What Are Solar Incentives?


03 December 2018


Solar Incentives

In a bid to put an end to global warming, more and more technological inventions are tilting towards promoting the sustenance of the environment; which is practically the main reason why the solar panels are invented as a means of producing electricity in the first place. To get more people on board to subscribe to this new means of producing power, measures were put in place; in which one of them is to allow the owners of the solar panels to enjoy certain privileges, which are loosely called Solar Incentives.

So you ask, What Are Solar Incentives? This is a measure put in place to ensure that owners of the solar panels enjoy certain benefits, just by installing and using the product. These solar incentives have led more people to subscribe to the idea of installing and using the panels for their homes and business; because not only is it profitable to the environments, it is also profitable to their finances in the long run.

The following are some of the Solar Incentives there is:

1. Solar Investment Tax Credits:

Of all solar incentives available, this is the one that is commonly known. In this case, Solar owners benefit by having the privilege, as made possible by the federal government, to take out a portion of the cost of the solar panels from their taxes. What that means is that the cost of the system is being subsidized by a certain percent, from your taxes. The common investment tax credit percent is 30% of the cost of the solar panel system. Enticing isn’t it? So, if the solar panel system costs $10,000, you are only paying 70% of that amount, with the remaining 30% already footed for from your taxes.

The only twist to this is that to be able to claim the investment tax credit, your taxable income should be higher or equivalent to the investment tax credit.

2. State Tax Credit:

This is basically similar to the federal investment tax credit, only that this time, a small portion of the cost of the solar panel system can be deducted from your state tax bill, relieving you of some costs that would have been invested in purchasing of the solar panel system. The only twist to this is, unlike the federal tax credit, this is not applicable to all states; only residents of some states are privileged to enjoy this package.

For those that could enjoy this package, they could end of saving about 50% of the cost of the solar panel, making it easier for them to purchase the solar panel system and enjoy its benefits.

3. Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SREC):

The New Jersey’s Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SREC) program have made it possible for residents in new jersey that have acquired and installed the solar panel system to enjoy a special kind of solar incentives called certificates – though this is not exclusive to new jersey alone.

You may be asking, what are Solar Renewable Energy Certificates?

These are a type of solar incentive that allows owners of a solar system to sell the certificates to their utility. By standard, if you can generate 1000 kilowatts hours (kWhs) from your solar system, you are eligible to get one SREC; and an SREC is worth at least $300. Now imagine how much that figure can rise up to if you can make 6000 kilowatts hours. Let me just leave you to do the mathematics yourself.

If you were once unsure about purchasing a solar panel, this should make you change your mind.

4. Net Metering:

It is common knowledge that some owners of the solar panel system produce more than they can consume, in which they decide to store the overflow in an On-site battery. What if I tell you that instead of storing that in an on-site battery, you can sell to your local utility company and get returns which can be used to foot other bills. Amazing deal, isn’t it? I can bet you think it is.

That’s basically what Net Metering is all about.

So in days, you create more electricity beyond what you can consume with your solar panel system, instead of hoarding it in your battery, you are given another opportunity to get returns for it. Think about the future energy bills and other bills you can foot by selling excess power produced by your system.

5. Cash rebates:

These are basically cash backs for the owners of the solar panel systems. It could come from different parastatals – like the government, utility company etc. – that are concerned about promoting the use of solar energy. This could also help subsidize the cost of the solar system.

With the aforementioned solar incentives available, the idea of investing in the purchase and installation of a solar panel system is becoming more appealing. What are Solar Incentives? I hope this article has done justice to answering that question.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Small Business, Big Sustainability: Navigating The Future Of Energy And Water Management

Small businesses have always faced challenges when it comes to managing their energy and water consumption. However, with the increasing pressure to reduce our carbon footprint and the rising costs of utilities, it has become more important than ever for small businesses to take control of their energy and water usage. In this article, we will discuss the future of energy and water management for small businesses and what steps can be taken to reduce costs and become more sustainable. Measure your usage The first step in effective energy and water management for small businesses is to measure usage. This is done by installing smart meters, which provide real-time data on energy and water consumption. A half hourly meter will automatically split your energy consumption, with no manual reading required. This data can be used to identify patterns and trends in usage, which can help small businesses make informed decisions about how to reduce their consumption. Smart technology The future of energy and water management for small businesses lies in the use of smart technology. Smart technology, such as IoT (Internet of Things) devices, can be used to automate and optimize energy and water usage. For example, smart thermostats can adjust temperature settings based on occupancy patterns, and smart lighting can adjust brightness levels based on natural light levels. These devices can be controlled remotely, which means small business owners can monitor and adjust usage even when they are not on-site. Related: Best Paying Jobs In Energy Renewable energy Renewable energy sources will also play a key role in the future of energy and water management for small businesses. Small businesses can install solar panels, wind turbines, or hydroelectric generators to generate their own energy. These systems can be connected to the grid, which means any excess energy generated can be sold back to the utility company. Renewable energy sources are becoming more affordable and accessible, which means small businesses can now invest in them without breaking the bank. Water management Water management is another important aspect of energy and water management for small businesses. Small businesses can install low-flow fixtures and toilets, which can reduce water consumption by up to 30%. Water-efficient appliances, such as dishwashers as well as washing machines, can also be used to reduce water usage. Small businesses can also install rainwater harvesting systems, which collect rainwater from rooftops and store it for later use. This water can be used for irrigation, flushing toilets, or even drinking if properly treated. Water recycling systems In addition to these measures, small businesses can also implement water recycling systems. Greywater, which is wastewater from sinks, washing machines, and showers, can be reused as well as treated for non-potable uses, including irrigation or flushing toilets. Blackwater, which is wastewater from toilets, can also be treated and reused, although this requires more advanced treatment systems. Government incentives Small businesses can also take advantage of government incentives and programs to reduce their energy and water usage. For example, there are tax credits available for businesses that install renewable energy systems or energy-efficient appliances. Some utility companies also offer rebates for businesses that implement energy and water-saving measures. The future of energy and water management for small businesses lies in the use of smart technology, renewable energy sources, and water-saving measures. Small businesses can use smart technology to measure and optimize their energy and water usage, while renewable energy sources can be used to generate clean, affordable energy. Water-saving measures can also be implemented to reduce water usage and promote sustainability. With government incentives and programs available, small businesses can take advantage of these opportunities to reduce costs, improve their bottom line and become more sustainable. By taking action today, small businesses can ensure a brighter, more sustainable future for themselves and for generations to come. Read Also: Is Energy A Good Career Path? – A Detailed Guide Unleash The Benefits Of Choosing The Right Water Provider 8 Things To Consider When Purchasing A Water Tank Online

Installing A Greenhouse

What You Need To Know Before Installing A Greenhouse

If you decide to up your game in gardening by widening your space and growing more crops, plants, fruits, and veggies, it’s time to consider investing in a greenhouse. Nothing beats the convenience of harvesting organic ingredients and producing straight from your garden. Not only does this help you save money, but it also allows you to explore more variety of seedlings to grow.  Greenhouses are an excellent environment for fruits and vegetables to grow in their best state. Because of the safe enclosure, insects and external conditions cannot adversely affect their growth and condition. This safe haven ensures your plants' nourishment to reap the best quality of produce later on. However, before installing a greenhouse, you should acquire more knowledge and learn helpful techniques.  Here is everything you need to know before installing a greenhouse. Type Of Greenhouse Design  In order to buy or build a greenhouse, you first need to figure out how much-growing space you will need and what type of greenhouse design is best for you. You will have to continue using the same greenhouse for many years, so choose a size that will provide ample space for all the crops you wish to grow and care for. Opt for a reliable greenhouse company that includes installation services.   Purchasing With Installation Included  Some greenhouse specialists like Swgreenhouses.co.uk will include installation with your purchase, which means you don't have to worry about installing it yourself in your own garden, which can save a lot of worries.  Upon choosing the company or provider, don’t forget to seek advice on what type of greenhouse would best fit your needs and preferences. Here are two types to consider: Attached  A lean-to or attached greenhouse offers the advantage of not having to build all four walls. It can significantly reduce greenhouse construction or installation cost. Since the foundation is already within your house, the greenhouse will remain stable and sturdy. Many home gardeners choose this greenhouse option because it’s easier to construct and cost-effective. The ideal area in your home to install an attached greenhouse is to find a place with enough sunlight. Freestanding  The other option you can choose is freestanding greenhouses. It is the best bet if you want to place your greenhouse in different locations within your home. While they may require a heftier initial investment, you can see how cost-effective they can be in the long run since you can grow more plants in them.  It also enhances your curb appeal as they become an extended sanctuary of your home. You can add decor or furniture and keep your greenhouse an additional space to entertain guests or spend time with the family. Because of their multiple purposes, freestanding greenhouses can be an excellent investment. Consider The Plants You Want To Grow Another important step before constructing or installing your greenhouse is deciding the kind of plants you’ll grow. This will help you determine the requirements for growing them and guide you in designing the greenhouse. If you don't know what kind of plants to grow in your greenhouse, you can't properly plan the proper temperature or lighting. To care for your plants and vegetables, you have to factor in their sunlight and water requirement, temperature, humidity, and other factors. Choose plants that are matched to how your greenhouse can supply these elements. Also, note that you'll need to buy greenhouse tools, equipment, and accessories based on your chosen plants.  The good news is that you can grow any plant in your greenhouse. This is because the greenhouse's main benefit is that you can control all these necessary elements to keep your plants strong and healthy. But you will need to decide what types of species grow well together and keep your greenhouse successful and effective.  Whether you’re thinking of growing spiky plants that can be used to decorate houses or fruits and veggies that can be grown organically, the key is to be familiar with several plant species and their corresponding care requirements. After all, you'll be able to plan which plants can grow together if you have a broad understanding of the plants you're growing.  Choose Your Location  Choosing your location is important when deciding to invest in a greenhouse. If your greenhouse is near your home, you can visit and monitor it more often. However, if it’s a bit far, you might not be able to care for it frequently. Make sure it’s strategically located somewhere you or your family can easily access. When choosing the best location, the general rule is to select a place where the sun shines much longer and more often. Thoroughly study and assess your residence, and see where the sun rises and sets daily. Consider these factors when deciding where to install your greenhouse. Find an area where your greenhouse will have protection against strong winds and frost pockets in case these instances occur.  Light, Water, And Ventilation  Finally, you have to ensure that your greenhouse will have convenient power sources, water, and air ventilation. This will enable you to install lighting and water fixtures easily. Your greenhouse must meet some requirements regardless of style, size, or construction method. Consider the aspects below: Electricity  You can control temperature easier when you install fans within the greenhouse. Wire the outlets safely and securely, and acquire all permits when installing a greenhouse. Aside from using a commercial power supply, you can consider installing solar-powered panels to generate electricity for the lights necessary in the greenhouse.  Air Ventilation  Air ventilation can be increased through the use of indoor greenhouse fans. They help alleviate extreme temperatures and climates. Airflow prevents warm air from rising, whereas cold air gathers below near the plants without airflow. Install fans or roof vents to promote more ventilation.  Water   Your greenhouse must have water access. Many greenhouses use garden hoses that are attached to a nearby resource. However, you can also go for automated sprinkler systems, which can be scheduled or turned on manually without having to go through all plants one by one.   Conclusion  Your greenhouse investment will ultimately depend on you. You can do it yourself or hire professionals to install them successfully in your home. However, it’s crucial to know the details and aspects mentioned above to make your greenhouse construction project a breeze. Additional: Best Paying Jobs In Energy Smart House Technology for Saving Energy What You Should Know about Solar Energy for Schools Benefits Is The World Shifting Fast Enough To Renewable Sources Of Energy?


How to start living off the grid

With things like global warming and climate change becoming increasingly serious topics for discussion, the question of what we can do as individuals to make a difference is being asked more and more frequently. Sometimes it seems futile and the idea that one person can make a difference seems impossible. But the truth is that if lots of individuals are switched on to change then suddenly it’s not just a single person making a difference, it’s a community or a nation and at some point hopefully a world. But what can you do to make a difference and to start using natural resources more sparingly and sustainably? Make informed choices : Just because it is available and it’s cheap, doesn’t mean that it is good. While it might fit your pocket in the short term if it means that your choice is going to contribute to global warming or the rise of the oceans then maybe you need to think twice. Ask questions and tell suppliers what you want. Use a company like Econnex who broker energy solutions across a range of suppliers and make sure you tell them what you want. Price is important, but look to make use of suppliers who use solar and wind as a way of generating electricity, stay far away from old-school fossil fuel solutions. It is possible. Re-use your water : If you collect your used water you will be amazed how much you get through on a daily basis. And unless you have implemented a grey-water solution to collect the used water it all just runs into the drains and disappears. Washing machines and showers and dishwashers. Brushing your teeth. Washing the car. These all use water and lots of it. And there is no need for your water to disappear down the drain after one use, it’s not environmentally friendly and it’s expensive. Water needs to be used as often as possible and with a few simple systems implemented it can be done easily. Solar is real : The sun has all the energy that we need and it is free. Traditionally storing solar energy has been the biggest problem preventing larger-scale rollouts of solar solutions. But on an almost daily basis, the technology that makes solar power effective is getting better and cheaper. Panels are much cheaper than they were ten years ago and batteries and other energy storage system are getting smaller and cheaper while increasing their capacity to store energy. Solar is the way of the future and it is something that can be done on a home-by-home basis. It is even possible to contribute electricity to the national grid and be a supplier rather than a consumer. Collect rainwater : Much like the sun in the paragraph above, rain is another resource that comes from the sky for free. It is clean and free and if we just put in place ways to store it, we could very quickly free ourselves from the need to buy water from the government. It might cost a bit to buy some tanks at the start of the process, but if your plan is to go off-grid and be totally independent then it’s a small price to pay for independence and sustainable living. Read More : What Are Renewable Sources And How To Introduce Them Into Your Household? Create A Stunning Outdoor Space With These Residential Landscape Lighting Tips Close Look At Top 5 Roofing Materials – Pros And Cons