels only lose about 7% of their effectiveness when dirty, as researchers from the University of California in San Diego found out. Adjust the Tilt: During the summer, the sun falls more directly to the ground, meaning that your solar panels will absorb a lot of the sunlight even without careful positioning. However, as summer transitions into the fall and eventually winter, the sun will shift and the rays will fall in a more tilted angle. So, if you want to use as much of the sunlight as possible, you will need to adjust your panels accordingly. Naturally, you should not do this on your own, but rather invite professionals to do it for you. Not only are they skilled in handling solar panels, but they will be able to calculate the optimal tilt and positioning of your panels. The best solar companies in California recommend realigning your solar panels at least twice a year in order to maximize the productivity of your panel throughout the year and not just in summer. However, if you include the fall and spring adjustment as well, you will be able to actually bring out the maximum from your panels. Deal with the Decreased Output by Saving Energy: During the summer, days are longer and usually sunnier than any other part of the year. That’s great news for your solar panels because they will be able to produce more energy. That being said, you probably spend a lot of electricity just by running your AC all day. In the fall, on the other hand, you don’t need your AC and the days are still relatively long. So, you will be able to produce a lot more energy which you won’t immediately spend. This is the time when you will be able to bring your electricity bill down by a noticeable margin. However, as fall progresses, the days will be shorter, which means that you may need to cut some unnecessary electricity spending if you want your bill to remain low; that is until winter rolls around, and you need to fire up your furnace. The technology behind solar panels is improving every day, and the time when solar panels only used to be productive in the summer are long gone. Read Also: Everything You Need To Know About Portable Solar Power How To Start Living Off The Grid

Solar Panels

Ready Rooftops – How to Install Solar Panels

Solar power has risen in popularity rapidly all over Australia since the sudden decrease in costs at the beginning of the turn of the century and the advances in solar technology which have made commercial solar power much more accessible and affordable for all. With the continuing rise in the use of solar power, more and more home and business owners are moving to this renewable energy source and enjoying the benefits of green power. If you are deciding whether or not to make the switch to solar power, there are some things you need to consider before you go solar. Understanding the installation process is important to ensure that you install your solar panels for optimum efficiency. Most homeowners and business owners can install panels right away but there are a few things to be aware of so that your panel installation is a success and you can enjoy the benefits of solar power for many years to come. Let’s take a closer look at a few things that individuals and businesses should keep in mind before and during the installation of a new solar panel system. Determine How Much Power Will Be Produced: Before you install solar panels on your property, it’s important to take some time to do the necessary calculations in relation to the property you want to install your solar panels on to find out how much your solar system will produce. It doesn’t take long to do the calculations and once you have the results, you can determine how much power you can expect from your solar installation. Most solar installation companies can do an evaluation of your property before you install your panels to ensure it’s a suitable match for solar energy. Evaluate Your Roof: Evaluating your roof to see that it is appropriate to generate solar power is critical before you install your panels. This is usually done by the company before any contract is signed to ensure that the user will be able to make the most of the solar energy collected. However, it is not a bad idea to consider assessing your roof and position beforehand yourself too. If a roof is very shaded or the property is hidden from direct sunlight by another building or foliage, it may be necessary to reconsider your decision to go solar or come up with a different approach. For example, it’s possible to build solar installations on lawns which can equally benefit your property. Decide How Many Panels You Will Need: Prior to your installation, you should find out how many solar panels you will need, in terms of the size and scale of the solar installation and the number of photovoltaic cells. In order to find out this information, you should analyse your property and the energy capacity it currently works off. By carrying out an energy audit, you should be able to say with certainty how much power you need to use to fuel your home or business and therefore be able to decide on the measurements for your installation without any problems. Structurally Sound: If you have decided that installing a solar panel system on your roof is the right move, you will have to make sure that your roof is structurally sound and can take the weight and physical attachment of the system. Solar panel installations can last up to 30 years without any need to remove them so it is best to know that your roof will not need to be refurbished a few years down the road. Install Your Solar Panels And Enjoy A Greener Future: Once you have evaluated your home to ensure that the property is a good candidate for a solar installation, you will need to call your installation company. They will give the property one final look-over before and give you the green light before you complete the necessary paperwork. After the contract has been signed, you will be able to go ahead and prepare the orders for photovoltaic or thermal cells and the right inverter for your electric wiring. As soon as everything is set in place, you can set a date for the installation of your solar panels. Your installation company will do the rest of the work for you, install the panels and connect you to the national electricity grid so that you can take advantage of any excess energy that is produced through your system. With your solar panels installed, you can enjoy all of the benefits of solar power and look forward to a greener future. Read Also: Prepare Your Solar Panels For The Fall How To Start Living Off The Grid Feature Image: modernize.com

Home Generator

7 Specifications You Should Look for When Buying a Home Generator

Pretty much everyone has wished they had a backup home generator at one time or another. Whether you want a generator just so you won’t be left in the dark during a power failure or you need to know your family will be safe from the cold should a prolonged power outage happen during the dead of winter, buying a home generator requires some careful thought. Past the obvious choices of cost and reliability, there are a number of factors you should carefully consider before buying a home generator, such as price, your expected power needs, installation requirements, and maintenance issues. The variety of options and requirements can turn a seemingly simple purchase into a complex problem if you don’t know what you need. Here are seven specifications you should look for when buying a home generator: Specifications You Need To Look For Home Generator  There are several factors you need to look at while seeking a home generator. Work out the plans that can work well for you. 1. Power Requirements: Power needs are often dictated by your budget, as the more powerful a generator is the more it will, typically, cost. However, initial determining factors for calculating the size of the generator can be addressed with this query: During an electricity failure, does the generator need to power the entire house, or just handle emergency needs? When considering a generator that is able to handle the electrical demands of all the appliances in your home, factors such as peak demand during the months you use the most electricity is a deciding factor. Common generator voltages are 120/240 volts. If you are unsure, your electrician can provide this information. If you live in the south, where the temperatures are moderate throughout the winter, you will not need as powerful a generator as if you live in the far north where temperatures can be deadly in the winter months. A powerful home generator can make things easier for you. On the other hand, when calculating needs for backup supply, only the requirements of the reserve need to be calculated. In the north, this should include the furnace and a couple of lights. In the south, a smaller unit that can power a few lights and the refrigerator is probably adequate. For emergency loads, you may need to have an electrician install a dedicated emergency circuit from the main service panel to a distinct backup panel. However, this is typically up to the homeowner’s liking for a whole-house system. 2. Fuel Type: While it might seem convenient, gasoline is usually an inferior fuel choice for emergency generators as it tends to go bad quite quickly, especially gasoline with ethanol. Better choices include propane, natural gas, and diesel fuel. Powerful home generator can make things easier and effective for you. Prices can be a major contention when choosing between a natural gas generator, or propane and diesel since the price of the generator will depend on the amount of fuel the generator uses. The accessibility of the form of fuel is an additional important element. Propane and diesel fuel generators will have to be refilled during extended outages, whereas the utility company provides a continual source of natural gas. Local laws may dictate what type of fuel is available in your area. For example, the fuel element, propane is not usually permissible to be used within the limits of the city 3. Installation: Depending on the type of unit, you may need to hire a licensed electrician to install the generator. While smaller portable units simply require you plug a power cord directly into the unit, larger whole-house generators will need to be hardwired into your electrical system. Additionally, you will probably have to hire an authorized and insured plumber if you will be connecting the generator to a natural-gas fuel source. However, for simple emergency situations, a portable unit like gasoline-powered online Honda generators can provide up to 10,000 watts of emergency power and be stored in your garage, basement or on your porch. Some of the larger generator companies have their own installation staff or may subcontract the work. However, in some areas, depending on local codes, a homeowner with the proper skills may be able to perform their own installation. The important consideration is to use a trustworthy firm with a proven record of accomplishment of installing standby power-generator systems. 4. Placement: Where your generator will be located is an important consideration. The home generator should be installed as close to the fuel supply and service panel as possible. The generator must also be positioned where it can be easily reached for servicing. This is especially important if the unit is not being powered by natural gas, as you will have to fill the tank periodically. Additionally, it must be located at a comfortable distance from the ground to prevent any form of water from coming close or entering the unit in case of flooding. Outdoor installations may be required to be a secure distance from flammable structures to meet codes, as well as for safety in the absence of any local requirements. Indoor installations should adhere to norms and rules regarding exhaust, closeness to flammable materials, fuel-supply, and ventilation. Even if local codes don’t require it, the power back up should be placed in some type of enclosure to protect it from the elements and possible vandalism. Consider if there are Outdoor Noise Regulation imposed by the local Council or government body for installing the home generator outdoors. Some municipalities require the noise level of a generator is restricted to a specified decibel level at the property line closest to the unit. If a noise ordinance exists, the required level of sound will dictate the kind of power generator that will be used. Quite a few residential generators are supplied with sound deadening enclosure. 5. Options: Accessory options can vary widely, depending on the home generator make and model. Some systems will offer a remote panel that can be installed in a convenient spot inside your home that will have controls and displays to allow you to control and monitor your system without having to go outside. Larger whole-house systems will typically have an automatic transfer switch that will switch the generator on when a power disruption is detected and may be an option on some smaller units. 6. Maintenance: Like any piece of mechanical equipment, and home generators require regular and proper maintenance to ensure it will do the job you bought it to do when the time comes. Unfortunately, because it isn’t typically used on a regular base, maintenance often isn't thought about, until the generator won’t start during a power outage. Some companies will include routine maintenance in the cost of the unit or you may be able to purchase a separate maintenance contract. If you are a do-it-yourselfer you can perform maintenance on your generator yourself, just be sure it won’t void the warranty. 7. Warranty: The typical warranty for residential generators usually varies from one to five year, based on the manufacturer and model. Be sure to study the warranty coverage, including the duration, and what is and what is not covered. Many companies will offer an extended warranty for an added fee. 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