5 Features to Look for in a Business Energy Provider

Published on: 17 March 2019 Last Updated on: 20 March 2019
Business Energy

Switching business energy suppliers is an opportunity that every company should not miss out on. Compared with a residential household, companies use more energy daily. An average UK small business spends around £13,000 on electricity annually, and another £7,000 on gas. With so much on the line, it is crucial to find the best and most affordable energy tariffs.

Apart from the cost, you also need to consider the reliability of the service considering that any interruption will cause significant damage to business operations. That’s why it is also essential that while you are comparing quotes from different suppliers using a comparison tool like Utility Bidder, you also need to take into account the following factors.

Supplier history and reputation:

Corporate responsibility and values adhered to by an energy provider are some things to look into if you want to partner with a reputable supplier. Some may think that the natural choice is going with large companies that have been around for many years. Although it is true that the top energy suppliers may provide some of the best services out there, there is no reason not to look elsewhere and choose a supplier that is relatively new on the scene. These small providers usually have more personalized services, and many people are missing out on these benefits because they think that bigger is always better.

Service areas:

In this regard, big energy suppliers are a better choice. Depending on where you are located, you will want an energy provider that supports your location and guarantee that there will be fewer or no service interruptions. Apart from reliability, you may also want to look into tax incentives or local prices which may vary from one supplier to another depending on where you are.

Prices and plans offered:

The energy market is affected by many factors which makes it highly volatile. Apart from choosing a fixed-rate plan over variable plans, you also need to ensure that the supplier you want has the best offers and rates. Take note of cancellation fees or other fees associated with transferring from one supplier to another before you decide. Hidden transaction fees can add up and increase the cost of a plan which makes switching less than beneficial if that is the case.

A wide range of services:

In finding the best energy provider, you also need to consider if the supplier offers a variety of services. Paying multiple suppliers could be a waste of money, and if you can get all services under one roof, you will have a better chance of getting the best rates.

Customer service:

Suppliers with reliable service also tend to have excellent customer support. As a business owner, you need to ensure that any issues you have with your energy supply are dealt with quickly. As much as possible, choose a provider with round the clock customer service. This way, you are confident that you can get help at any time of the day. Customer support is not merely about responsiveness, but the capability to provide the best possible solution considering the unique circumstances of your company.

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The Essential Factors You Need to Consider when Installing Solar Panels

Solar panel systems have taken the world by storm, and it’s not just in ‘sunny’ countries like Australia where solar panel installations have become immensely popular. In the UK, more homeowners and householders are opting for solar panels as well, and the fact that the cost of installing your own solar panel system has gone down tremendously in the last few years has contributed to its popularity. But if you are thinking of having a solar panel system installed, there are some major considerations you need to think about as well. For one, solar panel installations need to be done in the proper way and with the proper accreditation in order for you to take advantage of the government's Feed-in Tariff programme. What else do you need to consider, then? Here’s a list of the essential factors you need to consider when installing solar panels in your home. The investment: Truth be told, having a solar panel installation isn't a cheap affair. It is an investment, and it's best you know this from the start. But the good news is that the cost of a typical solar panel installation has already gone down by as much as 50% compared to the cost of a system eight years ago. But here's the thing: while it's not cheap, you are guaranteed to recover your investment over time, especially since your energy bills are going to be lower and you can even earn extra money through the Feed-in Tariff scheme. With the scheme, whatever extra energy you have that you don't use can be sold back to the grid, and you will receive payments from the government every quarter for this. The supply of energy: Your solar panel installation will still work quite well even if you are in the UK, with its inclement and unpredictable weather. Of course, the system will work best during the sunnier seasons, but it doesn’t mean that it won’t produce energy whilst it’s winter time or when it’s cloudy. But while it is still within reason for you to expect your system to generate energy, even on cloudy days, you can never really tell how much the system will produce. What you can expect, though, is that your energy bills will definitely be reduced – sometimes by as much as 40 to 50%. Where to place them: The placement of your solar panels is of utmost importance as well, so you also have to consider this, as confirmed by the specialists in solar in Manchester from Atlantic Renewables. Whilst your solar panels don't require direct sunlight to work, they will have to be installed by a professional, preferably one who is accredited by the MCS (this is so you can get your Feed-in Tariff). The location of the solar panels matter, and so does the angle of placement. Make sure other buildings or structures or trees don't overshadow your roof; but if this is the case, you have the option to install your solar panels on the ground as well. Read Also: Prepare Your Solar Panels For The Fall Everything You Need To Know About Portable Solar Power

Solar Incentives

What Are Solar Incentives?

In a bid to put an end to global warming, more and more technological inventions are tilting towards promoting the sustenance of the environment; which is practically the main reason why the solar panels are invented as a means of producing electricity in the first place. To get more people on board to subscribe to this new means of producing power, measures were put in place; in which one of them is to allow the owners of the solar panels to enjoy certain privileges, which are loosely called Solar Incentives. So you ask, What Are Solar Incentives? This is a measure put in place to ensure that owners of the solar panels enjoy certain benefits, just by installing and using the product. These solar incentives have led more people to subscribe to the idea of installing and using the panels for their homes and business; because not only is it profitable to the environments, it is also profitable to their finances in the long run. The following are some of the Solar Incentives there is: 1. Solar Investment Tax Credits: Of all solar incentives available, this is the one that is commonly known. In this case, Solar owners benefit by having the privilege, as made possible by the federal government, to take out a portion of the cost of the solar panels from their taxes. What that means is that the cost of the system is being subsidized by a certain percent, from your taxes. The common investment tax credit percent is 30% of the cost of the solar panel system. Enticing isn’t it? So, if the solar panel system costs $10,000, you are only paying 70% of that amount, with the remaining 30% already footed for from your taxes. The only twist to this is that to be able to claim the investment tax credit, your taxable income should be higher or equivalent to the investment tax credit. 2. State Tax Credit: This is basically similar to the federal investment tax credit, only that this time, a small portion of the cost of the solar panel system can be deducted from your state tax bill, relieving you of some costs that would have been invested in purchasing of the solar panel system. The only twist to this is, unlike the federal tax credit, this is not applicable to all states; only residents of some states are privileged to enjoy this package. For those that could enjoy this package, they could end of saving about 50% of the cost of the solar panel, making it easier for them to purchase the solar panel system and enjoy its benefits. 3. Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SREC): The New Jersey’s Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SREC) program have made it possible for residents in new jersey that have acquired and installed the solar panel system to enjoy a special kind of solar incentives called certificates – though this is not exclusive to new jersey alone. You may be asking, what are Solar Renewable Energy Certificates? These are a type of solar incentive that allows owners of a solar system to sell the certificates to their utility. By standard, if you can generate 1000 kilowatts hours (kWhs) from your solar system, you are eligible to get one SREC; and an SREC is worth at least $300. Now imagine how much that figure can rise up to if you can make 6000 kilowatts hours. Let me just leave you to do the mathematics yourself. If you were once unsure about purchasing a solar panel, this should make you change your mind. 4. Net Metering: It is common knowledge that some owners of the solar panel system produce more than they can consume, in which they decide to store the overflow in an On-site battery. What if I tell you that instead of storing that in an on-site battery, you can sell to your local utility company and get returns which can be used to foot other bills. Amazing deal, isn’t it? I can bet you think it is. That’s basically what Net Metering is all about. So in days, you create more electricity beyond what you can consume with your solar panel system, instead of hoarding it in your battery, you are given another opportunity to get returns for it. Think about the future energy bills and other bills you can foot by selling excess power produced by your system. 5. Cash rebates: These are basically cash backs for the owners of the solar panel systems. It could come from different parastatals – like the government, utility company etc. – that are concerned about promoting the use of solar energy. This could also help subsidize the cost of the solar system. With the aforementioned solar incentives available, the idea of investing in the purchase and installation of a solar panel system is becoming more appealing. What are Solar Incentives? I hope this article has done justice to answering that question. Read Also: Prepare Your Solar Panels For The Fall Everything You Need To Know About Portable Solar Power What You Should Know About Solar Energy For Schools: Benefits, Expectations, And More

Solar Energy

What You Should Know about Solar Energy for Schools Benefits

The use of solar energy has grown by leaps and bounds in recent times, and now, you don't just see it in residential or commercial buildings any longer – solar panel systems are now being utilised for more schools as well. The government encourages this growth and has even come up with its own form of support for schools and other educational institutions wanting to go solar. There are indeed a lot of benefits brought by having your own solar energy, but what else can you expect from it? How can you make sure that your solar investment is fully utilised? Here's everything you need to know about solar energy for schools: benefits, expectations, and more. How you can save on expenses – and earn: With solar energy, there are three ways through which you can save and earn on your expenses. One way is with your actual usage of energy from the grid. Since you produce your own energy, your energy usage from the grid will go down, thus resulting in lower electricity bills. The second way is through what you can earn based on the electricity your panels can produce. This the Feed In Tariff. The third way through which you can save and make money is when you get paid for whatever electricity isn’t used by your school. This is referred to as the Export Tariff. Will the sun be enough? This is one of the more common questions asked by many, and the answer is a simple yes. There is enough sun, even in the UK, for your solar panel system to work – and work well, at that. Although bright sunlight is always best in regard to solar energy, your solar panel system will continue to produce energy even when the days are cloudy. For every 1 kilowatt of solar panel installed, you can expect to produce an average of between 750 to 900-kilowatt hours of energy. If you are located in the south, your system will generate even more. Is it the best solution for my school? Granted, while a solar energy system is generally a good and worthwhile investment, you still have to be sure that it’s the right solution for your school, as experts in solar in Cheshire like Atlantic Renewables attest. Many of the schools in the UK are suitable, however. For instance, does your school have a roof that is flat or pitched and is the roof facing south-east, south-west, or south? If it is, that's already good news. Also, if you don't have any buildings or trees shadowing your roof, this is a good sign as well. You should also have a strong roof, although most roofs are already strong enough to hold solar panels. How to pay for it: There are different things you can do to help you pay for a solar panel system for your school, one of which is help from your local education authority. You can ask them to provide you with the capital you need at a very low or even zero rate of interest. Another way through which you can finance your solar panel system is to go to your local council. Community funding is also possible, and you may be surprised at how many communities have already worked together to bring a solar energy system to fruition for schools. Read Also: Ready Rooftops – How To Install Solar Panels Prepare Your Solar Panels For The Fall