Solar Battery System Types – AC Vs DC-coupled


13 October 2020



Before you choose the right solar battery, you first need to learn what AC and DC coupling means. Your solar battery storage system determines how effective your solar air conditioning will be.

There are two main ways to connect your power sources when you add battery storage to your solar energy system. AC and DC are the two main types of voltages used to conduct electricity.

Let’s find out what differentiates these two battery systems.

What is the Difference Between AC and DC Power?

AC stands for Alternating Current, and it means electric power first flows in one direction and then the other. This is the type of electric current on the main grid, and it’s suitable for your solar air-con.

DC power, on the other hand, stands for Direct current, and it means electricity flows in one direction only. This is the electric power that your solar panels generate from sunlight. The energy stored in your home’s solar battery is usually DC power.

Since your solar panels generate DC power and your solar air conditioning and other home appliances need AC power, you need a solar inverter to convert this energy to AC electricity. There are three main types of solar inverters in the market;

Traditional Inverters

This first type of inverter is also known as the central inverter because it draws power from your solar panels. If you have a solar air conditioner at home, you’ll need this kind of converter to keep it running.

It is usually a box that’s installed next to your home’s breaker box. It functions by combining all DC energy from your solar panels and converting it to DC power so that you can use your solar air conditioner Malaysia.


The second type of inverter is an in-built component on individual solar panels. They are small inverters found on the backside of your panels. They allow your panels to individually and independently convert the harnessed DC power to AC energy.


Lastly, we have the DC-optimizers that are devices that also go at the back of individual solar panels. Unlike Micro-inverters, they don’t convert DC to AC. Instead, they optimize conditions to ensure your home’s central inverter has an easy time converting DC to AC power. These converters work in a hybrid solar energy system that includes a traditional central inverter and in-built solar panel inverters.

Is a Battery DC or AC?

Batteries, like solar panels, store and produce DC power. Since your home’s electricity is AC, it means batteries in devices have converters that turn the AC power to DC energy.

DC batteries use the same solar inverters that your home uses to convert the stored DC energy to AC power. AC batteries, on the other hand, have an in-built inverter that directly does the conversion.

AC Vs DC -Storage Architecture

Comparing the strengths and weaknesses of these two battery storage systems helps you choose what is best for your home.

DC-Coupled Systems

The DC-coupled system is designed to connect directly to the main grid the same way as your solar panels. In which case, a hybrid inverter is required to create a synergy between the solar battery and the solar panels.


  • There is less energy loss because it’s a one-way conversion.
  • Your system makes you eligible for Net Energy Metering if your solar panels can generate excess energy.
  • It is a simple system which translates to lower costs.
  • It is a smart option for people who’re just beginning their solar energy journey.


  • If you already have a PV system, incorporating it is complex and costly.

AC-Coupled Systems

The AC-coupled system operates with two solar inverters; a conventional inverter and an additional storage inverter that charges your solar battery. It might seem like a complicated system, but it is very easy to setup. However, as compared to the DC-coupled system, it’s less efficient because it has to be charged.


  • It is way more flexible than the DC-coupled system. The inclusion of two inverters allows you to adjust the location of the battery at will.
  • It is compatible with all kinds of solar inverters.
  • It is a cost-effective solution for people that already have a PV system.


  • The system is slightly less efficient as compared to the DC-coupled system because of the AC-DC-AC conversion.
  • The system will have more points of failure because you’ll have one inverter in a different location.

Which Is Better for your Solar and Storage Needs?

If you already have a solar energy system at home, you should go with the AC-coupled system because it’s flexible and easy to set up. However, if you’re just starting your solar journey, you should go with the DC-coupled system; if you generate excess energy, you get to sell it to the main grid.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the difference between these two solar battery systems helps you make the right purchase. Ensure that you work with a professional who understands what is best for your home. Solar energy systems are here to stay, and you might as well jump on the bandwagon because it’s a system that pays for itself.

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HVO Fuel

HVO Fuel Uncovered: The Secret Fuel That Could Change Everything

The "fight" for a cleaner planet has been going on for a long time. People are trying to beat themselves because they and the things they use are the main polluters. Cars and everything that uses fossil fuels are among them, considering their emissions of exhaust gases into the atmosphere are huge. At the global level, governments make efforts to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, knowing these are the biggest polluters. That's why the desire to find alternative sources of energy from renewable sources has been present for a long time. While there are already certain options in use, as you can read here, new solutions are constantly coming up with improved performance and lower CO2 emissions. Alternative fuels are essential for sustainable carbon-free energy supply and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. And while you're probably already familiar with their use, HVO (which stands for Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) might be new to you. This low-carbon liquid fuel has gained attention lately because it seems like the long-awaited solution to pollution issues. About The HVO Fuel HVO implies using cooking oils and similar fatty waste as fuel. That's not an entirely new concept since the use of processed vegetable oils in diesel engines has been known for more than a century. Nevertheless, it's a new hype among eco-conscious consumers because it's plant-based and very clean. Its CO2 emission and the number of PM particles are almost 90% lower than diesel and kerosene, fossil fuels that are still widely used. The base of HVO is vegetable oil, that is, used cooking oil, such as sunflower, peanut, grapeseed, etc. However, it can also be made of both food-grade and non-food-grade oils (like palm or soy), animal fat residues, and tall oil. In their original state, these liquids could not be used as fuels, so they undergo hydrotreatment. It serves to change their consistency and composition for use in standard diesel engines. Hydrotreatment involves the use of hydrogen to eliminate oxygen from the oils. This treatment takes place at very high temperatures, and then glycerides, or fat components, are separated. That's a refining process that leaves this new fuel with minimal impurities, meaning that, during its combustion, there will be no harmful by-products and gases. That means less damage to the engine itself but also drastically less pollution. The Use Of HVO In general, HVO represents an alternative to fossil fuels, especially diesel, one of the major pollutants globally. So this new energy source can be used in all engines made for diesel. It means that its most common application will be in car engines. Still, it has found its purpose in off-road and agricultural machinery, boats, and generators. Some of the major truck makers have already made vehicles powered by HVO, as in this biodiesel-powered racing truck. This new fuel from reputable manufacturers like is equally usable in modern diesel engines as well as in older types that don't have electronic fuel injection. They will have almost the same performance in operation as if regular diesel was used, only with much less damage to the engine, the entire circuit, and the environment. Alternative fuels also have a huge potential to become the primary energy source for heating systems. Oil and gas still dominate in this area, but more and more households and industrial facilities are turning to alternative solutions. For instance, heat pumps are a popular yet costly solution. HVO can be an even better and more cost-effective option if you plan to go green, that is, to switch to it from standard heating systems that use oil or kerosene. This venture won't cost you extra money because there's no need for system modifications and add-ons, as would eventually be the case with heat pumps. Benefits Of Switching To HVO Fuel As said, using HVO cuts the emission of harmful gases by up to 90%, depending on what makes the base of this fuel. That results from clean combustion because there are no impurities and PM particles in this processed liquid. Moving on, it means that engines will utilize a higher percentage of fuel, so their consumption will be lower. Simply put, HVO is a cleaner and more economical solution than diesel. This fuel is also sustainable, as it's made from waste (used cooking oil and animal fat). It also emits much less greenhouse gases than other fuels. As there's no carbon in HVO, there are no toxic and potentially carcinogenic combustion by-products. Another advantage of using HVO in standard diesel engines is that there is no need for their upgrades. But if you plan to use it as a replacement for heating oil in oil-fired boilers, there might be some minimal changes to your existing system. In any case, this can bring significant savings to both individuals and companies that, for some reason, have relied on fossil fuels until now. Because it doesn't contain oxygen molecules, HVO has a fairly long shelf life. So you can store it in specialized containers for up to 10 years without fear it will lose its properties and viscosity. For the same reason, HVO's freezing point is lower than that of ordinary diesel. Also, it won't harm the environment in case of accident spillage or leak. How HVO Differ From FAME? FAME is biodiesel, which isn't the same as HVO, although there are certain similarities. For starters, both are plant-based. But what makes a significant difference is how they're made. FAME utilizes esterification, which turns fatty molecules into esters and keeps oxygen molecules in it. As explained, HVO is obtained by a refinery process that removes oxygen from fats, leaving them ester-free, clean, stable, and non-prone to oxidation. So, unlike FAME, hydrotreated vegetable oils can't spoil, thicken, or degrade during storage. HVO is the fuel of the future, and there are many good reasons for that. It's a clean, non-toxic, sustainable, and economical alternative to diesel. It contributes to reducing the global carbon footprint, bringing no harm to the living world and the environment. Read Also: Fuel Storage Tanks: Ensuring Safe And Reliable Fuel Management 6 Effective Ways To Improve Your Car’s Fuel Efficiency 5 Ways To Improve The Fuel Efficiency Of Your Truck

Solar Power Systems Include A Battery

Why Do Some Solar Power Systems Include A Battery?

When you go to purchase a solar power system, you will find a variety of options. Some will include a battery. Others will not. The battery can either be a battery that stores the energy of the sun, one that stores the power of the wind, or a combination of the two. Lithium-Ion Batteries Lithium-ion batteries are a type of rechargeable battery that provides more storage capacity without taking up more space than lead-acid batteries. These types of batteries are useful for off-grid power stations. They have high charging and discharging efficiencies and long service life. However, lithium batteries do have their limitations. These include the potential to catch fire. Furthermore, the battery's lifespan depends on how deep it is charged. This is known as the Depth of Discharge or DoD. Most lithium solar batteries have a DoD of about 95%. While this means that the battery can be safely used for more than ninety percent of its total capacity, it also means that the battery will need to be recharged every so often. In addition, lithium-ion batteries are generally more expensive than lead-acid batteries. Depending on how many batteries you want to purchase, it can cost from $5,000 to $15,000. To make up for the higher cost, there are federal tax credits available. Compared to lead-acid batteries, lithium-ion solar batteries have a longer lifetime. Lead-acid batteries have a short lifespan, usually around five years. On the other hand, lithium batteries can last for twenty years or more. A properly installed lithium ion solar battery will have a very low risk of thermal runaway. The round-trip efficiency is another characteristic of a lithium-ion battery. It is the difference between how much energy is used to charge the battery and how much is left when the battery is fully charged. Generally, lithium batteries have a round-trip efficiency of between 90 and 95 percent. Some lithium solar batteries require three stages of charging. The first stage charges the battery until it is about 90 percent full. This is done by using a voltage regulator charge controller. At this point, the battery begins to drain the amperage. The second stage of charging is where the battery is charged for a short period of time until the amperage is nearly full. If you use a store charger, this will increase the discharge rate. Because of the sensitivity of the battery to temperature, it is advisable to choose a battery that is designed for cold or warm weather conditions. Lithium-ion batteries are generally more forgiving than lead-acid batteries. However, they may still need to be replaced in the future. Therefore, it is important to look for a company that has an excellent track record of customer satisfaction. Another important consideration is the warranty. Ideally, you should be able to buy the battery with a warranty that guarantees the specific capacity of the battery. The warranty should also state how many cycles and years of good performance it can provide. Choosing the right battery for your solar panel system is dependent on many factors. You will need to consider the frequency of discharging, the amount of available space, and the installation method. DC Coupling DC coupling in solar power systems is the process by which electricity generated by photovoltaic panels is routed directly into the batteries of an energy storage system. This can help reduce the overall Levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and provide increased energy independence. In addition, it eliminates the need for a second inverter or additional controls. One of the main benefits of using a DC-coupled system is that it is more efficient. With an AC-coupled system, each DC output of a PV module must be converted to AC, resulting in efficiency losses. When the dc output of the PV modules is directly tied to the battery of an Energy Storage System, it is possible to maximize the amount of solar-generated electricity fed into the grid. While an AC-coupled system can be a viable option for some applications, a DC-coupled system is preferred for most projects. The reason is simple. These systems are easier to install and operate. They are also slightly more efficient than their AC counterparts. For this reason, they are considered the best choice for new solar+ storage installations. There are a variety of factors to consider when deciding between an AC and DC-coupled solar system. The specifics of a particular project will play a big role in this decision. However, one important factor is interconnection costs. Using the same inverter to charge and discharge your battery system can decrease the cost of the installation. Also, co-locating your assets will reduce the cost of land acquisition and permit applications. Another benefit of adding a battery bank to your PV system is that it can allow you to take advantage of tax credits. As a result, you can end up with a completely self-sufficient home. You will be able to store excess energy for use during periods of inclement weather or in the evening when the solar panels are no longer producing. DC coupling is a promising development in the field of energy storage. It is a newer system architecture that can increase the efficiency of an Energy Storage System. Unlike the AC counterpart, a DC-coupled system has direct current wiring. This allows for faster, simpler installation. Furthermore, the systems can be expanded. Inverters used in DC-coupled systems are usually smaller than those used in AC-coupled systems. Because of this, DC-coupled systems may be more suitable for residential or small commercial applications. Those that are more than 6kW will require multiple strings of solar panels. If you need more than a few kilowatts of energy, you will need to invest in MPPT solar charge controllers. As more utilities and solar developers begin to develop DC-coupled solar+storage solutions, the industry is expected to become more mainstream. The technology has the potential to lower the cost of implementing solar+ storage projects and will make the energy storage market more competitive. Hybrid Systems Hybrid solar power systems offer a number of benefits over traditional solar systems. One of the biggest advantages is the ability to store energy in your own home. This is especially beneficial when the weather is cloudy or when the sun isn't shining. Hybrid power systems can work alone, but they also work when connected to the grid. They allow you to store extra electricity in your battery and then return it to the grid at peak hours for high-value credits. The most efficient hybrid system will use a basic inverter that controls the flow of power into the battery. Another major benefit of a hybrid system is its capability to store and provide power in case of an outage. While a traditional grid system does not have the battery backup capacity to keep your lights and appliances running during a power outage, a hybrid power system can do just that. There are a number of components that go into making a hybrid system. These include batteries, an inverter, a combiner box, and a solar panel. Each of these items can be used to improve the efficiency of your system, which translates into lower costs and a longer lifespan. A hybrid solar system is especially appealing to consumers in areas that are prone to losing power for long periods of time. These systems can be a great way to cut down on your energy costs and help protect your house from future rate hikes. Also, a hybrid power system can be more environmentally friendly than a system fueled by fossil fuels. Most hybrid systems will use lithium-ion batteries as the main source of energy. Lithium-ion batteries are capable of holding more energy and have more capacities than lead-acid or other types of batteries. While a hybrid system may be a bit more expensive than a purely on-grid system, it is still much cheaper than an off-grid system. In addition, some utilities do not have retail rates for solar electricity. Even with a small solar array, you can save up to two-thirds of your electric bill. Another big advantage of a hybrid system is the fact that you will get credit for the amount of electricity you produce. Some utilities have net metering policies, which allow you to buy back excess energy from the grid for a higher rate than you pay for the actual electricity. Depending on your area, you may be eligible for a federal rebate. For example, the Federal Investment Tax Credit is available through 2022, which will allow you to reduce the cost of your solar power installation by up to 30%. Moreover, in 2022 or 2023, the federal tax credit for solar power projects will be extended, which will further decrease the price of a hybrid system. Read Also: Is Energy A Good Career Path? – A Detailed Guide Best Paying Jobs In Energy Everything You Need To Know About Mobile Solar Generators

Solar Panel

Five Factors That Impact Solar Panel Installation And Maintenance Costs

More homeowners are increasingly turning to solar power as an alternative energy source due to its ability to lower electricity bills and boost home resale values. While going green is an excellent move, installing and maintaining solar power systems are associated with high costs. By learning about the factors influencing them, you can easily decide if switching to solar power is worth your hard-earned money. Here Are Five Prime Factors That Impact Solar Panel Installation And Maintenance Costs 1. Your preferred solar panel contractor Selecting the right solar panel installer is critical as you transition to a more sustainable lifestyle. Proper installation and maintenance can make or break your project's cost-effectiveness, so don't be tempted by low prices alone! To get ahead of potential problems down the road, research companies for their qualifications and reviews before making any commitments. Investing in an experienced contractor may come at a higher upfront price tag but will ensure successful integration into renewable energy sources with long-term savings benefits. When you contact us, we will answer any inquiries regarding the cost of our solar power installation and maintenance solutions. 2. Roof type and angle The type and angle of your roof significantly impact your solar panel's installation cost and maintenance. Roofs that are flat, slate, or shingle can be challenging to work with, and installation may take more time and effort, which leads to higher costs. The angle and orientation of the roof also play a role. A roof with a steep slope facing south will provide optimum sun exposure, reducing installation costs and improving energy production. 3. Structural issues Structural issues also affect solar panel installation costs and maintenance. The integrity of the roof and the structural load-bearing capability are essential considerations. Reinforcement may be necessary if the roof cannot accommodate the solar panel's weight, which will increase installation costs. Similarly, any structural issues that require repairs, such as rot, sagging, or cracks, would require rectification before installation, which increases installation costs. 4. Solar system add-ons When upgrading your solar power system, several accessories could enhance its performance. Battery backup systems can store excess energy for later use and offer protection when the sun isn't shining as brightly or in case of an outage. While these add-ons come with additional costs upfront, they may provide long-term financial savings, greater reliability to offset any weather variations affecting production levels, and added peace of mind during emergencies. 5. Local costs Local codes and regulations can also influence solar power installation cost and maintenance. Permits and interconnection fees, for example, can vary between localities, and you must confirm any costs before proceeding with the installation. Licensing, inspection, and maintenance costs are additional expenses that may be imposed in your locality. Conclusion Investing in a solar energy system could be an effective way to reduce your utility bills. Still, the timeline of when you can expect to see those savings depends on several factors. In sunny areas with high current energy costs, these systems can pay off within five years, though other locations may have longer wait times that stretch out into ten or 20-year cycles before any real return is seen. It ultimately comes down to your value on environmentally friendly solutions and long-term investments versus the more immediate financial gains from traditional power generation sources. Read Also: Ready Rooftops – How to Install Solar Panels 8 Tips For Choosing Solar Panels For Outdoor Activity How Much Do You Save With Solar Panels? The Ultimate Guide