7 Specifications You Should Look for When Buying a Home Generator

Published on: 20 March 2019 Last Updated on: 13 September 2024
Home Generator

Pretty much everyone has wished they had a backup home generator at one time or another. Whether you want a generator just so you won’t be left in the dark during a power failure or you need to know your family will be safe from the cold should a prolonged power outage happen during the dead of winter, buying a home generator requires some careful thought.

Past the obvious choices of cost and reliability, there are a number of factors you should carefully consider before buying a home generator, such as price, your expected power needs, installation requirements, and maintenance issues.

The variety of options and requirements can turn a seemingly simple purchase into a complex problem if you don’t know what you need. Here are seven specifications you should look for when buying a home generator:

Specifications You Need To Look For Home Generator 

There are several factors you need to look at while seeking a home generator. Work out the plans that can work well for you.

1. Power Requirements:

Power needs are often dictated by your budget, as the more powerful a generator is the more it will, typically, cost. However, initial determining factors for calculating the size of the generator can be addressed with this query: During an electricity failure, does the generator need to power the entire house, or just handle emergency needs?

When considering a generator that is able to handle the electrical demands of all the appliances in your home, factors such as peak demand during the months you use the most electricity is a deciding factor. Common generator voltages are 120/240 volts. If you are unsure, your electrician can provide this information.

If you live in the south, where the temperatures are moderate throughout the winter, you will not need as powerful a generator as if you live in the far north where temperatures can be deadly in the winter months. A powerful home generator can make things easier for you.

On the other hand, when calculating needs for backup supply, only the requirements of the reserve need to be calculated.

In the north, this should include the furnace and a couple of lights. In the south, a smaller unit that can power a few lights and the refrigerator is probably adequate.

For emergency loads, you may need to have an electrician install a dedicated emergency circuit from the main service panel to a distinct backup panel. However, this is typically up to the homeowner’s liking for a whole-house system.

2. Fuel Type:

While it might seem convenient, gasoline is usually an inferior fuel choice for emergency generators as it tends to go bad quite quickly, especially gasoline with ethanol. Better choices include propane, natural gas, and diesel fuel. Powerful home generator can make things easier and effective for you.

Prices can be a major contention when choosing between a natural gas generator, or propane and diesel since the price of the generator will depend on the amount of fuel the generator uses. The accessibility of the form of fuel is an additional important element.

Propane and diesel fuel generators will have to be refilled during extended outages, whereas the utility company provides a continual source of natural gas. Local laws may dictate what type of fuel is available in your area. For example, the fuel element, propane is not usually permissible to be used within the limits of the city

3. Installation:

Depending on the type of unit, you may need to hire a licensed electrician to install the generator. While smaller portable units simply require you plug a power cord directly into the unit, larger whole-house generators will need to be hardwired into your electrical system. Additionally, you will probably have to hire an authorized and insured plumber if you will be connecting the generator to a natural-gas fuel source.

However, for simple emergency situations, a portable unit like gasoline-powered online Honda generators can provide up to 10,000 watts of emergency power and be stored in your garage, basement or on your porch. Some of the larger generator companies have their own installation staff or may subcontract the work.

However, in some areas, depending on local codes, a homeowner with the proper skills may be able to perform their own installation. The important consideration is to use a trustworthy firm with a proven record of accomplishment of installing standby power-generator systems.

4. Placement:

Where your generator will be located is an important consideration. The home generator should be installed as close to the fuel supply and service panel as possible.

The generator must also be positioned where it can be easily reached for servicing. This is especially important if the unit is not being powered by natural gas, as you will have to fill the tank periodically.

Additionally, it must be located at a comfortable distance from the ground to prevent any form of water from coming close or entering the unit in case of flooding.

Outdoor installations may be required to be a secure distance from flammable structures to meet codes, as well as for safety in the absence of any local requirements.

Indoor installations should adhere to norms and rules regarding exhaust, closeness to flammable materials, fuel-supply, and ventilation.

Even if local codes don’t require it, the power back up should be placed in some type of enclosure to protect it from the elements and possible vandalism.

Consider if there are Outdoor Noise Regulation imposed by the local Council or government body for installing the home generator outdoors.

Some municipalities require the noise level of a generator is restricted to a specified decibel level at the property line closest to the unit. If a noise ordinance exists, the required level of sound will dictate the kind of power generator that will be used. Quite a few residential generators are supplied with sound deadening enclosure.

5. Options:

Accessory options can vary widely, depending on the home generator make and model. Some systems will offer a remote panel that can be installed in a convenient spot inside your home that will have controls and displays to allow you to control and monitor your system without having to go outside. Larger whole-house systems will typically have an automatic transfer switch that will switch the generator on when a power disruption is detected and may be an option on some smaller units.

6. Maintenance:

Like any piece of mechanical equipment, and home generators require regular and proper maintenance to ensure it will do the job you bought it to do when the time comes. Unfortunately, because it isn’t typically used on a regular base, maintenance often isn’t thought about, until the generator won’t start during a power outage.

Some companies will include routine maintenance in the cost of the unit or you may be able to purchase a separate maintenance contract. If you are a do-it-yourselfer you can perform maintenance on your generator yourself, just be sure it won’t void the warranty.

7. Warranty:

The typical warranty for residential generators usually varies from one to five year, based on the manufacturer and model. Be sure to study the warranty coverage, including the duration, and what is and what is not covered. Many companies will offer an extended warranty for an added fee.

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Featured Image: generatorpalace.com

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When renovating your home, you will naturally want to repair your kitchen sink pipes, the drainage system of your house, and your bathroom pipes and taps. Since this task is tedious and you cannot do it all by yourself, you might need the help of a plumber. There are many online companies from where you can choose an authentic as well as a professional emergency plumber, but it is very essential to note the genuine reviews and the testimonials as well as the price quoted by the plumber, before you assign them any plumbing task. Since most online plumbing companies promise not to collect tax from their customers, your expenditure on getting your plumbing system repaired will be minimal. Choosing A Plumbing Maintenance Company To get an experienced plumber to renovate the damaged plumbing system of your house, you need to choose a good plumbing maintenance company. When you get hold of a plumbing company online, you must research well to gain knowledge about its authenticity. You should pick a service that provides insured plumbing professionals. In case if any damage or injury is, caused due to plumbing, to a person in your household, the insurance of the plumbing specialists will cover for it. It is better to choose the plumbing services from your vicinity first, as then you will have the right track to hold the plumber responsible in case anything goes wrong. Check whether the company is offering a good and affordable package deal on the plumbing maintenance service. To get the cheapest services at your hand does not mean that you have to compromise with quality, as you can very well choose from a host of reputed plumbing agencies. Benefits of Choosing Plumbing Service From the time you call the plumbing service till the time, the plumber leaves your house, both the company executives as well as the plumbing specialists will treat you with respect. In addition to what is mentioned above, given below are the other advantages of hiring a plumbing service:The plumbers of the plumbing service company use latest technologies, methodologies, and equipment to repair a household’s drainage system, pipes, and faucets. Each plumbing professional is trained to diagnose the problem accurately so that he or she can fix the damage in the plumbing system quickly. All plumbers coming from plumbing service organizations are licensed, workers. This determines that they are authentic and will not cheat you.  Understanding Plumbing Company’s Authenticity Read the details of the company on its official website and check whether it comprises of professionally trained and experienced plumbers. If the firm comprises of experienced professionals, you can rely on the fact that good and reliable service will be delivered to you. Check the ratings, given by previous users, on the services of the company. If the rating is above four stars, you can consider the company to be authentic.  Read Also:  1. Installation of Kitchen Cabinets: Best Way to Give Your Home a Perfect Facelift 2. Kitchen Renovations Must be Done at Regular Intervals 3. List of Most Durable Kitchen Flooring The Internet contains countless plumbing service websites. To have a plumber come and visit your house to repair and replace leaky faucets, broken pipes, and damaged drainage system you must look for the contact of the plumbing service that you have chosen to call or email them. You do not have to register yourself with the plumbing service or pay in advance to get in touch with them. An authentic plumbing service firm will give you a prompt plumber that will diagnose the fault in your plumbing system quickly.  He or she will use all necessary tools, efficiently, to renovate your plumbing system to make it as good as new again.


Solar Battery System Types – AC Vs DC-coupled

Before you choose the right solar battery, you first need to learn what AC and DC coupling means. Your solar battery storage system determines how effective your solar air conditioning will be. There are two main ways to connect your power sources when you add battery storage to your solar energy system. AC and DC are the two main types of voltages used to conduct electricity. Let’s find out what differentiates these two battery systems. What is the Difference Between AC and DC Power? AC stands for Alternating Current, and it means electric power first flows in one direction and then the other. This is the type of electric current on the main grid, and it’s suitable for your solar air-con. DC power, on the other hand, stands for Direct current, and it means electricity flows in one direction only. This is the electric power that your solar panels generate from sunlight. The energy stored in your home’s solar battery is usually DC power. Since your solar panels generate DC power and your solar air conditioning and other home appliances need AC power, you need a solar inverter to convert this energy to AC electricity. There are three main types of solar inverters in the market; Traditional Inverters This first type of inverter is also known as the central inverter because it draws power from your solar panels. If you have a solar air conditioner at home, you’ll need this kind of converter to keep it running. It is usually a box that’s installed next to your home’s breaker box. It functions by combining all DC energy from your solar panels and converting it to DC power so that you can use your solar air conditioner Malaysia. Micro-Inverters The second type of inverter is an in-built component on individual solar panels. They are small inverters found on the backside of your panels. They allow your panels to individually and independently convert the harnessed DC power to AC energy. DC-Optimizers Lastly, we have the DC-optimizers that are devices that also go at the back of individual solar panels. Unlike Micro-inverters, they don’t convert DC to AC. Instead, they optimize conditions to ensure your home’s central inverter has an easy time converting DC to AC power. These converters work in a hybrid solar energy system that includes a traditional central inverter and in-built solar panel inverters. Is a Battery DC or AC? Batteries, like solar panels, store and produce DC power. Since your home’s electricity is AC, it means batteries in devices have converters that turn the AC power to DC energy. DC batteries use the same solar inverters that your home uses to convert the stored DC energy to AC power. AC batteries, on the other hand, have an in-built inverter that directly does the conversion. AC Vs DC -Storage Architecture Comparing the strengths and weaknesses of these two battery storage systems helps you choose what is best for your home. DC-Coupled Systems The DC-coupled system is designed to connect directly to the main grid the same way as your solar panels. In which case, a hybrid inverter is required to create a synergy between the solar battery and the solar panels. Strengths There is less energy loss because it’s a one-way conversion. Your system makes you eligible for Net Energy Metering if your solar panels can generate excess energy. It is a simple system which translates to lower costs. It is a smart option for people who’re just beginning their solar energy journey. Weaknesses If you already have a PV system, incorporating it is complex and costly. AC-Coupled Systems The AC-coupled system operates with two solar inverters; a conventional inverter and an additional storage inverter that charges your solar battery. It might seem like a complicated system, but it is very easy to setup. However, as compared to the DC-coupled system, it’s less efficient because it has to be charged. Strengths It is way more flexible than the DC-coupled system. The inclusion of two inverters allows you to adjust the location of the battery at will. It is compatible with all kinds of solar inverters. It is a cost-effective solution for people that already have a PV system. Weaknesses The system is slightly less efficient as compared to the DC-coupled system because of the AC-DC-AC conversion. The system will have more points of failure because you’ll have one inverter in a different location. Which Is Better for your Solar and Storage Needs? If you already have a solar energy system at home, you should go with the AC-coupled system because it’s flexible and easy to set up. However, if you’re just starting your solar journey, you should go with the DC-coupled system; if you generate excess energy, you get to sell it to the main grid. Final Thoughts Understanding the difference between these two solar battery systems helps you make the right purchase. Ensure that you work with a professional who understands what is best for your home. Solar energy systems are here to stay, and you might as well jump on the bandwagon because it’s a system that pays for itself. Read Also: What You Should Know about Solar Energy for Schools Benefits The Benefits of Solar Lighting in a Nutshell Everything You Need to Know About Portable Solar Power What To Do When Your AC Unit Stops Working Ready Rooftops – How to Install Solar Panels